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File: 418 KB, 1280x960, Meat58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4384877 No.4384877 [Reply] [Original]

Give me good reasons why I should stop being a vegetarian.

>> No.4384881

You can stop telling everyone you see you are a vegetarian. It must get tiresome.

>Checker scanning your veggie food
>I'm a vegetarian you know

>> No.4384886

Well, you're already sucking cocks, so you might as well have other meat too.

>> No.4384887

...Because you're looking for reasons to stop? If you don't want to anymore don't, if you do then continue. You don't need to justify what you want to eat.

>> No.4384889

Stop being vegetarian. Go vegan. :)

>> No.4384898

You spend time on a food board, and therefore I'm led to assume you find some level of enjoyment in a variety of food. Avoiding arbitrary dietary restrictions seems like a no-brainer.

>> No.4384902


I don't tend to see that too often. The vegans are the pretentious ones or the fucktard vegetarians because eating meat is "wrong." Whenever I got out to eat or buy groceries I don't tell anybody I'm a vegetarian. Hell I don't even buy any of that vegetarian line of food products.

OP if WE need you to stop being a vegetarian, then you already chose not to be one.

>> No.4384897


Vegan is a definite no

>> No.4384903


>> No.4384916
File: 224 KB, 800x600, premium-pride-bacon-in-pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some bacon. Don't skimp on the quality. (I recommend Black Forest.) Cook up a pan. Smellllll it. Now just try and stop yourself from eating it.

>> No.4384919

>Give me good reasons why I should stop being a vegetarian.
A lot of meat dishes taste good.

>> No.4384924

meat is superior for health, flavor, and you do not need to be the fussy jerk that makes special requests everywhere you go

>> No.4384927
File: 9 KB, 301x292, eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a man? I don't mean a male, I mean are you a fucking man? Actual men who do actual work need these delicious animal proteins and fats so that we can work and protect and build and harvest and all that manly shit. If you are male and vegetarian then you most likely have a weak and whispy body and don't do very much actual work. Stop doing women's work and break a sweat once and awhile, build some shit and get off your ass.

Its only natural. But being a vegetarian pussy isn't natural for a man. Put on your boots, eat some meat and fucking own it. Mow ya lawn and build a goddamn cedar arbor in the backyard, then you eat a steak, drink half a bottle of wine and slam your waifu in the cunt so hard she is within meters of her life.

>> No.4384934


Cancer, heart disease, saturated fat, and inhumane and unsustainable farming practices.

Oh wait...


>> No.4384939

It's unnecessary and you can continue to eat raw vegan if you choose to anyways.

The only purpose of the label is to cry for attention.

>> No.4385006
File: 9 KB, 301x57, shockingdaload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And black people shouldn't be allowed in resturaunts either

>> No.4385046

because you will stop being that person everyone resents because when you go out together they have to make sure the restaurant caters to your bullshit dietary choices

>> No.4385050

because if you dont eat enough protein (which is p common in vegetarians ive found) your sweat stinks and your come tastes like vinegar

>> No.4385083

Meat is delicious and depending on whether you wisely chose a fresh meat and not a frozen tv dinner or something it's good for you.
Those first 3 all apply to bread and preserved food. Inhumane practices, sure whatever, I grow my own hogs/chickens/etc so I know MY meat isn't tortured/raised in its own feces. And as for the fifth, did you know that if we stopped eating meat altogether, a vegan's paradise, the amount of different foods we'd have to plant to get a healthy diet would take up much more space than ranching, thus pushing wild animals out of their ecosystems to make way for our vegan farms?

>> No.4385100

OP here reporting in!

Just got an IN-N-OUT,
The taste was bland. I'm a bit gassy, and feeling bloated.

I gave it a shot at least and I still have the taste of it and it isn't great. I think I should stick to my non-meat diet.

>> No.4385111

Why, for the love of god, would you get In-N-Out if you wanted to try something meaty. You're just stupid. That's like saying, "I've stopped eating desserts for years, but I think I may have made a mistake, so I'm going to eat a Hershey bar and judge everything on that!!!"

>> No.4385113

If you are trying to get into meat, I really don't think IN-N-OUT is the right place to go. I mean there are bad places to go, there are worse places to go, and then there's where you just went.

>> No.4385118


Where would you guys have gone then?

I feel really off put by meat right now. It was very salty

>> No.4385121

You cant just jump back into meat after so long its bad for you

>> No.4385128
File: 152 KB, 969x1200, 6296580-african-western-lowlands-gorilla-male-silverback-ferociously-looking-at-camera[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think you're more manly than this vegetarian?

Eating meat isn't manly, the strongest animals on earth eat nothing but plants

>> No.4385132

What did you fucking expect buying literally the shittiest "meat" product on the face of the Earth? If you want to try meat, then go get something high quality.

>> No.4385136

You should have gone to a real restaurant, assuming you didn't want to cook it yourself. Fast food is never a good choice for responsible, tasty meat, even for us omnivores. You've got to use your head, man. I'm not saying you needed to go to a fine dining establishment. But a mid-tier restaurant, which would at least take some care in the quality and cooking of the meat. Like, a decent German restaurant or French bistro, someplace where they know meat and appreciate it. Or even a place that's one level up from a diner.

>> No.4385150
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>pay someone to slaughter a commercially farmed animal for you to buy so you can be totally manly!

>> No.4385151

Actually, they eat their own shit as well

>> No.4385169

Good plan....

Seriously, why the fuck would you actually WANT to eat that nasty shit again?

...That's like moving from your abusive dad's broken down mobile home into a mansion and saying, "I think I'm going to move back in with dad."

>> No.4385174


>> No.4385194

In this scenario he is not sexually abusive, but good ol' beat you til your bruised and bloody abusive. He also frequently urinates on your clothing and defecates in your shampoo bottle.

>> No.4385769

Why not?

>> No.4385780

Do you enjoy eating meat?


Don't be a vegetarian


Be a vegetarian

Nobody cares if you eat meat or not and you shouldn't care that others eat meat or not. Its food.

>> No.4385786

No its not its a living thing wahh wahh wahh plants dont have feelings and dont want to be alive wahh wahh wahh im a huge faggot wahh wahh wahh

>> No.4385811

If OP did eat fast food then I'd wait a week before trying meat again due to the bad experience.

You should go to a grocery store and buy a good steak or chicken and cook it yourself (for the love of god not plain) and see how you like it from there. Also remember meat and vegetables can mix, you don't need to buy pure meat.

>> No.4385812

Do you suffer from obesity, diabetes, or depression?
If yes, a diet high in saturated fat can heal you.

If no, your current diet is fine for your needs

>> No.4385815

I am not sure where you are going with this, but I like what you are saying so far. I totally agree

>> No.4385816

There is a lovely tedtalk about de-desertification. Apparently we need millions of cows and buffalo to roam wild.

>> No.4385818

Thats it. Op asked for a reason. My reason is health concerns. If op has no health concerns then he is fine.

>> No.4385820

But not in South America.

>> No.4385836

You don't have to explain why youre a vegetarian.
You can eat anything.
You don't have to have special accomidations when going out to eat with people.
You can eat bacon.
You don't have to explain why you're a vegetarian.

I'm a pescatarian mostly, but I cheat by eating eggs and very occupationally (once a month) I'll eat a meat dish if I'm out with my GFs parents. I hate being "that guy" who has to have everything special and I rarely talk about vegetarian-ism. I have no moral objection to meat eating so I don't feel any need to preach my life style

>> No.4385842

You seem to be under the impression anybody cares. Nobody does. Feel free to continue. Just don't expect people to cater for you separately.

>> No.4385846

Then how do I make other people as miserable as I am?

>> No.4385849


Why should anyone give a fuck?

If you wanna be a vegetarian, be a fucking vegetarian.

>> No.4385874

Homo sapiens evolved as pack hunting omnivores. In fact, out of all the predatory species on Earth, Humans are easily the most dangerous...to the point where we prey on species that without humans around would be the apex predators of their environments...Sharks, Crocodiles, Monitor Lizards, various extremely dangerous species of snake, etc... Meat is a natural part of our diet, it's part of who and what we are. Can we survive without it, yes. Can we survive without plants? Yes. We're Omnivores. But our optimal diet includes both.

Be a human, not a rabbit. Eat some meat.

>> No.4385879

Ever read reports on fish quantity 1000 years ago?

You could walk into rivers with a basket and get dinner in a few minutes. So many fish, so easy to catch, so delicious to eat.

>> No.4385915

>Those first 3 all apply to bread and preserved food

No. Those apply to animal based protein no matter how it is raised, handled, or cooked based off of about a million scientific studies now.

Enjoy your cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and lowered immune response.

>> No.4385919


back when we were plant hunting omnivores we lived to the ripe old age of 45 if we were lucky.

these days cancer, heart disease, diabetese, and a lowered ability to fight bacterial and viral diseases due to decreased immune response FORM EATING MEAT is what kills us. All top killers are helped by eating a vegetarian diet.

so, actually, we are rabbits.

>> No.4385949

We did not live to 45. Average life was 45
If you discount people who died before age 2 it gors up to 55. If you discount those that died before 5 it goes up to 65. And if you discount those that died before 185 it goes up to 75.

Which means thst despite modern diet and medicine adult life expectancy has barely changed in a long time.

>> No.4385955

med rare steaks
veal stock
roasted chicken

>> No.4385976


The hunter-gatherer lifestyle was actually the most healthy lifestyle for humans (no surprise, it's what we're evolved to do). Hunter-gatherers with full acesss to modern technology would obviously be ideal...though not really possible on any significant scale.

>> No.4385979

There is much closee corelatiin between carbohydrates and diabetes cancer and heart disease than beteeen meat cancer diabetes and heart disease.

Starting with diabetes, this is a fact everyone agrees on. Refined carbs cause diabetes. Medical fact.

Cancer, the studies are a bit more lacking.

Hesrt disease acrually has a dtrong negative corelation with red meat consumption.

>> No.4385983


Of course there are other meats aside from red meats.

>> No.4385990

Because you're only on this planet for a hundred fuckin' years so are you really going to take out fucking meat (sausage, lamb, pork chops, steak, burger, holy shit, tacos, burritos, EVERYTHING) for some stupid ass reason?

Come on man, live a little.

>> No.4386003

Yet red meat gets all the blame.

Look st the sami. Almost no heart disease diabetes or cancer until they were introduced to bread.

Look at the japanese, low obesity rates until introduced to bread.

Look st the swedish, only developed country with a lowering rate of heart disease, and much of the country is now esting low carb.

>> No.4386064

because the dairy and egg industry is just as bad as the meat industry
go vegan

>> No.4386066

Stop being a faggot about it.

If you don't want to eat meat, then don't.

>Summer Sausage in that pic


>> No.4386067

a lot of people don't stop eating meat because they dislike it.

>> No.4386069

what I was trying to say here is that a lot of people, who still like to eat meat, stops eating it.

i fucked that up bad

>> No.4386100

There's a chemical in wheat that suppresses liver function encouraging fat to build around organs.

But we complete ignore that and the swelling agents in the nightshade family of foods because they're staple ingredients and people are too willfully ignorant to change.

>> No.4386102

If you develop a soy intolerance, that's your reason right there.

>> No.4386110

you can be vegan without eating soy just fine
what now mr bbqman?

>> No.4386132

Gorillas eat insects too.

>> No.4386142

Why would I give a fuck if you eat it or not? Eat it or don't, more for me. Also, you can eat meat and still enjoy vegan shit. The best of both worlds while getting nice animal fats your brain needs. You don't even have to go heavy on meat, just a small slice with tons of veggie sides. Why limit yourself to all the great food out there when you're just going to die anyway, and a balanced diet with everything wont kill you? You could even just eat meat once a week, but to cut it out completely and need so much other shit to supplement what you're missing? That's insane, not healthy.

>> No.4386147

1.Meat tastes good
2.You sound like an asshole

>> No.4386155 [DELETED] 


Because being vegan is the next step. You're just ... like ... on a plateau, man.

>> No.4386188

Good god, a MILLION times this. Why is this concept so hard for people to understand.
I honestly think that people are so obsessed with being special snowflakes in these times, they'll do anything to feel like they stand out or are set apart from others. It's so fucking pathetic.

>> No.4386214

because murder is fucking delicious

>> No.4386281

Because basing your identity around what you eat/don't eat is superficial and egocentric. The Buddhist approach is much better, they don't prepare or buy meat, but don't have an issue eating it if someone offers it to them. You don't need to eat meat, but no need to bother "being a vegetarian".

>> No.4386305


Except that it isn't superficial or egocentric to try and take care of yourself or your family and how you feed them, and the latest scientific evidence against meat is REALLY STRONG.

So.. we should all be trying to get our loved ones to start adopting a vegan lifestyle.

>> No.4386314
File: 58 KB, 500x345, 1301496000030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to sources or GTFO.

>> No.4386366

humans are born with an omnivore digestive system, so we can "choose" the source of our proteines and vitamines, but a lot of essential aminoacids FOR HUMANS are only in meat proteines and not in vegetables. so for a 100% developed human muscle, you need to eat those animal proteines

>> No.4386371


because my food shits on your food

>> No.4386373


Go watch any netflix documentary on cancer that has a vegetable on the cover art.

Or just serach youtube for "vegetarian diet cancer" or "vegetarian diet cardiovascular disease"

I'm not gonna provide you links for this in 2013. you should seriously know this by now.

>> No.4386377

Bah, in the last 10 years there hasnt been a study against meat. The data all says meat=good the conclusion just makes shit up to appeal to people.

Link any article you would like. I will gladly explain why it says the exact opposite of what you think.

>> No.4386381


Why don't you link you an article that says meat promotes cardiovascular health or hinders tumor development.

Why won't you? Because you can't.

>> No.4386382

That is not true. Unless you speak of unnatural swartzenegger muscles.

Im promeat diet and i know this.

>> No.4386386


or fine.. for giggles.. go ahead and refute the china study.

>> No.4386390




>> No.4386392

Link please. Everyone calls their favorite chinese study the china study.

>> No.4386405


I'm vegan, faggot.

>> No.4386410


>varies carbohydrates, doesn't count.. we are discussing plant vs. meat diet. are you retarded?


learn to read.

"Studies investigating the connection between high-fat dairy intake and diabetes or cardiovascular disease incidence were inconsistent"

which means their study was shit and proved inconclusive.


finishes with "More data are needed to elucidate whether CVD risks are likely to be influenced by the specific nutrients used to replace saturated fat." because they can't really rule out whether the replaced fats caused the same rates of CVD and CHD or whether the reduction did nothing.

this is actually a common study pointed to by you meat heads.. and it's kind of hilarious that you don't seem to understand that they specifically replaced their high saturated fat diets, with high poly-unsaturated fat diets.


Study varied carb intake at the same time.. doesn't count could have been carb, calorie count, sat fat count.. anything in that study could have had an impact. study wasn't controlled at all.

>> No.4386419


no there is one called THE CHINA study. And if you are arguing this topic, you SHOULD BE WELL AWARE OF IT.

If you are not aware of the study I am talking about, then you I shouldn't be wasting my time with you.


>> No.4386423

Once again, you can cut meat out of your diet without "adapting a vegan lifestyle" whatever that means. Paleo, veganism, raw food, ect. They all remind me of religions claiming to save us from some horrible fate. As if you could somehow live forever by eating the perfect diet. There are healthier and unhealthier ways to eat, but the idea that you're fucked the moment meat/dairy/grains/processed food touch your lips is ridiculous.

>> No.4386424

The China Study isn't the holy grail it is made out to be. I wish people would stop citing it.
it falls short in a lot of ways, unfortunately.

>> No.4386432


You mean the china cornell oxford study. Why didn't you say so up front? No need to link google searches about books.

This one is easy. They did not link anything to anything. Thry simply compared diets and diseases.

The correct conclusion from the data present is that high calorie diets result in obesity cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The incorrect conclusion was that red meat caused the increased intake of calories.

If you removed meat consumption from the eestern diet, thier total caloric intake would still be higher than the chinese counterparts.

>> No.4386436

All im saying is fat people die more

I think everyone can agree on that. The best way to avoid being fat is what is being debated.

>> No.4386438


Wrong, they identified hundreds of statistically backed up links between foods and diseases.

Number 1 of which was that meat causes cancer growth and a vegetarian diet, especially RAW VEGAN diet, turns off cancer growth.

You can deny it all you want.. that one study puts the 4 you suggested to shame.

Stop talking about carbs... we were never arguing carbs, I am still not arguing carbs, you are the only person that has said anything about carbs and no one cares.

>> No.4386444

Incorrect. They did no such thing. Read the actual study. It will take a week or so, shall we continue next thursday?

>> No.4386446


Glad to see you're just trolling.

>> No.4386451


congratulations you found the fifth link on the "let me good that for you" search that I PROVIDED and now you think you can sound all official like.. you've agreed for years that it isn't all that.

You didn't read it close enough though... as this little nugget is in that exact article..

"Actually there are a couple of more credible references listed on PubMed suggesting that a low-fat diet might be beneficial for melanoma. "


"In vegetarians, a decrease of ischemic heart disease mortality was observed probably due to lower total serum cholesterol levels, lower prevalence of obesity and higher consumption of antioxidants. "

The author of that article is trying to be contrarian.. but even the "controversial studies" that he sites that refute some of the china studies claims still validate that meat = cancer and vegetarianism = less cancer.

the comments on that page are hilarious as they tear him to shreds for citing some of the articles he does.

Just give up. There are 100s of great studies that all support what I am saying. You've shown yourself to not even be well read on this subject.

>> No.4386468

None of tge data sypports your blurbs.

>> No.4386484 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me good reasons why I should stop being a vegetarian.


>> No.4386489


All of the data supports my blurbs.

>inb4 but but but we're omnivores... we're supposed to eat meat.

yeah.. it turns out we're supposed to die off at age 45 too as we did for millenia as hunter gatherers.

Thankfully, western medicine has extended our lives, and western medical studies are continuing to suggest eating a vegen diet as a way to reduce the prevalence of 14 of the top 15 causes of death.

Who knew we could do better than living in mud huts and eating squirrels?

>> No.4386491

>A bunch of well-read and at least reasonably intelligent people can't tell whether or not it's healthy to completely stop eating meat.
>Give me good reasons why I should stop being a vegetarian.
Sounds like we should be focusing on the environmental impacts of meat production.

Or just say fuck it because you'll need to influence the masses before you make a real change. Personally, I think we're overpopulated, considering how many resources we use to remain both happy and healthy.

To answer your question OP, because braised veal shank is really fucking good.

>> No.4386503

Then you do not know how to read.

>> No.4386510

fucking european toilets, i hated them

>> No.4386522

Guess what? You're going to die anyway. There's no cure for death. No matter how long you live, or how good of care you take of yourself, you're going to get some disease and die. That's how carbon based life forms work. You are a science experiment, by design. Once you get used to that fact, maybe you'll stop being so uptight about every goddamn thing in your life.

>> No.4386526


if you want to read something go read the wiki page on saturated fat. and then look at how much saturated fat is in your beloved meat.. even the most lean cuts.

you'll see on that page that saturated fat is associated with many diseases and cancers... you'll also see that many researches don't even believe there is a tolerable low limit - meaning we shouldn't eat any of it if possible.

you'll also see that every public healthy organization in the world says that we should limit our saturated fat intake to extremely low levels. levels around 7% of caloric intake. That's roughly 15 grams per day.

An angus bacon burger from mcD's is 18. a 12 oz rib eye steak is 28 grams.

I haven't even brought up the inflamation information for meat products... you want to see why meat causes cardiovascular disease? it's because every time you eat it, your whole cardiovascular system gets inflamed and has to repair itself.

cardiovascular patients that have surgery.. what is the doctors recomendation? half your plate should be veggies, a quarter should be whole grain or whole ggrain carbs, a quarter should be a white protien like chicken or fish. (because those are lowest in saturated fat) and many doctors (the better ones) will tell you to just go straight vegan for months after heart surgery.

>> No.4386562

And yet all the studies show reduction in saturated fat increased heartdisease

As for wikipedia. Not reliable. Again read actual studies, not talking points
As for health organizations thry still use erronous data from 50 years ago. Most of them csnt change thier stance without admitting they contributed to the deaths of millions due to poor advice.

>> No.4386568

The best doctors suggest low carb diets for those with heart problems. The rest spent 9is days on a nutrition rotation without any formal classes on the subject. They follow the same talking points without doing any research into the facts.

>> No.4386570

>And yet all the studies show increase in saturated fat increased heartdisease

Fixed it for you.


seriously man.. no one is talking about carbs except you.

>> No.4386572 [DELETED] 

How is this /co/ related?

>> No.4386582
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 132942885117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no real reason to stop being vegetarian. Gaining muscles is easier with meat as source of fat and protein, but getting fat and protein from vegetarian food sources is only marginally harder.

>> No.4386585

It's not, but it's pretty /ck/ related.

>> No.4386591

>Give me good reasons why I should stop being a vegetarian.
Meat tastes yummy

>> No.4386599

I don't know much about anything, but why in the actual fuck would meat be bad for humans? Didn't we spend tens of thousands of years as hunter-gatherers? Aren't our teeth geared both for plants meat? Why would we the human body evolve in a way where meat was harmful given these things?

>> No.4386605

Why would anyone start being a vegetarian?

>> No.4386608

>The best doctors suggest low carb diets for those with heart problems

the best doctors parrot the shit they were taught. they all still say "reduce your salt" until your food tastes like cardboard, ignoring the fact that objective studies show that your body self-regulates sodium, and extra salt sometimes correlates to better health.

if you want an eye opener, read up on how the medical establishment tried to ruin the doctor who figured out that ulcers are not caused by stress, but are caused by an easily treated bacteria.

bottom line: doctors, like plumbers and help desk people, are really good at treating simple shit, but tend to suck at things that don't fit into their checklist.

>> No.4386611

"stop being healthy. be a faggot instead. :)"

>> No.4386617


While there have been some selective pressures to eat meat occasionally that have favored adaptations to digest meat, we aren't as well adapted to it as true carnivores, so eating meat too often can still cause health issues.

>> No.4386620

>I don't know much about anything, but why in the actual fuck would meat be bad for humans?
Meat is not bad for humans, but the way we started consuming meat is bad for humans. Flesh, even though it's delicious, is actually the unhealthiest part of the animal.

The Inuit eat only animal food since thousands of years with no herbal foods at all, since there is no herbal food in their environment, but they survived and have a pretty decent life expectancy. That's because they eat all eatable parts of the animal, not only the flesh. The insides, marrowbones and other parts of the animals contain all necessary sorts of vitamins and other essential nutrients.

The early humans survived an ice age with pretty much no vegetable food sources, but not because they eat the flesh and threw the rest away. Humans are pretty stupid.

>> No.4386621

Meat's tasty

Mmm bison

>> No.4386623


>a lot of essential aminoacids FOR HUMANS are only in meat proteines

"I base this purely on what I think is probably right because I think meat tastes good"

>> No.4386626

>meat tastes good
>don't eat meat

>> No.4386627

Yes, yes, I'm sure you're much more educated on health matters than doctors.
>being this stupid

I'm not saying doctors don't make mistakes, because they do, or that there aren't shit doctors out there, because there are. But you putting all doctors into a group to suit your arguments is just plain stupid and delinquent.
Doctors have to attend seminars and classes to stay up to date on recent data and techniques, if they want to keep their licenses. If they want to make more money by specializing, they have to attend even more schools and programs. They don't just get out of medical school and stick with the same things they were taught for their whole careers. I've bad doctors before, and I've had amazing doctors. Just like any other profession.
Your bottom line is patently false.

>> No.4386631

>Humans are pretty stupid nowadays

>> No.4386636


"I base this purely on what I think is probably right because I think killing animals feels wrong"

>> No.4386639


>hurr durr
>wikipedia is never right about anything
>health organizations the world over are all wrong all at the same time
>read real studies (not that anon has posted any)
>china study is crap
>hurrrrr durrrrrrr

Yeah.. you're right.. I shouldn't trust wiki with all of it's cites. I shouldn't trust all of the worlds health organizations, or leading doctors cited on the wiki page.

I should listen to anon on 4chan who has given us 0 credible articles explaining how a meat based diet will lower your risk of cancer and heart disease.

>> No.4386640


>ice cream and bacon grease are delicious, it must be healthy!

>> No.4386641


No, I base it on basic biology. There's not one essential amino acid you can't get in plant form

>> No.4386647


>killing animals is morally wrong, so a vegan diet MUST be healthy!

>> No.4386649

I good reason for being vegan is in this week's issue of the Economist:

"A link between red-meat consumption and heart disease was perceived by epidemiologists several decades ago, but the nature of this link has never been properly explained. Blame’s finger usually points at saturated fats and cholesterol. Red meat contains both. But a big recent study showed no connection between saturated fat and heart disease, so something else is probably involved. Dr Hazen thinks he knows what. As he outlines in a paper just published in Nature Medicine, he believes the blame actually lies with the microbiome—the collection of 100 trillion or so bacteria that live in the human gut."

These harmful bacteria are not present in the digestive tracts of vegans and some vegetarians. The article goes on to conclude:

"Dr Hazen’s analysis does not change advice about how to prevent atherosclerosis (inter alia, eat meat sparingly), it may radically revise the treatment of those for whom prevention has failed."

>> No.4386652


More like "we're biologically herbivores so a plant diet must be healthy"

Or "all the nutrition in the world comes from plants, so they must be good to eat"

>> No.4386656

>I like the taste of meat so other people can't be right!

>> No.4386668


Saturated fat, no connection to heart disease true.
Saturated fat, connection to cancer growth true.
Eating meats, connection to heart disease true.

The method of action for the heart disease or cancer growth doesn't really matter whether it is microbes or sat fat. We know sat fat causes cancer, we know eating meat causes heart disease.

it is irrelevant that sat fat doesn't cause heart disease. the foods it is found in sure as fuck aren't promoting a healthy cardiovascular system nor do they have any other health benefits that can't be found in a vegetable based diet.

>> No.4386678


Those are flawed arguments. Biologists agree that we're omnivores, and just because all the nutrition comes from plants doesn't mean plants are innately superior as a way to get nutrients.

>> No.4386692 [DELETED] 

>Eating meats, connection to heart disease true.
Wrong. The connection appears to be in the way bacteria in the gut digest red meat. A meat eater has bacteria that break meat down into two chemicals, carnitine and trimethylamine N-oxide. High levels of those two in the blood lead to heart disease.

Breaking news.

>> No.4386693
File: 652 KB, 830x913, comparativelookvegetarian[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Biologists agree that we're omnivores

Biologists who like meat do

> just because all the nutrition comes from plants doesn't mean plants are innately superior as a way to get nutrients.

I want you to re-read that over and over until you understand why you're dumb

>> No.4386702

>we know eating meat causes heart disease.
But now we know the mechanism. High levels of trimethylamine N-oxide and carnitine created by bacteria found in meat eaters' guts, but not those of vegans.

Because of this it seems a vegan can even have a steak once in a while without ill effects.

Oh, the irony!

>> No.4386707


>Biologists who like meat do

Ah, but biologists who don't like meat MUST be unbiased!

>I want you to re-read that over and over until you understand why you're dumb

Your argument is not only dumb, but it's flawed. We can also get nutrients from fungi too, and plants are themselves unable to get all the nutrients from soil, they need nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

>> No.4386711


Just because we are omnivores doesn't mean we have to eat meat. Some human adults can't even digest dairy. What does that tell you... perhaps we were a bit more gather than hunter maybe?

And vegetables have been proven superior because they don't lead to cancer and heart disease like meat does.

>> No.4386718


convince me to be a vegetarian

>> No.4386722

We aren't herbivores, we are omnivores. Read >>4386620

>> No.4386727

>Just because we are omnivores doesn't mean we have to eat meat. Some human adults can't even digest dairy. What does that tell you... perhaps we were a bit more gather than hunter maybe?

That's a completely different story, actually. The selective pressures that favored lactose tolerance didn't show up until the domestication of cattle, which didn't happen for some populations (e.h. Native Americans.)

Do you really think paleolithic hunters milked wild cows?

Are you retarded?

>> No.4386732


Been explaining it and seeing it explained billions of times. Meat itself did nothing at all for the human brain, it was an abundance of calories that let it grow. This would have happened whether it was meat or if early humans stumbled upon a good source of nuts and fruits. Calories, not meat

>> No.4386737

>Some human adults can't even digest dairy. What does that tell you...
Humans who lived with animals that provided dairy addapted and can digest it, what does that tell you? It tells you the nature of the human species, adapt to survive. We are even better than omnivores.

>> No.4386738

and you know what is much more plentiful than nuts and fruits??


>> No.4386739

>Calories, not meat
Good reason to believe it was cooking that allowed us to extraxt more calories from our diet by making our food more digestible.

>> No.4386741

>red meat
>all meat

Are you vegetarians really this retarded?

>> No.4386744

Not on their side, but it's pretty much all we eat of animals today.

>> No.4386745


This is a great chart.

We are omnivores because we CAN eat both.. but our bodies are obviously more setup for vegetable processing... probably why eating a lot of meat gives us cancer and heart disease.

omnivore is just an evolutionary trait that lots of species pick up so that they don't starve in the absence on a single food source.

many meat eating and herbiforous species will eat the other type of food if it is easy to gain access to and the other food sources are scarce.

many ominvores will pick up a tendency or preference for one or the other. I think it is clear that humans have evolved with a tendency toward fruits, buts, legumes, veggies... given the health consequences of an all meat diet. Our bodies are clearly not set up to handle a mostly meat diet.

>iinb4 eskimo bullshit that has been refuted 100s of times.

>> No.4386747

>Because of this it seems a vegan can even have a steak once in a while without ill effects.

This is why I think food rules are so fucking stupid. No harm comes from eating things infrequently. It is probably even healthier.

>> No.4386751


right.. there are more animals than there are plant matter on the face of the earth.. you might want to check your math there pal.

>> No.4386759

Call me when we get to something conclusive. Tommorow I'll read that meat is good, the next day that it is bad.

>> No.4386762


I know he's wrong, but edible animals + edible plants > edible plants.

>> No.4386763

lets see plants can't live in-
cold environments
desert environments
underwater environments


>> No.4386765


stop arguing. Everyone do whatever they want and just relax

>> No.4386781

>Our bodies are clearly not set up to handle a mostly meat diet.

Nice strawman. But I eat meat in moderation.

>> No.4386787

they are called innuits you racist tree fucker

>> No.4386808

Explain rabbit starvation.

Fat is important. Yes olives/avocados/walnuts too

But primarily fish

>> No.4386815
File: 41 KB, 400x400, crisco-oil[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fat is important

Every plant has fat in it

>> No.4386824


Why eat just vegetable oil when fish oil is just as good with added health benefits?

>> No.4386839


>when fish oil is just as good with added health benefits?

Dirty oil from a mercury ridden fish isn't just as good. Vegetable oil and nut oils contain ALA omega-3s which aren't found in fish and can synthesize into the DHA and EPA that are in fish oil. Your body needs all 3 so why bother with fish oil?

>> No.4386848

Yes but most in small quantities.

Is why gorillas eat 40lbs if food

And shaq eats 2

>> No.4386852

Pandas keep dying cause they are carnivorse eating plants.

Better love story than twilight

>> No.4386858


They have enough fat to get the fat-soluable vitamins into you. You don't need to drink a gallon of fat a day, fat should be eaten sparingly

>> No.4386863


Vegans don't produce enough DHA naturally to make up for the lack of dietary DHA. It might not cause immediate health consequences to an adult vegan but the jury is still out on whether low levels of DHA during pregnancy is safe.

>> No.4386870

I hope you're trolling. I'm a vegetarian that does construction and carpentry as a summer job. Im 185 pounds 6' even in judo and I squat 360. You don't know shit

>> No.4386876

A you who eats meat would crush the you you

>> No.4386893
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>internet tough guy detected

I bet you hang out with Paul Bunyan and Batman, too.

>> No.4386942 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1280x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me good reasons why I should stop being a vegetarian

Because faeces

>> No.4386961

i dont wanna eat 20lbs of food

im probably half the size of a gorilla. how much do they weigh? maybe a quarter

10lbs sounds like a lot of greens

>> No.4387726


If you're talking about getting calories, don't eat 100% vegetables. Get some bananas and shit. Fruits, beans, starches like rice and bread and pasta and potatoes, nuts, seeds. Right now I'm eating a bowl of delicious buckwheat with chopped dates in almond milk. Lots of protein, lots of carbs, very tasty. Perfect energy-giving breakfast, but I'm having it for pre-dinner because I didn't get to eat this morning

>> No.4387744

but gorillas

>> No.4387748


Fuck gorillas

>> No.4387764
File: 23 KB, 460x276, Oak-sapling-Quercus-robur-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this shit? Humans don't digest cellulose, I can't eat this shit.
>Humans are clearly herbivores because I think they should be, blah blah hippie animal-love blah blah
Humans are pretty shit-tier herbivores if they can't even digest leaves properly

>> No.4387766


We grind it with our flat herbivore teeth and what we don't digest is dietary fiber. Humans would be pretty shitty carnivores if they have to cook their animals to eat them and can't even eat stuff like fur and guts

>> No.4387777

>furious vegetarian with no valid points

It was almost a good try.

>> No.4387780

so much trolling.

>> No.4387784

We can eat animals but we've evolved to prefer cooked meat because it's significantly safer.

>> No.4387805

perhaps our mastery of fire has effected us is a way that makes us different from other animals, we are one of a few animals that does not fear fire, id i think were the only animal that can make it and use it, so saying
>hurr durr humans need to cook meat to eat
is like saying
>hurr durr i can't think of an simile because humans are freaky because were the only animals that use fire,

>> No.4387807

we can eat and digest raw meat per se. It's just that cooking it kills the pathogenic bacteria. It's not like lions and tigers don't have to worry about pathogens; it's just that there's nothing they can do about it.

>> No.4387824 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 227x237, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me good reasons why I should stop being a vegetarian
Need meat or faeces end up looking like this

>> No.4387847

>what is sushi?
>what is tartare?
> what is carpaccio ?
Piss off you uncultured buffoon

>> No.4387851

fuck i love carpaccio

>> No.4387879


>It's not like lions and tigers don't have to worry about pathogens;

They don't. Their small digestic tracts pass meat out quickly, before cholesterol, saturated fat, or pathogens can absorb or fester in the guts

Humans can't do that, we have long herbivore intestine