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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 946 KB, 600x796, Some Asian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4245590 No.4245590 [Reply] [Original]

So now that all the weaboo shitstorm has blown over (I think), what was /ck/s opinion on this movie?

>inb4 Jiro is a pretentious dick and bad father

>> No.4245601

Entertaining and makes me want sushi, but I don't believe in the whole "art of sushi" thing. Sushi chefs are the lowest of the low, all they make is one type of food that isn't even as complex as many dishes and techniques in other countries' cuisine, but because they do one thing for 100 years they act like it's some godlike masterpiece of food art whenever they put a piece of fish on a piece of rice

>> No.4245655

Sushi isn't even fancy food, it's the japanese equivalent to the ratty pink slime new york hotdog.

>> No.4245660

In Japan there are diff levels of sushi. Cheap quick lunch level as well as extremely expensive.

>> No.4245672

what movie is this?

>> No.4245676

Can't you read? It's Some Asian Thinks About Fish

>> No.4245681

well google "Some Asian Thinks About Fish"
and tell me what you find. please, tell me.

>> No.4245683


So sad that you've never eaten good sushi.

>> No.4245685

Why don't you google the image instead then?

>> No.4245687

the title is Jiro Dreams of Sushi
you stupid fuck

>> No.4245689

Why are you telling me that? Tell that the idiot that can't google images.

>> No.4245693

Jiro was an excellent movie with deep underlying messages about mastering a craft, work ethic, etc. I had all of my employees watch it.

>> No.4245697

you can't "google an image"
stupid eurofag

>> No.4245702

don't you see that G next to the image?

>> No.4245703
File: 32 KB, 711x191, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't "google an image"
get rekt amerifat

>> No.4245706
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>> No.4245708

there's no G next to the image

>> No.4245710

>get rekt amerifat
says the amerifat

>> No.4245718

i suggest you visit the settings on top of the page, makes browsin much easier.

>> No.4245721

How did you get to that conclusion?

>> No.4245736

Is it derail thread day on /ck/ today or what?

>> No.4245773

I honestly couldn't finish it. It's so god damn repetitive.

>> No.4245785
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>> No.4245786
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This pretty much sums up my opinion of him and this "movie."

>> No.4245788

It's a great movie; everyone who's hung up on the whole "expensive sushi" part of the movie, is missing out on the whole point of a documentary.

>> No.4245812

>my sides have reached resonance disaster level

>> No.4246163

I agree.

What I got out of the movie was the whole concept of quality. Discovering a vocation that you are passionate about and striving towards your best.

I don't know how people can watch that movie and not understand this. If you are focused on "hurrr expensive sushi" you are simply too mediocre in your aspirations and thoughts to realize there is more to life.

>> No.4246276
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I found it amazing how the journalist reporter dude could be up jiros ass and up his own ass at the same time.

It was like... An upHisAssCeption.

I had these at a by the pound buffet on friday. I guarantee you jiro has never served anything this delicious.

>> No.4246292
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>> No.4246315

How can you say he was a terrible father? Yeah he wasn't around a lot but I bet in his son's later years he was there all the time. Who do you think taught them to be so baller? And his son's don't seem bitter about it so why the fuck are you?

>> No.4246319

The fact that you agree with that image says a lot about you and I wouldn't be surprised if you're a bitter wannabe CIA student.

>> No.4246333

LMFAO!! You are seriously mental.


>> No.4246345

I liked it, it was a very well-made movie.

I like sushi because it feels free of all the pretensions of presentation and whatnot of other types of food. It's just a piece of fish on some rice, but damned if it isn't good.

>> No.4246353
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Brainwashing his own son

>> No.4246354


It took him a little longer but he still made the exact same roll as well as the guy who's been making that roll his whole life, without even knowing how to make sushi beforehand

>> No.4246365
File: 394 KB, 1024x768, 2008_0602transfer0121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making sushi rice, obtaining sushi grade fish, slicing it and putting it on rice is hard

Do you tie your own shoes?

This is Jiro's tuna roll. It looks like it was rolled by someone with Parkinson's.

>> No.4246372


Wtf, do you have any more pictures from his place?

>> No.4246430


>> No.4246448

That couple was obviously overreacting but actually Japanese people won't let women become sushi chefs because women menstruate, which is unprofessional.


>> No.4246461
File: 290 KB, 479x520, Now you dont have to talk to those mean ol jerks who wont spoonfeed you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4246466

I work for a hibachi/sushi restaurant in the US and was told this when I asked why I never saw women sushi chefs, and when the owner of the restaurant wouldn't let me roll my own roll for me to eat, but would let me cook whatever in the back to my heart's content. I thought the chef I asked this of was dicking around with me.

I don't know if it's the same for the Japanese, but I know the Koreans I work for think that souju/sake poured by a pretty woman tastes better than if they poured themselves.

As far as the OP goes, the one thing that impressed me about the documentary was that Jiro was a strong advocate of wildlife preservation and acknowledged the prevalence of overfishing. He also always fawned over and bought large yellowfin tuna instead of the rarer bluefin. I hope this wasn't just for the western cameramen...He did seem to prefer the meat of an older fish to a younger one, which is different from most Japanese sushi chefs.

>> No.4246469

Is that a spicy tuna roll?

>> No.4246478


On the left, i think so. It was spicy.

>> No.4246488

No let the retard starve.

Obviously if an adult person can't feed himself that person doesn't deserve to eat.

>> No.4246554


That is so retarded. Women who menstruate are unprofessional, but the guys who poop aren't?

>> No.4246559

You find this reasoning in most cultures, but many have outgrown it and see that it's retarded.

In some places the woman must live outside the house while she menstruates.

>> No.4246561

Liar. That's now how he makes tuna rolls.

>> No.4246568
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>> No.4246571
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>> No.4246573
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>> No.4246575
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>> No.4246576
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>> No.4246581

I don't eat sushi but I did enjoy the movie. It was shot on a Red One camera and I thought the cinematography was very pleasing to look at.

>> No.4246597

It's not about sanitation. Don't tell me you've never had to deal with a woman on the rag.

>> No.4246599


Shit owner, shit restaurant.

You're like the coach that makes kids read art of war and expect them to gain some sort of understanding for it.

"Disregard children, work in a metro"-Jiro

>> No.4246613

>Everything I know about women I learned from mainstream comedies

>> No.4246622

Wow, you sound very upset.

Apparently many, many people and organizations think it is an amazing restaurant. And his children were instilled with a strong work ethic, marketable skills, and developed a reputation.

What did your father bestow upon you - quiet disappointment and shame?

>> No.4246626

As I recall that it was his long suffering eldest son that was into fish preservation. Jiro just lamented the lack big fish.

>> No.4246630

>Jiro just lamented the lack big fish.
I think you missed the whole point.

>> No.4246638

Are you saying women's restrooms are not filthier than the men's? Because the janitors want to have a word with you.

>> No.4246641

The point that he ignored his wife and crushed his son's dreams. Not really.

>> No.4246642

It's not about the uncleanliness, it's about the hormonal changes. Women's hormones fluctuate during menstruation, which change the way she thinks and perceives. Jiro et all are extremely focused on consistency, so for someone's taste to change based on time, even in the tiniest, most insignificant way, is unacceptable.

>> No.4246643

Are you a janitor? Have you conducted swabs of a large sample of washrooms?

>> No.4246649

>crushed his son's dreams
Not really. His son had vision problems and couldn't be a racecar driver anyway. He didn't force them to not go to university, he convinced them not to.

His son drove a very fast expensive car and has a great lifestyle. He has a vocation that he is proud of.

Most people work shit jobs and don't have pride in what they do. Those people have no right to talk about people like Jiro and his sons.

>> No.4246650

Talk to a janitor. Any janitor, doesn't matter where. The womens room is disgusting, the mens less so.

Women leave their bloody rags all over, men just piss on the walls. They shit equally.

>> No.4246654

Have you seen used tampons and pad thrown around and about?

>> No.4246658

I cleaned restrooms at a truck stop. I found a full sized adult diaper filled with shit stuffed behind the toilet of a men's room. Whatever was in it, someone had used as finger paint for the stall walls. I kid you not. The men's room was always ten times filthier than the women's.

>> No.4246659

The son has material things, yes. But you can clearly see the disappointment in him that he has to take over the sushi shop. The second son has it easier since he actually likes his job.

>> No.4246668

>Most people work shit jobs and don't have pride in what they do. Those people have no right to talk about people like Jiro and his sons.
I disagree. People who care about their work and yet still have no pride, they cannot talk about Jiro. People who care about something else, and take pride in that, can.

Work is not an important part of some peoples' lives. Many people live for their family, or their friends, or their relationships, or travel, or video games, or painting, or religion. If you take pride and strive for greatness in what you care about, then you are a successful person.

There is nothing inherently good about work. It is necessary, but it does not need take priority in your thoughts. There is plenty of room in the world for mediocre and substandard work, and the people who do that work can still lead fulfilling lives if they dedicate themselves to something else.

If a man drives a forklift on a loading dock for $13/hour and never works overtime because he spends every moment he can with his kids, that is a good man. If that man loves his children, and gives them the best possible life he can give them, if his children grow up loving their father and knowing they lived the best possible childhood they could have, that father is as great a man as Jiro despite him working a crap job his whole life and never striving to improve his work. That's not what was important to him. He had better things to do.

>> No.4246679

I actually wished they focused on the younger son more. I was far more interested in him; he took an idea that could never work for someone who isn't Jiro and adapted it to work for him, and in the process created something unique.

Remember that he said people love coming to his as opposed to Jiros because he puts less pressure on them and the atmosphere is more relaxed. The sushi might be slightly lower quality, but I would wager the only man alive who could tell the difference in a blind taste test is Jiro himself.

You could see the despair in the older son's face. He said he had no children and was not married, and he was 50 years old. He will die alone and miserable, and may very well commit suicide. I don't think that Jiro is a bad person for pushing him to make sushi, because in his mind he was making the right decision and was doing good for his son. I only think that Jiro is flawed in his thinking.

Sick, as opposed to evil.

>> No.4246714

This thread is reminding me that half the board are frugal plebes who only care about making their ramen taste better and emulating epic meal time (of course they say they hate it because he's popular).

And then you have the other half, the "foodies", that seem to like good quality food, but honestly just like to obsess and jack off over whatever they think is craft beer or how obscure this bread recipe is or how many buzzwords fit into a pizza menu.

Frankly, this movie was a success in that it can help industry professionals and true gourmands learn about the Japanese culture of perfectionism and exactly what a THREE FUCKIG MICHELIN STARRED RESTAURANT, which is a big fucking deal, has to do to earn it. It's a sprawling team of experts funneling their BEST to a mastermind prodigy obsessive machine of perfectionism named Jiro.

Most people can't even fathom perfection, even when presented in a danged good documentary.

This may not be the worst board on 4chan, but it has the most posters that hate the experts of its subject.

>> No.4246716
File: 265 KB, 1080x1080, jiro sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomenasai, my name is Jiro-Sama.

I’m a 87 year old sushi chef (sushi is made with raw fish you gaijins). I prepare sushi, and spend my days perfecting my art of placing a thin slice of fish over rice.

My son and apprentices make the hard work of boiling rice for me everyday, this superior rice is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other type of food and cuisine in the world. I learned how to place raw fish over rice since I was 7 and have been doing it every day.

I work in a modest restaurant in the subway, I am very xenophobic and prejudiced towards women, and find please in ripping off inept people out of $300 for a bowl worth of rice and raw fish.

I've lived this monotonous life and forced my two sons to abandon their hopes and dreams to follow the same path I did, and to cook the rice for me so I can take all the credit.

I own the most prestigious sushi restaurant in the world, in which only rich, stupid people are allowed, and I get to be called a national treasure in return! I plan to continue this lifestyle until I inevitably die sick from eating raw fish, but in the meantime, I will continue profiting from my famous fish on rice.

Wish me luck!

>> No.4246724

>There is plenty of room in the world for mediocre and substandard work,

You are the reason the world is a bad place. You are the first broken window that leads the whole town to ruin.

>> No.4246744
File: 444 KB, 450x253, Preach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. It was a goddamn good documentary.

>> No.4246755

not that guy, but explain your reasoning. It is a necessary element of modern society. There will always be a need for janitors, farm labor, maintenance, etc. on some level. Sure technology can replace many elements of the job but there will always be a need for a human with judgement and rationalization skills to perform the job, and then pass on that knowledge as a supervisor or mentor in some capacity to another generation. This cycle is inherent to many parts of human life and always has been, cooking is a great example of this.

>> No.4246758

I can respect chefs that put effort into designing their dishes and learning the best techniques, and are efficient on top of that. All Jiro does is cook rice in a pressurized container and marinate some high quality fish, then cut and serve. His apprentices do all the work.

>> No.4246775

Jiro is a sick selfish fuck.

>> No.4246778

Women don't shit?

>> No.4246798

People can be laborers and the like and still do high quality work and take pride in what they do.

I'm not sure why you think only certain careers allow for excellency.

>> No.4246805

>justifying being a stupid pleb


>> No.4246806

he sure does

but all jokes aside, did anyone else watch this thinking they would learn a bit more about sushi
I really felt the only interesting part was when they showed us some of the sushi he makes

>> No.4246807

>Talk to a janitor.
Why would I *ever* talk to a fucking janitor lol.

>> No.4246810

Everyone claiming what Jiro does is easy; and makes boatloads of money doing it; why don't you do it?

I mean, seriously, according to you guys it's as easy as getting quality fish, cutting it up, and putting it on cooked rice. Can't be that hard, right? Hell, if he's overcharging for as much as you guys say he is, you could put out the same quality food for half the price, and people would flock over to your sushi place right?

Seriously, you autistic dumbfuck; Jiro clearly does what he does well, and people are willing to pay top dollar for it. Like anything in the world there's diminishing returns for increase in quality; so yes; you could get sushi that's 90% as good for 30% the price; but that's sort of missing the whole point of luxury goods. Jiro is the best at what he does, and therefore has the leverage to charge the prices he does.

Again, everyone who's getting hung up on the price of the sushi is missing the whole point of the documentary.

The whole point of the documentary is about the "traditional" man. A person who's whole life is dedicated to one thing, and only one thing; even if that meant being a shitty father figure. They seriously could have done this film on anyone who was the top of their field; Jiro's just happened to be the one they chose.

>> No.4246814

the sushi wasn't the point of the documentary. jiro's dedication, and single minded focus was the point of the movie; sushi was simply the setting.

>> No.4246817

The world can't function with nothing but master chefs, race car drivers, expert craftsmen, and genius inventors.

We need janitors. We need forklift operators. We need miners, cashiers, line cooks, data entry clerks, floor supervisors, accountants, gas station attendants, and plumbers.

There is no need to strive for greatness in cleaning toilets. Nothing is gained by perfectionism in box packing. No man ever improved himself by obsessing over driving a FedEx van. Willpower, attention, and dedication is a finite resource. No person can ever be great at everything, they must pick and choose what parts of their life to dedicate to and what to neglect. Jiro chose work, and neglected his family so much his children did not recognize him when he was at home.

Is this bad? No. It is to our sensibilities, because our culture tells us to prize family over all else. Japanese culture tells the Japanese to make work their first priority. In reality, everyone should chose for themselves what to prioritize, and no one can be called a failure unless that which they care about is left unfulfilled. This too sounds strange to our ears because our culture tells us that success is money and money is success. This is not always true. It is very easy to find fulfillment in something that does not require great wealth, and the little wealth that is needed to live can easily be obtained by doing unremarkable work at an unremarkable job.

Jiro is a very happy man. He has what he wants in life: a great restaurant. The semi driver who delivers to the hardware store I work at is a very happy man. He has what he wants in life: a well furnished sleeper cab and the ability to wake up in a different city every day. One of my coworkers, who is a functional drug addict who eats ramen noodles and lives in a trailer, is a very happy man. He has what he wants in life: a constantly shifting state of consciousness.

No one lifestyle is good for all people.

>> No.4246820

>Brainwashing his own son
What? His oldest son drives an 80,000$ car and his youngest son owns a equally successful sushi resteraunt.

>> No.4246825

The movie started out as a tour of sushi; a look at all the different sushi places and the differences in their craft. Then the filmmaker found Jiro and was entranced by him, so he shifted the film's focus to be all about him.

>> No.4246827 [DELETED] 

Who cares? Take this to 2chan /japsuckup, this doesn't belong on /ck.

>> No.4246828

His oldest son is unmarried, childless, and miserable. The status symbols he might possess do nothing to alleviate the fact that he is an extremely unhappy man.

There is more to life than the brand of automobile you own.

The younger son is actually quite happy, so go him.

>> No.4246832

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
>Sushi is food
>Jiro cooks

>> No.4246837

I'm not going to follow Jiro's footsteps and do trial and error for 80 years until I get it right. Give me a guide and a month of practice and I could learn how to wash and cook rice - the hardest, actually, the only hard part. But I won't because making food for a living is the least of my priorities.

I can't either because high quality fish is very expensive and I don't have the time or money to get enough recognition to make my business sustainable.

There are many Michelin star sushi restaurants out there, with the best ingredients too. I'd rather pay a reasonable $100 for a good course of high quality fish that tastes the same except for those superstitious Japanese.

That documentary about dedication and perfection and whatnot, is no justification for calling a boring piece of fish on rice "art".

>> No.4246840

I think you may need to re-read my post, that wasn't my point at all. The point I was trying to make is that jobs that are considered "substandard" or not desirable by the status quo are by and large necessary elements of society and always will be.

I wasn't commenting on the fulfillment or personal success of people who work in such capacities, although I generally agree with your point that people should strive to make an impact in what they find important in life and that some just use work as means to an end.

>> No.4246852

Chefs would argue otherwise. food at the highest tier is considered works of art. Just because sushi is fairly minimalist doesn't all of a sudden exclude it from art category.

You say you would way 100 dollars for a course; then again majority of people would still say that's far too exuberent for food. Any argument towards the price of Jiro's dish could be applied to your willingness to pay 100 dollars for a course.

imo, it was framed that way as a setting to give the story more narrative, and seem less arbitrary in their decision to film jiro.

>> No.4246856 [DELETED] 

>sushi is food
Not for humans it's not, for japs sure, but who the fuck cares about those sneak attack bastards

>> No.4246863

I'm all with you on sushi not being difficult, but the way Jiro creates and serves it IS art. He uses sushi to express ideas, to connect with his audience (customers), and to create things greater than the sum of their parts.

Remember when the journalist guy talked about Jiro's method of serving sushi in a rhythm, creating what is essentially music with the food. Music is inherently mathematical, though few musicians realize the calculations they're doing. Those same mathematical principals can be applied to any sort of perception, and Jiro has done so with sushi.

Is it worth the money? Probably not. Is that level of dedication necessary to create good food? Definitely not. Would anyone save Jiro himself be able to tell the difference between a piece of his sushi and a piece of sushi made by any other sushi chef using top-quality ingredients? I would put large amounts of money on 'no'. But none of that discredits the legitimacy of Jiro's work. Very few people can tell the difference between great works of abstract or impressionist paintings and the work of fifth grade art students either.

>> No.4246866

Fish: food
Rice: food
Vinegar, oil, wine, salt, etc: food
Sushi: food

>> No.4246867

>sneak attack
that's still a point of contention in some circles

>> No.4246870

>Chefs would argue otherwise. food at the highest tier is considered works of art. Just because sushi is fairly minimalist doesn't all of a sudden exclude it from art category.
An artist would prepare a canvas, visualize his work and begin painting. Jiro makes his apprentices prepare the canvas and then he sells it.
>You say you would way 100 dollars for a course; then again majority of people would still say that's far too exuberent for food. Any argument towards the price of Jiro's dish could be applied to your willingness to pay 100 dollars for a course.
Here in Clapburg I pay from $5 to $15 a day for a shitty meal. I can appreciate food made with high quality ingredients and paying $100 is a good price, however, paying 300% the price for the prestige and cultural significance and subjective value and whatever is not.

>> No.4246871

>calling the absolute pinnacle of sushi boring

Sorry it doesn't have a mango habanero vinaigrette over Cajun panko crusted and garlic oil marinated fish with coconut water and fennel infused smoked rolled quinoa "rice", dipped in balsamic soy wasabi sauce.

How is it to be completely burnt out in all your senses by a lifetime of culinary shit trying to overstimulate your dulled taste buds?

>> No.4246876

There was no formal declaration of war before Pearl Harbor, so it was by definition a sneak attack. A very big part of Japanese military doctrine involves a single great strike that cripples the enemy beyond the capability to continue fighting.

Now, did the US have intelligence that could have predicted the attack? Maybe. Did the US goad the Japanese into attacking? Probably. But Pearl Harbor, and a great deal of other military actions by Japan in the past, WERE sneak attacks.

>> No.4246877

>paying $100 is a good price, however, paying 300% the price for the prestige and cultural significance and subjective value and whatever is not.

Surprise: that $100 you pay at a fancy restaurant IS 300% increase.

>> No.4246878

it wouldn't be so expensive if so many people didn't reserve spots to eat there
its supply and demand, and you'd have to be a donkey to keep it at regular prices, at which rate the queue would go from a couple of months, to a couple of years

>> No.4246880

Personally I thought it was inspiring. He understands that you should never stop seeking constant improvement and getting only the nest quality ingredients from equally passionate peoplw

>> No.4246882

This is a food board, I'm talking about food. I don't care about subjective value and I don't want to pay more for the same food but made by a prestigious "chef". Same reason I wouldn't buy a car for five times the price if it was previously owned by a celebrity.

>> No.4246889

>not buying jimi hendrix's guitar.
shigitty digittty

>> No.4246891

I never said anything about fancy restaurants, which I hate; those $100 come from the price of the ingredients and the work behind the preparation.

>> No.4246899

>seriously believes it costs 100$ for restaurants to put out that kind of meal.
Seriously, it probably cost them like 35. the 65 dollar markup is cuz they can.

>> No.4246902 [DELETED] 

No, it comes from marketing and middlemen and idiots in places from NYC and LA who use really big names for simple stuff and then charge 10x for it. This is all pretty simple really, and people are really stupid, they'll pay it, that's not a problem. I wont pay it though, I leave that to the standard moron crowd. I don't care about "BEING SEEN" in some fuck restaurant, at worst, I'll order take out, pick it up, be in and out and done with the place, then enjoy the food at my leasure, not anyone elses.

And that's when I don't cook things for myself.

One of these day's you'll be mature enough to understand that.

>> No.4246911

Did you even see the documentary? Those fish Jiro and so many other Michelin star sushi chefs cost thousands of dollars and the supply is decreasing. $100 for the ingredients and the work behind them is fine. Those restaurants that make pretentious dishes with decent ingredients and charge $100 are not.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4246922 [DELETED] 

I answered a question; If you're incapable of understanding English then GTFO, I'm not here to be your English teacher.