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4246914 No.4246914 [Reply] [Original]

>Beer you're currently drinking
>Favorite beer
Bonus round
>Either of the above in your favorite drinking receptacle

I'll start:
>Currently drinking:
Alexander Keith's
Samichlaus Classic Bier
>Bonus round

>> No.4246918

are you dying to try the new GoH themed beer?


>> No.4246921
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holy shit am I ever!!
I'm a little disapointed that they started off with a blonde style beer (I'm a HUGE fan of heavy, dark ales, stouts, ect), though I read that they're planning a themed beer for each new season that's being released.
>Is holding out hope for a Nights Watch Stout

>> No.4246965

>Currently drinking
Howe Sound Megadestroyer Imperial Stout
Hard to pick but probably pretty much a draw between Bell's Black Note and Trappistes Rocherfort 10

>> No.4246975

I'm sad that I've never had the pleasure of having a Trappistes beer or ale...
I've tried a couple of REALLY good craft beers, but yet to have anything that good.

>> No.4246977

Oh wait, scratch that I have had La Trappe triple before (I completely forgot about that) and I remember it being very tasty.

>> No.4247144
File: 80 KB, 400x588, Sea Dog - Wild Blueberry Wheat Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this at a restaurant earlier.


>> No.4247176

does that taste similar to blue moon?

>> No.4247201
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No, it actually tastes like pic related.

>> No.4247203

> tfw discontinued

>> No.4247204

They don't make Blueberry Morning anymore?

>> No.4247242

they changed it, now it's shit

>> No.4247268

>Beer you're currently drinking
None, it's 7:45 am. Had a Sam Adams Noble Pils last night.
>Favorite beer
Well that's pretty tough. I'll just rattle off some off the top of my head that have stuck out to me: Allagash White, Brother Thelonious, Old Rasp, Monks Blood, Shoals Pale Ale, Raging Bitch
Bonus round
>Either of the above in your favorite drinking receptacle
I pretty much always use the common sam adams "perfect pint" unless it's something that needs a special glass.

Side Note: Anyone try 21st Amendment's Sneak Attack? Any good?

>> No.4247275
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>Beer you're currently drinking
Pic; clean and round, only slightly bitter. Malty taste, with a little fruit maybe. Not particularly impressive.

>Favourite beer
Currently, Bad King John from Ridgeway Brewing

>> No.4247278

I've had their funnel blower. The nose was amazing. Sweet, very biscuit like, had vanilla notes on it and the taste was a lot more subtle. I thought it was pretty good!

>> No.4247309
File: 44 KB, 555x371, firestone walkers reserve porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not drinking any at the moment but I picked up two stouts and a porter to try over the weekend.

Walker reserve porter, Barney Flats Oatmeal stout and youngs double. All three were great.

My favorite beer as an old stand by when out or just to go pick a pack up at the supermarket is Guinness.

I only seem to like the darker beers

>tfw dont like ipa, everyone goes ape shit for them, tastes like sucking on a pine tree and orange rind to me.

>> No.4247314

d-dude what is that it looks delicious.

>> No.4247644


You were doing so well until you mentioned Guinness.

Try Deschutes Black Butte Porter.

>> No.4247720

>currently drinking
Magic Hat's Ravel from winter 2011.... or the Heart of Darkness from this past winter season 2012.

>> No.4247790

no wait i change my favorite beer
it's Berkshire Brew's coffehouse porter
so fucking good

>> No.4247832

Sup BC bro. Megadestroyer is king of RIS up here. Have you tried their one off Super Jupiter IPA? The first disappointing Howe Sound beer I've had.

>> No.4247887
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Currently: tried a couple amber lagers, Third Shift was alright.

Favorite: oh Lordy there's no way of knowing. Besides being a beer nerd and a professional beer reviewer, there are few things that can really stick out as "favorite". Maybe... Rince de Cochon?

Bonus: here's something I got shipped to review for some Austin thing

>> No.4248402
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says its called Sword of the Darkness, Imperial Stout. Castle Black Brewery.

My favorite beer atm is a tie between Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA or Green Flash West Coast IPA

>> No.4248434
File: 247 KB, 500x503, 298925-Budweiser_Black_Crown_six_pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that toasted carmel malt
>an american classic

>> No.4248448


>merican macro brewer
>add slightly more alcohol
>a hint of flavor

mercian's clap

>> No.4248449
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I'm usually a lager person but I recently moved and there's a really awesome brewery near my house that has an incredible dark ale I LOVE. I could drink their Full Boar Scotch Ale all day, every day.

>> No.4248450

I had a Harpoon IPA earlier with some oysters.

>> No.4248460

Haven't tried that one so I can't say. And yes, Megadestroyer is absolutely awesome. Pretty much all their beers that I've tried have been pretty great actually- the last one I had was their winter ale which was just about the perfect Christmastime beer.