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4291384 No.4291384 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, Master Race Beverages

>Pic Related. The best beer on WINsconsin.

>> No.4291386

>master race anything

Maybe serial killers and bulk commodity cheese.

>> No.4291420
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It's common knowledge that De Molen - Hel & Verdoemenis is the best beer in the world.

>> No.4291424

and the gnueske's bacon and klement's sausages

>> No.4291459

Wisconsin has some pretty shit beer then. Spotted Cow mediocre as fuck. My dad likes it and the only other beer he'll drink is Coors.

>> No.4291470
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> Wisconsin
MNBro here and Surly drinking master race. Learn 2 brew Failconsin

>> No.4291473

ITT: craft beer cancer retards arguing about whose shitty obscure beer is best

>> No.4291476



>> No.4291477

OP detected

>> No.4291478

i don't like beer but hard cider is the shit.

i don't drink it very often though because much like beer it makes me wanna piss every 30 minutes.

>> No.4291482

People who say they don't like beer have mostly only had shitty beer. I used to hate beer, because I had only tried Tuborg and Carlsberg.

>> No.4291492

nah, i just dont like bitter taste in general(some exceptions, for example if you were to describe hummus as bitter, i still like it.).

i also dont drink coffee for the same reason.
corona is suppossed to be one of the least bitter bears and while it's not bad i dont really like it

>> No.4291499

>corona is supposed to be one of the least bitter bears [sic]


>> No.4291500

le typo

>> No.4291504
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>> No.4291508

Try milk stouts or smoked porters. Not all beer is bitter brah

>> No.4291512


I'm sorry I couldn't quote you without including your typo. The other guy is still right. Beer is bitter, but what you're noticing isn't the bitterness per se, it's the lack of other flavors to balance out the bitter taste. Corona has a distinctive "ass" taste that sets it apart from other Mexican beers. Even among macros there are more balanced brews out there (Dos Equis for example). Try a Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout if you can get it. It will be the complete opposite of everything you associate with beer.

>> No.4291513

Corona is an absolutely horrible beer. One of the worst.

>> No.4291515
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>a Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout

i highly doubt that somethnig like this exists where i live, maybe in irish pubs.
i guess if i ever see them selling milk stouts i will give it a shot and if i does not like it i will drink me some shots.

>> No.4291517

I would not suggest he try those, stouts and porters are for beer drinkers who build up to them. I don't think ive ever met someone who currently likes drinking that stuff that could stomach it when they first started drinking beer.

>> No.4291518
File: 90 KB, 800x600, samuel-smiths-imperial-stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout.

That stuff is amazing.

>> No.4291519


It depends on the stout or the porter. I don't agree about smoked anything for someone trying beer for the first time, but it sounds like this guy's issue is with the unbalanced flavors of shitty and possibly skunked beers.

>> No.4291522


Completely different flavor profile, but that stuff is alright.

>> No.4291537
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Step the fuck back

>> No.4291541

Really? I didn't know shit about beer when I turned 21 and didn't really have anyone to suggest stuff so I just bought a bunch of different kinds. Smoked porters and stouts were the ones I enjoyed most.

>> No.4291544

I didn't know that the only master cheese makers in the US made commodity cheese. Oh right, I'm thinking of CA, where they make the shitty cheese

>> No.4291566
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Best whiskey (not just bourbon) for the money. Period.

>> No.4291569

I'm just saying, stouts and porters are very strong.

>> No.4291572

Only master cheese makers in the US.
>Where are Vermont, Washington California, and Oregon, Alex?
You flyover bros are funny.

>> No.4291617

Who won the international cheese festival last year? Oh yes, a cheese from Wisconsin.

>> No.4291623

Wow! One victory! At one competition! With no citations. What an overwhelming mountain of evidence, flyover bro.

>> No.4291663

u dum as hell
Wisconsin makes some god tier cheese. To disregard them is pants on head retarded.
Not even a Wisconsinite.

>> No.4291667

I disregard everything east of the rockies. You gonna cry, flyover bro?

>> No.4291674

>Durr, I can't find the link showing that we won, so i'm gonna go ad hominem!
You sure showed us, flyover bro.

>> No.4291679

Not really. The west coast is a shit hole so you can keep it.

>> No.4291685
File: 322 KB, 1200x1600, B Nektar Zombie Killer Cherry Cyser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate the name, but it's sooo delicious

>> No.4291693

>Higher property values
>Pristine environments
>Actual beaches
>Best agricultural land in the world
>Lower rates of crime
>Lower rates of obesity
>Higher wages
>Actual mountains


>Corn. Lots of fucking corn

Yeah, you're right little fox. The grapes probably are sour, any way.

>> No.4291791

Wisconsin continues to be the largest cheese producer in the United States, making over 600 different cheese varieties.[citation needed] In addition, Wisconsin has more licensed cheesemakers than any other U.S. state. It is also the only state to offer a Master Cheesemaker program, which is patterned on the rigorous standards of similar programs in Europe.
The only master cheese makers in the US are in WI, get fucked.
>Lower rates of crime
Its like you have never heard of CA.
>Best agricultural land in the world
Objectively false
Do you actually have anything to say besides shit ad hominem?

>> No.4291802

Except everything you said is wrong except for the lack of mountains.

>> No.4291813

California is definitely superior in terms of agriculture than the corn & wheat prairies.

>> No.4291814

Nice to know that you retards can't even use google.


tl:dr Wisconsin makes the best cheese in the world.

>> No.4291821

>Best agricultural land in the world
Its like you cant even read what you wrote.
Furthermore that is wrong that it beats the prairies in terms of ag production. You really dont know what you're talking about.

>> No.4291824

I attended that, it was super tasty and I got really drunk.

>> No.4291828

You can't grow anything if you're suffering from droughts one season and torrential blizzards the next, flyover bro.

>> No.4291830

Wow! one link to a shitty blog! And it only took you like an hour to google it, too. You sure showed us!

>> No.4291840

Um, no, It's correct. The midwest is fat as fuck, your lake shores aren't really beaches, none of our rivers have ever caught fire, and the areas with the highest crime in america, are, in fact, in the midwest (Detroit, Chicago, Flint, Gary, Et al). Thanks for playing, flyover bro.

>> No.4291842

That is the Milwaukee journal sentinel you illiterate.
You're the one that will be hurting from that, you cant even feed your cattle, who do you think grows the feed?

Just admit it CA, your total democracy has fucked you for ag taxes which in turn have started to slow production from your state in terms of dairy and production of other products. You are morons and your entire state is now La Raza. I would suggest cleaning up your state before saying that WI is bad (its way better than CA).

>> No.4291844

What is LA.

>> No.4291854

>Right, i mean, it's not like california is famous for agriculture or anything...oh, right. Where did all of you bumpkins run to in the 30's when your poor farming practices turned your land to dust, again? Which state takes their agriculture so seriously that they inspect incoming vehicles? Jesus, it's like you all went to public schools or something.

>> No.4291856
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>> No.4291860

Oh so your entire argument hinges on the premis that during the great depression people moved out west. You are seriously deluded. CA cannot even produce enough feed to keep its herds of cattle alive. Who do you think will be impacted by a drought in the midwest more? The people who only rely on pastures for feeding (wi) or CA which doesnt even have the land required for that so they feed their cows corn. You still dont know what you're talking about.

>> No.4291862

A city with an increasing population and a declining rate of violent crime as opposed to the opposite for midwestern cities? One of the most major cities in the world? Keep trying little fox!

>> No.4291869

Thank you for putting words in my mouth, and for misspelling premise. I'm sorry about the public education, but that's not really my problem. No, my premise is that there is absolutely nothing that the midwest does that the rest of the country doesn't do better. Babby gonna cwy?

>> No.4291871

California has a diversity of high value crops.

The midwest relies on subsidies and the whims of corn and wheat prices.

>> No.4291874

Okay, according to the FBI they include crime committed by Latin Americans in the white crime statics, in the Midwest we have black crime but little Latino crime like the west coast and the south do. However, as soon as you account for this method of counting the west cost is suddenly more crime ridden. Care to try again or are these facts too much for you?

>> No.4291876

>Doesn't know about eastern oregon/washington/california cattle country
Tries to play the "You don't know what you're talking about card". Right. California is so unsuitable for cattle production that they absolutely blow you retards out of the water. Just stop posting, flyover bro. Why doncha grab some nice fried cheese and an extra large coke to calm your nerves?

>> No.4291877

>Implying that anything you posted is factual
>Implying your tiny little mind isn't reeling as you grasp at straws to defend your shitty little state.

>> No.4291880

The midwest is also the backbone of crop. Without those calories there's starvation.

>> No.4291881

>My state/region/etc. is better than yours
>Your state is shit
>You like my state now that I tell you how shit yours is

Oooh! Can we switch to bashing each others continents and/or countries next!? FUCK DAH WORLD (except for the little spot I live on). You guys are pathetic.

>> No.4291888

>This is what monsanto actually expects you to believe
No, actually, i'd rather my tax dollars subsidized local farmers that grew food we were actually supposed to eat.

>> No.4291890

Nice try flyover bro, but no amount of damage control will save you.

>> No.4291902

That's my first post in this thread and I do not live in a flyover state. Coastal.

Have fun arguing with your foxbro.

>> No.4291903

California is a shit tier state to live in unless you're a welfare hippie that praises gangs for "culturally enriching" everyone. (The mountainman hippies all moved to Oregon and Washington.) Say hello to the police officer that executes you in the street and gets a paid vacation for it.

>> No.4291905

>Doesn't think i know how to check for samefag

>> No.4291912

>Shit tier
Right, who needs high-paying jobs in expanding fields, one of the best culinary scenes in the world, some of the most beautiful natural areas on the planet, etc. Yup, the grapes are sour, alright.

>> No.4291910

>being this upset
Must be why everyone flocks to the prairies.

>> No.4291917

>Implying that police brutality is confined to one state.
You don't read much about what goes on in chicago or detroit, do ya? Shit, you don't read much, period. Maybe you should stop samefagging and read a book, or if your terrible climate allows, go outside.

>> No.4291923

California jobs pay high because even a shithole Oakland apartment is absurdly expensive. East coast is better in every way.

>> No.4291929

Jesus christ, this was about beer and cheese until a few butthurt californians had to rage over their insecurities.

Abandon thread. Oh, and California fucking sucks dick. Have fun with your jobless bankrupt hellhole. I have nothing wrong with the rest of the West, only that shit-tier clusterfuck of a state.

>> No.4291930
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stay jelly

>> No.4291932

Samefagging still isn't gonna work, flyover bro.

>> No.4291933

Well, they are better at charging waay too much for shitty apartments. Better at filling their cities with niggers, boricuas and other racial trash too.

>> No.4291934

Debt per capita is higher in North Dakota than California.

>> No.4291937

Right, i mean, the employment rates are SOOOOOO much better in the rust belt. Jesus, is there nothing to do around there but fuck sheep and huff paint? You have to work to get this fucking stupid.

>> No.4291942

I'm okay with my midwest life and beers

>> No.4291952
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>> No.4291955
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This thread!
work at a cheese factory in Stevens Point area here in Wi. north of green bay is very nice very little crime,no negro's,great fishing,camping,hunting also no negro
>>4291470 MN is nice used to live north of the twin cities

>> No.4291959
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, pictures 1 138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race reporting in

>> No.4291967

Does that thing actually eject spent casings?

>> No.4292001

There are casings on nails?

>> No.4292014

>Evan Williams

Oh god, that is just foul.

>> No.4292022

Pretty sure it's a photoshop.

>> No.4292028


How exactly would this work? There is no gunpowder, electricity, or compressed air.

>> No.4292039

Then apparently you didn't do it.

>> No.4292059

North Dakota barely has 700,000 people in it. 3/4 of them are farmers. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.4292062

>how do I check basic stats

>> No.4292069

I dunno, 5.56x45 nail rounds would be pretty awesome.

>> No.4292071


>> No.4292076

>what is debt per capita
You really are stupid, you know that, right?

>> No.4292090

In other words, you haven't looked at any statistics. California's debt per capita is 13,000
North Dakota's is 3,000 something
God damn Californians are dumb as fuck.
North Dakota is rated as one of the best run states in America.

>> No.4292114

>In debt per capita, North Dakota ranks 47th in the nation with $3,181 in debt and liabilities per citizen. Only New Jersey, Hawaii and Connecticut had more debt and liabilities per citizen. According to the report, the state also faces over $4.2 billion in unfunded pension liabilities.

>> No.4292123

Meanwhile California's debt is over $13000 per person and over $37000 per working person. I have no idea how you interpret ND's modest number that way.

>> No.4292128

california pls

>> No.4292145

>Meanwhile California's debt is over $13000 per person and over $37000 per working person. I have no idea how you interpret ND's modest number that way.

>> No.4292220

That's because no one wants to live there, and no one does.

>> No.4292221

It's not hard to run a state when the total population is barely in the triple digits.

>> No.4292246

CA proves that direct democracy is an utter failure. You people cant even make your illegals shut the fuck up about la raza much less actually get out of your crippling debt. The entire state is startlingly retarded with self important morons, a majority of whom aren't even get a degree that isnt womens studies. Best get back to sucking that BBC lest you be called racist.

>> No.4292248

>CA proves that direct democracy is an utter failure. You people cant even make your illegals shut the fuck up about la raza much less actually get out of your crippling debt. The entire state is filled startlingly retarded self important morons, a majority of whom aren't even capable of getting a degree that isnt womens studies. Best get back to sucking that BBC lest you be called racist.
Auto correct is retarded.

>> No.4292279

Then don't compare the two in the first place

>> No.4292407

Our neighbors to the north. Do you idiots seriously think you live in the only arable area of the US?

>> No.4292446

When did anyone ever say that?

>> No.4293412
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Belgen Beer

Common it has a crocodile wearing shades on its bottle.. what isnt more god tier than that..

Actually it was pretty good.

>> No.4293481

I live in a shit hole and its filled with crime but there are plenty of pastures for cattle, farmers dont use them idk why

>> No.4293532
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hell yeah hobgoblin