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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4131505 No.4131505 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is so apparently good about this stuff?

Is this some White hipster phenomenon or something? It's just a chocolate spread but everyone acts like it came from heaven itself.

>> No.4131510

It's a chocolate hazelnut spread with some milk products to. They come together for a pretty decent spread as long as you don't expect too much from it.

>> No.4131513

It's chocolate. This isn't some new phenomenon. Chocolate tastes good. Toasted bread is good. Toasted bread + chocolate = good shit. It's not difficult to understand. At least, not for people with functioning brains.

>> No.4131516


Chocolate on bread seems terrible.

>> No.4131518

Then you don't get chocolate.

>> No.4131519


don't knock it until you try it.

i love nutella on steak, and it also goes well on fried eggs.

>> No.4131531

It's sort of a new thing in America and they go crazy for it because of that. They heard about how good it is, never had it before and then one day try it.

Oreos became massively popular in Germany about a year ago for the same reason.

>> No.4131538

You don't get very much hazelnut flavored -anything- in America. It just doesn't show up very often for some reason. So, when something comes out that tastes like nothing we commonly eat, it makes sense we'd kinda latch on.

>> No.4131541

havent eaten it since puberty

>> No.4131544

I don't know but I've been trying to quit it for years and I can't.

>> No.4131552

My parents are Italian immigrants, so I grew up with this stuff and love it. But the American made Nutella is TRASH, too sugary, not enough flavor, and the hydrogenated oils they had change the consistency. Go to Italy, try/buy the real stuff, and tell me you're not eating a tiny piece of perfection.

>> No.4131557

It never really tasted like hazelnut to me to be honest, just chocolate. Not American btw.

>> No.4131560

what about the shit tons of hazelnut coffee/coffee creamers in the usa?

>> No.4131561
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Yes, it is a huge fad. Currently I've noticed the following trends: zombies, bacon, Nutella, and "Like for X, Ignore for Y"

Pic relates.

>> No.4131562

it's a 9fag and reddit thing, their users just recognized the other users eat the same breakfast, so they started to praise nutella to get more likes.

>> No.4131565

Funnily enough they taste nothing like hazelnut. Nutella actually has a pretty hazelnutty taste to it.

>> No.4131570

Every generation is exactly this shitty.

Actually no, boomers are worse.

>> No.4131572
File: 70 KB, 773x768, Gemini_7_in_orbit_-_GPN-2006-000035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


boomers invented rock and roll, went to the moon, invented the internet and cell phones.

what exactly has your generation invented? oh yeah, Facebook.

>> No.4131573

i think the people who are complaining all the time about as shitty their generation is are as bad as the others.

i never cared for those things in your pic, but obviously people who complain still care about it. it's just a pseudo intelectual scene.

>> No.4131574


>> No.4131578
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That stuff was popular with young adults in Murrika in the 1990s, probably earlier too but that's when I was that age. It will always be popular with young adults, at least until globalization reaches a point when little rug rats in flyover country have constant exposure to international products from a young age. I kind of thought we'd be there by now but apparently even domestic products such as Sriracha which is from LA are still considered exotic to some, so it may take another generation or two.

tl;dr if it was called "Tasty Spread" and was invented in Indiana, no one would give two shits, but since it's European, it makes little girls' panties wet.

>> No.4131579

Boomers did almost none of those things...
Half the things you listed were done by their parents. The other half didn't go anywhere until gen X go a hold of them.

>> No.4131587

Bwahaha. No they fucking didn't.

Boomers were ten years away from being born when rock and roll was invented, were seven years old when Armstrong walked on the moon, in their forties when the internet was "Invented" by scientists in their sixties and spent their youth getting high and either fighting in the stupidest war in american history or bitching out of doing so because they were cowards and assholes.

Just like a boomer to take credit for what their parents did while stroking their tiny dick to their imagined accomplishments and collecting a bunch of welfare cleverly renamed so it's socially acceptable to old fucks while denying it to everyone else.

>> No.4131598

Hot damn, you're fucking pissed off!

>> No.4131600
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Calm down. I'm not yelling at you. I'm just saying.

>> No.4131601

>seven years old when Armstrong walked on the moon

that would place the boomer start at 1962.

the baby boom is what happened IMMEDIATELY at the end of ww2, meaning 1945, and it continued until some point in the 60s, and yes, those are the exact people who invented rock, did most of apollo, and invented the internet and cell phones.

deal with it.

>> No.4131603

No, the "Baby boom" began in 1946, but 'Baby boomers' are people born from 62 to 75.

>> No.4131607

>is this an american thing


>> No.4131606

is this an american thing? yeah, everyone loves nutella but it seems to have this latent polarising hipster status on the internet. i grew up with nutella and banana sandwiches, i'm a ukfag. europeans don't seem to go on about how overrated it is like americans do.

>> No.4131608


are you retarded? baby boomers are babies born in the baby boom, not their kids.

>> No.4131619

I don't care for it. It's extremely bland and not even that good compared to other chocolate hazelnut spreads.

>> No.4131622

Europeon here, never had peanut butter.

Should I try to combine it with nutella?

>> No.4131624

Butter up the toast before. Ah, and add some marshmallow cream on top. You can wrap the whole thing in a pancake and deep-fry it if you want, but beware of calories.

>> No.4131628

>but beware of calories.

Don't worry, I'll only drink Diet Coke with it.

>> No.4131639


maybe for a week. no one buys them, no even the cheap rip off at aldi lidl etc

>> No.4131790

It's good on pancakes and especially good when you're drunk. No need to buy the name brand, though, offbrand tastes just as good. You can also make your own nutella-type spread from putting hazelnuts in a blender and adding cocoa powder.

>> No.4131841

im euro and pbutter is delicious but not for everyone(disliked it when i was younger)
try it its nothing like nutella

>> No.4131850

Where are you from OP? Here in aus it's as common as vegemite. Heck, I'd say more people like it than vegemite, but that's not saying much.

>> No.4131852

I love dipping frankfurts into nutella.

>> No.4131856

Eh, I'm American and the stuff has been in my house at least since I was 10... My little sister has lived off it for years. I stopped eating it a while ago, but will rarely have some on a slice of french bread.

It's just something made popular by reddit fags, like the bacon thing.

>> No.4131860
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Overrated shit. Not worth spending money on.

>> No.4131881
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am I the only one who actually prefers this?

>> No.4131913

it's like soluble cocoa powder

it seriously turns your mouth into a sticky chocolate desert not pleasant

>> No.4132014
File: 29 KB, 425x301, 1292962830240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys talking about Nutella being overrated and only eaten by hipsters need to die a slow and gruesome death.

I've grown up with Nutella, it's as normal for me as peanut butter is for Murrfucks and you don't see me going around /ck/, opening a peanut butter thread 5 times and day and tell you how overrated and hipster-ish it is.

Get fucked.

Yes, I mad. Nutella is part of my childhood and I'll defend it like it was my own flesh and blood.

>> No.4132638

It's just chocolate. Chocolate isn't even a breakfast food

>> No.4132652

I agree.
I feel the exact same way about cock sauce.

>> No.4132667

i support this guy and his cause

>> No.4132708

Use it as a thin coating for breakfast crepes, with fruit. Fantastic.

>> No.4133116

two words : Palm Oil.

>> No.4134778

Tastes great mixed with peanut butter on toast. Turns it more or less into Snickers spread.

>> No.4134787

There's nothing special about it, OP. It's just a sugary chocolate hazelnut spread. It can be good when used as an ingreident, in say, a cake filling or something like that, but spread on bread? Pig disgusting. It used to taste better as well. I had some years ago when I worked in an import shop that I thought was pretty good, but apparently over the years they've changed their formula to make it much sweeter and seems to have a less nutty, chocolatey flavor. Bah...I wouldn't bother with it.

>> No.4135189

This guy gets it. Best place for gianduja in Turin, it's great stuff. And there are variants, made with different chocolates and nuts, my favourite was dark chocolate with almonds.

One thing I always wondered though, was why everyone just assumes Nutella is German or Swiss or something. Hell, the only reason I knew as a kid was because my dad is Italian, and Grandpa always sent us a pot of gianduja every Christmas.