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4389683 No.4389683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Decide to order delivery since I have a shit ton of work to do
>Pay with a card, tip the driver $3.00 ahead of time
>He pulls up
>Hands me my food.
>"You give tip?"
>"I tipped you on the card."
>I told you, I tipped you on the card.
>Get back inside, double check to make sure I tipped him.
>I did.

Fucking idiot. I'm not sure whether I should just never order from the place again, or call and get his retarded ass fired.

>> No.4389696

Don't be such a precious fucking asshole

>> No.4389697

>or call and get his retarded ass fired.
You must be an American if you think you can do this. Check your privilege.

>> No.4389701

Pfft I never tip the food delivery person. They don't deserve a tip most of the time anyhow.

>> No.4389702


If the dude hadn't gone on a fucking rant at me for not giving him a cash tip, I wouldn't be so pissed. Motherfucker got his tip, just not in the form he wanted.

If I had any way of taking that tip back, I would.

>> No.4389703

Order again and murder him when he comes to the door.

>> No.4389707


>implying they won't fire idiots for being idiots

if OP hadn't tipped him, I'd agree with you, but since the guy is clearly a fucking moron I doubt he'll last long.

>> No.4389708

>clearly a fucking moron
Sounds like a genius demanding two tips.

>> No.4389709

As someone who has never ordered delivery, what's this fuss about?

Do the workers really demand money not included in the bill?

>> No.4389712


99% of the time they don't. I tip because when you tip, you get superior service in the future, and when you don't, you get subpar. Most of the time, my wait times for food drop if half after I order the first time because drivers realize I tip decently and so they prioritize my deliveries.

This particular ape was just retarded as fuck and/or a junkie who wanted cash now.

>> No.4389717

Get that cunt fired.

Asking for a tip is already rude, him yelling "FUCK YOU" because he assumed you're skimping on the tip? That's unacceptable.

>> No.4389742

Call and get him fired for harassing a customer, and then never order from there again.

>> No.4389961

You're fucking delusional kid, they don't know you, they don't care to know you, you're just some person who puts paper in their hand, it's all a dream that you are getting "superior service" from delivery drivers.

>> No.4389969


>> No.4390264

this. They don't server people first who tip more.

>> No.4390276

Oh great a tip thread.

>> No.4390286

Do you think everybody lives in the middle of nowhere where it's the same brother and sister duo delivering your fucking pizzas? Nigger I live in California, it's a new dude every time that delivers a pizza here. I've gotten like 4 deliveries in the past 3 months and it's never the same manager even. This bullshit about "HURR TIP AND YOU'RE TREATED LIKE A GOD" is fucking anecdotal, get out of here, Midwest-kun.

>> No.4390294

or he works for an asshole manager who steals credit card tips, so tipping on the card is the same as not tipping.

Just saying. That's a thing too.

>> No.4390299

And that's OP's problem clearly. Anyone who gets mouthy about a tip doesn't deserve their job. It's the big fucking elephant in the room you don't talk about.

>> No.4390305

Midwest fag from small town here. OP is a fucking idiot. Even in my tiny town, I get different delivery drivers almost every time I order. At one small, non-chain restaurant that I order from, they have the same 2 delivery drivers and I tip well and still get dog shit service due to inept employees. I doubt a place prioritizes anyone based on how well they tip anyway, as they need to push deliveries out in the order they get them to ensure they get there in time and serve fresh food and therefore get good tips. Especially if it's a place with a "You get it in x amount of time or it's free" policy.

>> No.4390355

>"You get it in x amount of time or it's free"
Places still do that? I thought that ended in the 80's/90's because of all of the delivery guys killing people in car accidents?

>> No.4390362

You're an idiot. I've worked for pizza chains since the time I was able to drive, and the pecking order went like this:
1. tipped good
2. stranger
3. Niggers who never tip

>> No.4390363

>demanding a tip just for doing a thing

american workers need to check their privilege

>> No.4390364

If the food comes on time, they get average tip, 15%.

If it's late, they're lucky they get a dollar or two. The pizza places nearby are so inept, I seem to get a call every single time asking where I live. It's on the corner of a major road, in an actual house. They're retarded, and don't get a tip. The chinese place nearby always has my shit to me within 20 minutes, and they're an eight minute drive. I always tip a dollar over 15% because it's consistent and they know how to get here despite not speaking English.

>> No.4390404

go ahead and call. if he's that much of an asshole the manager might be looking for a reason to fire him

>> No.4390771

Do you really expect they will give him the tip ? What sort of infrastructure would you need to find out which one of the customers "tipped on the card" and which one of the drivers gets the tip ?

>> No.4390798

enjoy the feces on your food

>> No.4390823

Enjoy your eventual breakdown you paranoid twat.

PS the world doesn't revolve around you, and these delivery people don't remember you.

>> No.4390836

Either the restaurant will give the driver the cash in the amount of the tip and keep the total amount when they run the card or they will add the credit card tips up and put them on the driver's check (so they can put the tax on the driver and not themselves).

Besides, OP's story is bullshit anyways.

>> No.4390946

Why would you tip on the card? To make sure that the credit card company gets 3% on the tip too?

Why don't you fly up to Wall Street and give Jamie Dimon a blowjob personally.

>> No.4390959


Not my problem. I either withdraw cash and having to pay $3.00 myself, or I pay with the card and they get to deal with the fees.

I choose to shift the bank's fee burden to them, because I'm not an idiot.

>> No.4390963
File: 6 KB, 130x179, 1330277624889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to ATMs not owned by your bank or its affiliates
>year of our lord

>> No.4390967


There is literally only 1 in a 45 minute radius. And all the others are own by shitbag companies that try to nickle and dime you to death through all their little retarded fees.

Much easier to just go cashless. Also, I get to fuck over small business. It's a win/win.

>> No.4390972

>Dude calls up and to order a pizza
>guy tells me to add a tip to his card.
>explain there is a line on the receipt for him to sign
>Guy mumbles about being having too much work to do
>Deliver food
>remind customer that he has to write in his tip
>He starts yelling at me.
>no tip

>> No.4391022



>> No.4391036


You could have left out the small business part, and I would have sympathized with you, because I used to have a shitty bank too.

But I own a small business, and while I don't mind having to pay the fees, because it means there -is- business, you can eat shit.

Why not open an account with a better bank? Are you too hipster to use a mainstream bank?

>> No.4391086

>i worked for a pizza chain so I know how every other business in the world works

>> No.4391089

Tipping drivers is dumb anyways, I never give them more than $2 because they don't deserve it. They didn't make the food, most of the time they deliver it later than the ETA given to me when I placed the order, often they fuck up my order and bring the wrong food, and generally are some unwashed beaner driving a smelly shitbox.

I usually don't even get delivery for that reason.

>> No.4391094

> go to any fast food place
> black person taking orders
> ask for extra ice
> they put 4 ice cubes in the cup

Why are blacks afraid of ice?

>> No.4391101



>> No.4391102

Last year I ordered out a lot because I was living and working out of a hotel. I knew most of the drivers names after a couple months. Depending on the day of the week, I would get the same guy 8/10 times. And yes, after a few times ordering from any given place, they started to deliver faster because I would tip well.

>> No.4391128

>call and get his retarded ass fired

lol, the fact that people think this is how life actually works is funny. yeah, he might get a talking to but no one is going to get fired over something like that.

i deal with the public on a daily basis. people are whiny assholes and all the bosses know it. every time i've had a complaint filed against me someone from the office or my boss calls to ask what happened and they're usually laughing.

worst case scenario i get a "don't do it again" or "try to watch your mouth" but more often than not they realize that the customer is a dumbass.

yeah, your situation is a little different, but you're not going to get anyone fired by complaining. just don't order again if you feel that way.

>> No.4391135


Exactly. I delivered a pizza to a nig 2 hours after they ordered it one time and told them that is was because they never tip and my manager laughed and said please don't do that again. Pissing off the occasional nig will not get a person who shows up and works fired ever. If they fire you it is because you were already a shitty worker.

>> No.4391141

They did you a favor, most places water down your drink with ice because it's cheaper.

>> No.4391164


i asked for extra ice, retard

>> No.4391175

also, i delivered pizzas for 6yrs. we ALWAYS remembered the customers that tipped well. drivers would fight to get that ticket and make sure the order was correct. if i had to go a little out of the way to get them their food before another customer i would.

strangers got regular service.

asshole that didn't tip or complained constantly got treated like shit. no one wanted the delivery and a lot of times the food would sit. when i'd get stuck with one i didn't take any care with the pizza and usually didn't bother putting it in a warmer bag.
oh, and if they ordered a pasta i'd conveniently "forget" to bring them their pasta bag with bread, butter, plasticware etc.

that's just how the game was played

>> No.4391180

You're a pizza boy. Nobody respects you, so learn your place.

>> No.4391185


> buttstung at colorful language

back to le eddit faggot

>> No.4391194

>I acted like a nigger to a black man

>> No.4391197


>not adding all credit tips together and divvying it out to all the drivers.

>> No.4391198


> you can be a nig to a nig that is currently nigging


>> No.4391207

>order a pizza

>> No.4391203

I think you are the one that should go back to redshit, tipslut

>> No.4391210


where the fuck do you niggers live that this happens?
I order delivery maybe twice a month, its always a different person, its always later than the ETA they gave, and I still usually tip 20%, in additition to delivery fees.

>> No.4391214


> complain about the word nig
> not being a le eddit faggot


> not tipping
> not a nig

>> No.4391221


i've never worked in a chain pizza place so i don't know how there setup is, but we only had 5 drivers total at the place i worked at.

if your'e ordering from pizza slut or some bullshit it probably doesn't matter, but you should still tip.

>> No.4391222

>Thats how the game was played

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA So you fuck over people because you are too retarded or lazy to get a real job.


This shit is why I always either Pick-Up, or if I am too lazy tip $3-4 on a $16 dollar order, and thats usually because I am too lazy/hungry to wait for the faggot to break a $20

>> No.4391226


> fuck over those that fuck you over already

try a little harder

>> No.4391227

>So you fuck over people because you are too retarded or lazy to get a real job.

its called being a highschool/college student

>> No.4391229

My family owns a small take out restaraunt. Its just my parent's and me.

I work out on the counter while they do the inside work, cooking and shit. I also deliver.

Since its just us, we just require that your order must be at least 25 bucks for delivery.

I dont mind it when people tip bad as long as they have the patience and dont complain. Im the only driver and theres like 4 different delivery orders, but it depends on what they order and how long it takes my parents to cook their food.

The best customers are the ones with patience and understand that its just us 3. And they know our food is delicious as fucl cuz they keep ordering. I usually tell them that it will take 40 min.

Like last night, weather was bad out, but i delivered to this dude that was a bit far away. Gave me 20 bucks on a 25 dollar order

I just treat my customers like a buddy and not that fake pretend "hi welcome to mcdonalds how can i help you"

>> No.4391233

I am a college student and I am the head supervisor of a food stand at an amusement park. Sure it is FOOD SERVICE, but I get paid 14.50/hr and am in charge of 30 people, and get to work as many hours as I desire.

Also its easy as fuck because well, its fucking food serivce

>> No.4391239

Stay butthurt, pizza delivery boy

>> No.4391242


> implying your mother lets you order pizza

>> No.4391244

You're a cool guy, dawg.

>> No.4391245

i delivered from 98-04 and was working 4nights a week taking home $400 a week cash. i think i was doing alright.

on top of that i was painting for $11/hr

calm down

>> No.4391246

Stop using the "it's called" prelude, you sound like either a valleygirl or a queer.

>> No.4391253

Holy shit I find it amazing that people give shit service to people on purpose if they don't tip. I'm a pizzafag too and I do my job the same for everyone, I'm more friendly to people who are friendly to me. Also getting tips is rare as shit, I'll probably get about 20 bucks in tips a month if I'm lucky, about 14 hours a week. I also make shit all, 13 bucks an hour, petrol isn't paid for and I do all the cleaning when I'm not delivering.
(Ausfailia, 13 bucks is ass all)

>> No.4391255


you make under the minimum wage in australia? try harder faggot

>> No.4391256

People don't tip in Australia?
That sucks.

In America it's apparently 15% standard, 20% good service, 10% meh service, no tip awful service. Younger generation tips 20% standard.

Or so someone told me, I never got why it's such a big fucking deal. I just add 20% and round up to whatever bills I have on me.

>> No.4391258

>implying no one pays in cash and doesn't report their workers in low-class jobs

>> No.4391259


4 nights a week?

I work everyday from 11am to 10pm
And I'm not complaining

>> No.4391260

Minimum wage is like 7 bucks isn't it?, besides it's cash in hand. What do you mean try harder?

>> No.4391262


he said he was from ozland. minimum wage is like 16 an hour


yeah that is what it is. not at all a liar

>> No.4391266

Yeah it is.

In the U.S.

>> No.4391267

That was me... minimum wage means nothing when it's cash in hand.

>> No.4391269


oh sure bud, sure

and to what you said earlier, customer service is terrible in australia. it is absolutely terible

>> No.4391271

How can you possibly be this skeptical?
Do you have any idea how common this is?
Do you live in Britain or some other country under constant surveillance?

>> No.4391276

Mouseover the email field on each of my posts, something similar will be shown at the bottom of your browser. And yeah, it's pretty shitty compared the the 'mercas but I appreciate our higher wages for the most part.
Though I wish some people would get paid less for doing a genuinely shit job.

>> No.4391277


i am skeptical about similar range wages.

>> No.4391279

I must be thinking of under 21 wages or something.

>> No.4391281

i'm not complaining. either you or that faggot was saying something about delivering pizzas not being a real job. i was making some decent money.

on top of that, as i said, i was also painting. that was usually an over night thing so we started at 11pm and painted til 6 or 7am. i was making $11/hr doing that.

just cuz i wasn't "in charge" or managing people doesn't mean its not a good job for a college student

>> No.4391284


wages are not really higher when the pries are also that much higher

>> No.4391286


It's not shit service, it's non-prioritized service.

If you don't tip, you'll get your pizza, but if I have 3 pizzas all going to different places, then I'm going to make sure the people who tip me get theirs as soon as possible, because it's in my economic interest for them to be super happy with the service and order again.

If you don't tip, I don't particularly give a flying fuck whether your order again or whether you were happy with the meal. I have no skin in the game.

>> No.4391288

I'll put it this way.
If the people in America making minimum wage were paid any more than they are they would just spend it on even dumber shit than average Americans spend their excess cash on.
There is not one minimum wage that you can't live on and support a family on if you're working full time. Most of the stuff you need is really cheap if you just look around and aren't an idiot. The reason people can't support their families on minimum wage is because they lease a Hummer and buy a big TV and 9001 sixpacks of beer a week. Oh, and half the convenience store's scratch tickets.

>> No.4391290

one time I ordered Dominos for the first time in literally a year

some loud ass nigger drives down my street 45 minutes late (it is 1:15 in the morning) and pulls up to my neighbor's house even though I tried to flag him down. Fucker started yelling at my neighbors and said WHO ORDA'D THIS FUCKIN PIZZA DEN? then he finally pulls into my driveway being LOUD AS FUCK on his phone saying NIGGA I GOTTA CALL YOU BACK I'M DELIVERING THIS LAST PIZZA and i'm like jesus christ dude stop yelling you're being so loud and i had to shush him like 5 times. he left his hand out after the transaction so i laughed and said fuck no, this was the worst delivery service i've ever encountered.

tl;dr people who aren't white suck and i'll never tip them

>> No.4391292

Exactly, but we have less people getting screwed by wages that don't even support them, you can still live reasonably cheap here, but in the end everything costs more.
I understand and already agree with you on everything you're saying.

>> No.4391293


Partially agreed, I've never had a single bad white/Asian delivery guy.

But young Hispanic/Black delivery guys are always fucking awful. The middle aged or old guys are usually chill as fuck though.

>> No.4391294


screwed by a lower wage does not apply when they buy things that cost that much less

>> No.4391300
File: 329 KB, 1024x682, 1364519662494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to say that yes you're right but also mexicans and I'm really tired goodnight so here is a bunny eating a banana.

>> No.4391316


this nignog was at least 40

>> No.4391329

The internet, the only place delivery boys can swing their non-existent authority around.

>> No.4391392

call the manager and tell him you want to remove the tip due to the behavior of the delivery man

>> No.4391404

you dont do it based on the most fuel/time efficient route?

I do small deliveries moving couches and shit)
and i give far superior service to people who i believe are going to tip me(white ppl vs foriegners)

>> No.4391408

>Much easier to just go cashless. Also, I get to fuck over small business. It's a win/win.
yeah!!!! burger king and applesbees for EVERYONE!

>> No.4391411

You realize a lot of places don't give the full tip on card right?

Hell the first restaurant I worked at didn't give us ANY of the credit card tips. We just got cash.

>> No.4391435


It's got nothing to do with authority and everything with me maximizing my earning potential.

You don't like being delivered to last? You can bribe me like all the other people do to deliver to their house first. If you don't want to, that's fine, you just go to the bottom of the stack so that I can make the customers who are making me money happy.

>> No.4391455

holy shit

there is one black woman who works at the taco bell near me, and she puts like 2 ice cubes in my drink every time

>> No.4391461


>Add 20%
>*Then* round up.

Do you factor that in in your purveying of prices, because that seems excessive. Not gonna slate you for having that kind of money to burn, but at the same time... Just seems too much.

>> No.4391479


Unless you're eating out all the time or eating at really ritzy places, it actually doesn't amount to much.

Maybe $20 a month for me, tops, and I do the same thing as that guy.

>> No.4391485


the internet is the only place edgy teenagers invent stories about how they do not tip


tips are not removable


delivery and eating out is not for the poor

>> No.4391590
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LOL only in murica

>> No.4391603

drink hella water before going to bed
when you wake up have a shot of liquor or pound a beer to dull your senses. if its really bad, just get mildly drunk again. and then drink more water

>> No.4391623

Honestly, if you think tipping is a shitty policy (which it is) and refuse to tip, why even go out to restaurants?

>> No.4391676

>always tip well
>like 15-25% well
>still get shit times from the delivery place up the road
>still takes 1.5 hours for the chinese place to deliver
>Don't get me started on Marcos or Twisters
>or the minimum wage fallacy

So I stopped getting delivery.

>but wait
>non delivery service jobs are shit too!
>decide against my better judgment to get bk after staff duty
>pull up, give order, get to window
>shanaynayquisha looks at me and turns around to talk to her manager
>just chilling out
>drive off after 20 seconds

>> No.4391699


Maybe you should move to an area where all the lower-wage jobs are worked by self-entitled minorities.

>> No.4391700

That's where I live now.

>> No.4391705


Should have been aren't.

My hands are in open rebellion against my brain.

>> No.4391708

>Order Papa John's
>give I think $5 tip on the card for a $15 pizza
>delivery guy comes an hour late

Wish I could revoke my tips

>> No.4391713

That's why you wait until they arrive and write it on the receipt.

>> No.4391716

>To Insure Promptness

>Was not prompt

I think that's a crime.

Something about false advertising or contracts or something.

I dunno.

Stop tipping.

>> No.4391742

> Vacationing out of town
> Relying on taxis all week
> It's a flat fee downtown
> Same price all week [let's just say $5]
> Get taxi late at night
> Smartass tries to charge me $10 after I'm already IN the cab
> Hand him $10 and hop out of the cab
> He wasn't happy

I was so glad that was my last night there. It kind of sucks because you're basically stuck in that situation. It's kind of odd to tip drivers anyway, unless they're handling bags or something. I've given lesser tips when they literally throw my bags around.

>> No.4391748

American tipping system is ridiculous.

>Be me
>Dinner at 3 michelin star restaurant
>12.5% Discretionary tip

The service in a 3 star restaurant is some of the best in the world, and im still only expected to tip 12.5%. Tipping 20% on a pizza is stupid.

>> No.4391750

Fuck you. I'm black and I always tip 25%.

Kids like you don't deserve tips.

>> No.4391752

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure thing buddy

there's a reason it's a stereotype

>> No.4392028

I do. Always. To counter the stereotype.

>> No.4392043

You honestly assume all black people are poor?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4392079


yeah, no.

I assume they are shifty eyed, criminally negligent and scummy

>unfortunately I'm right

>> No.4392536


That's because a 12.5% tip in a 3 michelin star restaurant is a huge amount of money. A 20% tip on a pizza is like $3

>> No.4392588

> What sort of infrastructure would you need to find out which one of the customers "tipped on the card" and which one of the drivers gets the tip ?
Its called a computer

>> No.4392879

your suppose to write in the tip on the receipt and sign for it.

>> No.4392883


Not with this place. I've ordered from them dozens of times before, always tipping on the card, never signing shit, and never hearing a complaint before this guy.

In fact, a previous guy had thanked me for the tip, so I know they're fucking getting it.

>> No.4392892
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>Don't be a fat faggot who orders pizza every night
>Whenever I order (once every other week or so) it's from a different place every time
>Never tip
>By the time I get around to ordering from a place again, they forgot that I didn't tip them and always deliver on time

Anyone in this thread taking relish in being a shitty employee is just taking out their shitty employement frustration on people who have better jobs that don't require handouts.