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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4272240 No.4272240 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck do you do with nutmeg? i have a whole container of this shit just wasting on my shelf...i think i bought it to sprinkle on some egg nog, but that was around x-mas time. what do people do with this shit?

>inb4 get high with it

>> No.4272243

Baking, sauces.

>> No.4272244

Sprinkle it on stuff during the holiday season, especially sweet things or eggnog

>> No.4272259

Beef Patitsio, Squash, Pumpkin Pie, Desserts like carrot cake, gingerbread, or snaps.

>> No.4272275

I wonder can you use it in any savory dishes...I use a little bit when I'm making pastries, haven't really thought of using it in other dishes...

>> No.4272281

Nutmeg compliments goat cheese wonderfully

>> No.4272286

smoke that shit 420 blaze it faggot

but real talk, I put a bit in my oatmeal every morning.

>> No.4272303

Eat it all and enjoy the ride.

>> No.4272304

op here, i just sprinkled some in my tuna fish salad, but i'm chilling it, so i haven't tasted it yet

>> No.4272308


I use it in my BBQ rub, in a few soups, on my cereal, on random deserts, all sorts of stuff.

>> No.4272315

>Myristicin poisoning can induce convulsions, palpitations, nausea, eventual dehydration, and generalized body pain. It is also reputed to be a strong deliriant.

>Nutmeg was also reported to induce hallucinogenic effects, such as visual distortions and paranoid ideation. In the reports nutmeg intoxication took several hours before maximum effect was reached. Effects and after-effects lasted up to several days.

yeah...maybe not

>> No.4272558

Traditionally they put the stuff on potatoes and vegetable dishes like green beans where I live.
Personally I can't stand the stuff though.

>> No.4272578

Add nutmeg to alfredo, it's delicious.

>> No.4272883


Nutmeg is a mild poison. If you use more than about three nuts in your lifetime, there's a problem.

>> No.4272916
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>in your lifetime

>> No.4274151

EGG CUSTARD TART OMG. Also other baking.

Ingredient in a surprising amount of curries, and also spice mixes/meat rubs.

Put it on stir-fried cabbage or kale as a side dish.

Put a tiny bit in chilli con carne.

Makes a really good topping to hot rice pudding.

>> No.4274194
File: 16 KB, 320x240, sceak_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you eat 4 nutmegs

>> No.4274798


I second this

>> No.4274814
File: 65 KB, 640x480, nutmeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sceak, I made you dinner.

>> No.4274818

it's the secret ingredient in any beef thing you care to make
just don't overdo it

>> No.4274833

this is sceak?
he looks a lot like what I would have guessed

>> No.4274838



>> No.4274956

add a bit to home-made gnocchi. or to a bechamel. or a red pasta sauce.

>> No.4274992


>> No.4274996

Godtier on mashed potatoes