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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4084505 No.4084505 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most expensive meal you've ever eaten? Was the experience worth it?

>> No.4084512

Probably at a steakhouse. Cost about $300 for 3 people. It was most definitely worth it, as we had a gift card for $200. Also, it's still, by far, the best steak I've ever had. Dry aging man, it's the tops.

>> No.4084513

$40 new York strip at a local steakhouse.
Best steak I've ever had, but that's coming from someone who only eats like 2 steaks a year.

>> No.4084522
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>> No.4084523

Like... 120 bucks. 3 course meal. Modern nordic cuisine style stuff. Definitely worth it. Totally different from anything you could imagine.
Scandinavian cuisine is really worth checking out.

>> No.4084532

$100 seafood buffet at Sofitel Brisbane, it was alright.

>> No.4084541

250$ for two abalones the size of two baseballs. 3/10 not worth it since they were green abalone.

>> No.4084575 [DELETED] 
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What do you want me to do with this - eat it!?


>> No.4084829

15 course tasting at The Restaurant at Meadowood.
It was the best meal of my life

>> No.4084874

I ordered off the regular menu and not the dollar one.

>> No.4084875

Also, no, not worth it.

>> No.4084883

$500/person for full tasting menu + truffles at Helene Darroze
$400/person for full tasting menu at La Tour
$200/person for special tasting menu at Chez Panisse

Dining experiences were great, but totally not worth it.

>> No.4084891

Once I was with my good friend John from New-York and I ordered like, $300 worth of sushi.

They brought two 24" platters and a plate.

I thought I was ordering pieces, not entire rolls. lol.

He didn't even budge. Dude also added a Jaguar to my collection, to which I recently added an Audi. I'm still missing a Mercedes, a BMW, an Infinity and a Lexus.

Not sure if I'll be able to complete it, though. Boyfriend doesn't want me collecting cars.

>> No.4084902


I actually already have a Mercedes but it's a classic model. I was hoping to trade it for something more recent.

Aside from that, probably around $50.00 for myself, no wine.

>> No.4084923

I had like 4 double big mac combos once. Shit was so cash.

>> No.4084926

>My good friend John
>Buys you 300$ of sushi you don't even want and doesn't get mad.
>Buys you nice cars
Are you aware that you've friendzoned John?
Poor John.

>> No.4084938

You people only think its the best meal of your life because your brains try to rationalize paying that much. You could easily make all that yourself for 1/10th the price.

>> No.4084949

oh god
now i see it

>> No.4084951

And a lot of time and effort I don't want to bother with.

>> No.4084954


I'm a line cook at a high tier restaurant, fine dining is pretty much just a scam, i take traditional diner fair over it any day of the week

>> No.4084957


If I could recreate the green apple sorbet at Helene Darroze, I would. I have years in the industry, a food chemistry, a good knowledge of sorbet manufacture, but I can't even come close. The meal wasn't worth the high price tag, but that single dessert was probably the most sublime thing I've eaten in my entire life. True story.

>> No.4084966

who else thinks foam is gay? *raises hand*

>> No.4084978

about 275 for 2.

an amuse bouche, 2 mains, desserts, and 4 drinks.

i'd say it was worth it.

>> No.4084990

I once had a $40 steak at a too-fancy-for-it's-own-good restaurant. It was underwhelming, to say the least. mainly because that's all you got. Just a steak. (I blame myself for that one) I ordered a side of mashed potatoes, and a soup. Best soup I'd ever eaten in my entire life.

Entire meal was about $150.

>> No.4085004

I had $200 of Sushi once but that was paid for by someone else so it was totally worth it. The most I've ever paid was about a hundred for a proper seven course meal at some mafia joint. (At least that is what I assume the table of elderly Italian gentlemen in the front room were.) I was a little disappointed in the food. The service was excellent but the food was just good and I expected more for the price.

Also I don't drink alcohol with my meals which helps keep the totals down.

>> No.4085005

hotpot large spicy broth $26 with tip

if i have to spend over $26 im saying no and going hotpot

>> No.4085049

Probably $50 for hotel food at the Hilton Garden Inn in Phoenix. It was pretty damn good. Also the same price for a meal at some seafood place in Boston, not worth it at all. I'll take Hawaiian' seafood over it any day.

>> No.4085100

>Go to Applebees with discount card
>Eat a Double Bacon Cheeseburger and a Chocalate Fudge Volcano

I was 13 I think.

>> No.4085209
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> Was 17 and going out with this 15yr old chic that was hot as ballz. On a school trip. Spend entire pocket to eat in the revolving restaurant on top of the CN tower in Toronto. We ordered daqueris and wine, didn't get carded. Cost $65 in 1993 money. Would do it again right fuckin now at 10X the price. Would take the fuckin stairs to get up there if it came to it.

>> No.4085222

50 dollar steak, with a 12 dollar side of sauteed mushrooms at a resort restaurant. Worth every fucking penny.

>> No.4085229

About €150 per person at Culinair Podium
About €200 per person at the Librije

Both evenings where grand, totally worth it. The food and wine were just brilliant.

>> No.4085242
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My SO and I were hiking in the abel tasman and ate at a fancy resort restaurant (the Awaroa Lodge). I think altogether, with wine and tip, it was something like $270 for the two of us. We had like 4 courses and dessert, with a wine pairing for each.

It was the best goddamn meal I've ever eaten, though I couldn't tell you if it was actually the food, or the fact we'd spent the previous 4 days hiking all day and eating canned spaghetti and drinking water flavoured with treatment tablets and the NZ equivalent of Tang.

We stayed late and were so drunk that the tide had started coming in and the water was up past our ankles, and we accidentally walked through a bird sanctuary. Then we had absolutely amazing sex. It's one of the happiest memories I have.

>> No.4085243

If you actually think that you have absolutely no knowledge of high end cooking.

>> No.4085266

$10 for a plate of battered shrimp, fries and salad.

Yeah. Worth it.


>> No.4085329

$300 bill for 2 people at NYC steakhouse. Ordered a double porterhouse medium-rare and a bottle of California merlot. My fucking god was it worth it. No steak has ever come close.

>> No.4085368
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$360 for two at the Blue Duck Tavern in DC. We had cocktails at the bar (about $80 worth), then ordered entrees, sides, and desserts. Notables were the uni-glazed bone marrow, house mortadella, and roast venison. The blueberry cobbler is so fucking simple, but has such depth of flavor, holy shit.

Was it worth it? Yeah, it was a great meal and I don't get out to DC very often, but the best meals I've had are usually at small, family-owned kind of places. Currently living in WI and the Hmong (southeast Asian) restaurants here could blow your mind.

>> No.4085371

Buy quality ingredients. High end cooking at home for 1/10 the price. He's right. You're not.

>> No.4085385

250 at a seafood place. Luckily its was free for me. Delicious free waygu and truffle. Could care less about the truffle. And also apps and a not so exciting fish dish.

>> No.4085386

Staged my way around Chicago at a lot of MIchelin starred places. Work for free for a couple weeks each, then they give me a free meal for 2. Eaten at Alinea, l2o, Blackbird, Vie, then some places in New York like wd~50. Most of those meals would cost 200+ a person, most included wine pairings so even more. The Alinea one was around 400? each I think including pairings, so glad I didn't have to pay.

>> No.4085442

40$ for a route 66 menu at Bones.
Was decent, though the chicken was overcooked.

>> No.4085443

You cannot make Michelin star food at home. It requires machinery not found in mosts homes.

Just because you live in some bumfuck town doesn't mean everyone considers "not McDonalds" fine dining.

>> No.4085448

portland for the rose fest a few years ago. Went up into a sports bar with 3 friends and bought a 10 dollar bugger. Ya it was worth it just because the bar was nice.

>> No.4085452



>> No.4085479


>not found in most homes

lol, pray tell what exactly do you think is impossible to do in the home kitchen that a professional kitchen would be able to? Honest question, because I can think of sources for just about every molecular gastronomy technique that I could order online right now and recieve in a couple of days. And there are _many_ ways to accomplish other "fine dining" applications that can be done in a decently equipped kitchen.

>> No.4085483
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$300-$400. Was the food worth it? Of course it wasn't. No food is worth that much money. Was the experience worth it? Most definitely.

>> No.4085485

Translation: I'm inept.

>> No.4085489

around $80 for a filet mignon, veg, mussles, and a dessert.

no, it wasn't particularly worth it. I've had equal meals for $30. barring particularly outlandish ingredients, a served meal shouldn't cost more than $50 (not counting alcohol).

>> No.4085493

>You cannot make Michelin star food at home. It requires machinery not found in mosts homes.

this is not even remotely true. one can make Michelin star quality food at home with less than $20 in ingredients and fairly standard cookware, as long as their skills are Michelin star quality.

>> No.4085503

it doesn't matter where u go bro when in doubt pinky out

>> No.4085506

WTF are you talking about?

>> No.4085554


this post makes me feel good

>> No.4085568

Common in britain to take the piss out of the upper class because they drank tea in little cups with little handles with their pinkies held out and the commoner scum used mugs

>> No.4085570

can someone name what these things actually are?

>> No.4085571

So WTF does that have to do with my post?

>> No.4085572

It's food. I know it doesn't look like it but it is.

>> No.4085582

Probably 400 quid per head at Nobu, or 500 quid per head at the emirates palace nobu in abu dhabi. That shit is expensive. The fat duck was pretty pricey, as is the Peat Inn, but they are Michelin star restaurants, and the wine takes up quite a lot of the price. My dad took me to Arzak in San Sebastian for my 21st. It was absolutely incredible. However we ended up spending about 2000 euros, so probably not worth it. But we had this incredible cerviched bass with a smoke cooked egg on a bed of truffle and herb risotto. Incredible. I spend too much on food these days, I only go to butchers in Knightsbridge so I can have my meat taretare without fear of posioning.

>> No.4085588

25€ steak. Sure was at the time, but since then another steak place has opened that makes steak just as good for 15€.

But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people spending 100+ bucks on a meal? At some point the return simply stops being worth the investment, unless you're a sucker for overpriced hypefood like kaviar and truffels.

>> No.4085596

I had a 20 dollar sandwhich at city center, and had water from the fountain near the bathroom, the sandwhich wasn't even that good. was probably sitting in the fridge display all day too

>> No.4085597

>what the fuck is wrong with people spending 100000+ bucks on a car?
>what the fuck is wrong with people spending 2000+ bucks on a computer?
>what the fuck is wrong with people spending 1000000+ bucks on a house?

>> No.4085599

The only one of those that is a good analogy is the PC, since you can create a top end PC for far less, unlike a car/house. All this food can be made for far less with the same level of 'skill.'

>> No.4085603

You tell me. You could build a fast car and a large house mostly yourself for much less.

>> No.4085605

Are both of you retarded? That might explain it.

>> No.4085663

seared goose liver with some sweet sauce

pretty meh tbh

>> No.4085667


Sure, but sometimes the POINT is that someone else does it for you. For example, I love cooking. I cook nearly every meal I eat. However, every once in a while it's nice to get a break and enjoy some good food that is made and served by someone else. Yes, I know that when I go to a steakhouse I could have cooked a better steak for less money....but that's not the point in this circumstance. The point is to take out my girl for a nice dinner so we can concentrate on each other rather than on cooking & cleanup. Or, for a business meeting with similar goals--I can negotiate with my customers while someone else has to worry about the food.

>> No.4085683

$855 for 4 people.
Yes, it was worth it.

The resturant had a michelin star so i wasn't expecting anything else.

>> No.4085684

$600 at emrils, the food was good but it wasn't that good. It was outback steakhouse in the 90s-early 00s quality.

>> No.4085689


Weren't you starving and trying to illegally immigrate from Canada? Now you collect luxury cars.

2+2 =/= 5

Something doesn't add up here Sceak.

>> No.4086289

65 Euros for two at La Cigale in Nantes; my dad paid. I had lemon sole and a cafe gourmand, dad had something with rare beef and crisps, a bottle of wine and a cafe gourmand.

It was awesome. That meal would have cost about £150+ in the UK. Food is just better in Europe.

>> No.4086314

£20. I'm hard wired to be cheap.

>> No.4086332

You realise he's certifiably insane, yes?
>tfw you realise Sceak is Masao.

>> No.4086335

I ordered a big mac once instead of just dollar menu items

>> No.4086336

you can 't really believe a lot of this stuff. lots of people have these fantasy personas they like to play out online like a game. some do it in person, but we call those people pathalogical liars or crazy.

>> No.4086379
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>new years
>about 10 years ago
>drunk as fuck
>going to 3rd party of the night
>at russian friend's parent's house
>remember lots of people
>lots of food
>next day
>wake up at russian's house
>was told i ate a lot
>including $800 in caviar
>don't even like caviar
>eat breakfast with them

>> No.4086609

~200$ for a very satistfying multi course meal for two in a local cult sushi joint.

>> No.4086667

Poor guy, he really seems pretty smart and like he has some interesting experiences, but he is frustratingly acerbic and unpredictable. He is probably really lonely, but god damn who wants to be friends with someone who lies all the time?

The most expensive meal I have ever eaten? Ok, well I guess when I went to Europe with my folks we had a very luxurious dinner with duck, smoked salmon, caviar, champagne, pate de foie gras, and things I don't really remember. It was really rich, tasty but hard to consume so much. I guess the experience was worth it. The most I have ever paid for a meal was $200. at the Besh Steakhouse in New Orleans. Was totally worth it.

>> No.4086765


You should all be taken out behind the shed and beaten until you realize the '$' goes in front of the amount. Get the fuck out.

>> No.4086784
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150+ for the omakase at Tojo's in Vancouver BC Canada. The man invented the California Roll, among other things. I inventoried the meal, and lets see if I can present it in this thread...

to start: beer.

>> No.4086791
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First course, Tuna tartare

>> No.4086792
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Second Course: Octopus salad.

>> No.4086793
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Third: Braised Yellowtail

>> No.4086796
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Fourth: Tempura tuna roll

>> No.4086797
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Fifth: Sushi

>> No.4086799

I went to a French place in San Francisco. I paid about 260 dollars for two. It was good food but the restaurant also had a Michelin star. Was it worth it? I don't know. I personally feel like food doesn't have to be done up all the time, but every once in a while, you can go to a good restaurant and have a good time just eating. So overall, yeah, I wouldn't go back to the same place again. There are always new or different restaurants that might offer something surprising.

>> No.4086800
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Sixth: Maki

>> No.4086806
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Dessert: Sesame Panna Cotta

Overall impression: Some of the best food I've eaten in my life. I would go again in a heartbeat.

>> No.4086822

>11th grade field trip to NYC
>Lady in charge wants to eat at the Jekyll and Hyde club
>Drama club comes to a consensus that we should go (We literally invited them to be nice and get a cheap bus, it was a TV Studio/Stage Production trip)
>Walk in
>$5 for a drink, no refills, cheapest thing on the menu was a personal pizza for $31
>Get the pizza, was literally a tombstone deep dish pizza which are $6 for 5.
>Get charged $10 for entertainment fee (shitty animatronics on the wall)
>$11.50 gratutity
>Spend $58 when my spending money was $60

I was so fucking pissed, the owners knew we were in high school and probably didn't know, the entertainment/gratutity wasnt posted.


Im visiting NYC in April (even though I haven't watched WWE in 5 years it was a dream to go to WM) and my friend wants to go clubbing. Im literally scared to go cause if I get drunk im liable to drink in excess and she said drinks are $10 at the cheapest.

At least she is taking me to a 5-star restaurant on her bill since she has a fancy job and im still in college.

>> No.4086824

>taking pictures of food

what kind of fucking pleb does that? I bet you looked like a massive tool doing that.

>> No.4086825
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Sort of related, has anyone on /ck/ actually been to the fat duck?

A friend and I were thinking of going, but I'd love to know if it really is "worth it" before I shell out £200 for a meal.

>> No.4086831

I bet I spend my entire restaurant experience hoping desperately people think I'm wicked cool

>> No.4086832

When I was 16 (17 years ago) I had shark fin soup (which I wouldn't eat now since I'm more knowledgeable), birds nest soup, and bear paw. I was there on a sponsorship so I didn't pay for anything, but it was over $1,000 USD.

Shark fin soup was so flimsy it was tasteless except the broth. The actual shark fin tastes like a tasteless bean noodle.

Birds nest soup... nothing there really. Not worth it.

Bear paw was fucking awesome!

>> No.4086834

Why does ¢ go after, but $ go before? Shouldn't it be standardised?

>> No.4086836

The smudges at the top of these plates kind of bother me... since it was $150 after all.

>> No.4086840

Rest easy, shit got closed down

>> No.4086841



Almost had me. 2/10 for getting me to reply.

>> No.4086845

Anyone been to Dinner by Heston? I really want to try it, seems fairly affordable as well.

>> No.4086849

>Shitty town in PA

I didn't get to go to New York because of 9/11

What county are you from?

>> No.4086850


>> No.4086863

Noma.. worth it

>> No.4086875

I want to go to so I've been following posts on /ck/. There's a guy who went to Dinner and had good things to say about it and you could probably find the posts on the archive. I think he had pictures too.

M-maybe we could go together some time...

>> No.4086881

Paid for a 200 dollar meal at a Japanese place, decoration and atmosphere were so and so, but the freshness and quality of the ingredients were truly something special.

There was also a time when mom would take me to fancy places during the height of the SARS crises all the hostels were desperate for customers. Had a 150 dollar or so meal which would normally cost triple the price if it wasn't for fucking SARS.

>> No.4086916

>Owe friend $60
>Pay him, waiting to meet friend to go to party in SF
>Other friend show up to his own house REALLY LATE
>Decide to go to Brazilian steak house.
>How much money can you spend on food anon?
>I have like....$20. Ok, I had more, but I'm no baller.
>Same friend pays $60 for my meal.

So nice.

>> No.4086949

When I was in China we went to this restaurant that was a huge, multicourse feast (seriously took like 4-5 hours to eat). It "only" cost about $100 each.

(I say "only" because the cost was something like 3200 CNY, more than most people make in a month there)

>> No.4086984

funny, how some people say how easy it is to create michelin quality food at home. I'm sure you can source the best ingredients, create dishes, set a elaborate tasting menu, do wine pairings and execute the dishes to perfection with no problem right?

Also there is much more than the food that makes it michelin quality. Learn to enjoy life.

>> No.4086995

>bear with Russian Standard

Russian Standard is god tier vodka.

>> No.4086997

A goddam sea urchin that came in a shot glass that was 50$ literally the worst dam thing I have ever eaten.

>> No.4087002


>> No.4087006

Got Caviar for I don't remember how much, expensive anyway, and it really was disappointing.

>> No.4087049

Yes, I've been. It's a fantastic experience, almost theatrical at parts. It truly is far removed from normal dining, and definitely worth the money. I've done my fair share of "fine dining", and have to say this was my favourite. It's spectacula

>> No.4087089
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Kobe beef from La Capilla Argentina Steakhouse in Cancun... It was worth it

Steak alone was about $90, and this was in 2007 I believe

>> No.4087093

It wasn't kobe beef, despite what the menu read and the waiter told you.

>> No.4087116
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my many years eating eggs an sausage every morning for breakfast

expensive on the heart attack end

>> No.4087128

I haven't done it, but the one place I'd spend that kind of money on: Legal Sea Foods.

>> No.4087131

you're misinformed. It could of been a "kobe style," or actually kobe itself since he mentioned it was from 2007. In 2010-2011 it was illegal to import, but since there has been limited imports approved.

>> No.4087134

It was pretty tasty.

>> No.4087136

I don't doubt it.

>> No.4087147
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Justin Bieber makes 400 thousand dollars per concert, think of all the expensive places he could eat and not even feel pressure about spending 20k on a meal.

>> No.4087189


Yeah I have no way of knowing if it was Kobe style or the real deal.. I tried looking it up and noticed it isn't on their menu anymore so I hope that means it was legit. Either way, it was delicious and the place was top notch. I don't believe they would try to skimp out and buy a knock off but who knows

>> No.4087190

Most expensive meal I had was just some $60 per person Brazilian Steakhouse place (I didn't even pay for it)

10/steak would gorge again.

>> No.4087311

>3200 CNY
So yeah... the yuan has never been even close to a 32:1 exchange rate. It's worst was like 9:1. Are you thinking NT$ (Taiwan)?

>> No.4087655

If it's indeed Taiwan, he's also wrong about the average monthly wage; it is in fact much higher than 100 USD there.

>> No.4087656

Why would I want to think about anything like that. All it does is remind me how pathetic the masses are in idolizing a kid with a microphone talking about pre-teen puppy "love".

>> No.4087693

>$100 each
There were 5 of us.

>> No.4087704

for myself only I did the Brazilian steakhouse thing $40 for lunch which included buffet meats and salad bar but not including drinks
was pretty good, it was worth it, Id go back

>> No.4087716
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Yet he chooses to live on cum instead...

>> No.4087759

Read somewhere today that Rihanna made something like $50 million this year.

Knowing that every single dollar was happily handed to her by some retard teen fuck up makes me want to end this world.

>> No.4087773

I hadn't seen my father in like 10 years and he took me out to some place on the water front in Tasmania where we watched the Sydney to Hobart yacht race finishing.
He spent like 400$ on me but that included some expensive wine, most of what I ate was seafood. Really nice though.

>> No.4087778

The good things in this world are far outweighed by the bad.

>> No.4088199

had a 200 dollar entree 8 course meal at blue hill at stone barns in new york. best food ive ever had in my entire life. between 3 people our bill came to 700

>> No.4088234

God I would just want to kill everyone there. Also probably wouldn't have ordered anything and then refused to pay the entertainment fee and if they gave a fuck tell them that I only ordered a coke and book it out of there.

>> No.4088259

Probably when I went to the Reef in Houston for a bachelorette party. I was a little pissed at the maid of honor for picking the place when she knew me and 75% of the party were broke college kids that can't afford $30 a plate seafood plus drinks.

I ended up splitting with another broke girl in the group but because everyone wanted to order appetizers and stuff (which was split among all of us) I still spent $45 (which is a week and a half worth of groceries for me).

Great food though. Just wish I had more money to spend on it.

>> No.4088316

One time I went to Disney World for a whole weekend, on a charity thing since I'm ill. I don't remember all the things I ate or which meal I spent the most on, but one of those meals was probably the most expensive meals I've ever eaten, because disneyworld.

>> No.4088337
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I am being completely serious with this.

Would anyone here from the Chicago area be willing to split the bill for a table for two at Alinea?

Their ticket buying thing is fucking weird, you can only purchase tickets by the table (as opposed to per person). I've really wanted to go ever since I got into fine dining, and I was going to take my girlfriend, but she said that she didn't want me spending that sort of money on food since she wouldn't be able to appreciate it as much as I would.

So, any takers to split ticket cost of a table?

>> No.4088371


Wow that place sounds amazing, if I were from Chicago I'd totally go with you. Good luck!

>> No.4088708

>you can only purchase tickets by the table (as opposed to per person).

Judging from the picture this is because they put the food directly on the table.

I'm so confused.

>> No.4088729


i once paid 750 dollars for a slice of pecan pie that had been specially treated.

>> No.4088731

Ugh! If I lived in Chicago I would totally go with you! I'm so jealous. How much for a two person table though?

>> No.4088755

They just do that for the dessert. Pure art, check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qofsdSMuGbg
I think that a two person "ticket" (reservation) comes out to around 500-600 depending on the time and the day it's purchased. 20 courses over 4 hours.

I wanna go so bad but none of my friends are as "into" food to justify spending that much.

>> No.4088763
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treated to ice cream?

>> No.4088768

Where's da plates, man?

>> No.4088776

Where we're going, we don't need plates.

>> No.4088795

Which steakhouse?

>> No.4088799
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I've been twice, and its amazing, both were mind blowingly good, only restaurant i've been to that competes is el bulli, which i would put slightly ahead based mostly on location and atmosphere. Alinea is about $230 per person +tip/gratuity for food, and they have two tiers of wine pairing, one is about 170, and the other is 300 irrc. If you go you'll remember it for the rest of your life, i didn't get to experiance that particular course, but they made a desert in a very similar fasion to that, right on the table cloth with a chocolate sphere frozen with liquid nitrogen.

pic, one of my favorite course, green apple taffy balloon

>> No.4090024


>> No.4090052

$300 for dinner for my wife and I at the original Morton's of Chicago. Not something I'd do on a regular basis, but it was exceptionally good food.

>> No.4090067

horror story from last week
>go to Ruth's Chris
>order a filet mignon with baked potato side
>$60 for the roughly 4 ounce steak + 5 for the potato
>get food
>dig in
>shits dry, over cooked, and just ruined
>recoil in horror
>get waiters attention and send steak I ordered MEDIUM RARE not crucified in the fires of hell back to be remade.
>he gives me a ishiggydiggy look and grabs plate
>see him walk into the kitchen and immediately walk out
>hand me the plate....the same fucking plate
>tell him this is not what I ordered
>he saunters off into the back and I wait another 45 minuets.
>food comes
>cut into it, nice and brown on the outside, meaty red on the inside.
>take bite.....ice cold, the entire thing, the plate was physically cold
>family's done eating at this point.
>bill comes and I wait for that fucker to come get it
>refuse to pay for my meal, get up and walk out.
>go to store and buy my own steak from a butcher I trust
>go home
>cook it
will never be going back, I don't care if it was the waiters fault, I have worked in food service nearly 9 years; you don't do this this to your patrons. seriously, every fucking time I go to an upscale place I get gypped.

>> No.4090072

thats just weird.

>> No.4090082

why is the asian man sad?

>> No.4090108

Jesus Christ how horrifying!

>> No.4090133 [DELETED] 


Please refrain from mentioning your sex and/or gender while visiting /ck/. Although you may not be aware of this (although I think you are), many people posting on 4chan are not in an intimate relationship.

Therefore, referring to your femininity can be highly offensive to others, as they visit /ck/ to have fun and intellectual discourse, not to be reminded of their shortcomings (as perceived by society).

I hope you remember this in the future and refrain from using any key words that can be used as gender identifiers. It really is not that much to ask and will prevent threads from degenerating into flame/troll disasters.

Some of us also choose to be single and our virginity is not a badge of shame. The inherent superficial and highly opportunistic behavior of women is not attractive to every male, and therefore we do not have to be constantly reminded of your kind while on /ck/. It is not necessary and can be considered, "attention whoring" (a very just term).

Thank you very much,

- /ck/

>> No.4090144
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To be fair Ruth's Chris is a chain restaurant and has never lived up to it's reputation. The best steakhouse I have ever been to was in New Orleans, coincidentally it is right down the street from a Ruth's Chris, called Crescent City Steaks. It looks like it is run down a little from the outside but inside it is simply and tastefully decorated.
The steak comes with steak, delicious steak. It is all a la carte like a steakhouse should be. If you want that fruitcake other stuff like a salad, a potato, or creamed spinach or what ever it is extra. I would say it is slightly less expensive than Ruth's Chris, but the experience is so much richer. You feel like you stepped into the 1930s at some joint owned by a gangster named Vinnie "The Enthusiast" Gambino and that at any second some jerk is going to walk in with a violin case and shoot up the place but it is worth it because it is the best damn steak you have ever had.

>> No.4090147


I cooked there for 2 years, when did you go?

>> No.4090994

Anyone got fancy plans for the holidays?

>> No.4091017

gonna buy some pickled herring for my dad, should be fun