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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 500x500, produkt-milk-frother__35472_PE126225_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4100556 No.4100556 [Reply] [Original]

Do these things work well? If I make a shot with an aeropress and froth some milk with this thing, will I end up with a passable latte?

>> No.4100564

No, only high pressure steam will do. And I mean high pressure, not your usual home counter top crap.

Also, the temperature must be very precisely controlled. I'd list a couple of machines that would do an acceptable job but the mere fact you're even asking about something as shitty as this means it's financially beyond you.

>> No.4100566
File: 227 KB, 1313x1532, Capuccino freddo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Italy, we use these items only for making cold drinks, not hot. You can make cappuccino freddo or shakerato with it, though not a proper/hot caffelatte.

>> No.4100606

Depends on your definition of passable. If you're happy with starbucks you'll be happy with the product from one of these.

Personally the only thing I think they're ok for is wine. I hate dealing with decanters so I'll just fill a half glass, froth it up for 30 seconds, and then let it sit for a few minutes.

>> No.4100610

Man, you must drink some cheap piss for one of those to improve the flavor over letting it breath naturally.

A bottle that costs less than $20 shouldn't even be allowed to be called wine.

>> No.4100616


You're deluded if you think that mechanical aeration is different than just letting it sit for an hour. Are you one of those people who thinks that gin can be "bruised"?

>> No.4100620

I've got one, it's okay for creating a decent froth, but there are better options. The thing with coffee is that settling for "okay" or "decent" means loosing a great deal of quality. It's kind of like not grinding your own beans, it'll still be good, but it could be so much better.

>> No.4100629

You have no taste buds. You probably put katsup on well done steak.

>> No.4100634

Along this line of conversation, does anyone have a link to that sommelier (I think it was a sommelier, anyway) who recommended blitzing wine in a blender in order to aerate?

>> No.4100646


If you mean which self-aggrandizing douchenozzle is currently celebrated by the Twitterati/Facebooksphere for his "insights", it was Nathan Myrhvold, not a sommelier. But aerating wine is an old concept.

>> No.4100854

if you just use this thing on cold milk then no you will not get a passable latte, you'll just get coffee with foamy milk.

the aeration process used with lattes, cappucinnos etc. involves temperature - at a certain temperature the proteins in milk denature, allowing you to trap a great deal more air in the liquid and letting you make silky, luxurious creamy foam. that's the purpose of the steam - to add heat.

>> No.4100907

By god denizens of /ck/ when did you all turn into pretentious snobs?

And then Alton Brown comes in to save my faith in you all.

>> No.4100923

> pretentious
> being able to taste the difference between foods

Stay classy, /ck/

>> No.4100925

those posts expressed far more than that anon including classism

>> No.4100928

>the mere fact you're even asking about something as shitty as this means it's financially beyond you.

O ya that doesn't sound pretentious in the least.

>> No.4100933
File: 408 KB, 250x250, 1341177382134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ITT poseurs and elitist snobs (who are indubitably pedestrian)
>my sides

I was going to post some info for OP, but I know better than to post in such a trolling hive of scum and villainy.

>> No.4100935


Seems pretty reasonable to me, and I'm not the guy who posted that.

If I went onto /trv/ and asked if I could buy a first class round trip plane ticket from North America to Asia for under $300 leaving tomorrow, the replies would range from dismissive to hostile. Yet suggesting that good espresso requires some investment for decent equipment and all the jobless college kids pretty much have a stroke over muh feelings.

>> No.4100949

"If you have to ask its out of your price range" is one of the most pretentious things you can say...

>> No.4101068 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 303x133, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm not even exalted with cloud serpents, golden louts, or celestials

>> No.4101091

Put the milk in an empty bottle and shake it.

>> No.4101108

It's also accurate. I wouldn't waste time recommending extras on a new BMW 7 series to someone who'd mentioned that they are thinking of buying a KIA.

>> No.4101116

Don't be stupid. I know quite a few wealthy people who would never spend a dime extra on anything they didn't have to. One of the nicest and wisest men I know (worth upwards of 10 million as far as I know, but it's probably more), still drives a car from 1994. Granted it's the car he uses for work purposes, but still. How the fuck do you think the rich stay rich? It's by being miserly. The "IDGAF just get it for me" wealth attitude is just new money fools who will soon be broke and filing bankruptcy. Learn son, LEARN.

>> No.4101124

>How the fuck do you think the rich stay rich? It's by being miserly.
No, it's by spending less than how much they earn, and if they earn huge sums, they don't have to be miserly at all, they can be downright wasteful and still stay rich.

>> No.4101137

OK, then, in very rare cases, if you have to ask you're not going to spend the money, whether that is due to it being out of your price range or you being unwilling to spend that cash is irellevent.

Do you feel less bad about being a poor piece of trash now, pooorfag?

>> No.4101167

Now, see, that's why you will never be anything other than new money trash. You don't understand how to create wealth that lasts. Enjoy your future bankruptcy, lol.

>> No.4101176

>mfw this is what poorfags actually believe
>"rich people live like poorfags or they would go bankrupt"
Whatever makes you feel better about being poor, I guess.

>> No.4101186

ITT: snobs
OP, that thing is enough for your home made cappuccino.

Also, wine does not necessarily have to be expensive. Fuck your "gourmet taste", you can get a relatively decent bottle of wine for 10 euros.
My favorite wine costs me 4 euros a bottle at the local market.

>> No.4101188

This. I can just buy stuff whenever I want that the poorfags would save for a year to buy on credit.

>> No.4101192
File: 76 KB, 239x239, laughing dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a poorfag tries to call someone else poor on 4chan.

>> No.4101227

>I'm a poorfag so everyone here is,

>> No.4101233

Obviously you are if you feel the need to call other people poorfag and attempt to insult them via finances. Poor attempt at trolling, indeed. Poor all around, apparently. Someone was giving an actual example of why wealthy people don't just throw money around, and your pathetic response was to call them "poorfag". That's just sad.

>> No.4101242

>Someone was giving an actual example of why wealthy people don't just throw money around
And that example was retarded.

>> No.4101281

No, it wasn't. It was extremely viable. I guess you just don't know many wealthy people.

>> No.4101296

No, the example was bad. "Rich people live in poverty otherwise they would lose all their money" is just plain bullshit. If you have to save every penny for fear of going bankrupt, you're not wealthy, you don't actually hold any wealth, you just happen to be sitting on top of a bunch of assets that are completely worthless because they aren't generating any income. If you don't have any income you are not rich. You are barely scraping by.

>> No.4101305

You are oversimplifying the example. No one said rich people live in poverty. They just know the difference between wise spending and frivolous spending, and where to put their money. Your simpeton ways of thinking are exactly why you'll never have that kind of wealth.

>> No.4101352

>thinks the difference between the wealthy and average person is spending


>> No.4101358
File: 2.05 MB, 500x391, 1338143809207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a very sad little troll.
Of course spending factors in. So do investments, work ethic, education, family privilege, and numerous other things. But we were talking about spending and money habits, not the other factors.
0/10 try again.

>> No.4101411

what the fuck people? I just asked a simple fucking question. why the fuck did you shitbags just shit all over my fucking thread?
If the answer is "no anon, that thing is crap and will not froth milk well" why the fuck do you have to make assumptions about my financial status?

Fuck you guys. This is not my area of expertise but I sure as fuck contribute to this board.

>> No.4101414

Whatever /pol/ touches turns to shit. Unfortunately in /ck/ we eat our shit.

>> No.4101421
File: 37 KB, 500x492, 125year-old-man-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you own any semi-automatic machine guns OP?

>> No.4101433

I got that exact one from Ikea and it works well. It makes frothy milk just. Something like http://www.nespresso.com/uk/en/product/milk-frother-aeroccino will heat the milk up and froths it too, but it's more expensive. If this isn't your area of expertise then either is a good start, why waste your money on some expensive gear if you don't even know whether you'll like it? The frother in your picture is about £5, just try it out.

shitposters pls go

>> No.4101438
File: 12 KB, 320x240, 1293116054001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /ck/!
Don't you worry your pretty little head. For every thread that derails like this, there's 2 more helpful threads. Just lurk more.

>> No.4101439

I am an american, of course I fucking do. But since I am the cheap fuck that these cocksuckers think I am, its a russian shit cause the ammo is cheap as fuck.
I bought 30,000 rounds of 7.62 back in the 90s and I am not even a third of the way through that shit.

>> No.4101445

Oh I know, I have been here for a few years. Today I have been daydrinking though.

>> No.4101450

Same here. I bought the IKEA one, also. Can't beat it for $1.99! I just heat my milk in a little stainless pitcher and froth away. Sure, it's not professional grade froth, but it works just fine for my morning beverages. And for that price, I'll just get a new one when it finally breaks, lol. Although, I've had mine for nearly 3 years now and it still works fine.

>> No.4101465

Thanks for the straight answers anons. Going out dancing now, will not come back here till I am sober.

>> No.4102437

Yea, I have been spoiled in terms of drinking delicious coffee. I have 2 Jura Coffee makers, and WOW, never has coffee tasted any better. But they start at 1000 bucks for the base model. If you ever have the spare money for it, check it out.

>> No.4102441


honestly if the milk is hot enough this will work just fine

>> No.4102723

I have one of these. It works if you tilt the glass and incorporate as much air as you can with a bit of an angling and moving it up and out of the foam repeatedly. Work on the side and towards the top level of the milk

Protip: The less fat in the milk, the more durable the bubbles in foam. In other words fat free vs whole milk is best.

>> No.4102730
File: 4 KB, 280x280, rivalib954wimmersionblender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just use my stick blender?

>> No.4102757

Blades suck at puffing up things

>> No.4103937

I really feel shitty using this to froth milk (I use almond milk, works just as well), but it's just so much quicker than steaming it, and my espresso machine sucks the dick.

It definitely helps to pop your milk in the microwave for a minute before frothing.