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File: 193 KB, 1310x560, 2013-05-11 tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4470755 No.4470755 [Reply] [Original]

a few more pieces of food than I did 2 weeks ago

>> No.4470759
File: 219 KB, 1310x560, 2013-04-26 tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 week ago

>> No.4470760

Are you eating out of cat food bowls?

>> No.4470765

no it's supposed to be fancy plates for made to order all you can eats

>> No.4472286

dude, i just dreamed i was at a chinese buffet,t his week!
of course, i'm fasting for 9 days...

>> No.4473114


>> No.4473118

Whoa, those rolls sure has a lot of meat. Talk about getting your money's worth.

>> No.4473126

small time as fuck, that is like 1/3 of what I will order.

but I am also morbidly obese and not eating until august

>> No.4473130

You sir, have motivated me to try to increase my intake by 50% next time I go in 2 weeks.

I was probably lucky with the salmon rolls, check the OP picture, way more rice than the 2nd pic. Anyways if they gonna reduce the amount of shit they put in rolls because they notice I eat lots, I'll just order meat only. Or maybe go to this other place that has sashimi on the lunch menu.

>> No.4473133

I could barely eat half of OPs. The human body is amazing in its diversity.

Eat away Champ!

>> No.4473136
File: 715 KB, 3264x1952, IMAG0249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your eyes on the prize, this was my order after first having a bunch of tempura, gyoza, katsu, and chicken and snapper teriyaki. Oh and some spring rolls.

>> No.4473137

I wish I had an all you can eat Japanese place where I live

How much is it for lunch?

>> No.4473154

tax and tip included is like 20$

jesus fuck you have earned my respect. I'm assuming you don't train for these. Was what is not shown in your picture as big as what I'm seeing right here?

>> No.4473161

how the fuck can you like that shit

its gross ive tried it many times with varying soy sauce amount/wasabi

only good ones are the crunchy and sweet or sour rolls

>> No.4473163

About the same sized portions as in your picture
4 spring rolls, 4 gyoza, 3 tempura (had a shrimp, crab, and pumpkin) same sized cutlets for the katsu and the teriyaki

>> No.4473167

>only good ones are the crunchy and sweet or sour rolls
so just eat those ones?

>> No.4473171

where is this??

anyone know of anything like this in the 415??

>> No.4473173

So, how do you try to prevent worms? Just assume the chef knows what he's doing?

>> No.4473172

Holy shit I am so mad jelly

>> No.4473177

this looks kind of shitty. buffets are usually dirty/filled with disgusting people anyway

>> No.4473182
File: 24 KB, 282x323, You sicken me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll plz go

>> No.4473188

I am sure you'll be able to find some in california

I'm not too worried despite the raw stuff, I'd be more worried at a cheap buffet for under 10 dollars

shitty food? Maybe according to foodies who say they've had the good stuff in Japan, or the West Coast, but I have to say, it's not too bad. I just have a shitty camera. But yes I do agree we tend to be disgusting people (not the other patrons though, they seem normal).

Oh and btw I'm skinny.

ew sweet and sour? You might as well stick to cheap chinese buffets then. Also they have plenty of non sushi roll items like tempuras, deep fried stuff, teriyakis etc...

>> No.4473194

>Conciously trying to eat greater amounts of food.


>> No.4473199


Are you in Vancouver? I swear I recognize those plates.

>> No.4473201

the first time I had a gun pulled on me was at a buffet.
The icecream machine was really slow and some impatient nignog was getting really pissy behind me and told me to get outta da way! and I said "sorry but I'm not done yet"
he tapped me on the shoulder again lifted up his shirt and grabbed at the piece he had nestled in his crotch and slipped it up out of his pants "yea u done"

the funny part is him and his whole big tribe of 20 were all wearing suits, they were out for a fancy dinner to celebrate one of them getting out on parole

>> No.4473208

I would rather not disclose my location

shit that's cray. Also I thought the big time niggers were supposed to be smart like Stringer Bell in the Wire.

>> No.4473217


:( Okay. Well, for anyone's general interest if they happen to visit Vancouver, I recommend Shabusen (they also have delicious Korean BBQ) and Kaneda Sushi.

At Shabusen if you go for their full-price dinner menu, I swear each piece of sashimi is almost as big as a deck of cards, it's glorious.

>> No.4473291

full price menu usually aren't worth it man. Unless you are a trained competitive eater, or if you don't mind spilling spaghetti by only ordering sashimi, there is no way you will eat 32$ tax and tips included worth of ingredients

>> No.4473944

its not a contest you fat fuck

>> No.4473948

its the contest of good value

>> No.4474104

it's the satisfaction of beating the house. Also not all big eaters are fat fucks

>> No.4474112


I'm a damn skinny guy, but I'm on corticosteroids and my appetite is insatiable>

I never feel satiated anymore. I just feel empty, or in pain from having so much food in my stomach

>> No.4474223

its probably all the oil from fried sushi

>> No.4474384
File: 77 KB, 640x480, o0640048012536529947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fail Japanese food.

>> No.4474397
File: 32 KB, 365x321, 1359266793618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that's not Ketchup with Chicken Katsu. That's awful.

>> No.4475245

i doubt oil from fried foods could actually make people eat significantly more.