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4465052 No.4465052 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/

What do I have to say at starbuck's to get a decent coffee? I have a $25 gift card and I have never ordered anything there that is not a total piece of shit. If normal coffee shops are so much better than starbucks, why do so many people drink that shit? It couldn't have started out small and gained notoriety by being so shitty.

>tl;dr: what do you order at starbucks?

>> No.4465061

Caramel macchiato is usually okay from them. I can't stand most of their shit, though. Thought I'd love cherry mocha... Never again.

>> No.4465065

dont go for the coffee.

go for the foofy drinks like any kind of latte... espresso with shittons of sweet stuff added to it is their specialty. i dont mind these drinks (buti almost never drink them), but their coffee is pretty bad... and usually burnt.

>> No.4465071

Starbucks does to their coffee what McDonald's does to their beef - overcooks it to get a consistent mediocre product.

Their machines are shit, but fine for an Americano. Get that or a drip.

>> No.4465083

Red-eye, 2 shots of espresso dumped into a size of your choice, and topped with whatever roast you prefer.
Tastes burnt as hell, but it gets the job done

>> No.4465132

Stick to their bold roasts, but just give up if it's Gold Coast. Annoying because that seems to be their only year-round bold blend.

>> No.4465229

Used to work at Starbucks and don't recall Gold Coast being a bold. It was common though yes.
The sumatra isn't too bad for a bold, just depends if that's the bold of the day.

One of my fave non coffee drinks was a grande apple chai, or green tea latte. Or vanilla bean frappucino with chocolate chips added

>> No.4465238


Ex-Starfucker, I still can't stand the smell of Frappacino nasty syrup to this day. How do you drink that?

>> No.4465275

I also used to work at starbucks, here in the SF bay area, I don't think I ever saw gold cost on the bold tap. We usually did the seasonal, Sumata, or the Verona, which is actually half-way decent, if they had just brewed it fresh.

Also, most may not know this, but you can order a french-press full of any coffee they have for sale on the wall, that's a decent way to get some ok coffee. Just steer away from the French/Italian/Pike/Veranda roasts, that shit is horrible.

>> No.4465296


This. Their regular coffee is so over-roasted that it's nearly unpalatable without being covered up by sugar and cream. The Americano is basically just a watered-down espresso, and is pretty much the only thing I'll order there.

Stick with your local coffee roasters.

>> No.4465301

>one glass of complimentary tapwater pls

then I chug that water and refill my glass with tepid milk out of the jug like a boss.

worse case I get ejected. free starbucks glass like a winner. otherwise I drink my milk in the paying customer seats and smile.

>> No.4465316

People only get Starbucks because they think it makes them look cool. Only few people actually like the shit there. Same thing with clothes and such people only get it because they think it will make them look better than they actually are.

>> No.4465321

Starbucks sucks and you'll never get $25 worth of coffee or pastries there.

Regift that shit, OP.
It's your best option.

>> No.4465345

I tend to get the Tazo Tea instead of coffee, Passion with a bit of sugar is pretty good.

>> No.4465355
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I buy Venti English Breakfast Tea and insist on a plate to act as a saucer underneath my cup.

>> No.4465454

>Tastes burnt as hell, but it gets the job done
gtfo of this board....

>> No.4465477

Hey starbucksfags, I have a few questions for you:

>How fresh is the coffee that they give you?
>I heard that you can actually get a small cup if you ask for a "small" instead of those retarded fat people sizes: Huge, Giant, Holy Jesus. Is this true?
>FRENCH PRESS? Really? What coffee do you recommend for this?

>> No.4465488


>How fresh is the coffee that they give you?

Stuff behind the bar isn't too bad. The bags on the shelves have been there forever, do not buy.

>I heard that you can actually get a small cup if you ask for a "small"

About 55% of the employees drank the kool aid for health benefits. The rest don't care.

>What coffee do you recommend for this?

Sumatran or the africans are the least fucked up at starbucks

>> No.4465497

>how fresh
depends on the location, and if it is a corporate location or a franchise. Corporate locations are susposed to not let any coffee sit longer than 20-30 mins. The main store that I worked in was a huge drip coffee location, so the turnover was quicker than 20 mins anyhow. I've also been in a location that would let it sit all day though. Tip: ask which one is fresher, we're usually pretty good about that. You can also ask for a pour-over if you're worried that the coffee is old.
>small cup
a "tall" (small) is 12 oz, but you can ask for a "short" which is 8 oz. The price difference is so small though that you might as well get a tall. (1.40 for a short vs. 1.50 for a tall when I worked there)
>French press
It really depends on what sort of roast you like on your coffee. I enjoy the Sumata and Verona quite a bit. The Kenya is good, but better iced. Just stay away from the Veranda, Gold Coast, Pike, Italian, French and anything described as "Extra Bold"

>> No.4465533
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>(1.40 for a short vs. 1.50 for a tall when I worked there)
>not paying in fractions of bitcoins for maximum value

>> No.4465539


>not shorting bitcoins and gold for lulz and riches

Investing against teabaggers feels like cheating - how are they ALWAYS wrong?

>> No.4467121


>> No.4467129
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Anon, listen to my advice: buy one of their travel mugs instead. While the coffee is poor, their travel mugs are quite excellent. I purchased one awhile back when I was given a $20 gift card, and it's pretty great.

>> No.4467140

Okay poorfag here, and I never fucking order a thing at Starbucks besides those few wonderful days of the year when they have half off Frappucinos for about ten days straight.

You need to try out a Green Tea Frappucino. Get a grande or Venti, ask for half the sweetness and 6 scoops of matcha. Good shit, like a green tea ice cream shake. You can actually ask for half and half or cream instead of milk to make it more like a green tea shake.

I really like green tea ice cream but it's hard to find, so these are a nice treat. I never get Starbucks otherwise.

>> No.4467151

Have you tried sprinkling matcha on vanilla ice cream? It might not be quite the same, but it will probably be close.

>> No.4467167

People need to learn to make their own shit again. Somehow we collectively forgot to, now the companies produce garbage and charge 8 bucks for it.

>> No.4467180

>What do I have to say at starbuck's to get a decent coffee?
"Hi where is the nearest independent coffee store" Give your gift card to a pleb you know as a gift.

Starbucks sell milky sugar water, not Coffee.

>> No.4467182

You're just trying to justify looking like a bum and clothes shopping at Walmart aren't you?

>> No.4467299

Espresso is way too intensive and expensive for the average fuckwad to make at his house.

>> No.4467300

>A premium product

How do you even manage to pleb this hard?

>> No.4467301

Loose tea.

It'll still be overpriced, but at least it's not going to be absolute dogshit like the coffee.

>> No.4467321

Their earl grey is complete shit though

>> No.4467326


>> No.4467366
File: 37 KB, 373x500, Rumors_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For chain coffee, Costa> Starbucks errtime

Can't beat independent coffee places that really know their shit though.

I used to study in Shanghai, and I cam across this tiny place in the French Concession run by a really nice Japanese couple who served amazing stuff.

My sister asked me to get some vietnamese coffee for her, but when I went travelling I couldn't find it in Shanghai, Taiwan, Singapore or Shenzen

Pic related is Rumours

>> No.4467387
File: 8 KB, 200x185, capsules_nespresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hello where can I get any of these?"

>> No.4467391

>$25 gift card
Regift it, put it on eBay, or go to one of the websites that buys gift cards.

>> No.4467416

Don't go for the coffee. Get the teas or something. I personally like their passionfruit tea lemonade, but I'm sure there are other things that you would personally like more. Not that their tea is amazing or anything, but there are some interesting drinks there aside from their coffee. Their coffee is ass though, and I'll never understand why people spend so much money on that shit when they can literally brew their own cheaper, better tasting, and not even put much effort or time into it.

>> No.4467423

Heh, good idea. I heard good things about their muffins I think.

>> No.4467425

Starbucks sucks. Sorry bro.