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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 709x400, Rekekabaret-Detalj-normal-2606-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4103907 No.4103907 [Reply] [Original]

Time for a food abuse thread /ck/, lets start with a clasic; aspic.

>> No.4103914
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...and let's also have something for celebrating the holydays.

>> No.4103925

this thread is only 2 images in and I am already disgusted

>> No.4103938
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every american food Japan tries to make.

>> No.4103939
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>> No.4103945
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>> No.4103952
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>> No.4103965

>onions, carrots and pinaple.

>> No.4103979
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>> No.4103980

LOL is this a joke, this can't be real

>> No.4103981

> corn nuts

>> No.4103986


>> No.4103987
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>> No.4103989

The most disgusting aspect of this pizza isn't the mini hot-dogs, it's that the sauce is mayonnaise...

>> No.4103991

pretty fuckin sick

>> No.4103992

It's hard to believe that ultra-processed garbage food used to be an amazing, delicious novelty.

>> No.4103993
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>> No.4103997


>> No.4103998
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>> No.4103994

>pumpkin seeds
>pie filling

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4103995

I almost threw up

>> No.4104000
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>> No.4104001
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>> No.4104003
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>> No.4104007
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>> No.4104012

These aren't really that disgusting to me?
Okay, that's pretty horrific. I don't know what it is about Miracle Whip being paired with things that's so awful though.
They still make stuff like this in cans, there's nothing that weird about it...just the advertising has changed.
Gross for similar reasons as the abused aspic.
I can't read the recipes, so I don't have any real revulsion to it.

>> No.4104013
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>> No.4104015

Autistic Guy!

I dunno, the lime jello salad thing just seems pretty confounding to me..

>> No.4104016

Aspic is delicious, why are you all such haters?

>> No.4104020

This is the most disgusting thing I've ever imagined.

>> No.4104022

>It's hard to believe that ultra-processed garbage food used to be an amazing, delicious novelty.

Ever see how /ck/ reacts to Taco Bell?

>> No.4104026
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>lime jello, grated onion, cottage cheese, mayonnaise, and seafood salad
>not disgusting

You and I have very different tastes.

>> No.4104024

Sorry for my autism. I want to respond to one thing then the thread updates with another...
Top recipe sounds really tasty. Why the fuck you'd want to put that second on top of it I could not possible understand.

>> No.4104027

It doesn't go on top. It's for fruit salads.

>> No.4104029

>Sorry for my autism. I want to respond to one thing then the thread updates with another...
I know, there is just a guy (you?) that will reply to each post in a huge reply. It is just funny, that's all.

>> No.4104033
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>> No.4104035

I find these somewhat hilarious for a different reason. Not that they're disgusting, but because these people garnished the fuck out of everything. It's almost a lost art. It may look like pig shit on a uranium rod encased in plastic, but look at how it's arranged!

>> No.4104037
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>> No.4104039
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>> No.4104040

Simply amazing. I was hoping it was spaghetti inside though.

>> No.4104042

I would totally eat this though.

But yeah, the presentation is fucking nuts in all these.

>> No.4104043
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>> No.4104048
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>> No.4104052

If it wasn't for the salt content in cream of mushroom soup, that wouldn't be bad and would be actually quite easy to do.

>> No.4104053
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>> No.4104056

This...this is barbarism.
Pea soup is excellent, why would you do this...
I'd eat it, maybe, a little. I can stomach spam, and who doesn't like lima beans?
Corn quiche maybe? Sort of want to try...

>> No.4104057

I love the weird garnishes and obsession with symmetry.

>> No.4104060
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>> No.4104062

Not half bad. No weird ingredients, exactly. It just doesn't sound appetizing because there's not enough flavor. Also, cheap canned mushrooms...

>> No.4104065
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>> No.4104066

I don't find this really horrendous. It's just pea soup and instant together. If you're going to complain about the color and texture, there was a period between 1952 and 1957 where you could only buy things in Olive Drab.

>> No.4104068
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Christ I thought that was a bowl of fruit at first glance

What in the everloving fuck

>> No.4104074
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50's folks had a strange obsession with olives, I don't really get it.

>> No.4104075

> making baked beans with seared ham rafts topped with fried eggs
That sounds like a genius idea, if it weren't canned baked beans. Also, baloney instead of ham.
> condensed milk in hamburger
I can't classify this feeling. Have I ever wanted a sweet and creamy hamburger before? Do I want one now?

>> No.4104077
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>> No.4104079

This is just minute rice. It doesn't taste all that great, but the ads for it still basically asy this. I guess the mild sexism is funny.

>> No.4104081

I think the baby hiding the hardon wants me to use 3 bottles of karo syrup.

>> No.4104084
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>> No.4104086
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>> No.4104088

This is almost exactly how you make pecan pie, but with peanuts. So I imagine I'd like it.

>> No.4104090
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And that's the last of mine, hope you all enjoyed the abominations.

>> No.4104091

Why are you surprized?

That's pretty much making hamburgers the same way you make sweedish meatballs, it comes out very soft and filling, and the milk gives it a slightly sweet flavour.

>> No.4104093

That's not so bad. Just all the prep work to make them into a crown roast. If I had franks and saur kraut, I may as well just boil them the German way, make some mashed potatoes and be done with it.

>> No.4104096

The slop of salmon vomit is what does it for me.

>> No.4104099

This would be a fun thing to make over a campfire, I think.

>> No.4104103

But they're not making swedish meatballs, they're making hamburgers. If you wanted to turn a hamburger into a monstrosity, you could use condensed milk, but don't you dare call it anything but an abomination.

>> No.4104119
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>> No.4104125
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>> No.4104133
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>> No.4104139
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>> No.4104149

Too ghetto for crepes? Fried corn tortillas are the next best thing! Somebody get me Taco Bell on the line...
The recipe excluded the step where they let a baby shit on the cake.

>> No.4104156

Everyone comes down hard on older food averts, complaining about them but don't you realize that when Americans ate like that we had a lower level of obesity and other health problems? They were also made with less processed ingredients. No GMO shit, or nasty food additives.

>> No.4104158

it was also the depression and people thought opossums were good eatin

>> No.4104169

They were also huge amphetamine abusers. Probably had more to do with weight loss than eating that crap. Considering that all the people that were famous were a bit chubby or larger, and things like Cancer hadn't really got a name yet; I'm more likely to think people were waxing historic rather than identifying key social, starvation, and disease issues.

>> No.4104172


>Not trying the bounty of nature.

>> No.4104186

>whole olives in food
disgusting and trashy (salad excluded)

>> No.4104191

Looking at this shit, it's no wonder men in the 50's beat their wives.

>> No.4104198

Evaporated milk is not the same thing as sweetened condensed milk.

>> No.4104201

this actually seems like a good idea.

>> No.4104207

That's from Weight Watchers? Really?

More like watch your weight grow!

>> No.4104210

Evaporated milk is not the same as condensed milk. That said, the idea of putting milk (and breadcrumbs, etc.) in hamburger meat is not very appetizing, but it's similar in principle to people using eggs and breadcrumbs in their burgers.

>> No.4104244
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I'm going to post my favorite one

>> No.4104252

I'm half tempted to make this as a joke

>> No.4104283
File: 84 KB, 800x451, gore (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's one hell of a sick joke.

And I'll post my runner up favorite since I'm posting anyway.

>> No.4104298

How horrifying.

>> No.4104302

Sandra lee in general.

>> No.4104329

watch this and cry

>> No.4104330

I own the very same cookbook. Way too many gelatin recipes.

>> No.4104366

Ew wtf? Looks like someone made vomit jello.

>> No.4104374


Fucking Sandra Lee I swear to God.

>> No.4104521
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I consider ring moulds and cake-looking meals to be food's #1 enemy.

>> No.4104590

there's something about the tiny combrero in this one that's cracking me up.

>> No.4104612

So in other words... this is the excrement white families used to feast on whenever the woman of the house cooked. All of this trash looks like it tasted horrific.

>> No.4104619


Have you had Japanese mayonnaise? That shit goes with everything

>> No.4104624

This is fucking hilarious. This woman is crazier than Paula Deen.

>> No.4104636

My grandmother cooked back in those days and while she did enjoy cooking with jello more than your average person in this day and age she restricted it to desserts. She was a quite good cook and didn't make abominations like these (or if she did, they didn't survive in her recipebook from those days).

>> No.4104659

best laugh you lose thread i've ever been a part of

>> No.4104671
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>> No.4104672



>> No.4104675
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>> No.4104689
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I was actually getting hungry before bed just now. Suddenly, the very thought of food repulses me. Thanks, /ck/.

>> No.4104707


Ya'll might enjoy this book/website

>> No.4105256

I've fucking eaten this. My mother used to make it when I was a kid. I never did like it.

>> No.4106151

I remember one of these pamphlets from the 50s where sausage water from canned Wieners was used together with booze to make a cocktail on the rocks. That was by far the most revolting recipe of all.

>> No.4106156
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>meat fisting at home

>> No.4106158
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now this is food abuse

>> No.4106203

oh lord.

someone shop feelguy in this

>> No.4106207

what are you 10?
>inb4 jimmies

>> No.4108697
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mfw seeing this entire thread

>> No.4108721

this might not be so bad
shit I had a burger patty with mushroom gravy and potatoes for dinner.

>> No.4108725

these fucking threads have me wanting to make an aspic so bad.
The problem being that I don't think I would eat it and its not like its art I can just keep around...

>> No.4108731

this actually looks pretty good

>> No.4108750

I wonder what it was like for an american going to france or something in the 50's.

>> No.4108753
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mmm, hot mayonnaise