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File: 33 KB, 726x317, THAT OR THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4283685 No.4283685 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here have a single coffee cup maker?
How is it?

>> No.4283698

I have an aeropress

I like it

It didn't cost $100

>> No.4283712

i really like consistency and i'm sure i would fuck it up my first 100 times.

>> No.4283719

I got a very small press pot that makes one cup at a time. I like it because I usually don't drink more than one cup a day.

>> No.4283728

my problem is that i drink lots of coffee BUT spread out through out the day.

>> No.4283733

For $40 you can get a single serving coffee OR espresso machine, easy to clean, consistent, etc.

>> No.4283735

Why not just reheat it from a pot, then? Sounds like a waste of money.

>> No.4283741
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get something like this

it's all I've used when I don't buy a cup

>> No.4283744
File: 161 KB, 1868x1192, shawarma-sandiche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the oven pot espresso machine?

it's not as dank.

>> No.4283828
File: 193 KB, 390x453, vue_feature_brewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this for Christmas. While not economical at all, it'll make you a whole travel mug's amount of coffee (or any size you want really) in less than 2 minutes. As long as you keep refilling the water, you never have to really wait to long to have a hot cup of coffee.

Convienent as all fuck. Expensive though. Coffee's ok (I'll admit I like regular coffee better). They also sell teas and lattes/espressos, but I dont drink tea often an the esspressos are expensive as all fuck.

In conclusion: buy it if you have a decent paying job. Stick with something cheaper otherwise. Anon out.

>> No.4283833

i love u

>> No.4283835

It's just coffee man.

>> No.4283837
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>> No.4283840

>I have a job at mcdonalds so I can afford a plastic toy that makes bad coffee

Poor people logic.

>> No.4283847

>look everyone, i'm projecting

>> No.4283869
File: 101 KB, 734x560, ss (2013-03-02 at 07.34.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love all the faces in this picture

>> No.4283885

I know I was looking at them all, good stuff.

I like the guy pressing his girl in the front.

>> No.4283890
File: 11 KB, 250x250, gb-moka-pot-250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single coffee cup maker?
You mean a moka pot?
yeah you totally mean a moka pot.

>> No.4283913

>not getting this stuff from drift stores and nice flea markets
Why? Why do people don't do this?

>> No.4283919


Because being able to "afford" a brand new $100 piece of plastic shit is a sign of success in the ghetto, much like wearing a pair of $100 nike shoes with the tags on them, or having hennessy VSOP to mix with your coca cola.

These people don't know anything about what's good, and they don't care. It's a primitive game of one upmanship in their jungle minds. You need the price tag on your ghetto bling to show the other ghetto dwellers that you have the amazing sum of $100 to spend on something at the local mall.

>> No.4283937

>thinks buying a common, inexpensive appliance is a sign of conspicuous consumption

You are really upset about these coffee machines today. What is really on your mind?

>> No.4283946
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So it's not now, then?

>> No.4284006
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I'm a college student who worked a paid internship. Like I said, got it as a present, I didn't really ask for it. Its allowed in the dorm room, I have coffee whenever I want it,I dont care. People need to stop projecting and/or assuming everyone is poor.

I assumed thats what you meant by "single coffee cup maker", so I gave you a legitmate opinion instead of suggesting hipster presses.

>> No.4284019
File: 53 KB, 628x369, 1349658562363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding onto mysef:

If you want a Keurig thats economical, eat a dick because its cheaper to just get a coffee maker. But the ones that use K-Cups instead of the special Vue-cups are much cheaper since you can buy in bulk, theres more variety, and everything else supply and demand affords.

However, I do not know of a K-Cup using Keurig with a resevoir that stays hot like the Vue, so whatever you prefer.

>> No.4284048
File: 41 KB, 480x459, ca phe phin 451493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Pretty good.

>> No.4284794
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my roommate has a keurig but I don't like it, the coffee doesn't taste very flavorful, more like cheep Folgers than anything else, but he is using the pre-packed coffee pods

I keep a small french press at work that works great, makes as much as I need in about 2 min. helps that I have a hot water dispenser though.

>> No.4284798

Aeropress gets my vote for making a cup at a time. I've been using mine almost every morning for a couple of years now.

>> No.4284800


Dude. No.

>> No.4284801

I have a stove top moka pot thing and it works fine, I don't need to buy coffee in a pod or whatever.
If anything get a cheap espresso machine, slightly more cleaning and effort but you have more control over the final drink you get out of it.

>> No.4284803


If you're enjoying a single-cup, go all the way and get yourself a french press. It's god-tier coffee.

>> No.4284806

>Anyone here have a single coffee cup maker?


I've got one of these: >>4283741

Which is awesome, and easy to use.

Next to that I have my Vietnamese coffee maker, as in this post: >>4284048

It takes a bit of getting used to in order to make a good cup of coffee, but it generally works well.

Overall, however, I have a couple of different french presses, as in this post: >>4284794

I have a small (1.5-2 cups) french press, and a full sized one (like in the picture). Without a doubt, a French press is the best way to brew basic coffee at home - there is really no question about it.

Buy a French press, and learn how to use it (it isn't really that difficult, but many people mess up simple things).

>> No.4284807


I also use a bodum with a hot water dispenser (asian family; they use it for tea and coffee mostly, it's really useful). Seems like the best value for single cups -- not too expensive, easy to clean/use, coffee tastes nice.

>> No.4284809


Get out.

>> No.4284812


Do you use ground coffee or what?

These are pretty cheap, how have I never heard of this?

>> No.4284814

>Why not just reheat it from a pot, then?

Don't you mean: why not just buy instant coffee?

At least you can't really burn that shit...

>> No.4284815

If you're lazy, you can just put a spoon of coffee in a big mug, pour boiling water and wait a bit. The coffee will stick in the bottom of the mug. The coffee is just as good as with other methods, but it's quicker and extracts more caffeine.

>> No.4284842


thats the principal behind a french press, it just strains out all the coffee grounds so you don't get a mouth full of them

can also replace the water with some good whiskey and let it sit overnight for the best Irish coffee you have ever had

>> No.4284861

I got a Keurig for Christmas. I've enjoyed it since I've gotten it, have only had to really clean it once (takes 10 minutes). The quick convenience of the k cups is nice if you're busy (I work as a nanny, so I need mine quick before I leave for work). If you want easily accessible coffee for what seems to be a pretty reasonable price, go for it. Look for k cups on sale and variety packs until you find one you like. Then stock that and buy more varieties to expand your selection.

>> No.4284898
File: 45 KB, 400x458, the-best-thermal-carafe-coffee-maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will coffee taste like shit if you just let it sit for a few hours in a thermal carafe?

>> No.4284908
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>single coffee cup maker

>> No.4284920

Buy a french press. Costs $20 bucks and its piss easy to use.

1. Add coffee grounds
2. Add almost boiling water
3. Wait 4 minutes
4. Push the plunger and pour

holy fuck that was hard

>> No.4284923

I thought it was going to be the perfect xmas gift but she got one for herself before then.
And she loves it, damn it.

>> No.4284930

Why even bother with a french press? Why not bowl water, put the coffee in the pot of boiled water off the burner, wait however long, then strain the beans out? Why buy a device for it when you don't really need one?

>> No.4284953

Can anyone suggest a grinder for a french press? I bought a cheap hamilton beach blade grinder find that it doesn't really work well. I get muddiness at the bottom of my plate and some grounds get through the press.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
1. Grind the beans on the coarse setting
2. Start almost boiling water in a tea pot
3. Add water + ground coffee into press, stirring lightly.
4. Wait 5 mins
5. Push the plunger

I'm using the 20 dollar 8 cup bodum plastic press.

>> No.4285028

I have a keurig one cup which i got for free. I have the reuseable filter so i can use my own coffee. Would I buy one? No. Shit's convenient though.

>> No.4287063

Waste of money.

>> No.4287303

>single cup coffee maker
lel...just use a french press, plebs.

>> No.4287308

You can't afford a Keurig, sounds like you are the pleb.

>> No.4287316


>Thinking that a cheap coffee maker with overpriced, prepacked coffee, could ever be as good as a proper French Press.

Yeah, stay pleb.

>> No.4287334


>> No.4287342


>comparing your overpriced shit coffee to the god tier french press


>> No.4287343

Keurigs are pretty baller... at work. Would I buy one for home? Fuck no. If you really only drink one cup and you live alone/don't have guests, get a french press or aeropress. Otherwise get a regular drip machine like a normal person.

>> No.4287348

haha no, my grinder alone probably costs three times more than your piece of shit, plastic, powdered milk and instant coffee hydrator.

>> No.4287352
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forgot my reaction image

>> No.4287350


We have one at work, and I bought a V60 so I wouldn't have to drink that crap.

Get better taste buds.

>> No.4287361
File: 43 KB, 700x500, burr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my grinder alone probably costs three times more than your piece of shit

Are you talking burr grinder?

If so, then you just brought this thread an entire 6 notches up from what it began as.

>If you don't have a burr grinder, then neither one of us know what you are talking about.

>> No.4287369


what other grinders are there? come on.

>> No.4287371

do they even make expensive non-burr grinders?

>> No.4287398

Can you get non-stovetop versions of those?
I'd love to have one for work but I can't put a stove or anything in my office obviously.

>> No.4287402

can you put a hotplate?
a moka makes really good coffee in my opinion

>> No.4287405
File: 12 KB, 240x160, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey burr grinder friends, i have a question for you. I have never really heard of a burr grinder before, but from what i can gather, it seems to be a larger peppercorn grinder. do you think it would possible to grind other materials, more specifically a dry grass about as strong as young bamboo like this picture?

>> No.4287424

>what other grinders are there? come on.

There are cheap grinders, which, when you buy decent coffee and use a basic French Press, are leagues beyond using the prepacked, single serving, overpriced shit that OP and most people in this thread are talking about.

>do they even make expensive non-burr grinders?

Not that I am aware of.

If you actually care about coffee and are willing to invest, then I would say buy a French Press. If you are really serious, then research and buy a burr grinder. If you want to make espresso, and have the money, then look into a decent espresso machine (but that's an entirely different story). In any case, a $20 grinder with good coffee made properly in a $20 French Press is always going to be better than a single cup of prepackaged ground coffee in a $100 machine. There is no question about it. If you are lazy and have money to throw away - and don't really care about drinking somewhat decent coffee, then go ahead and buy a cheap, yet overpriced, machine. In either case, it is pretty much the same amount of effort to make a single cup, as in OP's question. The only difference is spending much more for an inferior cup of coffee.

>> No.4287459

If you never want to use your burr grinder for coffee.

>> No.4287467

yeah no it would be dedicated to the grass

>> No.4287468

imo moka pot coffee tastes oddly metallic. I may just be burning it though

>> No.4287470


I don't know what "dry grass" you are referring to, but I've never encountered anything other than coffee that it makes sense to use a burr grinder for.

A cheap coffee grinder will be perfectly adequate for any dried herb/spices you could possibly need to grind. Coffee is different.

>> No.4287500

its switchgrass and i want to find a good way to grind it on the cheap. i want to grind it and compress it to make pellets to burn. i have tried a blade coffee grinder, a blender, food processor, and a mortar and pestle. the mortar and pestle worked but it takes a long time. right now i think i am going to try to run it through a mulcher and then through a burr grinder

>> No.4287512

Got a Keurig because my SO worked for them for a bit. It kind of blows, honestly. I use it mostly for heated water for making teas-we ran out of the coffee it came with, and it wasn't actually good enough to warrant buying more. I'd say just buy one of those coffeemakers that brews traditionally, but it DISPENSES when you push a button or whatever. Same convenience, cheaper, can customize how strong you want your coffee, etc.
Oh yeah and we got a complimentary thing that you stick your own grounds in so that you don't have to use the K Cup, but it's a big fucking mess and not really worth using.

>> No.4287523


I'm really not familiar with switchgrass, and am curious about what you intend to do with it.

In any case, if you want to ultimately put it into pellets, and do so on the cheap, then I'm sure there are much better options out there than using a burr grinder.

I don't really know exactly what to recommend, but I would suggest looking into used, industrial (i.e. restaurant) quality food processors and the like.

If everything you've tried hasn't worked, then I can only imagine that you are trying to grind up some pretty fibrous shit.

Burr grinders are expensive because they are designed to give you a very consistent grind, which allows for a very consistent extraction (assuming you know how to actually make coffee, and you are grinding it to the appropriate size).

All in all, I think you would be throwing money away on buying a burr grinder for anything other than coffee. I can guarantee that it isn't the cheapest option available to you, but someone else might need to chime in and tell you if it would actually do the job in the first place.

>> No.4287544

Yeah dude, you're just wrong about this. Keurig is garbage. French press is the way to go.

>> No.4287546

mine puts out pretty decent coffee. it's just a shame you have to throw it out and get a new one after every cup

>> No.4287619

yeah no you are probably right. and its nothing exciting i am working on my senior design project. we wanted to make a device to extrude pellets that could be used in a coal boiler. we chose switchgrass because my college got a grant to grow the stuff, so it was available. so now we have a bunch of switchgrass (and a bunch of broken kitchen equipment) and the daunting task of grinding it. i think i am going to try it in one of those disposable salt grinders next and if all else fails just use the mortar and pestle