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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 600x399, I_IKEA_Herring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4445176 No.4445176 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else LOVE Scandanavian food? Sometimes I make a 45 minute trip to Ikea just to stock up on their frozen pastries and jars of pickled herrings. The little grocery sections in Ikea are really underrated.

>> No.4445181

My area has a bit of Scandinavian ancestry (as well as a few other European ones) so I can get delicious pickled herring any time I want.

For some reason, the pepperidge farm butterfly-shaped crackers are just the ultimate cracker to put it on.

>> No.4447215

Being from there, I sure do.
Whale, reindeer and moose meat are all very lovely.
And a lot of our fish cuisine is pretty alright. Except lutefisk. Jesus fuck.
Also, swedish meatballs are decent.

>> No.4447219

I would not eat IKEA food, they have horse balls and human shit was found in the cakes.

Enjoy your horse balls and human shit.;

>> No.4447239

Yes, but that's typical of all eurotrash cuisine.

>> No.4447243
File: 351 KB, 600x694, 176204_1863691356206_1358643643_32149518_1889015_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Denmark, and I fucking hate it.

I rarely ever eat Scandinavian food. It's all fucking fish and sour shit.

pic is the only good food to come out of Scandinavia.

>> No.4447254

>not eating horse meat

Feels bad.

>> No.4447256

>European food

>> No.4447260

Better than shitty fried American food.

>> No.4447296
File: 189 KB, 1600x1064, PICT0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah smörgåsbord.

>> No.4447301


I think you're confusing us for Scotland. Or you think our shittiest shit fast food is our traditional food.

>> No.4447311





but some of the food in Vikings looks pretty dank

>> No.4447422

That would be a smörgåstårta, actually. And fuck yeah, best food ever.

>> No.4447437

Well, I stand corrected by my resident Swede. Both tårta and bord work.

Still delicious.

>> No.4447438

Rene Redzepi is my Scandinavian chef husbando. Can't talk about Scandinavian food without mentioning him.
Everything he makes looks so good. And his commitment to his aesthetics and techniques is impressive. Celery root pot roast basted in butter milk and black olives? Yes please!

>> No.4447463

Every time you go to the bathroom you inhale human shit.

>> No.4447469


>> No.4447512

I thought those were cookies with snowman frostings on them, what the hell OP

>> No.4447551

Nah, smörgåstårta and smörgåsbord are not the same thing.

"Tårta" means 'pie' or 'cake', so a smörgåstårta is that crazy mayonnaise, bread, cucumber, cheese and prawn cake.

"Bord" means 'table', so a smörgåsbord is a Swedish style buffet where different kinds of food are laid on a table and you can pick and choose as you like.

As to myself, I'm Spanish and have been living in Sweden for about a year. The food is actually better than I expected, especially coming from a country as proud of its cuisine as Spain. The one thing I can't stand, however, is kebab pizza. That shit is rank.

But I think Scandinavian food shines when it comes to sweet stuff and breakfasts. Pancakes, raggmunkar, morotskaka, ostkaka, prinsesstårta, semlor... delicious

>> No.4447567

It's like a worse version of stodgy British food similarly based on ruining meat.

>> No.4448097

said no one ever