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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 637 KB, 1416x1060, Behold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4070707 No.4070707 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat for lunch today?

Pic related, don't worry though. I didn't mix ketchup and soy sauce, that's just nasty. Wasabi ketchup was delicious though.

>> No.4070722
File: 179 KB, 400x300, Mission Impossible Peter Graves furrows brow 3 Jim Phelps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm furrowing my brow so hard right now, but I'd still try it.

For lunch- reheated home-made vegetable soup. Not a creative masterpiece like OP, but it was fine for a quick lunch.

>> No.4070744

Pancakes for lunch and I roasted a chicken for dinner.

>my life falls apart once the semester ends.

>> No.4070753

Hmmm. I'd like to see the rice packed into the space in the middle of the onion ring, and then topped with the fish.

With some high quality ingredients and the touch of a talented cook, this could be a sensation.

>> No.4070763

You're not supposed to get vegetable grease on the fish...also those rolls are big aren't they...

>> No.4070765

This was actually one of those things that turned out great. The saltiness of the onion rings pared really well with the fish.

The japanese have a term for it.. umami.

>> No.4070851

Why aren't you?
Also they're standard size nigiri.

>> No.4070897

Hey /ck/ i was wondering how do you eat the pickled ginger they give you?

Do you just chomp on a piece between different types of sushi?

I generally put a piece in my mouth and rub it around on my tongue then swallow it without chewing.

Almost everyone i know completely ignores the stuff, except for 1 dude who puts it ontop peices.

>> No.4070899

I know a guy who fucking eats it straight. Like, we'll go to the sushi place and he'll clear everyone's ginger bowls at the end.

He's weird.

>> No.4070901

Sounds bad for you somehow.

>> No.4070902

>rub it around on my tongue then swallow it without chewing

>> No.4070909

I nibble on it a bit in between sushi pieces.

>> No.4070921

Eat it between different types of fish/sushi or after each piece. It's used to clean your taste buds.

>> No.4070936

It's meant to be used as a palate cleanser. Like >>4070921 said, toss down a little between bites to clear your taste buds. You aren't supposed to eat a lot and some people (such as myself) will think you look kind of stupid for putting it on the sushi. The tastes don't work, the ginger will overpower the subtle hints of the different things inside the roll. Might as well just toss down ginger sashimi and rice if you do this.

>> No.4070945

Me too. It's basically a palate cleanser.

>> No.4070965

OP listen to me: You are a monster who should be sequestered from civil society and beaten on a daily basis.

>> No.4071056

I just eat it all at the end. Put the entire pile into my mouth.

>> No.4071066

For lunch?

Picante Beef Top Ramen with sauted onions, fermented ginger, crushed red peppers and garlic. Added a tin of tuna to the mix. Tasty enough for a $2 lunch.

>> No.4071087


wow you must be that guy looking at everyone eat.

>> No.4072095

Today i will be journeying to my local mom and pop Subway for a traditional freshly made meatball sub for $2

>> No.4072100
File: 18 KB, 346x300, azzhT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4072113

It's the American dream of incorporating immigrant foods and improving them to fit American taste.

Also, lunch thread.

>> No.4072115

I had brown rice with some fish sauce and hot sauce.

>> No.4072124

Beer bread and leftover baked beans.

>> No.4072132

I do that, is it not okay to mix wasabi into your soy sauce?

>> No.4072141

steam cooked peas and baby carrots with butter and salt. boring.

>> No.4072143

Everyone in america does it save for some autists or the few who don't care for the tastes.

You wouldn't do it to very expensive fish though. I enjoy it for the flavor. It's like the an argument over putting beans in chili.

>> No.4072160

I had a sandwich consisting of Boar's Head chipotle chicken breast, Muenster cheese, lettuce tomato and a bit of mayo on some wheat bread.

>> No.4072164

same thing I have every day, a slice of brown bread

>living on the edge

>> No.4072166
File: 427 KB, 2016x1512, DSCF6689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072502

That looks pretty fucking good

>> No.4072869
File: 279 KB, 1076x705, Photo on 13-12-2012 at 17.03 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a diet, so it was a big bowl of miso soup. I have no idea how to make miso soup, but I found my sister's Japanese food ingredients in the cupboard and somehow figured it out.

>two sachets powdered dashi stock
>two tablespoons miso
>fresh chopped spring onions
>fish flakes (no idea why- big mistake)
>a ridiculous excess of pic related

Pretty filling, actually.

What I'd rather be eating.

>> No.4072880

>miso soup
>no tofu
Also, your hair looks great.

>> No.4072891

>pls be in london

>> No.4072894

Thank you.

Alas, tofu is calories, and I was essentially just looking to fill up on flavoured water.

Although having said that, tofu is pretty darn low-cal if I remember correctly, and I'm sure I could allow myself some next time. I did feel like it was missing...

>> No.4072911
File: 440 KB, 460x698, controller-cord-in-the-mouth-sexy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that photo
>dumb bitch holding seaweed like a fucktard with her lips trying to be kawaii

reminds me of pic related, stop being such an insufferable attention whore

>> No.4072921

pls god let this be glockpan

>> No.4072931

I ate offbrand Cap'n Crunch for breakfast. I haven't eaten anything since, and really it matters not. That was the last of my food.

Took some pills to numb the hunger and pain. Feels ok.

To the girl on a diet:

I'm male and willing to bet I weigh less than you, while being taller.

Also, yes, as others said. Stop being an attention whore, whore. We don't need to know you're gender. It's anon. Be anon. Post pics of meal and nothing else, or nothing at all.

inb4 white and nigger knights

I'm speaking openly and earnestly. No pics here, since i'm no attention whore

fuck you

>> No.4072933
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072935


Do you have no friends? I'm honestly asking, here. This isn't Blog4chan

>> No.4072938

>Hey everyone look how sexy I am
>compliment me
>fawn over me
>oh yeah, here's some food too, but look at me!

>> No.4072952

For real dude it seems like I'm over a foot taller and 30 pounds thinner than every girl i know

>> No.4072953
File: 481 KB, 500x323, my people.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They get it.

>> No.4072960

I'm feeling magnanimous right now, so here's the deal.
Dieting isn't all about the calories. If you're just counting calories chances are you'll look bony, be malnourished, and feel tired 24/7. You might also binge.
Dieting involves expanding your nutritional profile to encompass beans, nuts, whole grains, leafy greens, and other whole foods. Unprocessed, whole meats are also a key addition. saturated fat and animal cholesterol really isn't bad for you, despite what the media outlets tell you. It's what we've been living on for the past 50,000 or so years. It's best to eat meat and eggs in moderation, but remember: don't worry too much about fat content, and always prepare it yourself.
Now, a key thing to wean yourself off is anything with sugar, corn syrup, or white flour in it. That shit fucks with your blood sugar levels and can throw your pancreatic hormones off balance and generate fat. In fact, these along with processed foods are the major contributors to obesity, along with lack of exercise.
/fit/ has a great sticky on dieting. you should check it out.
Also, IMHO, you don't look like you need to diet. Not trying to flatter or anything. I don't see any fat that stands out.

>> No.4072967

If you try to balance your calories from protein, carbs, and fat, you end up with pretty much the diet you described. It's hard to do it any other way.

>> No.4072987

I eat pretty darned healthy (I think...), fear not. Today I also consumed yoghurt, muesli, banana, lettuce, oats, redcurrants, carrots, hummus, steak, brussels sprouts, onions, almonds and uh, four squares of dark chocolate. I don't really eat much in the way of processed foods as I prefer to prepare everything myself. That way I know exactly what goes into it.

>I'm male and willing to bet I weigh less than you, while being taller.
That's not a good thing. Skinny men look horrible IMO... But out of morbid curiosity, height and weight.

Here's another picture to rage over. Unfortunately, I tend not to take food pictures specifically for /ck/ unless I've cooked something exceptional. So most are webcam pics with my face included.

>> No.4072995

>here's another picture to rage over
>no picture
>everyone pay attention to me

>> No.4073025

You don't even eat. What are you doing here?

>> No.4073034

For lunch I had some Turkey Chili and some brownies some other culinary class made for the retards

>> No.4073036

>That's not a good thing. Skinny men look horrible IMO.

That isn't the point, slag. I've had numerous gfs, and numerous people who like my thin frame.


"Looks" as you well now, are subjective and variant dependent on the person.

6'1, 130 lbs.

>no picture

Okay, loser. That wasn't even your own pic in the first place, was it, loser? You're probably a land fucking whale

But I like looking at food and yearning at it. Unlike the female slag trying to gain guys jerking off, I admit to simply enjoying looking at food, getting recipes, and when I do eat, employing the recipes gained.

That's why I'm here. Because I like to cook. I like to eat. I've not admitted to not doing these things.

What are you doing here? White knighting?

>> No.4073044
File: 29 KB, 244x238, dandies big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So most are webcam pics with my face included.

Yet none exist, much less you provide some.

>> No.4073065
File: 240 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 29-11-2012 at 10.17 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, you weigh significantly more than me.

I was discussing my diet with a friend today and it turns out he's your height and 186lbs. So... you may wanna look into that.

I've never cooked with turkey meat before. I always just associate it with Christmas, but I'm tempted to try it out. Why turkey, out of interest?

Well if you're gonna get upset about it, here's a cookie.

>> No.4073086

>you weigh significantly more than me.

Means little. State your height.

>> No.4073088


Hardly upset, simply positive you must have an ugly mug, given you state you show your face often, yet never do so.

As our age old troll angie would state:
you're laughable

>> No.4073091

>he's your height and 186lbs. So... you may wanna look into that.

I haven't denied struggling with eating, and I'm not saying I don't struggle with eating, despite enjoying cooking, making food, and when I do, yes, eating. The latter a rarity.

>> No.4073095


So are you a camwhore or what

Are you going to provide nudes?

>> No.4073102

mmmm vegan marshmallows

>> No.4073107

Post tits you dumb whore.

>> No.4073109

What a lard Ass, I'm 6'5 and 184.

>> No.4073120

it's a disgusting mixture. Sticky rice, a cookie, instant noodles.

>> No.4073124


Nice double chin

>> No.4073129

What does rock bottom feel like?

>> No.4073136


>> No.4073139

turkey burger on oatmeal roll with microgreens, tomatoes and sauteed summer squash. was actually pretty fuckin win.

>and the epic fiber shit i just had, 10 hours laters, was even better

>> No.4073145

I know you were going for kawaii or funny, but seriously, nobody eats it like that without looking retarded as hell.
You are no exception.

>> No.4073176


I hope your name isn't alana

>> No.4073186

cheese and butter


...marble cheese

i feel so bad /ck/ please hold me

>> No.4073193
File: 153 KB, 500x393, attention_whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see men posing with their dishes.

>> No.4073252


You don't know progun, do you?

It's not okay, dumb slut. Please leave, and never return.

>> No.4073263

Chicken Fajita Soup and crackers

>> No.4073287

Progun is a fucking badass and actually contributes OC and delicious looking foods. Attention whoring bitches contribute nothing beyond their average-tier lower jaw.

>> No.4073289

There are 12 women in that picture, not 11.

>> No.4073309
File: 64 KB, 500x356, pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073311
File: 7 KB, 216x160, 1328315172661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073354
File: 51 KB, 640x480, ragemiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that heat from the onion rings cooking the sushi

wtf are you doing goddamn

>> No.4073355
File: 2.44 MB, 3216x4288, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073376

you need to learn about context, its not like hes taking a picture of his lizard and inserted his face in there, the picture is of a lizard sitting on his head, its intended to be a picture of him not the lizard.

>> No.4073388
File: 559 KB, 1414x1062, Fixedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Errybody be mad. It's like I'm in /fit/ or something.

Anyways I went and picked up a $2 meatball sub @ subway today. Lady asked me what I wanted and I said provolone, spinach, seaweed, and bell pepper. She said 'We don't have seaweed.'

Wtf? Well I fixed that.

>> No.4073389


Who the hell eats at subway?

>> No.4073391

No, it wasn't. It was made as a picture of his lizard, that he just so happened to put on his head for the picture.

>So who else are reptile owners? It's show and tell time. This is my Frilly(Zues), hanging out with me last evening. He's still juvenile but growing nicely, and even somewhat chunky. Spoiled him. Need to cut back on his food. He just shed, so his colors are comin' out more.

>> No.4073460


So you found some autist that lets his salmonella-riddled lizard climb all over him and take pictures of it, your point being?

That you're not worse than others in this thread, though you started to shit on it and derail it?

>> No.4073463

>your point being?

That I see it all the time. That was one specific instance, but I see it often.

>> No.4073471

I can't afford your fancypants upscale places Mr. Moneybags. I bet you can buy Chili's steak dinners every night.

>> No.4073470


Well I don't see it here in /ck/.

>> No.4073469


Also, stop the diet and hit the gym/yoga class you lazy fuck. You look like your BMI is all good, if you're worried about something like love handles or something floppy like you bitches always do, there's nothing a good old cardio won't fix.

>> No.4073479

Aw fuck you bro. The only context you need is that it's a dude in the picture, not a girl. If it's a girl, you shout "attention whore", and if it's a guy, you make excuses like "context."

>> No.4073480


Don't start this man, please don't do it. The smug retard is bad as the camwhore above, but it isn't in no way an excuse.

>> No.4073486

Then you aren't paying attention.

>> No.4073490


Did a quick browse, again, didn't see any.

>> No.4073499

Never said there was some RIGHT THIS MOMENT. Only that it does happen.

>> No.4073503


And this justifies what?

>> No.4073507

Justifies? Nothing. Simply stating that it does happen. Does it happen all the time? No. Is is present every moment of every single day? No. But it does happen.

>> No.4073512


In really, really, reaaally smaller manner yes. But if you really want post pictures of you eating food and making funny and "cute" faces at the same time, please go to /soc/

>> No.4073529

>reaaally smaller manner yes
Not really. I see it, minimum, once every two days. Saw one yesterday (some one from /fit/ had posted their picture), but I don't remember what thread it was in and I'm not going through every thread.

>But if you really want post pictures of you eating food and making funny
Wasn't even me that posted it. I've never posted any of my pictures on 4chan, other than a trifle I made, and my pets.

>please go to /soc/
I agree. I also agree that guys who do it should do the same fucking thing. It's annoying when either sex does it.

>> No.4073569


> I agree. I also agree that guys who do it should do the same fucking thing. It's annoying when either sex does it.

I see we're on the even ground with this.