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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4383878 No.4383878 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/

I have no money until i get paid in 2 weeks and barely any food. The food i do have is that shit you have for years because you never end up using it.

Anyway, i'll list what i have and if people can suggest some recipes that'd be awesome, because i've only been eating a meal every 3 days or so and it's starting to get to me. Here's what i have.

>parmesan cheese (about half a little plastic container thing)
>canned kidney beans
>some red skinned nuts
>a single egg, i think its out of date
>soy sauce
>bit of margarine
>some out of date gravy granules, they smell awful.

So after scouring my cupboards, this is what i've found. Help me to cook something edible, /ck/.

>> No.4383890

Ask your family/coworkers for money, they'll understand.

>> No.4383894

Depending on how many cans of beans you have, you'll probably have to go to a soup kitchen. Cook the egg immediately, and eat it if it hasn't gone bad inside.

>> No.4383897

Would you please explain the circumstances that led to the situation you're in?

Why don't you have money? Why aren't you on food stamps? Why don't you have dried beans and rice? What are your bills? When was the last time you did something fun or entertaining?

I'll help, but I'd like a few answers.

>> No.4383899

>some red skinned nuts
See a doctor

>> No.4383905


OP, those are called "spanish peanuts".

>> No.4383914
File: 92 KB, 256x256, rednuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these? they literally just say red skinned peanuts on the bag.

>> No.4383918

Are they whole raw peanuts or are they cooked and salted (or out of the shell)?

>> No.4383919

theyre raw unsalted nuts

>> No.4383924

Sounds like spanish peanuts to me.

>> No.4383925

If they're still in the shell and you have a fair amount of salt (which you damn well better. I can understand running out of food but you should always stock up on spices and herbs), you can make boiled peanuts. The red spanish nuts are the best to work with when you're making them.

>> No.4383935

Don't be a wuss. Just ask family, friends or people you work with if you can either borrow some money till you get paid or some food they don't want/ won't use. It's far better than starving, and they'll hopefully be understanding. Also, abuse the shit out of free samples at local supermarkets.

>> No.4383937

Let me Paypal you like 6 dollars so you can buy some noodles or something

>> No.4383943
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Sucks that you have no moneys. Check out soup kitchens or food pantries. Also, hard boil that egg right now and get rid of the gravy.

Beans are ok by themselves, if not a little bland. Try adding some salt for flavor. If that is the extent of all your food there is no way you are going to make it two weeks. Food pantries, food stamps. If you live in a city, check out if Food not Bombs operates near where you live.

>> No.4383947

Normally I don't recommend shoplifting, but...

>> No.4383951

Try dumpster diving behind a grocery store.

>> No.4383953

No. There are ways to get help.

>> No.4383956


Worst comes to worst he can try selling his computer for some cash. I would remove the hard drive tho.

>> No.4383963

OP, I was in the same boat as you last year. Forget trying to be self sufficient at this point, starving is a bad fucking idea. I ended up going to a soup kitchen daily after a week. I felt like shit, but at least it's food. I also asked a local deli if they could give me things that were expired and going to be tossed and I ended up getting that and a couple sandwiches from the manager. It was enough to hold me over for over two weeks. Just ask for help, people are nicer than you'd think.

>> No.4383965

>I also asked a local deli if they could give me things that were expired and going to be tossed and I ended up getting that and a couple sandwiches from the manager
I bet you didn't even offer to work a bit for trade. Lazy fucks piss me off.

>> No.4383972



I've used this in times of need...

>> No.4383973

I did, but he ended up just telling me to take it. I was working at this time as well.

>> No.4383976

Also, maybe you should start investing in ramen noodles. lol I know I got like 50 packs of ramen in my kitchen.

>> No.4383980

50 lb. rice
50 lb. beans
hot sauce
onion and garlic powder

Less than $50.

OP spent all his money on games and booze.

>> No.4384001

are you me?

>> No.4384006

We are brothers.

>> No.4384013


>because i've only been eating a meal every 3 days

why do people take nigger troll threads like this seriously? is it because we all started in /b/, where bullshit like this is embraced?

OP has not been eating "one meal a day for 3 fucking days".

OP is a fucking liar.

>> No.4384069

Pour soy sauce into water, mix with kidney beans. Poverty Soup!

>> No.4384239

There is so much hyperbole in posts that I don't even notice it anymore.

It's obviously just a way to garner sympathy and get replies. It may be trolling, but just answer the question, and maybe someone that lurks will learn something.

>> No.4384723

I recommend you use the food you have to seek out more. Food banks, etc. Depending where you live, web search, Salvation Army, Community Center, and Churches can be good starting point.

If you live in the U.S. Second Harvest is your best bet.

>> No.4384733

I guess you could try making refried kidney beans.
>boil beans
>season with parmesan, margarine and spices like thyme or oregano?
>whip it so it's nice and fluffy?
>otherwise you need more than that
to survive for a week
>try the dollar store