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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 400x266, 8755440-a-pair-of-mexican-burritos-isolated-on-a-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4438878 No.4438878 [Reply] [Original]

>Fat Mexican friends bash Chipotle for not having "real burritos"
>Take us to get "authentic burritos"
>"Authentic Burritos" are just tortillas full of mushy beans, cheese, meat and rice.

Fuck authenticity if it means it can't get roasted peppers, onion, salsa, lettuce and other things that don't make me feel like such a lardass for eating it.

>> No.4438893

no burrito is authentic.

>> No.4438895

Chipolte sucks. Pretty much any non-chain gringo catering taco joint is better.

>> No.4438912

I've said it a million times. Mexican food is pure shit.
Don't believe me? Go visit and find out.

>> No.4438918

Fusion Mexican is better than authentic Mexican to me. A lot of fusion food is, and I wish people would admit it.

>> No.4438924

>using the word "fusion"
>not being an annoying hipster douche
Fuck off, faker.

>> No.4438926

I don't even know why people care about authenticity in burritos. It's just a goddamn flour tortilla wrapping a bunch of crap.
And regarding the point about feeling like a lardass for eating "authentic burritos" because they don't contain vegetables...it's because they aren't supposed to be a full meal by themselves, unlike Chipotle burritos that are too much food for most non-lardasses.

>> No.4438957

So you don't like authentic burritos. That just mean you're one of those fucking pussies who actually eats at chipotle.

>> No.4439042

Burritos are more of a Tex-Mex creation. Mexicans in the north are the ones who eat flour tortilla, and it's honestly a little different, but it happens not so often as corn tortilla is the more widely used staple with a few varieties.

White toast is to Americans as yellow corn tortilla is to Mexicans. Mexicans eating flour tortilla would be the equivalent of Americans eating English muffins in place of toast. It does happen, but is not very common except for the northern border towns.

I'm Mexican and studying in the United States and the Mexican food here is more of a peasant style-fresco thing. A taco to a middle-class Mexican would be like an American eating those gas station hot dogs. If hungry you don't give a fuck and you'll eat it, but it's more of a desperation tactic to fill your stomach. Mama would get upset with you eating it. Street food really...

Some restaurants in Mexico for the middle class, something on pay with The Outback or Applebee's will call a burrito "Fajitas Americana". A few small flour tortillas loaded with seasoned meat, fajita veggies, some rice, beans, salsa, lettuce, and sour cream.

>> No.4439065

Not very common though. I've seen it on the menu a few times.

Chipotle is really cleaned up Mexican street food. It's impressive to be honest how they reworked peasant street food into this healthy, expensive, organic food to a point where it's a national chain where the lines always go out the door. Impressive.

No Mexican would have been able to accomplish this task. We would never be able to see past the street/peasant food taboo that comes with burritos and tacos.

To OP. An authentic burrito would never beat a Chipotle's burrito in a million years. Authentic burritos would be some of the sloppiest, quickest, cheapest, and unhealthiest thing you can buy. They're meant for working a corn field from 6AM to 9PM. Your chicano friends lack culture since they don't understand this. I would be embarrased to invite my Americans to eat "authentic" peasant food. Just as any American would be embarrassed to serve kraft dinner with chopped oscar meyer weiners in it for a dinner.

>> No.4439070

I agree OP authenticity doesn't matter, good food is good food and I don't give a shit what I eat. I go for whatever tastes better, not what fuels my ego the most when eating it.

>> No.4439075

mfw burritos are American, so "authentic" is any burrito made in the US.

>> No.4439087

>any American would be embarrassed to serve kraft dinner with chopped oscar meyer weiners in it for a dinner.

American here. nothing against these people as they tend to be very nice people, but i've been a guest in households that consider this a "guest-friendly" meal.

also this. chipotle burritos serve a completely different purpose from burritos you buy from a Mexican. and both can be wonderful in their own right.

>> No.4439126

I'd much rather eat authentic unhealthy burritos than "kraft dinner with chopped oscar meyer weiners" for dinner. I honestly don't know how anyone could stomach something so disgusting. At least some good old unhealthy, sloppy burritos actually taste good.

>> No.4439131

Oh fuck off, the big ass food log burrito comes from the Mission District of San Francisco. Chipotle stole the idea from there .

>> No.4439448

burritos are an american invention the closest I've found are Tacos Piratas in monterrey, they take a big flour tortilla and fill it with meat and cheese and wrap it up.
no rice, no beans, you add the salsa and lime

HAHAHAH mexicans working the cornfield eating flour tortillas, you don't know many mexicans do you? the obvious thing is to take a bucket and boil some of the fucking corn and eat it with tortillas a piece of meat or scrambled eggs, beans and some salsa.

also don't bash peasant food, peasant food in mexico is some of the best you can find, almost no restaurants can make decent peasant food and when they do they become very famous.

American peasant food on the other hand, is still very good, go eat some pumpkin pie, and a decent barbacue, check out a gumbo or blackened catfish, taste some hogfarmer's pot roast.

kraft dinner with bad sausage is city, salaryman's food

>> No.4439466

My girlfriend is the same way. She always criticizes me for eating "bland white people food" and says that even the ethnic foods I like aren't authentic. So one day I went over her house and she gave me some tamale thing that her mother made and it was literally one of the worst things I've ever eaten. This was a few months ago and I don't have the heart to tell her how awful it was.

>> No.4439471

>I have no taste so I like the cheapest meats and produce possible

You should start drinking sewage.

>> No.4439477

>implying anyone gives a shit about Mexico

>> No.4439485

>authentic burritos

what kind of fake beaners are ytou hanging out with

burritos aren't mexican, its an american invention. You want authentic mexican you get fucking soft tacos or tortas, or any other shit, not fucking burritos

>> No.4439487

>HAHAHAH mexicans working the cornfield eating flour tortillas, you don't know many mexicans do you? the obvious thing is to take a bucket and boil some of the fucking corn and eat it with tortillas a piece of meat or scrambled eggs, beans and some salsa.


>> No.4439513

An authentic burrito is one you make yourself silly fuck

>> No.4439516

fuck rice in burritos.

>> No.4439557

Refried beans
preferred spices

Pretty nice cheap burrito right there.

>> No.4439572

This. To my mind, a tortilla is just an ingenious way of holding the rest of my meal together so I don't need flatware (or a plate - I fix my burritos over the stove, and eat them over the trash can in case sauces drip out the bottom).

>> No.4439575


I'm mexican, who grew up on this stuff, and I agree completely, so glad I'm living in the white part of america now

>> No.4439578


>> No.4439584

I've seen them even use flour tortillas as some americans would white bread or dinner rolls - dipped in their soft food. I worked construction for a while, and one of my coworker would often come to work with some type of spicy soup, and he'd roll up one of his 3-5 tortillas, dip it in the soup, and munch on it like that. It had never even occurred to me that people might not stuff tortillas.

Since then, I've found myself doing the same on occasion. Good shit.

>> No.4439594

>kraft dinner with bad sausage is city, salaryman's food

>implying poverty diet isn't >$1 boxes of blues
>implying poverty diet isn't >$1 bar-s franks
>implying poverty diet isn't that >$2 meal with leftovers for 2 days

You've never been poor.

>> No.4439596

Tamales just have a weird-ass texture to me. I love the flavour though, so I get over it.

>> No.4439603


Neither have you. If you can afford packaged food you're not that poor.

>> No.4439774

>implying I didn't live off ramen for two weeks straight because at 15¢/pack it's all I could afford

I've been there. There are varying shades of poor, and if you're living on 84¢ boxes of Kraft mac 'n' cheese and 99¢ bar-s franks, you're well within that grey area.

>> No.4439805

Yeah, rolled up tortillas dipped in soup are good.

Even then, you don't have to wrap or dip 'em in things. Just tear off a piece and grab some beans or colache with it and eat it as is.

>> No.4439831

People that seriously bitch about authenticity are the worst. Even worse: most of them are usually Chicanos or people that have never set foot on Mexican soil.

imo the only people who have the right to bitch about that kind of thing are immigrants directly from Mexico. (And even then, that shit still bothers me.)

Fuck. I'm around immigrants from all around the world, and fucking Latinos are the only ones that bitch about "authenticity" and shit. You won't hear a fucking Chinese guy complaining about how Chinese food isn't actually Chinese food.

>inb4 you're a racist fuck
I'm from Mexico.

>> No.4439837

Nowhere puts good meat in tacos you retard.

>> No.4439862

>Be me
>Be Puerto Rican
>Have whitest friend I have ever met.
>Bashes my uncles rice and pork.
>"Well you wouldn't know good rice. You've never actually been to Puerto Rico.

>> No.4439892

Mexican here. I actually prefer Chipotle. Honest to god.

A traditional Mexican burrito would be: carne asada, pico de gallo, and guac. Three ingredients. Chipotle introduces so many more flavors and textures that it makes burritos interesting.

That said, I don't think it's correct to call a Chipotle burrito, 'Mexican food'. Call it Mexican inspired or Tex-Mex.

>> No.4440174
File: 173 KB, 480x640, 1359503982918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i think when i imagine burritos.

>> No.4440184

as someone who is actually poor this tends to be bullshit. an easy example of food that is cheaper than bar s can be found if you know how to buy in bulk. i recently got 99c a pound on ham and 80c lb chicken thighs. onions for around that price and delicious rice 15 pound bag for real cheap. carried it home. i used to buy shit loads of beat up captain crunch, man i'm glad i know how to shop now.

>> No.4440193
File: 657 KB, 2304x1728, carne-asada-burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carne asada with pico and guac wrapped in a tortilla. That's a burrito.
/ck/ is really the dumbest fucking board, impressed by anything chipotle does and claiming it's "healthy" so stupid

>> No.4440199

what's the point of wrapping something in a tortilla just to drown it in sauces? Isn't the whole point of a tortilla so that you can eat with your hands?

>> No.4440200

>be Korean
>"omg u can make sushi? Can u make me a california roll?"
Not. Even. Close.

>> No.4440204

That looks so damned good.

>> No.4440212
File: 27 KB, 495x351, huge_burrito-209881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a texasbro? Most burritos here come smothered in either chili con carne, enchilada sauce, shredded cheese, chili con queso, or any combination of those. We eat them with a fork and knife, of course.

>> No.4440211



nice enchilada, bro.

>> No.4440228

yeah sure if your only experiance with burritos is at a drive through or street food i guess.

>> No.4440232

I'm up north in seattle, if you go to a decent mexican place (Ie not taco time) pretty much anywhere around here they'll have at least one tex mex style wet burrito. The best one is always chilie verde though.

>> No.4440241

So... you have no defense for the pointlessness?

>> No.4440243

>carne asada, pico de gallo, and guac
>three ingredients

Ten, at a minimum

>carne asada
Carne de vaca, meat of the cow - this is beef. It gets seasoned for cooking like most beef. The carne I get from my local mexican food market also comes with peppers and onions.

>pico de gallo
tomato, onions, peppers (typically jalapeno), lime juice. That's just the basic pico.

avocado, lime juice, salt, often other spices.

I don't like pico or guac, but that shit made from scratch sounds awesome for someone that does. If you're just cooking straight beef slices and pre-packaged pico and guac, you deserve for your shit to taste like shit.

No idea what Chipotle puts on their burritos, but I bet there are Mexicans out there that can make a bomb-ass burrito that would make you wonder why you ever sang Chipotle's praises.

>> No.4440246

>>hurr well wuts the point
it tastes good you fucking retard. if you want convinience and speed why dont you go suck down some soylent.

>> No.4440261

white people are so stupid

>> No.4440266

You can't count to ten can you?

>> No.4440268
File: 110 KB, 578x700, ngbbs4f614ba6db3ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to see Americans completely ruining Mexican food, look at this shit.

Hard shelled tortillas with ground beef, shredded lettuce, and American cheese is not a taco

It doesn't even make you content when you're done eating it. It's like you ate air. It's overpriced fucking garbage

>> No.4440296


top is taco bell bottom-tier high school caf food, bottom is any Mexican restaurant in Murrika, calm your shit beaner.

>> No.4440299


They were actually black...

>> No.4440316

considering that chipoltes tacos look like the bottom ones i don't know why you're bitching

>> No.4440318

bottom is disgusting, raw onion and cilantro should be outlawed. Cant even taste the meat

>> No.4440356

>can't even taste the meat
that meat is almost certainly braised/stewed in chiles, it would need some fresh flavors to enhance the profile

get a palette

>> No.4440370

>has never heard asians complain about authentic asian food

>> No.4440420

Yeah, and all the Chipotles outside the Bay Area don't know how to make 'em right, sigh.

>> No.4440527

Chipotle is pretty authentic, the Mexicans OP is talking about are probably retarded Mexican-Americans.

>> No.4440541


Sonora is part of the US? Good to know.

This. The idea of 'authentic' is stupid gringo shit. Burritos are authentic northern cuisine. Hell, even nasty Mission style burritos were done by the Mexican community in San Francisco. What's 'authentic' in Oaxaca isn't in Baja California, yet moronic white people brag about it like there's just one type of Mexican food.

>> No.4440542

Do you consider Taco Bell authentic?

>> No.4440543

Minimum seasoning of S&P on the beef?

1. Carne
2. Salt
3. Pepper
4. Tomato
5. Onion
6. Jalapeno
7. Lime juice
8. Avocado
9. More lime juice (separate item, separate ingredient)
10. More salt

>Minimum seasoning of S&P on the beef
>That's just the basic pico
>often other spices

Can you?

>> No.4440551


Authentic is an idiotic term. Here's why - it's used for people to claim that a 4th generation tex-mex restaurant (a cuisine that dates from the late 18th century) is the same as Taco Bell, which uses reconstituted everything and sauce guns.

Is your taco al pastor (which dates from the 1930s) more authentic than a burrito, which has at least 50 years more history in Juarez?

>> No.4440561
File: 430 KB, 741x537, eeUntitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking despise American tacos. Pic related, I seriously hope that guy realizes how shitty his "meal" is.

>> No.4440570

burritos aren't authentically Mexican, they were invented in the USA.

>> No.4440572

wat. That's like the opposite of authentic. Nobody claims that Taco Bell is authentic. When people say authentic they mean, it's similar/the same to the how the cuisine was originally made; it's place of birth.

>> No.4440576


Which cuisine? The stone soup of the Yucatan isn't authentic Sonoran food, and Sonoran food (which has traditionally used wheat tortillas over corn, and thus burritos) isn't authentic to the Yucatan.

Actually Sonora or Juarez, depending on who you ask.

>> No.4440583

But they would all encompass the general term "Mexican cuisine".

>> No.4440585

>real burritos

Your friends aren't real mexicans, they are faggots.

>> No.4440587

That style burrito was invented by Mexican immigrants though.

>> No.4440588


In that case Tex-Mex is equally 'authentic' - and the idiots claiming that somehow a flour tortilla is some gringification are just idiots trying to sound cultured.

>> No.4440610


I'm from Texas and I always think this when people talk about burritos, that this is what it should be but I never knew that it was a Texan thing. However, for those who don't know and maybe can't tell from the pic they are MUCH larger than an enchilada and use flour tortillas which as someone else stated in this thread, mexicans use pretty sparingly when cooking. I knew it was kind of more of a «gringo» dish, it is pretty good.

>> No.4440629


the words you are looking for are pungent, bitter, and floral

>> No.4440659

>American cheese
>ground beef


Oh god what the fuck are these people serious

>> No.4441946

Won't be the white part for very long now.

>> No.4441953

>Bashing home cooked food when you're invited

What an ass.

>> No.4441957

Why do hard tacos even exist? Who could possibly want something that just cracks and falls apart when you eat it and on top of that it they aren't as tasty as tortillas at all and you can't do as much with them.

>> No.4441993

I always liked the texture of the double decker taco at taco bell (the taste was another story). Having a soft shell outside the hard shell adds a nice crunch to a taco and keeps it together.

>> No.4442025

Can we all still agree Chipotle is still shit?

>> No.4442031

contrast of texture, something mexicans do not understand

>> No.4442037

My ex was actually surprised when I told her burritos weren't fork and knife food.

I was fucking horrified when I saw them unwrap the whole thing, microwave it (after a 5 minute walk from the burrito joint), and cut it straight down the middle. There I was with a half unwrapped burrito in my hand, and they looked at me like I was the weird one.

>> No.4442043

That's like drowning a sandwich in sauce and eating it with a fork+knife

What's the fucking point?

>> No.4442050

So do you store your burritos for weeks before eating them? because there is a definite contrast in the meat, veggies, rice, tortilla and pico

>> No.4442077

all of those things are soft

>> No.4442079


>> No.4442080

>everything is either soft or hard

Life must be very bland for you

>> No.4442082

Doesn't change the fact that it's completely ridiculous. It'd be just as delicious if they were all spilled on a plate, it's not like there's any presentation value to it anyways.

>> No.4442102

you are fooling yourself if you think finely chopped cubes of onion offer any type of textural contrast

>> No.4442112

you know whats fucking ridiculous, that you're too lazy to sit down and eat with a fork and knife. Obviously the world should kow tow to your inherantly superior sense of how food should be presented and how it shouldn't.

>> No.4442606

>too lazy to sit down
lol do you understand the words you're using?

>> No.4442619

Most 'authentic' food sucks ass compared to imitation.

I visited this 'pizza' place in New York a few years back.
Apparently 'Authentic Itialian' pizza means overpriced, covered in fucking grease and bland vegatables, hardly any meat, and so crispy and burnt you might as well get a fucking Totinos party pizza.

Fuck 'authentic' cuisine.

>> No.4442938

>You won't hear a fucking Chinese guy complaining about how Chinese food isn't actually Chinese food
Bullshit, my gf's family is from China and every time I visit and the topic of food comes up, they start ragging on American Chinese food like Panda. Then they cook or take me to authentic Chinese restaurants and give me delicious food made out of things I can't even identify or put a name to. Except coagulated pig's blood, not a fan of that.

>> No.4442943

>those dry as fuck corn tortillas on the bottom
Fuck I can't stand those, do mexicans like eating sandpaper too?

>> No.4442966
File: 172 KB, 640x480, Texas burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Texas burrito master race, reporting to /ck/ for duty. Don't even say that doesn't look delicious. Its like the fillings are on the inside AND the outside. Only faggots eat burritos with their hands. Tacos are hand food.

>> No.4442977

FUCKING brofist for truth! Goddamn I miss TexMex. I live in NorCal now, and I have yet to find a burrito place that doesn't shove a metric fuck ton of rice in there, and make it as big as your arm. Some places have what they call "wet burritos" which means they have sauce and cheese on them, but there's nothing like your pic, which I miss terribly.

>> No.4442985
File: 49 KB, 535x400, breakfast burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a breakfast burrito, texs style. All bean-free chili, of course. Keep that faggy egg tortilla roll up shit back in California.

>TFW taking three shits before lunch time
>TFW the feel is good.

>> No.4442998


Did you shit on the plate?

>> No.4443028
File: 28 KB, 333x317, chilitexmex2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, thats real chili. Not a pretty food by any means. But dat flavor, especially on top a burrito.

>> No.4443042
File: 10 KB, 215x280, 1350702434798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no green chili

>> No.4443048
File: 49 KB, 358x267, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bean-free chili

Chili without beans isn't chili.
Its called coney sauce.
Enjoy your burrito covered in hot dog topping.

>> No.4443058
File: 1.29 MB, 158x129, 1344897801605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green chili is optional. I'm not opposed to it though, good stuff. Assuming you are talking about salsa verde.

>> No.4443057

It's only coney sauce if it's thin, shitty beanless chili like you yankees make.

Real no-bean chili is thick, hearty, spicy, and perfection.

>> No.4443059

Wow, you're just as insufferable as the cunts who insist that chili should never have beans in it. Either way is acceptable.

>> No.4443060
File: 31 KB, 640x414, AllChiliBurritoDeluxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4443066
File: 822 KB, 2048x1536, smotheredburrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salsa verde != green chili

>> No.4443072

When did the presence of beans determine whether or not chili is chili?

>> No.4443074
File: 18 KB, 400x299, 1322784597002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite things ever is seeing a nice little pile of lettuce and tomatoes next to my burritos and quesadillas
Makes me feel like everything is right with the world

>> No.4443104
File: 24 KB, 240x320, absoutleydisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting lettuce and tomato in your burrito
i seriously SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this. It makes everything all soggy; unless you have the palate of the dog you'll know the texture is disgusting.

>> No.4443110

Lettuce and tomato are good ON the burrito, not IN it. That way it doesn't get soggy. Gives it a crisp leafy texture that contrasts well with the gooey and meaty insides. If I get lettuce and tom as a side to my burrito I always put it on top.

>> No.4443205
File: 82 KB, 720x560, italian sausage taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on where you go. Let me describe a few different scenarios.

1. Going to a Tex-Mex restaurant: get something with plenty of meat, cheese and chili. It's different than "traditional", but I like the way Tex-Mex does big, cheesy burritos when I'm hungry.
2. "Authentic" Mexican: If I'm in a place that's run by Mexicans and they're not fucking around, I like to get Lengua (tongue) tacos with just cilantro, onions, sour cream and salsa verde. Squeeze lime wedge and add dashes of salt if needed. Delicious.
3. Not-so-good Americanized Mexican: I just get a torta or something simple that can't be fucked up. I usually avoid these places (they tend to be chains). Salsa always tastes like watered-down tomato soup. Chipotle doesn't really count - it's more of a "build-a-meal-in-a-burrito" joint. Not Mexican food at all, but still good when you're hungry.
4. Homemade Mexican: I love to make pulled-chicken. First I boil the chicken breasts, cool, tear by hand, and then marinate them in a blend of spices with tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes, chiles, and so forth. Fry up some corn tortillas and add some homemade guac to the taco. My friends love it.
5. Taco Bell: When I've had too many drinks and want to grab a Crunchwrap Supreme at 1 am before passing out. It's a frisbee stuffed with edible food. Tastes alright when you're drunk and wash it down with sugary soda.

You guys can argue all you want, but there's a great variety of "Mexican" food out there, and there's definitely a range in terms of quality for each of those categories. I've had plenty of bad food at "authentic" Mexican restaurants and I've been surprised by some decent food at the Americanized chains.

Pic related. I had a bunch of ingredients for tacos one night, but ran out of meat. I cooked up some leftover Italian sausage and masked it with some chipotle sauce. Tasted pretty fucking good with some homemade guac and sour cream. Crucify me.

>> No.4443228


>When did the presence of beef determine whether or not a hamburger is a hamburger?

>> No.4443241

Almost in 100% agreement with you. There are many different types of Mexican food, some of them are barely even Mexican. Don't care, I like almost any sort of Mexican food I've tasted. Everything from the homemade tamales that my immigrant neighbors make all the way to a plate of crunchy tacos with lettuce, tomato and cheddar. Fuck, its all good.

My personal favorite is beef fajitas. Corn or flour tortillas, I'll take either. They cost more than the usual suspects on the menu so I save it for special occasions. Fajitas are sort of like the steak of Mexican food. So good though, possibly my favorite dish.

>> No.4443519

stop putting fucking rice in burritos. I only want flavor in my burrito. Chipotle, Moes, I'm talking to you nignogs.

>> No.4443523

Wash your hands next time

>> No.4443526

>no rice, please

Fucking beta retards.

>> No.4443534

So you like tortilla filled with 3 liters of white rice? Do you drink luke-warm water? Are chicken nuggets to gamey for you?

>> No.4443541

Are you really this stupid or are you pretending? I just informed your dumb beta ass that you can say "no rice." Idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, not that it would actually happen anyway.

>> No.4443543

He's saying that if you don't want rice, it's as easy as asking for no rice. Nice reading comprehension, though.

>> No.4443545


Your mother should have you fitted for a helmet.

>> No.4443759

I'm not even going to claim I'm not racist, but I legitimately aren't trying to be racially insensitive when I ask this:

What's with Mexicans always having an entire litter of kids? A local pizza joint has a mostly Mexican staff, and they're all related, all fifteen of them. The main cook is the father, the rest are his sons. My brother was the only white person besides the owner working there.

Their family comes in to eat and they take up the entirety of the restaurant, what with his wife, his wife's siblings (six, each with six kids of their own), his three brothers and his sister, their seven kids...

Is it all because Mexicans are generally Catholic and they're anti-condom? Or is there something else to it?

>> No.4443769

I've eaten fantastic food in mexico. I don't know what you're smoking.

>> No.4443770

>Is it all because Mexicans are generally Catholic and they're anti-condom? Or is there something else to it?

That and they're probably right from Mexico, that is, they're first generation. Poor education about sex, poor living conditions, poverty, Catholic faith, all of it combine to what you see.

You basically won't see anything like that at all in second generation families unless they're extreeeemely poor, in which case, it's pretty just a case of poor people and not Mexicans

>> No.4443773

>it's pretty just a case of poor people and not Mexicans

What I mean by that is that it's just more of an issue of poor people being poor than them being Mexican.

>> No.4443820

yes, I do. You are fucking lazy. you think a food is ridiculous because you have to put time and effort into eating it instead of just shoving it in your face like a feed back with your hands. Wet burritos are flavorful, filling, have delicious vegetables meat and grains, and look and are delicious. You may as well bitch at someone for making anything that can't be eaten with your hands out of bread.

>> No.4443949

I am a mexican and I love tacos and burritos in all shapes and forms.

Chipotle is pretty good but it doesnt beat the best of roadside taco stands.

>> No.4444054

And welfare.

>pop out anchor babies
>get americabux

>> No.4444064


the best burrito has the following inside of it

Cabbage, 2 hot dogs, chili, mayo, fried chicken, french fries, ketchup, refried beans.

This is the most authentic mexican burrito one can purchase outside of Oaxaca, Mexico. Any good tex mex stand will have it.

>> No.4444086


Right, because it's chili con carne y frijoles.

Except it's not. Chili is its own dish, bean stew is another.

>> No.4444089


Actually carne asada or bistek is the steak of Mexican food.

Fajitas are northern / tex-mex. Totally great.

>> No.4444092


Fucking idiot, illegals don't get welfare. Take you pseudo facts, shove them up your ass, and just say you're racist. And GTFO of my /ck/

>> No.4444100

>illegals don't get welfare
They most certainly do, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.4444105


>can afford meat

You're not that poor, bro. If you can afford to buy in bulk, you're not poor. Poor is living paycheck to paycheck with less than 5 bucks to make it to the next one. You can't afford to buy that good deal on chicken thighs, because you'd have nothing but 3 pounds of chicken, so instead you buy the packaged shit. Not because its a better deal, but because it makes more sense.

>> No.4444116

>no cow eyes in your burrito
>no real burrito

>> No.4444120

Do you mean cow tongue? Because that's a good fucking burrito.

>> No.4444197

you do realize that a single Chicken Burrito with Lettuce, Pico de Gallo, Sour Cream, and Cheese has 1500 Calories, right? The tortillas themselves are 250.

>> No.4444213
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>> No.4444217


Depends on how large the burrito is! You can certainly make a smaller one that is lower cal.

Also, there's nothing unhealthy about calories unless you choose to eat too many. Even a jumbo 1500 cal burrito would be fine as long as you didn't overeat for the rest of the day.

>> No.4444220

Chipotle is the perfect bulking food. Seriously.

>> No.4444225

I should have clarified. A CHIPOTLE burrito is 1500 calories with the ingredients I listed. Most of their ingreidients are very healthy, though (besides the Cheese and Sour Cream. They have a fuckton of fat)

>> No.4445232

You are so retarded.

>millions of underage people sneak into bars with fake IDs
>but it's IMPOSSIBLE for millions of illegals to have fake SSNs stolen SSNs, etc.

>> No.4445255

you should also make the distinction between "healthy" and "low fat". The two are not the same.

>> No.4445264

Why would you have to say ever ingredient in a dishes name? Most chili has onions in it, but that's not in the name either.

>> No.4445431

Chili and beans can just be chili con frijoles. No need for carne.

Because vanilla chili contains just that - chilis, slow-cooked. Add meat, and you have Chili con Carne (also, Texas-style chili).

>> No.4445438

>pointlessly saying it in spanish

>> No.4445447

>letting anyone bitch about chipotle to you

Don't even give them the chance.

WE ALL KNOW WHAT KIND OF RESTAURANT IT IS - and they do what they do well.

>> No.4445456

>bland white people food

Dumb her.

Bland white people food is anti-white.

>> No.4445470

Sorry, Texan here. I'll translate.

Chili and beans can just be chili with beans. No need for meat.

Because vanilla chili contains just that - chilis, slow-cooked. Add meat, and you have Chili with Meat (also, Texas-style chili).

>> No.4445666

prove it, shitstain

>> No.4448173

i fucking loved bar-s franks as a kid

i'd just go at em 'raw', didn't even bother boiling them

>> No.4448187
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disgusting plebs

>> No.4448197

i think he means more that it is possible for them to, which it is. You dont need to be a citizen to get welfare.

>> No.4448212

Citizenship and Residence

To be eligible for welfare, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted to the country for permanent residence. Some exceptions might apply to citizenship rules. When an individual applies for welfare, his or her citizenship status is reviewed, along with the status of each household member, before assistance is granted. Each state also has its own residency conditions that must be met. For example, to be eligible in Pennsylvania, an individual must be living in that state and have the intention of remaining there.

Social Security Number

A Social Security number is needed for someone to receive welfare benefits, even for a child. If someone in an applying household does not have a Social Security number, he or she must apply for one, provide proof of applying for a number and give the number to his or her caseworker after it is issued. The caseworker might also need to have a copy of the person’s Social Security card.

>> No.4448237

>implying fraud doesn't exist