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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4387472 No.4387472 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite kind of cheese?

>> No.4387499

Proxy reaper, but there's no more comfy feel than reverting to a glorious sixpool

>> No.4387504


>> No.4387507


Get that Starcraft shit out of /ck/.


Depends on what I'm eating it with. I love me my Brie, Or maybe some Turkish Feta.

>> No.4387508


>> No.4387511

9 y.o. cheddar from pine river cheese co-op.

Shiiiiiiiet. Dem flavours.
(shame the 9 year old's gone since the co-op burned down last year.)

>> No.4387512

4 gate or DT rush. I also like to base someone's base using my base to base their base.

>> No.4387517
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>I like smoked Gouda

>> No.4387545


>> No.4387553
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Brie...Camembert...soft, ripened cheeses.

>> No.4387555


>> No.4387556

cheddar jack and sharp cheddar

>> No.4387559
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Shropshire blue. Best cheese ever. Block of shropshire blue and a good port and im a happy man.

>> No.4387563

Cheese on the right. Peccorino Romano.

If you haven't had it, you're loosing out on life. Great on top of pasta, an addition to a lasagna, or on a salad.

It's sheeps-milk cheese, so it has a distinct nutty flavour. You won't be disappointed. Pic is Costco cheese.

>> No.4387566
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Brillat-Savarin, Devil's Rock and aged provalone all scrabble for second place.

>> No.4387569
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Forgot Pic. Fucking shit, made it a mutherfucking thread first. Damn 4chan. Fuck.

>> No.4387579

feta, in most cases

>> No.4387593
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Gubbeen cheese is my favourite by far, it's made local to me and it's just so damn TASTY. Sometimes, though, I get a craving that only the plebbiest of 'Murican cheese will satisfy.

>> No.4387603

'Mericu Cheese?

Like Velveeta?

>> No.4387617

Yeah, I just looked up Velveeta (Eurofag here) and that's pretty much what I meant, although it's only sold in sliced form here. God it's so terrible, you could never eat it on its own or in a sandwich, but I love melting it over chips from time to time.

>> No.4387646
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>> No.4387653

my god. We use slices in sandwiches, but yes. It's actually labeled "Dairy Product" - not actual cheese.

Luuuuulz. shit's so gross

>> No.4387781

Generally cheddar because it works so well with other things.

I like softer creamery cheeses like havarti and munster when it's something they will work well with.

>> No.4387790


That's because to be called cheese most food administrations require the product to be made from curd. Velveeta is made from thickened whey strained/pressed from the curd.

>> No.4387845

lets try this again but without people googling "best cheeses ever :D" beforehand. thanks. Cheese you have ACTUALLY TRIED. The cheeses you have COMPARED IT TO with brand and age and where you got it from. It adds some excitement to the thread.

>> No.4387846 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4387854

I've tried 3 gate robo, 4 gate, proxy zealots, proxy cannons, proxy DTs, six pools, seven pools, eight pools, 10 pools, roach rushes, baneling rushes, and terran planetary fortress rushing.

>> No.4387856

with no bowel issues?

>> No.4387857
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Fucking gruyere man...so good. Havarti is a close second.

>> No.4387858
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For me cheese are kind of like wines. I have had so many good ones, but there is so much variety that its hard for me to keep them all straight. so many weird names ect.

that being said
>pic related
is my local cheese and god i fucking love it. Nothing like slicing open a 10 lb wheel and watching translucent green spots turn blue before your eyes.

and bonus points, since the maytag creamery is local every grocery in town carries it at a fraction of the price its sold for most places. cant get enough

>> No.4387874
File: 11 KB, 300x200, White_Stilton_Apricots_LongClawson_P100110[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the risk of sounding like a plebian, my favorite cheese definitely has to be Brie.

Just bought some White Stilton w/ Apricots, shit is pretty good. Really crumbly and really sweet.

Pic related.

>> No.4387882

I love you. Really. I do.
White Stilton with lemon peel is my absolute favorite cheese in the world. With apricots runs a very close second. Of course, Stilton of any variety is god tier.

>> No.4387953


>> No.4387966

I've tried fruit stilton. Hilariously sweet. More like sweet shortbread cake than cheese.

I can't pick a favourite cheese so...
Tomme de montagne
Old cheddar
Goat cheese in all forms

>> No.4387967

Pleb detected

>> No.4387997

Port Salut

>> No.4388008


Nah, not really. But I'm from St. Louis, so I'm obligated to say that.

Probably actually havarti.

>> No.4388013

u wot

>> No.4388015

Goat Cheese and Cheddar.

>> No.4388020



Fontina Val d'Aosta

>> No.4388022

seconding that.

>> No.4388023

Processed cheddar.

>> No.4388025


>> No.4389369
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>> No.4391333

Mah niggas. I prefer the Blue Stilton though, especially the stuff made by Long Clawson. Still have to try Stichelton.

>> No.4391381


>> No.4391396
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Henri Willig pesto Gouda

>> No.4391398
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>> No.4391429
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>ma costco manchego and peccorino romano nigga

>> No.4391439

beat me to it.

>> No.4391880
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>> No.4392371

Protoss Cannon Rush.

>> No.4392372

Full age cheddar from the area around Cheddar. Tastes like the cheese has been rubbed around in the dirt with the pigs and the chickens for a week. Wonderfully earthy.

Other "cheddars" aren't even a pale shadow of that deliciousness.

>> No.4392410

Comté. I eat that shit everyday.

>> No.4392417

>tfw haven't been grocering lately
>tfw snacking on that and dried fruits

>> No.4393743
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perfectly aged dick cheese
set that shit on a platter or in a nice chicken salad with a vinaigrette.

>> No.4393935

Its a toss up between Havarti and Smoked Gouda. They are both soo good.

>> No.4393958

If I had to pick just one, I would go with a good cheddar, it's pretty high up the list anyway and versatile enough to use on a lot of things. My other favourites would include Lancashire cheese (especially melted on toast, hrrrnng), Stilton, Brie, Gruyère or a good goat's cheese, depending on the use.

>> No.4393968
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Favourite everyday cheese would be pic related.

It's an emmenthal style cheese made in Norway. Works fine for melting as well.

>> No.4393985

Best ever. My grocery store use to sell "super chunks" at liek, $3.00 per lbs less than the regular price.

You could get a giant wedge for $14.

They stopped doing that, now the same wedge is like $23.

So sad

>> No.4393992

youre trying too hard kid

>> No.4394020

Get a 700 gram block for $12 here in Norway.

Norwegian prices are generally retarded though.

>> No.4394041

'merican yellow

>> No.4394050

i know that feel.

>> No.4394083
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucking queso de cabrales - can't eat every day though

and real parmigiano (no pre grounded shit in a plastic bag)

>> No.4394309


>> No.4394406

>watching translucent green spots turn blue before your eyes.
That... that sounds pretty awesome to watch, actually.

>> No.4394411

I have Norwegian relatives, and from what they've told me, this is true. All the prices for everything are stupid high.

>> No.4394462


Brunost or Geitost is pretty good.

>> No.4394571

Deep-fry that shit, yo.
So good on toast with some blackberry jam.

>> No.4394612
File: 89 KB, 364x364, valdeon-4003zvaldeon-4003valdeon-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fuckin NIGGA.
Valdéon and Cabrales are two of the greatest cheeses on Earth. They're so bright and intense, I fucking adore them. I agree though, it's not for everyday, just like drinking your favorite wine isn't for everyday. It's a treat, a delight that must be savored when the time is right.
However, I do have a "soft" spot for Brie and Camembert. Great on some good crackers, by itself, baked, fried, on salads, anything. But my heart will always belong to blue cheeses.
Cheese. Just, damn.

>> No.4394617


Oh yeah, valdeon and some priorat... hnnnnnnngg

>> No.4394640

Jarlsberg. Always.

>> No.4394779

In order:
1) Asagio or Jack.
2) Parmesan
3) havarti (with dill!)
4) Dubliner / Supersharp cheddar
5) spiced goat cheese.
6) Feta (adding tomato and basil is a must)
7) smoked gouda is also tasty
8) bleu cheese / variants

other tasties that don't really deserve numbers:
> mozz
> cojack
> string

Cheese I totally want to try but haven't yet found:
> Wensleydale

>> No.4394788


>> No.4394790

ooh, I forgot Manchego. grilled manchego samich with good tomato soup is pretty amazing.

>> No.4394866
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>> No.4394901
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Pic related

>> No.4394911

I love Brie but hate Camembert. Can someone explain this? Is it a different type of mold?

>> No.4394921

Wut? They are literally the same cheese, just from different regions of France. The only difference is that Camembert is traditionally made in smaller wheels.

>> No.4394935

Maybe you prefer the dryer texture of the brie, which I haven't found very often in camemberts.

>> No.4394971

hnnng i must try real poutine i have made it and it was delicious

>> No.4395059

Lancashire cheese. I don't know how well known this cheese it outside of Lancashire, but it is delicious.

>> No.4395079

Belle Chevre goat cheese

>> No.4395487


>> No.4396421

At the risk of being pleb as fuck...
Cracker Barrel cheddar cheese with some crackers and a glass of apple juice is a god tier snack. Goat cheese is also the GOAT

>> No.4397356

Cracker Barrel Medium Cheddar just won third prize at the 2013 US Championship Cheese contest.

>> No.4398649
