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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4147216 No.4147216 [Reply] [Original]

What is/who makes the best dark chocolate

>> No.4147221

Valhrona and Callebaut are both pretty good as far as mass produced stuff goes. If you have to ask, just get one of these two.

>> No.4147224

>pretending you actually enjoy dark chocolate more than milk chocolate

>> No.4147228


But something something proves that something pallet (sic) of a child? Also I only pretend to enjoy meat that isn't cooked properly because I'm insecure as fuck.

>> No.4147229

>Child who doesn't understand people enjoy things that aren't 90% sugar

>> No.4147232

Some people don't like sweets. Milk chocolate is cloyingly sweet and makes me want to gag and no amount will meet my chocolate fix, only dark satisfies my cravings.

>> No.4147243

Regular milk chocolate just tastes like cheap candy to me. Not to mention dark chocolate is actually good for you in moderation.

>> No.4147248

>cloyingly sweet
Don't use words. Ever.

>> No.4147256

>buying cheap candy
>thinking it's the milkfat ratio's fault

How's that vomit extract working out for you, american chocolate eater?

>> No.4147262

Not that guy, but it generally is.

>> No.4147263

I have a huge sweet tooth but I still prefer dark chocolate. It's got way more chocolate flavor to it.

>> No.4147264

milk chocolate has a disgusting waxy texture to it, makes me gag

>> No.4147275
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>> No.4147280

you guys do know that not all non dark chocolate tastes like hershey's garbage, right?

>> No.4147285


No, they ate Hershey's their whole lives and just discovered Lindt.

>buy $3/bar supermarket garbage

>> No.4147293

Willy Wonka you twats

>> No.4147297

>pallet (sic)
It's clearly "palette", I'm a /ck/ expert

Also, sic isn't something you stick at the end because you can't spell something.

>> No.4147312

If we're finished throwing shit at each other now, any other suggestions? Specifically, stuff you can go somewhere and buy in the US, and not have to import at or some shit

>> No.4147340

You had your answer at the first reply. Order online. This isn't your thread anymore.

>> No.4147348
File: 6 KB, 188x159, ono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, okay.

>> No.4147386


I'm partial to Perugina. I'm sorry about your thread.

>> No.4147412

Why? Lindt tastes pretty much like sweet butter, delicious. What's your issue with it? The higher price or its availability to the plebeian masses?

>> No.4147419

Does anyone else fine ghirardelli annoying? I thought it was supposed to be the next step up from hershey/nestle but it tastes... like it has berries or something.

>> No.4147465

You annoying pretentious fags. You think dark choc is the best, fuck you. Milk chocolate is where it's at.

Eating dark chocolate is fucking nasty. That's like getting dark coffee straight. People like the milk/cream and sugar, it adds to the flavor. Eating 60-90% cocoa is fucking nasty. You want the taste of sugar and creamyness. You uncouth faggots.

>> No.4147519

Anyone else like ghirardelli?
Just me?

>> No.4147554


>70% chocolate for cooking

No respectable cook uses milk chocolate for anything.

>> No.4147562

I find it's pretty good. Although I really don't have anything to compare against except solidified feces like Hershey's.

>> No.4147563

scharffen berger fools, get on my damn level before I crush your pleb souls beneath my titanic ass

relatively cheap, very high quality dark chocolate

>> No.4147570

where does godiva/see's rank in all of this?

>> No.4147573

Green & Black's is the good stuff.
Just never ever Bourneville.

>> No.4147602

Fazer makes pretty decent dark chocolate, but their milk chocolate is debatable (if you are a chocolate purist, you know what I mean).

Lindt is also a great option in my opinion.

You could also try making it yourself. Making chocolate is easy and you can get it as dark as you want.

>> No.4147632


fuck you hipster.

Theo is the best.

>> No.4147650

I like Dove, but as an American most of the choices are sugar.