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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 448x377, WF-PETEYS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4273966 No.4273966 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make the perfect hamburger patty?

>> No.4273979

what type of meat you using?

I'd recommend just making sure the patty is even, the shape you want, and is thoroughly cooked.

>> No.4274004

Well... What type of meat SHOULD I be using?

>> No.4274005
File: 13 KB, 300x300, american-metalcraft-ahm485-cast-aluminum-hamburger-press-4-1-2-diameter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You would, you community college, culinary freshmen.


The key, is to use a mold so they all cook and weigh the same. You will also, avoid overworking the meat, contamination and the heat from your hands.

>> No.4274008

Follow this advice and enjoy a shitty overcooked burger.
Might as well go to five guys.

>> No.4274015

Should you also put a dimple in the middle of the paddy?

>> No.4274023

only if youre a huge faggot like Bobby Flay

>> No.4274024

>overworking the meat

Oh fuck, is this what I've been doing wrong? I straight up tore and crushed the ground meat into a patty so it wouldn't fall apart on the pan, I thought that's what you're supposed to do.

>> No.4274034

It really depends on the quality of the ground meat you've got.

>> No.4274037


NOOOOOOOO...that makes it really tough and all the meat fibers get all bound up like rubber bands. You need to have some air and fat pockets in the patty so the juices from the meat and the melting fat say in side of the seared burger.

>> No.4274047

I've done it a few times with ground sirloin

Shit, that's exactly how it is...

>> No.4274057

i dont
tastes better

>> No.4274066


>> No.4274071

> being this anal about hamburgers

put ground chuck/sirloin in ball
cook to desired amount

Hamburger patties benefit from simplicity.

Toppings are a different story.

>> No.4274077


It's also very important to keep everything that comes in contact with the meat and the meat itself very cold until you're ready to put it in the hot pan. If you are going to touch the meat with your hands to make the patties (nasty fucker) keep a bowl of ice water next to you and dip your hands in it before you touch the meat...this way it won't stick to you and it will somewhat help to not melt the fat from the heat of your dirty little paws.

>> No.4274091

Just beef mince/ground beef and salt. Maybe ground peppercorn and/or caramelised onion, but neither is necessary.
Measure your beef for the amount appropriate for the burger size you wanna make; 2-4oz (60-120g) is standard in North America but 100g is common in the EU.
Roll into ball.
Flatten into a disc of your preferred thickness.
Grill or griddle to just under desired doneness, flip and cook the other side similarly.
Rest it a minute then build your sandwich on your choice of bread or grain product with the patty and your choice of toppings and condiments.
I prefer brioche with mayonnaise and the patty topped with bits of chopped bacon and mushrooms sautéed in the bacon render encased onto the patty with a layer of easy-melting cheese, but I usually just build my burgers on American bread, usually potato, with American cheese.

>> No.4274097


>ground sirloin

This is not an ideal cut, generally it's too lean to make a good burger. I use, 25% short ribs, 50% chuck and 25% round and usually get about 23-17% fat content with this mix.

>inb4 omg too complicated

Any good butcher will just grind them all together for you...FREE.

>> No.4274111

Ahh, I wish there was a place near me that made brioche. Oh well, at least we have some insane pretzel bread. Preztel bread, dry jack, whole grain mustard, LTO.

What the fuck is American bread? Are you talking about that bleached rectangular flavor-dead muffin you can buy for 60 cents?

>> No.4274161
File: 216 KB, 800x600, pane americano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking it up, turns out to be an English invention. Anyway, pic related: this stuff.

>> No.4274162


>merican bread
>merican cheese


>> No.4274167


>eaten from the dawn of man
>oldest culinary invention

~English invention~

what in the hell is the matter with you son?

>> No.4274171

Brits think they invented everything, true story.

>> No.4274177

He meant shitty pullman loafs or whatever the fuck those are.

>> No.4274182

This type of bread is an English invention. You can go from dry ingredients to baked yeast bread in a total of 3 hours, which is really fast in comparison to bread where I'm from, which takes at least 12.
Of course, soda bread and potash bread take considerably less time, but those are not made from yeast.

I think it's called Chorliwood bread or something like that.

I think American cheese works well with it. It melts quite readily. We don't have any cheeses of similar texture where I'm from. Melting cheeses are far more stringy and other cheeses are too firm. American cheese, I think, is perfect for this sort of thing. Not something I'd enjoy on a cold sandwich, mind you, but it goes well on hamburgers.

>> No.4274186

No, you're thinking Greeks and Chinese. The Chinese even think they invented fucking pizza and the Greeks think they invented orange juice. Fucking Greeks.

>> No.4274199
File: 618 KB, 1600x1200, Laugenbrötli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretzel bread
Pic related? If so, love the fuck out of this, but haven't had it in years. Where my cousins live, it's super common so much so, in fact, that Starbucks sells sandwiches with this as the base.

>> No.4274202

Ours is darker and has caraway seed, and is the size of a large burger bun. A local grocer carries it, but it's almost always sold out, and relatively expensive when it's not.

>> No.4274215

Sounds good! I love caraway, especially in bread. It would be called kümmelbröt or kümmelbrötli where my cousins live. Where I'm from, we don't have caraway. I don't even know how to say it in Italian.

>> No.4274231

b-but i like 5 guys

>> No.4274240

When I went to Five Guys, my burger was juicy and awesome. Thick as fuck too.

>> No.4274244


Your really going to need to step up your...what shit actually taste good, game; if you want to stick around here.

>> No.4274247

It was joocy from the condiments not from the meat. That is their trick.

>> No.4274250


>five guys

lol....no it wasn't

>> No.4274251


I'd like to see the five guys you go to.

I enjoy 5guys, but because i can stack a ridiculous amount of toppings on it, and not because the burger in particular is good. Also I love those fries.

>> No.4274411

awwww sheeeayt
I haven't seen any of this stuff since I left Europe. You just gave me a sad.

>> No.4274416

Not perfect, but personally, I like to mix up my beef with Sriracha, Old Bay, Worcestershire, Garlic and sometimes a little diced onion.

>> No.4274424

ultimate patty:

1/2 80/20 ground beef
1/2 ground bacon
sharp cheddar
diced raw onion/jalapeno
garlic powder


>> No.4274437


Does that thing really work? Or does the patty still puff up in the middle and get all fat like an American?

>> No.4274441

We said hamburgers, not meat loaf you fucking sicko.

>> No.4274451

I dice up some red onion finely, season it with a bit of pepper, salt, and paprika, mince it all together (gently, mind you) and slather a mixture of Dijon, Worcestershire, and whiskey on it while i cook it (either over a grill or in a frying pan in bacon fat).

>> No.4274458

Used to use just beef. Little fresh ground pepper and be done. Now I add a finely diced small onion.

>> No.4274464

>1/2 80/20 ground beef
>1/2 ground bacon

haha...NO your ratio is all fucked up, it would be way too fatty...fatty.

>> No.4274465

You're right. You were there and ate my burger. I'm such a fool.
Naa nigga. The burger itself was pretty great. The fact that they used fresh jalapenos rather than pickled on my burger also added to it's greatness
Move to MN

>> No.4274466

Pretty much this. People way overthink burgers and are surprisingly pretentious about it.

Best to buy some meat of your choice at a butcher/grocery store and grind it, then form it into a patty. I don't think you need to form a dimple, the bending people talk about usually only happens to burgers you could the shit out of anyway.

You can season the meat beforehand but I usually season a burger like you'd season a steak, with a good amount of salt right before you put it on the grill/flattop/whatever. Sear it on one side, flip and sear on the other. I like mine medium rare but I don't flip out if someone eats theirs well.

It's certainly safer to grind the meat yourself if you want to rock the med rare burger, but I've never gotten sick from storebought ground.

>Toppings are a different story.
So true. I loves me some aged cheddar on a burger, although I can never say no to mashed avocado, but there are a million more creative things to do.

>> No.4274467

Aw shit. That last one was supposed to go to>>4274251
I'm drunk.

>> No.4274476


you clearly have never done this

>> No.4274479

holy shit if you dont want it to puff up in the middle, but an indentation in the middle with your goddamn thumb. how hard is this?

and what the fuck makes you think that a patty made by that would be any less likely to puff up than one made by hand?

but yes, the device works. completely worthless though unless you're a perfectionist.

>> No.4274480


If you actually did this, you would have clearly had a burger dripping in fat with a center of unrendered gross bacon fat.

>> No.4274483

use cold meat
put into pan over heat
salt top side a little

>> No.4274491

Depends on his cut of bacon. Not all bacon is 90/10 fat to meat.

>> No.4274498

Take the egg out of the patty, fry it, and use it as a topping.

>> No.4274502

I'd rather add bacon on top of the burger. I really like that crunch.

>> No.4274507

Mmm...Seconded. I love a fried egg on top of bacon, cheese and onions for breakfast after a night of drinking.

>> No.4274516


Well if it's that nasty euro bacon that's actually ham...maybe; but there's no way that you could do this with actual American bacon.

>> No.4274532

>Doesn't actually know about "european" bacon, makes assumptions anyway.
You do realize that it's not all the same country and they do have different cultures and cuisines, right? Did you go to public schools or did you have to put efforts into being this ignorant?

>> No.4274618


look I get it, you're jelly of my freedom. Although, you all pretty much the same, you use the same gay money, you're all far more effeminate then normal dudes, you all speak some form of faggit and you call ham bacon.

>> No.4274632
File: 230 KB, 1024x1325, 13055884647260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>continues to refer to England as "europe"

>> No.4274635

>you use the same gay money
> pound sterling, faggot

>> No.4274643

TFW I'm swiss and I can own firearms you can't. Stay poor, fat, sick, and jelly amerifats.

>> No.4274649


You cawk knockers aren't even in euro, you live on some stupid island with a mysterious tooth decay disease off the coast.

Also, why the hell are you even in a merican' cuisine thread ?

>> No.4274653

Yup, that's an american name alright.

>> No.4274654
File: 59 KB, 311x311, 1307117803448f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>euro bacon

What you are referring to is both there and here, as well as Canada, and probably nearly everywhere else for that matter. They also have the bacon you are used to because I've been there and had it too.

>my freedom
>mfw you actually think they live with less FREEDUMBHURR than we do

>> No.4274657


Thanks for the coco, chocolate girl but per capita we still have more gun owners and guns in general.

>> No.4274665

What canton? My mom's from Zug and Zurich (raised in one, lived in the other). You're not Romand, are you?

>> No.4274666

>per capita we still have more gun owners and guns in general
Is that supposed to be a good thing? Gotta be great living in a country where you can legally own guns but don't have to worry about every other idiot having one.

>> No.4274672


>have the bacon you are used to

NOPE, I've see that Hugh hippie guy on animal planet and every time he starts talking about bacon he pulls out that euro crap. I'm NOOOOO what are you doing, that's frigging HAM...you idiot.

>> No.4274675

>England was not mentioned once in that string of quotes

you English are retarded and make the rest of Europe look bad.

>> No.4274676


Right, but the difference is that we don't have school shootings or armed niggers in every single city. In fact, we're one of the safest, freest (in terms of constitutional rights and freedom of the press) countries in the world. I'm sorry to hear that you suffer from gender identity issues as well, but projecting your insecurities onto others is simply not healthy or constructive.

>> No.4274680
File: 160 KB, 320x320, worf-and-troi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that I was swiss. I am a proud amerifat but northern europe is so wonderfully rational.

>> No.4274686


>'Northern' Europe

I agree that they're rational but they're not really that far North.

>> No.4274687

Nope, half-italian from Lucerne in Uri.

>> No.4274692

You probably still wear an orange triangle when crossing the street, SwissFriend.

>to non-Swiss, this implies s/he's a little kid

>> No.4274694
File: 13 KB, 207x138, 3224599576_407813e306_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not really a fair analysis. You little country is more one of our states. We have states here in the US where no school shootings occur and everyone is nice and well off.

We also have the south which is full of idiot hicks and some truly foul cities.

Crime is down in all of them though and things are on the mend.

>> No.4274701

Then that's what he prefers. One guy. They still have both in most if not all euro countries. I can guarantee it for the ones I've been to.

>> No.4274706




>> No.4274708
File: 29 KB, 359x96, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my continent could beat up your dad!

captcha so funneh

>> No.4274710

You know your Swiss if you have to explain to Americans that you are NOT a Swede. Seriously, why do you guys get Swiss and Swede confused?

HA! I was born and raised in Italy! Not a Swiss citizen, myself, though, but my mom is.

>> No.4274712

>know your Swiss
>know you'RE Swiss

>> No.4274714
File: 79 KB, 676x723, 1332616660262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is switzerland not in northern europe? Or are you saying you are not rational like the swedes ?

>> No.4274721


wait, so what are they called then swissese, swissican, swisstities?

>> No.4274723

The Swiss are just...kinda odd. We're in Central Europe btw, come out and visit us sometime, you might just like it.

>> No.4274724

Not in northern Europe. It's west-central.

See that country that juts out at the bottom left of the red nations in the map there? That's Switzerland. I think Danmark is the southernmost country of northern Europe.

>> No.4274726

It's located south of Germany and north of Italy. It's either central or even southern Europe.

>> No.4274729
File: 66 KB, 775x375, menu-burgers-50-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, they had to cook the living shit out of it, to get that uncooked bacon fat in the center....dumb idea....shitty burger; just use less bacon ass hat.

>> No.4274730
File: 58 KB, 600x511, 1344478157375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord help me I have always thought Switzerland was a scando country.
Sorry little swissies. I am an idiot.

The brutal truth is that I am better at geography than the average american.
We are good at some stuff but god help us we just are not taught geography well at all.

>> No.4274746

It's fine. Swiss are used to it. Happens all the time.
Other things Swiss are used to:

paying retardedly high prices for everything
getting stopped at the border re-entering Switzerland, getting checked that you're not smuggling foreign groceries (seriously, lotsa Swiss near the borders with other countries shop abroad and drive home with the stuff because stuff in Swiss groceries are 2-3× higher than in neighbouring nations)
wearing kinderüberwurf when you're a kid
getting subtitled on German and Austrian television cuz Swiss German as so different from Standard German
having to explain to foreigners who ask questions about Switzerland by stating "Well, it's different for each canton, so..."

Switzerland can technically be seen as a bunch of heavily interconnected micronations since legality, language and custom will vary so heavily canton to canton.

You should visit.

>> No.4274748


haha you faggots are just as irresponsible with firearms as we are, now get off your damn high horse and go yodel at some yogurt.


>> No.4274755

Um no, that's one workplace shooting in a year. As in, an isolated incident where three people died. As opposed to a pattern of school shootings and inner city violence. Thanks for playing, but you're bringing a toothpick to a knife fight. The sooner you realize that America isn't the great country it used to be, the better your life will be. Now get off your high horse and stop feeding this bullshit american exceptionalism.

>> No.4274757


again, you've clearly never had this/done this before

>> No.4274766


Look you bastard, I didn't ever think I would have to say this but....that's too much bacon. God dammit, are you happy now you just made me say the arguably the most perfect food which can be added in vast quantities to almost anything, actually has a limit.

>> No.4274773


If you didn't live in the mountains with your goats yodeling, making yogurt and putting holes in cheese; you all would be blasting each other just as much as we do. But when your nearest neighbor is out of range it's a little tough to rampage.

>> No.4274774

But we have over 300 million people. Statistically less people die in mass shootings here than in say Norway.
We are a violent people but less so every year.

>> No.4274776

Oh how cute, the americans are trying to be witty again.

>> No.4274800


just fucking try it before you knock it holy shit

>> No.4274805

thanks europoors for ruining another American food thread.

>> No.4274823

And yet, we still have a AAA credit rating and make more hourly than you, get a month off every year and pay very little for healthcare. Please, call us poor again, it's so very funny. You're right little fox, the grapes are probably sour.

>> No.4274830


How many time do I have to tell you that you CAN NOT put 50% bacon in a GD patty. The physics of burgers will not allow it. Even on the off chance that you were able to defy all the known laws of burger making; they are there for a reason....so that you don't make shitty fat dripping lard-ass burgers that don't taste good and have a crap ass mouth feel from the raw bacon fat. There is no way that you could cook a burger with that much gross fat into to a perfect med-rare because it would taste like shit. Now I want you to think about all of this long and hard when you get some time off from chugging on monkey cawks.

>> No.4274840

not the same guy but two things
1 coulndt you par cook the bacon?
2 I like my bacon very rare. I hate crispy bacon where the fat is rendered out. I have eaten bacon raw and its very tasty.

>> No.4274863

>coulndt you par cook the bacon?

that's not a realistic solution:
1. If you rendered the fat out it would take a shit load of bacon to get to a 50/50 ratio.

2. If you going to cook it anyway, just put it on top

3. if you try to put cooked bacon through a meat grinder, it will never make a nice patty

4. this is stupid, just use less bacon asshole.

>I have eaten bacon raw
>its very tasty

bro, you have issues and that's not really healthy.

>> No.4274875


>sees a post about half bacon half ground beef burger
>has never tasted this before. definitely has never cooked one himself
>denies any possibility that this could work, even though there is successful business doing this exact thing
>cannot imagine something so beautiful
>gets super butthurt

i dont remember where I was going with this but you are a fucking retard. get your shit together.

you can add egg/bread crumb so that it sticks together
you can use the less fatty parts of bacon

I don't understand all of your butthurt

>> No.4274878

Ok, how do I keep a patty flat? Wanted to make some sliders without them being super thick, meat shrinks up. HOW STAY FLAT?

>> No.4274887

I assure you I contributed greatly to it, and I'm American.

I do not like us.

>> No.4274909


>finds some bullshit gimmick on the web
>located hipster joint capitalizing on it
>thinks it must be real
>doesn't understand burger science
>has no clue how it's actually done
>can't prove they actually put "50%" real bacon in
>delusional about the idea
>needs to stuff bacon down gullet at all cost
>zero comprehension of what a sloppy, fatty mess this would be
>nothing better to do than argue on 4chin
>starts to back track with additives
>making confessions of bacon abuse

Get the fuck over it, 50/50 would be so friggin gross and fatty not even merican's would eat that shit. If you added other shit like eggs and bread crumbs then it wouldn't be 50*/50 would it faggit? If you start taking selective cuts off the bacon, are you really using "bacon" or just another cured part of the pig?

>> No.4274912
File: 81 KB, 640x480, wcc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


white castle method.

>> No.4274913


>> No.4274914

>mixing salt into the ground beef

No. Never ever ever do this, it destroys the burgers. The salt breaks down proteins in the meat, and the denatured protein segments will crosslink with each other, leading to an overly tough, dense, compact burger. Sausage makers season their meat before grinding precisely because they want to achieve this effect. As a burger maker, you do not want your burgers to have the texture of sausages. Just season the outside of the burger with salt and pepper immediately before you begin to cook.

>> No.4274916

Make an indentation in the middle of the patty, when it's done cooking it will end up flat.

>> No.4274952

Hey, guess what? I just added salt to fresh ground beef, griddled it and topped it with sautéed mushroom and American cheese. It wasn't tough at all. Either I have a magical kitchen or you're bullshitting.

>> No.4274958
File: 28 KB, 620x415, babbyfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mock whities made with babby food are good

>> No.4274964

forgot link

>> No.4274965

Try it without mixing the salt in and see the difference.

>> No.4274971

You're retarded for implying he's bullshitting. It's a very well-known fact.

>> No.4274978

white castles gross,
The cosy inn makes a far better slider

>> No.4274981

Samefag. Also, just did; you know what the difference was? One wasn't as flavourful. That's what the difference was.

>> No.4274991

What do you think of Inn and Out? I think it's pretty good, or at least better than McDonalds etc, but my stomach can't keep down the old mayo sauce they use or w/e, so I just order it without that.

>> No.4275000

It's as good as Nifty Fifty's with a much larger geographical range.

>> No.4275056



Welcome to food science 101

>> No.4275275
File: 832 KB, 1500x1138, euro burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eiro burger

>> No.4275276


>> No.4275286
File: 101 KB, 640x480, Picture 304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in the better hemisphere...

>> No.4275298

uh, large greasy fries, sloppy burger covered in some sort of cheese, and two small powdered pastries that looks like one of them is filled with grape jam.

Nothing unique there.

>> No.4275306
File: 231 KB, 640x427, ballarat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are chips with chicken salt

That burger is AMAZING

Those doughnuts are strawberry jam filled

>> No.4275315

>the entire population on England who can afford food gather at the only restaurant left standing since the police started shooting people at the daily riots

>> No.4275333

Well the filename says ballarat, and that is in Australia, also ironically all the people in the picture are fat and the er...food trailer..is being pulled by a shitty, dirty work truck.

>> No.4275379

I also see a black or blue Commodore

>> No.4275665

Helps bind the meat together if your mix isn't fatty enough.

>> No.4275674

Mandatory service, everyone who serve in army gets to keep Sig AR. More trained and skilled gun owners. :/

>> No.4275675

Still in debt more than GDP, on the mend?

>> No.4275676

90% Sirloin
10% Ox tail

>> No.4276356


we'll see how you fare when everyone starts jumping out of the sinking ship you call the euro.

>> No.4276366
File: 118 KB, 614x604, dsc005951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merica here to save the day

>> No.4276400

>Implying switzerland is part of the Euro.
What the fuck do they actually teach in american schools? You have to work to be this ignorant.

>> No.4276414

You're joking, right? Half the fucking threads on this board are about McDonalds.

>> No.4276419

They think the world is divided up into 'murikkka and Yuroope.

It's quite sad, but you can't blame them... their media, education, parents, peers, etc. help propagate nationalist ignorance under the guise of patriotism.

>> No.4276422


No offense man, Switzerland is my favorite country in the world, but it's not particularly significant in the scheme of things, and aside from western europe, the easy majority of the world probably couldn't even point to it on a map in the same way most couldn't point to Pennsylvania on a map.

>> No.4276425

>the easy majority of the world probably couldn't even point to it on a map

Sorry bro, not everyone is stupid like you.

>> No.4276428

>but it's not particularly significant in the scheme of things
...not sure if serious.

>> No.4276429

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.4276438

Yes it does. You make it seem like Americans can't find Switzerland on the map or understand that it isn't part of the Euro Zone.

Not everyone is stupid here, but you think that because you are ignorant the rest of the world suddenly shares your lack of knowledge.

And don't fucking compare PA to Switzerland lol

>> No.4276443

No it doesn't, you're getting way to defensive. I'm the only one here that's bothering to be honest with you.

>> No.4276447

>I'm the only one here that's bothering to be honest with you.
No, you are the only one who fell asleep in school and apparently knows nothing about the rest of the world.

At least be brave enough to stand by your ignorance, don't try to drag the rest of the world into it.

>> No.4276449

Again, doesn't make any sense. Stop projecting what you want to be true, it only makes what you claim looks like it applies to you.

>> No.4276454


it's okay. you know, others know, some don't. get back on topic.

flash broiled chicken filet makes the best patty.

>> No.4276457


Yeah, I went there once and I thought it was going to be all blond farm girls singing silly songs and handing me coco. Instead, it was just a bunch of really suck up euro trash with a hint of gay everywhere, srs'ly you guys are worse than the French.

>> No.4276463


I'm not sure if that really qualifies as a patty

>> No.4276479

>let's come up with a dish
>let's make a requirement that the dish has to consist of meat of undiscernible origin that has been processed up the ass
>god bless amurica.

>> No.4276495

A mix of minced Beef brisket & neck with pork fat, onion powder, garlic powder, sauteed onion, smoked paprika, white pepper, sea salt, egg, chopped parsley

>> No.4276500

>indiscernible origin

Not to say you can't have patties of other meats, but that's clearly what that guy was implying, and what OP is looking for as well.

inb4 MUH HORSE MEAT, that was the UK anyways, and realistically not the highest quality so called beef you could buy.

>> No.4276502


congratulations, you just made sausage.

>> No.4276527

Lots of people use "Sausage meat" to make burgers. That being said, I didn't mention stuffing it into intestinal lining and this isn't a sausage thread.
>congratulations, you just associated a burger recipe with something penis shaped.

>> No.4277454

damn that looks good

>> No.4277457

Cheap meat, egg, fat, maybe some cereal.

>> No.4280339

Fuck, that looks good.