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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 575x773, 2385190995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4086789 No.4086789 [Reply] [Original]

What's for dinner, /ck/? I'm having a medium-rare steak with ketchup and a chunk of bread.

Pic very related.

>> No.4086802


>> No.4086811

I don't get what you're implying. That's not a 4chan filename.

>> No.4086820

I just randomly selected numbers for the name.

>> No.4086835

Not that guy; it implies this was not a picture taken by OP, and therefore a horrifically obvious troll.

>> No.4086843

I most definitely took this picture. Some people like ketchup with their steaks. If I wanted to troll, I would've put the ketchup directly on the steak.

>> No.4086853

Fucking ketchup? You should be ashamed of yourself, and lose your fucking meat privileges.

>> No.4086859

Why would I be ashamed for liking a condiment you don't like?

>> No.4086872

I love ketchup as much as the next person, but there is a time and a place for it.

You wouldn't put a paper bag over a hot girl's head, so why are you doing the equivalent to your steak?

>> No.4086877

We don't see steak the same way, it's really nothing special to me. I won't eat steak without a sauce and I didn't have A1, so I used ketchup. I've had it before and I'll have it again.

>> No.4086885

Get a NY Strip (some people like to call it a shell steak for some reason). Salt and pepper it. Heat up a cast iron iron skillet, and add olive oil to coat bottom of pan and some (make sure not to let it get too hot and smoke the oil, but you want it as close as possible to smoke point). Add steak. Cook to desired doneness (you should be desiring nothing more than medium-rare). If done will, you'll have a nice meaty crust on the outside, and a tender juicy inside exploding with juice. You will require no sauces, for the steak shall provide.

When you are done, go fetch your favorite cum rag and clean up, because you will bust a nut for this steak.

>> No.4086891

Attempted chicken lentil soup. Tastes pretty good to me. A little light on the broth, as the lentils absorbed more than I thought they would. Still good though.

>> No.4086894

I'm good, it's just a piece of meat. I'd probably fall asleep while trying to eat that.

What are you having for dinner?

>> No.4086903

>it's just a piece of meat. I'd probably fall asleep while trying to eat that.
Is this sort of blasphemy normal on /ck/? I'm new.

>> No.4086907

I'm less worried about the ketchup than I am about that good steak sitting out in the cold. Who givesa fuck about the ketchup, bring that steak inside and eat it before it gets too cold!!!!

>> No.4086927

Leftover beef stew made with hard cider.

>> No.4086931

Nice I still have some "apple cider" that's brewing away.

I put it in quotes because I made it as cheap as possible. Bottle of apple juice, 3 cups of sugar, dry active yeast, and a balloon.

>> No.4086933

No, they usually pretend to like rare steak more than they really do because it's considered manly and they're insecure in their masculinity.

>> No.4086934
File: 61 KB, 400x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you legitimately love rare steak and you get shit because you don't like shoe leather steaks the way everyone else you know does

>> No.4086936

>tfw you actually like rare steak
>tfw everyone thinks you're lying to look manly

>> No.4086938
File: 99 KB, 620x743, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, bro.

"You gonna get food poisoning!"
"Is that... Blood?"

>> No.4086945

Thank god I don't have to deal with this shit. All my friends know bout steak.

>> No.4086950

I'm glad I have better things to worry about than what people think about how I prepare my meals.

>> No.4086961

Jesus christ fucking plebs a steak should "bleed." If youre eating a steak any more well done than medium you are doing it wrong and your steak tastes like fucking cardboard

>> No.4086968

I don't worry about what they think, I'm annoyed if they go out of their way to express their ignorance to me.

>> No.4086983

Well-done steak is delicious.

>> No.4087044


>> No.4087118
File: 594 KB, 1200x1600, 1219121743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally made my own thread not realizing OPs picture was actually food.
> ham and onion tart

>> No.4087123

That's not ketchup. That's Heinz 57 sauce.

>> No.4087242
File: 72 KB, 500x333, Simply-Heinz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ketchup, trust me.

Pic related: it's Simply Heinz Ketchup. It contains sugar instead of HFCS.

>> No.4087249

Why is that person SHITTING IN THE PHONE BOOTH!?

>> No.4087259

I think he is pooping.

OP, you "ketchup" is really watery. I use simply heinz and it is just as thick as the regular version. It also isn't orange.

>> No.4087262

Well, that's what it is.

What did you eat for dinner?

>> No.4087275

Well-done steaks taste good when their [spoiler]well-prepared :3

>> No.4087302

fried buttermilk chicken bites and cream gravy with some sauteed mixed vegetables.

>> No.4087325

That sounds delicious, I'm jelly.

>> No.4087333

I ate a lobster. It was rather tasty.

>> No.4087348

i made dal. it was p. good

>> No.4087368

>tfw berated for liking the taste of well-done steak with ketchup

why am I not allowed to enjoy things

>> No.4087371
File: 251 KB, 1024x768, beefbarley_ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mo'fuckin beef and barley soup from homemade stock (I'm the fag that posted "soup bone wat do" the other day.)

Verdict: Way tastier than using bullion, but also way more work than I really want to do.

>> No.4087496

bump because look at my glorious soup dammit.

>> No.4087503

Looks like something they'd slop together at the dining hall or cafeteria.

>> No.4087501

carrots are a bit thicker than I'd normally do, glorious amounts of mushrooms, stock seems a bit... thin? Even my soups end up near stew consistency...
But the flecks of oil in your stock are glorious and I would eat the fuck out of it.

>> No.4087515

I prefer my vegetables in "hunks" more than slices (and secretly I was worried if I cut the carrots too thin they'd get too mushy). When I make other soups I usually take some of the starches (potatoes, beans, etc) out, blend, and re-add to thicken it up a bit, but I like beef and barley a lot thinner, so I can drink it or dunk bread around in it.

You can come to my house and I'll make you soup and we will be bros.
You can go to bed without supper, young man.

>> No.4087519

It's really gray.

>> No.4087521

Also, the corn niblets... I just don't know, anon.

>> No.4087533

anyone ever make a steak from a "stake" like i just learned on good eats? I assume its with little seasoning?

>> No.4087560

That might be the lighting. It was definitely lighter than stock made from bullion, but before adding the veggies it was a ruddy brown.
The SO wanted corn. We compromised - they get their corn and I get a buttload of crimini mushrooms.

>> No.4087570

I'm gonna make some burgers in a few minutes. Do 'em up with onion, cheddar, and bbq sauce.


>> No.4087576

Been sick for almost a week with the flu, so I've eaten a piece of toast for dinner.

god dammit.

>> No.4087599

i used to put ketchup on my steaks when i was younger and my family would mock me

i don't see why its a big deal,i mean as I've gotten older i prefer to eat it without it but it doesn't alter the taste all that much unless you fucking drown the thing in it

>> No.4087897


ketchup is being used on fine cuts by most people. it's an urben myth that you shouldn't put ketchup on prime, filet minyon, and any type of beef.

try it blined folded, and you will nosh ketchup errrday!

>> No.4088165

ITT: pretentious elitist hipster faggots who can't get over the fact that ketchup is delicious on nearly everything

>> No.4088171

I think it's a thoroughly disgusting idea, but ketchup is also the only food I absolutely won't eat. I occasionally use some El Yucateco habanero sauce with steak, so I really can't hate too hard.

>> No.4088748


one cannot consume too much of god's gift to culinary gourmands and gourmets everywhere, KETCHUP BY THE BUCKET