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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 816x612, 20121102_171739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4074914 No.4074914 [Reply] [Original]

This is how a properly cooked steak looks. If you disagree than you are wrong.

>> No.4074919

this has depressed me more than any other inconvenience, big or small, in my life.

>> No.4074921
File: 74 KB, 394x406, Just your opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4074933

I agree! Perfect, medium rare.
Rare is great too.

>> No.4074937

looks pretty dead, no colour on the top or bottom of it,

Did you boil it or something?
also rare is the best faggot.

>> No.4074938
File: 53 KB, 599x415, cook-a-steak-blue-rare-medium-welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job OP

>> No.4074941

Could be a tad rarer, but for that thickness of cut, that's pretty much the best you can do in a pan.

>> No.4074966

That is so not med rare you fucking troll.

>> No.4074977

I must be wrong, then. Or, you know, I know what a fucking med rare steak looks like and that ain't it.

>> No.4074986

That looks fucking atrocious.

Overcooked yet no color on surface. You obviously left one side on the heat for longer. And the color should be mostly even throughout, you either didn't let it rest long enough or started with a really cold steak.

>> No.4075004

You've never cooked a steak though, so how would you know?

>> No.4075009
File: 131 KB, 648x486, img_0740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the A1?

>> No.4075015

your knife looks flimsy

>> No.4075040

op giving himself positive feedback good job. steak looks medium well.....

>> No.4075065

I don't know, it looks to me that you put a frozen steak in a pan on maximum heat..
I'd probably still eat it though

>> No.4075099

Is that pan fried steak phlegm I see on the plate ?

/fail pan frying

>> No.4075125

Looks disgusting. The inside part didn't get cooked.

>> No.4075234

Is that some kind of sweet potato?

>> No.4075251

I do rare, and that's it. This is too cooked for me.

>> No.4075254

I just watched on NOVA Science Now a bit about that douchebag who wrote that heavy scientician cookbook encyclopedia, and he seems to think a perfect steak is one done in that french vacuum low temp method then hit with a blowtorch at the end.

I've never been so rustled in my life, might as well say the perfect hamburger is one put in a blender then reformed into a monotone burger shaped mass

>> No.4075271
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>> No.4075292

But it is the best method. It force the juices to stay in the meat since there is no place to escape than you use a slow cooking method to get the meat to the perfect temp without having to ruin the finish on the meat by baking it after searing both sides.

When done you pull it out and sear both sides and serve. If you have never had a steak prepared this way I really suggest trying it out if you can.

>> No.4075310

Sous vide marketer pls go

>> No.4075329

On the flip side I disagree and you're wrong. Cook it till it is actually cooked. That's raw in the middle.

>> No.4075415

that is the best way to do it. how hard is it to comprehend that if you want a perfectly cooked steak and a browned crust on the outside, it requires two different cooking methods? using a device that allows you to control the EXACT TEMPERATURE and UNIFORMLY cook the entire steak at that temperature gets you a PERFECTLY cooked steak. and you think accurate temp control is the same as a hamburger smoothie? retards

>> No.4075426

>thinks a uniformly cooked steak is ideal
stick with things that come in a can kid

>> No.4075434
File: 50 KB, 737x571, MegamanDerp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want steak cooked to a certain level
>uniform means entire steak cooked to desired level
>uniform steak bad
what you want parts of your steak under and overcooked to make it fucking special?

>> No.4075438
File: 445 KB, 574x361, 1339128244739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine rare. But I recently ate a well done steak which was juicy and tasty. I had never experienced that before.

They didn't cook it well done. They cooked it medium and, because we were so late in arriving, they tented it for half an hour.

Turned out great.

>> No.4075447

you don't?

why would you want your steak to be a slab of Matter #2968 instead of a natural product with layers of texture and flavor

>> No.4075469

I too find that a steak discolored grey and green is properly cooked.

>> No.4075530

You know meat is cooked with heat right? No matter how the heat is generated. A steak cooked with heat is just as "natural" as a steak cooked with heat because there's absolutely no difference

>> No.4075550

No offense, but... are you stupid?

>> No.4075586

Did you use a fucking George Foreman grill? How cold was the pan? Why isn't there any sear?

>> No.4075590
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>not blue

>> No.4075595

nigga thats overcooked and looks dryer than my grandma's cunt

>> No.4075621

this omg this

can tell it's been boiled by the congealed grey blood on the plate

F--------- would not eat

>> No.4075632

Grey meat

>> No.4075774
File: 39 KB, 500x362, missed steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly not cooked properly, as it's still raw in the middle

>> No.4076090
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u can't steak worth SHIT!

>> No.4076093
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>> No.4076094
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>> No.4076095
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>> No.4076096
File: 447 KB, 2000x1500, aa rib eye + sperigus (9) (2000 x 1500).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and thats all faggots

learn to steak or dont steak at all

>> No.4076105
File: 41 KB, 350x328, 1330400193015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>look at me marinating my steak with la grille

>> No.4076108


your pics are so yellow and funny looking I can't tell what colour the steak actually it.

>> No.4076155

it looks green....

>> No.4076159
File: 2.23 MB, 2592x1936, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my steaks look like this

>> No.4076173

Make love to me.

>> No.4076178

are you a girl or at least a trap?

>> No.4076195


>anything but salt on a steak

Pig disgusting plebeian, go eat chicken.

>> No.4076222
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1339394749437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could wear a dress.

>> No.4076226

sounds good enough..

>> No.4076233

>salt on a steak
What for?
Are you gonna keep it all winter long in your basement?

Salt at most belongs to the sauce you'll put on what you'll eat with the steak.

That which belongs to a steak is pepper (before cooking, else, it's useless).

>> No.4076237

Now that's how you cook a damn steak.

>> No.4076388

My family thinks that the rarer it is, the worse. I tried to get them to try rare and medium rare steak, but they won't conform to it. It doesn't make sense. They all eat medium well or well done.

>> No.4076445

i went to high school with this guy, why do i always see this picture posted here?

>> No.4076495

Same here bro. Asian family to so unless it is almost well done it isn't good. Ironically they love sushi to logic.....

>> No.4076522

Urgh, blood. I like mine properly cooked the whole way through. It's just lazy and impatient to not be able to wait for it to be fully cooked.

>> No.4076535

almost got me there