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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 560x375, Alinea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4330908 No.4330908 [Reply] [Original]

So I thought I would share a story with you all that happened to me yesterday.

>I'm 18
>Always wanted to become a chef although at times I've lost my love for cooking, but then proceeded to gain it again
>Parents know I would give left nut to become a chef
>yesterday was 18th birthday I get no party no cake at all through out the day
> I'm depressed because I think my parents don't love me anymore
>Turns out they somehow got a reservation at Alinea in Chicago (for those who don't know what Alinea's is, its an amazing restaurant considered the best in the country)
> I'm ecstatic because Alinea is god tier and honestly a personal dream of mine to work at some day
> We go, proceeded to be seated and have some of the best food of my life seriously I honestly am amazed at the skill of Grant Achatz
> Have a great meal with my mom and dad (belief they love me reinstated)
> Then I believe I shit a brick because..wait for it
> I was able to meet Grant Achatz himself he gave me a tour of the kitchen and was kind enough to answer each and every idiotic and simpleton question I had with respect
> In short I had the greatest moment in my entire life

Anyways...thats my story anyone else have something they want to share that was amazing in there life that had any relation to the food industry (cooking etc.)

>> No.4330920

I went to McDonald's today, and because I had to wait for more than 90 seconds after paying for my meal at the drive through, I got a coupon for a free sandwich.


>> No.4330924


10/10 would lol again

>> No.4330928
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I'm very happy for you, OP. I hope you get to work at Alinea someday.

>> No.4330929

I was a cook in a shitty restaurant back in high school
I sliced a little bit of skin on my thumb once and and it started to bleed

that's about it

>Also pressure working is shit so I decided to get an engineer's degree to never have to return work in a kitchen anytime

Anyway don't give up OP, if it's for you, go for it

>> No.4330927


beautiful ;_;

>> No.4330933




I don't think I could ever become an engineer aside from the fact that I suck at anything above geometry but I would be thinking if something I created collapsed at some point O_O

>> No.4330935

I made pulled pork in the crockpot today. It was my first time making it.

Then I made sandwiches with it and some coleslaw. It was pretty good.

But I had to go to the store because I realized I didn't have any buns and that was a pain in the ass.

>> No.4330940

I'm always surprised to find richfags on here, not sure why.
Seems like a pretty neat birthday, what did you have to eat?

>> No.4330944
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I'm that engineer guy, I really hope you get to do what you want OP

>> No.4330948


I'm not even rich..nor is my parents why would you think such a thing?

>> No.4330970

Well you went to a place where I'm assuming the food is pretty expensive. I don't know what the average american lives off but looking at the menu online $210 a head plus drinks would be quite steep for your average Joe. (Yes I understand that it was a special occasion)

I didn't mean to cause offence dude, was the menu you ate the one online currently? Give us details!

>> No.4330988

Op, be very thankful. You have some damn good parents (at least in this instance). Setting something like this up says a lot.

>> No.4330993


Yea no I know what you mean and honestly I didn't want to look at the bill afterwards since it was probably a stretch for my mod and dad (we get by but were not living upscale).

I personally had the Hot Potato Cold Potato it was amazing I mean the hotness (were talking temperature here) combined with the cold potato added this great sensation in the mouth (imagine going into a cool pool then proceeding to jump into a hot tub), not only that but the taste was amazing as well it was creamy but not overly so that it was overpowering. I'm tempted to buy the cookbook <,>

>> No.4331001
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Yes, hi. I'd like to make reservations for two at Dorsia at 7 or 8 o'clock tonight

>> No.4331690

Love cooking, always have. Love eating and cooking.
Can't be real chef because i have many different food allergies

>> No.4331727

That's a beautiful story, OP.

I hope that you get your wish.

Also happy belated birthday!

>> No.4331742

I'm crying crocodile tears of joy, OP!

happy birthday to you!

>> No.4331750

> not falling on your knees to beg based Achatz for a dishwasher position in his restaurant
you dun goof'd, OP

>> No.4331783


Now for your helpful tip:

Write Chef Grant Achatz a nice THANK YOU letter. Tell him about your desire to become a chef, and that meeting him was an inspiration. In the letter, ask him if he has any suggestions on how to work towards accomplishing your dream. Finish the letter by thanking him again for being a part of not only your 18th birthday, but a fantastic life-long memory that you will cherish.

Don't be surprised if he doesn't ask you to come wash dishes at his place so you can start learning the process from the bottom up. Remember, all of the great chefs started at the bottom and EARNED their way to the top.

Just my $.02 worth.

>> No.4331814

Oh this.

This all day, OP.

You should do this.

>> No.4331842

OP is Grant Achatz

>> No.4331846

Quick, erryone write Grant Achatz this very same thank you note.

Confuse the shit outta him!

>> No.4331872

I went to Raymond Blanc's restaraunt/hotel in Somerset. It was fucking amazing and I was in the middle of asking my family how he got the tomato jelly so amazingly full of taste when he appears behind me and runs me through the process.

I was only a commis at the time, and I kept asking these dumb little questions but he was happy I answe them all.

He seemed to like me and out me in touch with a guy he knew from my town, still at that hotel now, working my way up through pastry.

>> No.4331889

>Be me
>Get a stage at WD50
>"hey anon, you're a bit early, wanna come back at 12:30ish?
(it was 10AM)
>Get on >>>/out/ and >>>/vr/ relax for a few hours
>12:30 Go back in, get ready, ultra fucking excited
>"you can leave your stuff in the locker room anon."
>put shit up, take bag out, told i just need mah chef knife and paring knife, put back back in locker room
>"Hey anon, um, just leave your knives there, or put em in your pocket"
... ... ... I'll put em in my pocket i guess, not sure why though.

>> No.4331897

>follow the prep sous chef around, she's the one teaching/telling me what to do today

>sous chef walks down stairs
>"... hey there, Anon was it?"
yeah! I'm happy to be here, ultra excited chef!
>"... yeah."
She trails off else were.
>"Ok anon, first, i want you to peel these. might wanna get gloves their sticky."
Ok! I think i got it,
>Go raw, take knives out of pocket and start peeling away

>> No.4331901

this is common sense you can't buy over the counter, do what anon says, OP

>> No.4331903

>Three hours later, after peeling, cutting, re-peeling for a final touch to make sure their all perfect and white with no spots off at all.
"Its time for family meal anon, head on up stairs and eat."

Stuff down Alpha tier spaghetti, top tier cupcakes, broccoli casserole( the broccoli was blanched clearly and excellently prepared)

Aww sweee! blackdynamite.jpeg

>finish up, finally fucking done with that bullshit.
>"anon, now ya gotta cyro-vac them."
how am i doing? am i not failing, do i not suck? am i alright femnon?
>"You're doing ok, at least you didn't mess up the ingredients, but we'll work on time tommorow."
>feeling pretty good, realize I'm not a total fuck up even though time was flying by, LOVE MY FUCKING STAGE

>> No.4331904
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dat din-din

>> No.4331910
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>> No.4331916

>high five the prep sous
>sous chef walks down
>"Anon, you need to keep a clean workstation, look you got stuff everywhere, clean this up alright?"
(This was prior to the vac, sorry about the story error)
^ after sous walked down, V
>"go get a towel anon."
>leave go get two towels, come back with two standard towels and my face towel from home which i keep in case i have to pick up a huge hot pot or something
>"A-Anon, what is that? here, we have towels take that off."
O-okay chef, i just keep this one in case i need it, i have my two regular towels here.

>clean up area, finish.
Now after i finished all that shit. pick up where i left off after i finished the cryro vac

>> No.4331918
File: 232 KB, 1280x960, Photo132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking walnuts.

>> No.4331922

>"juice these carrots please anon."
You got it!
>takes maybe 45 mintues for me to juice like 15 giant carrots that i chopped up and sliced
>"alright anon, now seal that up, clean up your area and then we'll move on to walnuts."
You got it! let do this!
>Be ultra hyper, and excited, keep working hard tfw time is nothing and i am ROBOT
>"score these for me will you anon?"
>Look at hands, cut myself twice today
>cut myself three more times
;____; why?
>"wow anon, you're just running through bandands, why don't you just have the box?"
>keep working
I finished, we have 98
>"oh good, i thought we didn't even have 50, ok anon, go ahead and wait a sec, I gotta put em in oil."

>> No.4331928

>"anon, you might want to get multiple gloves these are super hot."
>Put on three gloves on each hand,
>She's peeling the walnuts with bare fucking hands
I-I thought i needed gloves?
>"yeah well, i thought you might with all the accidents you've had tonight. I mean just to be safe anon."
>finish up work, sous chef comes down,
>rages on some guy
>he says nothing, stands there and takes it because it was his fuck up after all
>she walks away
>we all begin to finish up, the back of the house begins to clean shit up
>sous chef comes down and glares at me
>"anon, come with me."
Sure chef
>expected to be asked how i liked it, expected to be told i was alright for my first day.

>> No.4331939

>"... anon, i don't think you're taking this seriously."
>"look it took you three hours to peel and cut the *** and you've been fistbumping and high fiving people here, that's completely unprofessional, look at how your sitting now

but chef, i thought... i mean i am serious I'm just sitting like this because i thought you were gonna ask me how my day went and how i liked it here.
>"yeah well, we don't fist bump chefs here anon, we just don't do that, and that face you're making its disrespectful."
my face? I'm just animated chef, i can't help it, i didn't expect to get bombarded like this for no reason, i thought you were gonna ask me how i was and i also thought that i was doing a good job, i'm losing points in class for being here, my GPA is dropping I'm very serious about this stage and i want to be here.
>"well anon, I'll talk to the chef and see what he has to say about it, when i came here i said nothing, keep my head down and didn't ask questions, you've been relaxed all day, and you put your knives in your pocket and even had that weird towel this is a professional kitchen, how old are you again?"
>All of my confusion,
I'm 23, and i had the towel because i keep two regular towels, one for my cutting board which i keep wet, and one to pick up hot things, and the bigger towel is for when i have to move a heavy pot that's hot chef, I'm sorry that I've been really excited about coming here, and femnom told me to put my knives in my pocket!
>"I doubt she'd ever do that, want me to bring her in here? I'm pretty sure she'd never do that. that'd be idiotic."
Yeah bring her in here if you want, why would i do that? she told me to do it, i didn't question her.
>conversation drags on a bit, she says i should come back later, shakes my hand and says she'll see what the chef says
>I finish up, forgot my knives, go back in
>grab knives as sous finishes up
>leaving the kitchen

>> No.4331946

>"Hey anon how'd you like it?"
oh hey bar-bro, um... i don't know if i'll be coming back.
>"what why?"
i was talking to much, and... its a conversation.
>"yeah they tell us to shut up here a lot."
Well, she said i could come back later but, just not tomorrow.
>"Alright well, hope to see ya later anon, sorry."
y-yeah thanks... thanks.
>leave, stand outside. start to walk to train station
>get inside train station, i have no money to take train home.
>Look left, right, no one is around
>hop turn stop
>"Hey chef!"
>ohshit.jpeg cop stops me
>"you got ID on you?"
y-yeah i-i just got off of work and i don't have any money and I'm in college and i didn't mean to, i just want-
>"ID, now son..."
>hand him my ID, he checks it
I'm so sorry, i just need to get home and i'd pay if i could, i just worked all day and i'm not a bad guy i just-
>"you're good... Why don't you come with me."
>suddenly realize shit is going down, I'm gonna miss school tomorrow, gonna get dat 100 fine, I have no money i can't pay it, I've been asking for swipes to get on the train just to come to school for an entire month now.
>suddenly flip shit, and rage
>Rush grab my culinary ID back and rush over the turn stop in one leap
Not today nigga!
>"We got a runner!"

>> No.4331948

A classmate of mine worked in one of Jamie Oliver's restaurant before starting his degree.

After I save enough from engineer work, I'd like to open my own restaurant.

>> No.4331951

>run out of the train station
>Rush around the conner,
>Take of chef hat, sling knife kit to one side of my body, while unbuttoning my chef jacket
>take off jacket and put it in my book bag as i turn the next corner
>no site of anyone behind me, start to turn into a brisk walk
oh shit, oh shit oh shit, I dun fukken goofed!
>turn back pack back around, turn the corner a third time to try and sneak back around full circle
>see bike cops speeding down the street
oh my god...

>> No.4331957

type faster for fuck sakes.

>> No.4331963

>rush into nearest building
>dunken donuts
>it's 12:00AM
>ten cops all buying donuts
>sit down all casual
>wait, wait, wait.
>ten minutes go by
>they finish eating and leave
>one stops by me
>"Hey there, you got ID?"
>"oh yeah? whats your name buddy?"
David poole sir
>"alright, well have you seen a black guy running around with a chef hat on and and chef jacket in the last ten minutes?"
No sir, i came in and just wanted to charge my phone before having a donut.
>"I see, well whatcha got in the bag?"
Just my school stuff.
>"you just get out of school son?"?
>start worry, pretty sure he knows what the fuck is up
>outta fuckin no where
>"Sarg thinks he has em walkin down clinton!"
>"take it easy alright pal? make sure you keep an ID on you from now on!"
>he rushes out,
>i walk back toward the train station in a hurry
>train pulls in instantly
>Go in, see the cop walking by as train pulls off
>He flips shit
>I smile and glare at him
Not today nigga!

>get home, wonder what the fuck happened and why i fucked up so much.
>only take off chef coat and bag
>lay in bed
> spaghetti oozes out of my pockets
The end.

>> No.4331969

cut myself on the fucking mandalin while slicing potatoes yesterday.

The "Bone marrow potatoes" are pretty fucking awesome. that hot potato cold potato sounds amazing though.

Congratulations on such an awesome birthday present OP.

I recommend doing some stage work where ever you can get some.

but make sure you don't have three towels and don't fist bump anybody or talk about how awesome the chef is.


>> No.4332049

Nobody goes there anymore.

>> No.4332060
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I was thrilled and entertained.
Good story.

>> No.4332073

>parents gave me 3000 quid for qualifications
>want PT qualification
>do research, ask tinytrip, apparently it's not worth it
>get catering and bartending courses
>going to do them this summer
>hopefully get a job in second year of uni as bartender/ caterer
>fuck yeah

>> No.4332087
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Pretty much what it would have looked like to someone watching

>> No.4332095

Just called back, they said come back after i have more experience

> (.__. )

more experience,
>the entire point of my going there was to gain experience

Moral of the story:
>don't high five and fist bump people in a professional setting ever, make sure you have bandaids on hand when cutting or just by a kevlar hand mesh glove. And never ever, get caught hopping the train.

>> No.4332106

That's seriously awesome. Did not read thread beyond the OP because I have to leave right now actually, but congratulations and you should go to culinary school m8 good luck with everything and all

>> No.4332128

That's an awesome story. :) Eating at Alinea is on my bucket list. I can't even imagine meeting Grant Achtaz. I think my head would explode. I don't know how many people on /ck/ are familiar with him, but he was diagnosed with oral cancer a few years back and lost his sense of taste for a period during his treatment. The man is basically like the Beethoven of food.

>> No.4332146
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same thing happened to me except it was three years ago when i turned 17 and was at commander's palace in new orleans. one thing i remember was the yes/no system on the kitchen doors. you always go into the one that says yes, and never in the one that says no so the servers don't hit each other.

>> No.4334026

OP, I'm happy for you and all, but which type of Jell-O is that in the pic you posted?