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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4060521 No.4060521 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you weigh?

>tfw 342 lbs

>> No.4060525

I just weighed myself. It said 246 lbs. I'm 5'10".

Don't even give a fuck. Life is great.

>> No.4060530

170 lbs

feels pretty good

>> No.4060535

270 lbs

>> No.4060539

You're definitely quite underweight, dog, you need to eat more hamburgers.

>> No.4060548

104 lbs
>tfw you are white and pale
>tfw prone to getting moles, so tanning is not an option
>tfw you must consume moderate amounts of food and exercise while asian, hispanic, african american, innuit, native american, pacific islander, and tan white girls all can weigh more while not looking gross

It is a sad feel.

>> No.4060555


>> No.4060556

180lbs, 5'10"

felt fine until looking through records and i was 150lbs and 5'10" three years ago.

>> No.4060559

I, too, break out in moles. I get a lot of questions in the summer about why I'm wearing winter clothes. Geez, people, I'm not that interesting.

How old are you? I had those feels when I was in my early twenties. It gets better with age. Hang in there.

>> No.4060561

5'8 or 5'10
Last time I checked I weighed 120

>> No.4060564

Same weight and height here, pretty much. Fat as hell. Trying to lose weight but it's hard because I'm fucking tired all the time.

>> No.4060565


107 pounds.

I lost like 40 pounds over the past year and a half just cutting back how much I was eating and cutting out fast food outside a treat now and again.

>> No.4060566

210 lbs

>> No.4060569

5'11" 180 lbs. Feels all right man, I'm a broad guy so I'd probably still look fine if I was a bit heavier.

>> No.4060573

6'1" ~248lbs

Down from my peak at 300lbs six months ago, still dropping at a rate of about 2lbs/week. I've always had a hard time keeping myself below 280, but this time the weight is just coming off effortlessly. My skin is a mess, though, all those years of self-abuse are probably going to require a lot of chemical peel treatments to fix.

>> No.4060574


125 lbs

>btw im a guy

>> No.4060579

5'7" or 5'8", 136 lbs. I could probably go with losing about 15 pounds and I'd be happy.

>> No.4060580


98 pounds

>> No.4060581


Being underweight is suffering.

>> No.4060582

I have a friend with central apnea, he only sleeps 2-3 hours a night, but he still forces himself to work out.

>> No.4060585

259 lb (down from 315)

>> No.4060592

6'1" 250lbs, down from 330.

>> No.4060600

I'm disgustingly skinnyfat

>> No.4060604

Congrats to both of you, tell me, do you guys feel really light now, too? I still have about 50-60 pounds to go but I feel like I'm practically floating sometimes, it's so awesome.

>> No.4060605


....162 lbs but it's mostly in my ass/thighs anyway ;_;

>> No.4060607

110 lbs and I'm 5'3"

I would like to lose a couple pounds--about eight to ten.

>> No.4060610

240 lbs.
I honestly wish I was shorter so I could call myself Dwarfmode.

>> No.4060613

5'8'' 163 pounds when I stepped on the scale this morning. Lost lots of weight. Haven't been this weight since I was in the Navy. Feels good. Stopped drinking nigga.

>> No.4060616

>130 lb
>tfw underweight

>> No.4060625

130-135 lbs (because weight is not static)

>> No.4060632


Need to get off my ass and start lifting weights.

>> No.4060634

Do you have no butt?

>> No.4060638

106 Ibs
Am I fat?

>> No.4060641


>> No.4060643

>5 foot 38 inches

>> No.4060645

103 pounds, 5'4

Don't envy me, teenage girls, I am still ugly.

>> No.4060646
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around 200 lbs

>> No.4060652

Ha, no, I meant 5 foot 3.8 inches.

>> No.4060655

>being a hambeast
Can you at least cook really damn well?

>> No.4060657

Its mostly around my thighs and boobs and some on my tummy. Apparently im considered a chubby, but i think i can cook pretty fucking good.

>> No.4060660

Too bad this website isn't a place where we can hook up.

>> No.4060661
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Im taken anyways

>> No.4060663


>> No.4060666

you know it

>> No.4060670

5'8" 115 lbs.

>> No.4060673

Oh hells yeah. I used to feel like shit all the time, now I feel great. It's amazing what a change in diet and a bit of exercise can do. It's also given me a greater appreciation for eating healthy, stuff actually tastes good now that I'm not cramming fast food and sweets down my gullet.

>> No.4060677


>> No.4060679

6'3'' 220

>> No.4060684
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I've gained 10 pounds in the last several months. Shit needs to stop.

>> No.4060688

about 160 lbs

it varies a lot depending on things

>> No.4060690


i dont know whether i should be losing or gaining weight, but swimming fluctuates my weight daily so it can vary between 110-120

>> No.4060692

6'3" 240 pounds, down from about 270 five months ago.

>> No.4060698

5'11'' 195lbs

>> No.4060699

You're fine. Stop worrying about it.

>> No.4060705

Down from 255 by the way.

>> No.4060712
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6'1'' and 175lbs

>tfw /fit/

>> No.4060717

Trying to lose these last 20 pounds is gonna be brutal over Christmas, my parents bought a shitload of candy for my stocking, and bought a cheesecake for Christmas. I'm gonna die.

>> No.4060718


>> No.4060721
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>skinnyfat at your weight
Bulk, you fool!

>> No.4060723

5'10", 164 lbs.


>> No.4060729


same weight but 5'11"

> tfw almost overweight

>> No.4060731
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tfw unable to tone fast enough for summer

120lbs gained weigh too much over this year

>> No.4060734


Fucking this!

Since I've lost 50 lbs and cut out all sugar (except 1 tsp of honey in my coffee erryday), food tastes... more flavorful? More like my palate isn't deadened.

On the flip side, I had a coke recently and the sweetness was too rich for me to even finish it.

>> No.4060737


A simple calorie restriction for several weeks will fix that for you

>> No.4060752
File: 21 KB, 500x212, Dean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 260 pounds. I used to weight 380 when WoW was my life, but I shed away 100 of it in a year.

Say what you want about the boards, but /fit/ gave me the info I needed to start losing weight.

>> No.4060760

You games 120 pounds?

>> No.4060769

Nah my body wouldn't even be able to gain 120lbs. I weigh 120 if you're wondering, I gained 5 lbs over the course of half a year

>> No.4060772

Ima fatass

>> No.4060775


200 pounds.

Lost ten pounds in like three weeks, and for the last three weeks after that I have been holding steady at 200. WTF do I do?

>> No.4060781

5' 9"
Was 255 last year, 280 the year before that.
I will never be less than overweight by BMI. In a heath class we measured bodyfat percentage and I'm still a pound or two in the overweight range at 0% bodyfat.

>> No.4060782

5' 11" 150 lbs

I'm skinny but I've been trying to buff up a little lately.

>> No.4060783
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155 lb

My god I thought I was a bit on the chubby side but this thread...

>> No.4060787

5'4" 100 pounds

>> No.4060788
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93 lbs

>> No.4060789

230lbs, used to be 345lbs

>> No.4060794

~135 lbs

feels skeletal

>> No.4060804
File: 54 KB, 232x259, iguess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' 206lbs.

On January 1st 2012 I was 266lbs. So this is quite the change. I was wanting to make it down to 200lbs. But no matter how hard I work or what I do I can't seem to make it down to 200.

>> No.4060806

I have chronic fatigue syndrome and delayed sleep phase disorder. I also have a number of other neurological problems. Central apnea sucks though, I'm sorry about your friend.

>> No.4060818

Ever gotten tested for thyroid disease? I've got similar problems and getting my hypothyroidism treated was half of what got my health on track. The other was treating my horrible sleep apnea.

>> No.4060834

no, i have ass

>> No.4060837 [DELETED] 


>> No.4060842

Fattest ass since OP, here. 5'7", 295-300 pounds.

A buddy of mine burned off 60 pounds (a quarter of his weight, then) over the course of the HCG diet thing. With a preponderance of skinny girls in the thread, I may be fishing like O'Neal, but does anyone have any experience with this stuff?

>> No.4060846

have you always been very skinny?

>> No.4060863


I feel that if I get a hold of my alcoholism and actually start to exercise, I could easily get a hold of my weight... I just don't want to...

>> No.4060866

5'5 79kg
>used to be 92kg

>> No.4060869

5' 4"... 230 last I checked? Used to be closer to 250, slowly slowly making the number grow smaller.

>> No.4060872


how tall are you momo?

>> No.4060888

140 lbs

I think that's average.

>> No.4060917



>> No.4060919

6'2" 160lbs and going to boot camp next month

1 meal a day, fatties can't fat with me

>> No.4060922

112 lbs

Not bad?

>> No.4060925

1,89m height

>> No.4060928
File: 6 KB, 251x171, 1344826323069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3" 280 lbs

>> No.4060932

You could turn all that fat into muscles.

You are pretty tall.

>> No.4060945

Eat things in just really small portions.
For the cheese cake keep it at one bite, and then drink some water.

It helps to get the taste out of your mouth immediately and help you not-focus on wanting to eat more

>> No.4060948

Im the same way. Fuck this thread.

>> No.4060959

115 lbs.

I'm alright with it.

>> No.4060963

205 lbs

Perfect for me, wish bf% was lower

>> No.4060972

pics pls

>> No.4060988
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>my feel when this thread

For fuck's sake, /ck/...

>> No.4061004

>Only asking for weight.

Height matters, you dope.

135 ibs, 5'11''

>> No.4061013

5'7 220 lbs
I try to keep my chin up, but I even lose my boner in fantasies when the girl realizes I've got bigger tits than she does ;_;

>> No.4061016

108 lbs.

I'm getting fat.

>> No.4061017 [DELETED] 

it's true, but there's disagreement on how big it is

some studies say it's tiny, some studies say it's a big part of the energy expenditure increase from exercise

>> No.4061019
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What the fuck am I looking at here?

>> No.4061022

145 lbs, 5 foot 10.

>> No.4061024


>> No.4061025

≥130 lbs

>> No.4061027

105-110lbs, depending on various things
im skinnyfat though - mostly around my stomach

>> No.4061030

~240 last time I checked.

Wanting to get fit and I think it's easy for me to get fit, but I'm too lazy.

>> No.4061035


>but I'm too lazy

So I guess it's pretty hard for you to get fit

>> No.4061041

150lbs at 6'2", skinnyfat

I really wish I had a couple hotdogs right now.

>> No.4061048

5'9" 229. I've lost about 20 pounds in a couple of months, unintentionally.

>> No.4061053
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Never defile Osaka again with your shitty posting and your meme faces

>> No.4061062

175- 185 lbs., depending on what kind of exercise i'm getting

>holy shit this thread made me feel good

>> No.4061109

Yes. Probably should have reread my post before posting it.

>> No.4061144

I know that feel

>> No.4061147

5'8" 146
Feels cardio, yo.

>> No.4061163


>break out in moles

what the fuck

also you two must be like 13 years old

>> No.4061164

People who have really fair skin get moles when they go out in the sun. Moles are practically skin cancer, so it makes sense. When I was in grade 1, I got second degree sun burns, and after they healed, my shoulders were covered in freckles that still haven't gone away.

Also, the person said they experienced that in their 20's, so how would they be 13?

>> No.4061167



Feels good, man.

>> No.4061168

5'8" and weighed 225 lbs on November 11th.
This morning I weighed 204lbs.
I complained about little pin pricking sensations in my lower center chest thinking it might be my stomach. Doctor told me it could be plaque in an artery. I also developed kidney stones and gallstones [and it's fucking hell].

Went cold turkey on shit food. Every morning I cook 1 cup of oats in water with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. I add 1/4 chopped walnuts and 1/4 chopped almonds. 1 cup of blueberries. 1 cup of strawberries or black berries. 1 bottle of water. This keeps me full. I drink more water then eat a banana or orange. Lunch I eat 1/2 of cooked brown rice with 1 cup of kidney beans. 1/2 cup of guacamole or hummus. I drink 1 cup of metamucil. For a snack I eat a fig newton and 1/2 cup of plain popcon. Drink a water bottle. Dinner I steam some asparagus, broccoli, kale, spinach, and a small sweet potato. I dip it in 1/5 cup of low sodium organic soy sauce. I drink 2 cups of green tea. Then 1 hour later I excercise. I just do walking at a speed that keep my heart rate up. I do this for 15 mins then 15 push ups. Repeat 4 times. Then I take a really really hot bath jerk off as reward and brush my teeth so i won't want to eat anything. Keep a bottle of water near me all the time. I have been keeping my piss clear like water since day 1 of this. I honestly feel quicker, more limber, easier and lovely shits that feel amazing, I get harder erections, my skin is clearing up really nice. Only downside is stretch marks opening up again. But I already feel the push ups doing a difference. Honestly I would never wish poor health on my worst enemy. It's just awful what happens to use when we lose control with our eating habits. I really from the bottom of my healing heart wish all you guys never develop any health complications. Also would like some tips and critique of my diet if you have any.

>> No.4061170


My diet is horrible, I'm only thin because I bike everywhere and lift a few times a week

>> No.4061178


We all gonna make it brah!

Why do you drink metamucil when you already eat as much fiber as you do? It's a wee bit unnecessary.

Also, why aren't you eating more protein (as in chicken breasts or lean ground beef)?

>> No.4061187

140 lbs.

eating disorders are a bitch.

>> No.4061191

I forgot to mention my cholesterol was at 250 when I went for my physical on Nov 11. In 3 months I'm going to do another physical.

I try to get 15 grams of soluble fiber to lower cholesterol and produce bile to keep decreasing cholesterol levels. The omega 3 and 6 in the nuts helps and daily tablespoon of olive oil make up the health fats in my dietI forgot to mention I eat a baked salmon steak on wednesday only.

Doctor said take as much soluble fiber as you can to keep pumping bile out daily to decrease cholesterol.

I'm staying away from meat. It'll be my reward when I'm healthy again. I don't want heart disease and I think I was borderline developing some serious hearth shit to feel those little needle pricks in my chest when I bend over or sit down and the huge fat belly causes pressure on my chest, like folding in.

That and I miss sex. I was having trouble maintaining an erection, but now I'm getting hard, but not as hard as I was before I was fat.

>> No.4061197
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Congratulations, don't ever stop maintaining your health after this initial hell stage. Remember that it's always easier to maintain a healthy body than it is to fix a broken one!

>> No.4061206

Seriously guys. I looked in the mirror and saw this huge gut that protruded out so much. I said to myself no girl is every going to fuck me looking like this with a limp fucking dick.

My hair was thinning my skin was breaking out and lots of red acne around my nose. Lots of white heads. I had "tires" and lucky no bitch tits. I only have two pants that fit and few shirts. I had trouble waking up in the morning, paying attention, get tired after every meal. Shit it was bad. I lost 20ish pounds and I feel amazing. My hair is actually starting to get thicker looking. Not showing my scalp. Skin cleaning up, my lower back isn't hurting anymore. No random weird little pains like legs, elbow joints. No weird twitching. I feel motivated to shower, brush teeth, look decent.

Honestly I was a fucking mess and consider myself half way mess now. I don't want to be like those fat grumpy diabetics at walmart in the rascals... Just the getting back into dating game is motivation enough. I'm also past the point where I can taste food and say to myself, it's tart, but doesn't need sugar.

>> No.4061213

What I mean is I'm past the point where I don't crave sugar. I enjoy each very unique taste of things. I feel like sugar just drowns out the natural flavor of things, but in some way can enhance things if done correctly.

Also really fast walking is easy as hell and what I do is count each step out loud like a maniac and watch the clock after I do push ups and time actually flies. And having a heart beat monitor watch helps a shit load.

>> No.4061217


I know that sugar feel. Drinking soda for me now is just too sweet to finish.

Do you browse /fit/, by any chance? They can help you figure out a more permanent diet and fitness plan once you fix your health and the doctor gives you the ok.

>> No.4061218

yesterday i weighed 64.5 kg

>> No.4061223

No. I'm kind of put off by them since I visited a month ago.

I need to get to 155 lbs. then I'll hit the gym with my buddy who's a gym rat and knows nutrition. I haven't bugged him yet we're doing our finals.
Every food I eat I Google everything like nutrition and check if there's something better. Like everyday I'm on google reading up on nutrition of what I'm putting in my body and ways to keep cholesterol down. I've probably read all of the mayoclinic website and livestrong too.

I actually went to my friends birthday party yesterday. I ate a small piece of white cake with a small maybe 4 oz cup of Pepsi. I actually threw up. My body couldn't handle that shit after 2 minutes. I'm not basing it I love pepsi and cake. I think the best way to describe it is like biting into a jalapeno and you swallow it with a shitload of saliva and you get that wanna barf sensation. Well thats how the cake and pepsi felt and I couldn't hold it down. I threw up in the bathroom. Came out... looked for water and ate pomegranate seeds and huge bowl of steamed spinach.

Also been eating a shitload of asparagus and avocados. Everyday.

>> No.4061251


125 pounds.

Satisfied with my body fat, could stand to lose a bit more, but right now I'm trying to gain some muscle.

>> No.4061259

48kg / 105lbs at 5'6.

>tfw skinnyfat and want to keep cutting but already underweight

>> No.4061262

Get a full body massage to get blood circulating and swim once a week. Should come off in a few months.

>> No.4061263


I'd love to lose weight but I don't think I can do it. I work full time, take 2 courses in school, and I have a lot of other commitments. My diet is fine, maybe if I ate a little less it would help, but it's all for naught when I have no time for exercise. I hate my life.

>> No.4061264

5'9, 117. I want to hit 115.

>> No.4061280

I'm 6'2" and 148 lbs as of yesterday.
Am I going to die?

>> No.4061281
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Male, 6'2", 120-130, It really depends on the day. I have trouble convincing myself to eat, that's why I visit /ck/ :) I like to cook, and I like to eat, but, it's... complicated.

>> No.4061282

I don't think removing anything is a desired result.

>> No.4061286

5'4" 142 lbs

Started at 158 lbs in September. I'm aiming for 130 lbs by March.

>> No.4061291


I used to be 225 before I switched to organic food.

>> No.4061297

6'0, aiming for sub 130 lb. sitting on ~135 at the moment.

hate feeling overweight.
hate not eating what I want to.
hate other people's foods entering my world.

>> No.4061299

What the hell, so many tall skinnyfags in here.

5'5", 125 - 130 lbs.

>> No.4061302

5'9 105lbs help I eat 3 meals and snack

>> No.4061303
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6'4" 176lbs

I look terrible naked but I value good food over sex.

>> No.4061307

5'10, female, and currently fluctuating between 310 and 330 and it sucks.

I don't know what to do... well, I do, obviously, but I always end up eating something fucking crazy like 600 calories in a day or all the way up to 3000-3500 and between late night college classes, a major that demands a lot of papers, and living in Manhattan on about 100 bucks every other week I'm a little lost.

Sorry if this isn't stuff asked in /ck/, its my first night here, but does anyone have any advice for someone with an oral fixation? If I'm going healthy I end up drinking about 20-22 cups of water a day, chewing gum and falling off the diet because I crave sweet after, or eat sunflower seeds and thats literally what I will eat all day and absolutely nothing else.

>> No.4061311

hope this is a wake up call for the unhealthy people here

>> No.4061315

Drink a lot of water,eat oatmeal (preferably steel cut oats). You know what you've got to do,I don't want to insult your intelligence here but a lot of people really mess up themselves by drinking too much soda and not enough water,etc.

>> No.4061322

Ah no I totally get that. Actually when I do this I cut out all soda completely, eliminate anything sweet tasting, try to work out for 30 minutes a day, use more veggies. I really hate oatmeal to death but I guess its a sacrifice I have to make!

>> No.4061326

You should do a physical. Does your campus have a clinic? Get your blood tested and find out your total body fat %, HDL, LDL, triglyceride, check if your ALT and AST levels are abnormal, blood pressure, urinary tract infections, and thyroid problems.

You should immediately start a diet plan. Being obese puts you at extremely high risk for cancer, diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, susceptible to infection by low immune system, fatigue, sleep apnea, and brain diseases like Alzheimer's, depression, and other complications. Also you're at high risk for nerve damage.

Just get 10,000 steps in and calculate your required daily caloric intake and subtract -500 calories. You should aim for 2-3 pounds of weight loss to reduce the chance of any complications and stretch marks.

>> No.4061327

Oh no,than don't eat it.
You can't force yourself to eat something you don't like.
Quinioa maybe?

>> No.4061329

don't rely on gum for a diet. If you chew gum while hungry your body fools itself into thinking there is food in your stomach and you just digest your stomach lining or something like that.
What do you mean by oral fixation? Like you have to put something in your mouth?

I think the best way to lose weight is simply eat less, move more. Eating less doesn't mean starving yourself. Instead of 3 meals, divide it up into smaller meals throughout the day.
Breakfast can be something like oatmeal and fruit. Then a few hours later you have whole wheat toast with preserves. For lunch you eat something like grilled chicken breast with rice and steamed vegetables. After work or later in afternoon light snack of celery and peanut butter. Or since you enjoy them so much, some sunflower seeds. Then dinner is grilled chicken breast with steamed vegetables. Don't eat an hour or so before bed. You live in Manhattan, so just walk every now and then. Move your fat self around so that you can burn more calories than you intake.

>> No.4061332

i havent weighed myself in months, since before i put on some decent muscle mass, but i was about 130lbs.

>> No.4061333

5' 6" 130 LBS

>> No.4061335

Replace meat and fats like oil with beans and nuts. Cut out sugar and eat fruit. Drink only water. Don't eat any breads or pastas eat quinoa, oatmeal, or wild rice.
Drink only water and tea also do not drink too much water. You can over hydrate and rupture your blood cells causing permanent brain damage!

>> No.4061340

if you don't like oatmeal, you're doing it wrong.
use cooked fruits and toasted nuts, cinnamon and nutmeg, berries and it's basically guiltless.

next level: use whole oats / millet / amaranth / barley soaked overnight and cooked like rice in the morning.



>> No.4061342

look, fatass. walk more, stop eating junk, and suck more dick. i live in brooklyn. i'll travel into manhattan so you can suck my dick if you need something in your mouth.

>> No.4061343

What's wrong with whole grain medieval peasant type bread?

>> No.4061344

>not using metric system.



>> No.4061345

gum's full of plastic shit as well. it's basically just like a petroleum saliva snack.

if you seriously need to masticate, try chewing on large seeds. date plum peach or apricot work well, and you won't swallow them / drink petrol spit.

>> No.4061348

You're an enormous asshole,but that reminds me of some south american hooker who lost a lot of weight eating man products because in actuality it's pretty high protein stuff.

>> No.4061353

Stretch marks are a LOOONG lost cause but it never hurts to start losing weight at all! My family is prone to all those things which is why I keep trying but I keep falling off...

We don't have a clinic we have a nurse that doesn't even have freaking neosporin. I'm going home for winter break though I can do the tests. I have had a physical before I went to college this september, and I apparently have perfect blood pressure and have no signs of diabetes yet but it's never too late to fight it off.

I'll try that the best I can then, try to get those steps, find out what calories I need in the day, and so on. Out of curiousity though do you have any food suggestions that are somewhat cheap but healthy? Mostly because yeah 50 dollar every other week food budget.

I only heard of that today actually, so I can always give it a try! Hopefully its good

Yeah, basically. I get incredibly strong urges to have something in my mouth at all times and it really sucks. Like over time if I don't have something I start feeling antsy and anxious. Doesn't have to be food either, when I was a young kid I'd swipe my dad's dice and roll it in my mouth its really dumb.

Chicken is great I can do lots of chicken, and I can try my hardest to get more exercise in since all I get is my 1 hour to school and back a day.

More beans, more nuts, quinoa, rice, gotcha!
I've heard about the water thing and that sucks I really like water but I'll be careful.

Thanks a lot everyone! I have to go to bed now finally but I'll keep all this advice in mind.

>> No.4061354

It's to much of a hassle to find or make. Also gives you the temptation of making an unhealthy sandwich with all that fat fuck food you can't eat sitting in the fridge. May as well stick to oatz then reward yourself with peasant bread later

>> No.4061355

is it ok to be skinny look-wise for a guy?
i am mean i know it's better than fat but i don't think that being skinny looks that good either

>> No.4061357

It's like brown rice (it tastes kind of nutty) with a barley like texture.
There's nothing unpleasent about it.
I like adding frozen spinach,butter and some kind of spices to mine.

>> No.4061358

>on 4chan
>thinking anyone here isn'r an asshole
mfw i don't have a face.

It's actually almost entirely sugar. Seriously though, there is no excuse to be your height and weight. Focus on walking more, even if it hurts. There's plenty of walking to be done in manhattan. Stop taking the elevator. Take the stairs. take this anon's advice and live it to the letter: >>4061307

Otherwise, secretly, nobody has any more sympathy for you than they do a homeless drug user.

>> No.4061361

fat men need to buy people.
thin men can seduce them.


>> No.4061364

Usually fat people get all pissed and only eat more when insulted,I genuinely want anon to lose weight.
A fatty who loses weight is better than one who doesn't.
Fatties can redeem themselves.

>> No.4061365

Would love to help you lose weight by fucking you every night and I say this in the most endearing way. Sex burns a lot of calories and is fun.

Usually what gets people to get serious is when the doctor says "your glucose levels are too high" or "those strange quick sharp stabbing pains you get all over your body is a sign of..."

>> No.4061367
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I'm currently 5'1 so it's pretty noticeable that I've gained some pudginess since I don't really move around much. I'm kind of like your stereotypical neckbeard. Only midget size and Asian.

>> No.4061369

by this point their body is basically giving up under them, so you'd be better off fixing your shit now.

>> No.4061375

Anon sounds like she's not a lost cause.
In college,so she's young.
Fix yo'self anon. U KAN DO IT.

>> No.4061376

aren't you those mortal kombat chicks who hit the front page of reddit? would love to eat that sexy pussy

>> No.4061377

but you don't explain why

>> No.4061380

Nah I totally get it, and I do need to lose weight genuinely myself! Truuuuust me I totally wouldn't come to 4chan for any sympathy, there ain't none to be found here. 4chan's for blunt honest advice.

I will say I don't want to lose weight because it makes me less of a PERSON, but I want to lose weight before all the shit >>4061365
just mentioned doesn't happen to me at one point in my lifetime.

Including the sex thing sorry anon, its a kind offer but I've got a committed relationship right now and I'm pretty happy in it, even if its currently long distance.

>> No.4061382


This thread actually motivated me to walk down the street to the shops just now to buy a set of scales. I live in a house where any attempt to suggest getting such an item has been met with 'love who you are' and 'you're just right the way you are'.

I'm the only fatty in the house.

>> No.4061383
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dafuq. no.

>> No.4061386

it may just be a personal thing, having struggled with weight for a number of years, but I don't see obese people as attractive. overweighter folks can probably talk their way into some interactions, but there's a certain type of male who just doesn't need to care what they look like, as they have the numbers to buy who they want.

at least, that's how they'd like to see it.

I don't know anon, would you prefer cushions under you or bones?

>> No.4061387

i am not seeking for an explanation why fat people are ugly(they just are) i am rather seeking for an explanation for why skinny people are less ugly than fat people.

>> No.4061389

>Father dies of stroke at 55
>Mum suffers stroke at 49
>Brother gets diabetes at 18
>Sister gets hepatitis c at 16 (poor choices)
>I've been on the track team from grade 8 all the way through college. Love runner's high.
>See family all sick and fucked up
>I'm the only healthy person
>Fuck around in Cancun
>Catch genital herpes
>Family rips on me everyday for it

>> No.4061393

Americans stigamitize gen herp way too much, even though it's strangely prevalent everywhere. Go to Easern Europe. Telling people that you have it there won't even stop you from getting laid.

>> No.4061394

...Why did you tell your family?

>> No.4061398

5'10" ish
216 (I was 272 at the beginning of August).
I started taking Topamax and phentermine and the weight melted off. My mom has been doing the same and is losing at about the same pace. Go to your doctors and get some you fat fu/ck/s. Ima Femanon btw.
Only weird thing I noticed, for other women, is that it takes the weight off weird. So weird that it can make one tit 1.5 cup sizes smaller than the other.

>> No.4061400

it's embedded in colonized societies. we have the thin image used as an ideal, it's a discussion of control vs lack thereof. also fuck I don't know, I just don't want to be overweight again.

it makes me feel bad. if you're overweight, it's easy to devalue yourself, and just throw any offers to to stay thin away for another whatever junk food.

I don't want that. and I do. eating disorders eh?

>> No.4061405

110 lbs; 5.185 feet;

50 kg; 158 cm

>> No.4061407

i am skinny, i don't know what to think of it.
in some way it's kinda normal but i wouldn't go without a shirt to a beach either

>> No.4061415

yeah /fit/ would call me skinnyfat at this stage. I have loose skin on my stomach when I sit and no muscle tone to speak of.

public beaches aren't appealing, prefer to swim in isolation. general desire to not play the body game, probably stems from insecurity about how looks. I'd like this loose skin to go away, it's been with me a long time.

don't consider myself attractive, have an ideal body that I don't yet feel is in my reach.

>> No.4061417

180 cm and 83 kg.

>> No.4061424

i am not skinny fat.

>> No.4061435

do you work out?

>> No.4061442
File: 231 KB, 800x600, 1344178020251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

154 lbs

>> No.4061444

I can eat as much as I want and not put on any weight. Feels good.

>> No.4061447
File: 58 KB, 400x300, sexy and i know it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shoes, no shirt, and I still get service. Girl look at that body - I work out

>> No.4061455


>> No.4061457


sigh. I took that extra 10 kg in a few month when I just stopped giving a fuck, and now it's been years and I can't get rid of it.

>> No.4061459

convert the extra fat in extra muscles

>> No.4061462

uh yeah either work out or eat less.
that;s not to say you can;t have big meals.

just space them out.

try using water green tea or coffee in between meals.

fruit works as well, apples pears oranges and melons are all low calorie.

>> No.4061463

no i don't.
but i don't have man tits

>> No.4061470


Life hurts.

>> No.4061471

I don't either, they're terrifying.
but I do have loose skin on my stomach, where I presume muscle ought to be.

do you have a job? if so, is it active or passive?

do you know your average calorie intake?

>> No.4061489
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5'5'' 116lbs
you don't have be fat just because you cook good food

>> No.4061506
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105 lbs or 48kg
5'2'' or 158cm

Not a skinnyfat but not exactly fit either

I used to weigh 163lbs (74kg). Losing this weight has been a slow and a painstaking process, but I've only 5 pounds to go.

pic related, it represents my fear of one day gaining it all back, even though it's highly unlikely at this point

>> No.4061519

>tfw 6' 170 pounds

feels fat man, but that's also got a lot to do with the fact i am fucking psychotic and have body image issues. but i am pretty convinced i am incapable of losing weight at this point unless i literally went anorexic.

oh well.

>> No.4061525


I feel bad for you with that height. I'm assuming you're female...if not I feel even worse.

>> No.4061529

5ft6, 200lbs. fatty mcfatfat

>> No.4061531

you sure must be psychotic. count your calories and exercise is what all sane people do

>> No.4061546

why feel bad? I enjoy being short.

>> No.4061547
File: 21 KB, 600x286, 1321868142264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5' 11"
270 lbs

Got down to 240 a few months ago (I yo-yo like crazy) but a big bout of apathy and depression saw to that. My fiancé says he doesn't mind, he just wishes I would get over it. I am looking forward to christmas cooking and have cut out sugar and salt (I don't eat much dairy anyway).

I used to be embarrassed to cook because of my weight (ie as if people would say I was only good because I am fat) but I don't give a fuck any more, cooking is fun and makes me happy. Has anyone else felt like that, or am I just paranoid??

>> No.4061552


Because you get fat easily. Taller people have a lot more freedom in that regard.

And most people are not attracted to midget girls. There's a reason "model height" is 5'8" to 6' tall.

>> No.4061553

215 atm, was 313 but lost most of it in one year. Count calories.

>> No.4061559

Well it is true I do get fat easily but shit happens, nothing I can do about that. And I don't know where you live but where I come from (Finland) I'm not considered a midget and guys usually tend to like petite girls. Besides because of my height washing dishes doesn't strain my back.

>> No.4061562

Damn, I'm a 6'3 swedefag and I'd love to plow some petite girls.

>> No.4061564

Sven, your boyfriend is reading what you type over your shoulder and not liking it one bit.

>> No.4061573
File: 37 KB, 420x630, models_250q_dpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>model height
you know; they are tall and thin because the clothes hang better

also getting fat easier has nothing to do with your height;
>please quote some good scientific articles if you make such an argument the next time
it's all about genetics; environment and other causes; like illnesses;
>you can find a lot more
but as I tried finding something about the correlation between height and overweight people I found very little;
>this is the only thing that I found
>another one was about middle-aged Chinese women

what you might refer to is that smaller people LOOK fatter;
which doesn't mean that they are

also from my POV;
the small girls I've met thus far all seemed average to thin;
but the fat ones had always been taller than me

of course I am below MY countries average height;
which might factor in as there are fewer people my size and thus fewer people in my size who are overweight
>I am

>> No.4061575

5'7" 190lb

I don't even look obese, I think i got a malignet tumor somewhere in my body.

>> No.4061580

5'4" 132-138 lbs
165 cm, 60-63 kilos

I think my weight is ok, but I do want to lose some more to tighten up more. I eat varied enough (nuts, veggies etc) and am currently working on drinking only tea and water. And I exercise by swimming two times a week and walking. I also intend to do daily stomach exercises in the new year. (Because I'll buy a calendar and mark it off everyday.) So I hope I'm on the right path.

>> No.4061584


err, yes you are obese.

>> No.4061588

200 pounds, down from 235.

Feels pretty good. Can fit back into my shorts. Still a bit of weight to lose tho.

>> No.4061590

don't wait. start now. you can have the habit built by the time this gregorian calendar ends.

>> No.4061594


190 is fine for a lot of men, but not at that height.

If you carry it well and you're happy with how you look, then that's good, but it doesn't remove the health implications.

>> No.4061600

You have a point there.

>> No.4061602

About 62KG, and I'm around 180cm.. I'd like to gain some weight, but it's impossible. As soon as I eat anything I have to poop it out. Fast metabolism is okay, but not this fast. I'm cold 24/7 because I don't have much body fat

>> No.4061603
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Shit nigga, you're me 1 year ago

Now i'm 145 lbs

Feels skinny man

>> No.4061609
File: 3 KB, 250x250, 1352181240775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I'm 120lbs.

>> No.4061625

145? what the fuck man

I was 150 because I stopped lifting and just generally was a little depressed and people thought I was going to die I was so skinny. I'm still skinny at 170, but I put on 20lbs of mostly muscle, so I feel alright.

>> No.4061632

5.9 Feet
120 lbs.

>> No.4061647
File: 4 KB, 245x184, 1354064158727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well while you were doing that, I was doing heroin in my apartment and dropped from 170 to 120 in 3 months. I've been sober for 8 months now, and i'm trying to pack on some weight before I start working out. It aint going too hot though

>> No.4061648

6'3" 205lbs
the holidays made me gain some pounds :(

>> No.4061652


>> No.4061656

>160 pounds at 6'0
Used to be around 200. I'm probably going to drop down to 150 eventually.

>> No.4061660

It's weird, there's so many people on the opposite ends of the weight spectrum for their heights but no one in the middle.
I wonder if those people feel self conscious about not being thin, but don't want to lump themselves with the people who are more overweight.

Sage because not contributing

>> No.4061680

5'5" 110lb

>> No.4061685

at least your reasonably tall

Anyway 5'11 male
Not fat really at all

>> No.4061693


Too skinny to be a man, too tall to be a trap.

>> No.4061708

5'8", 170lbs. Not that bad, except I'm horribly out of shape and flabby. Was only 145 a year ago; would much rather be near-auswitchz-mode like that than male-muffintop-mode like I am now.

>> No.4061711

200lb's or so, must of it is form water retention

>> No.4061773

171 lbs
Thank god it's mostly 'cause I'm built pretty robust and somewhat muscular.
5 feet 9 inches tall Male if that matters.

>> No.4061802

>BMI 29.8

I was 234lb in August, but I finally pulled my fingers out of my ass, went on /fit/ and I'm now well on my way to my 168lb goal weight.

>> No.4061804

5'11" 295lbs


>> No.4061810

go to /fit/

>> No.4061819

I drink tea and black coffee because I'm the same way with being fixated on always eating/drinking something. Works great actually, you can find some really fruity teas to help the sweet craving, and I always drink green tea after eating because it gets the taste of food out of my mouth. I'm 5'8 and I was 155 lbs and my weight for this morning was 131. I lift weights and run long distance too, but really, diet is the most important thing to get under control first.Really, you'll feel so much better about your body after losing weight, seriously, I can wear yoga pants in 100% confidence now, haha. Sounds silly, but you have to motivate yourself to keep up a lifestyle change somehow.
Good luck!

>> No.4061823

5'7 178 pounds

>> No.4061824

My kind of lady

>> No.4061849

14 stone/200 pounds

>> No.4061860

female, 5'7", 140 pounds.

I've been lifting for four months now though, so trying to add muscle (I started out at 135). Weird when you've spent so much time and effort trying to just shed weight.

>> No.4061872


60ish KGs
125 lbs

Pretty skinny even though I eat more than most fat fucks

>> No.4061891

200lbs at 5'11. Working on losing weight.

>> No.4061927

You are a pleb.
You're skinny because you don't eat.

You may think you eat, but you don't that's why you're skinny.
You're in denial about this, and you'll always be a skinny fat fuck unless you man the fuck up and eat properly.

>> No.4061929

Moles are melanocyte tumors. Melanocytes are the cells in your skin that produce melanin when exposed to UV rays, but UV rays also can cause DNA damage. Depending on how well a person's DNA repair mechanism is, they can take more or less sunlight and still not get tumors. DNA repair quality is influenced by genes. Mine (and the other anon's) DNA repair isn't too good, so we can't afford to produce enough melanin to be "tan" without getting too many melanocyte tumors.
And this is why I am pasty.

>> No.4061934

6'2 195 skinnyfat some muscle

>> No.4061957

^Fucking this.
Eat more skinny faggot.
6'1 170lbs master race reporting in.

>> No.4061974

We're waiting bros


Don't worry bros, we're all gonna make it

>> No.4062053

>6'1 170lbs
Skinny faggot detected.

>> No.4062063

~110lbs. Should probably weigh a little less but I fucking love baking.

>> No.4062087

90 lbs

>> No.4062094


>> No.4062139


130 lbs

Would like to lose 5 lbs but I love food so no, I'm happy where I am

>> No.4062168

6'3" tall, 138 pounds. Trying to get bigger, but going slowly.

>> No.4062172


kinda fat but but the 20km cycle each day is helping

>> No.4062176


523 lb.

>> No.4062178


136 lbs

>> No.4062179

Either there are a lot more girls that post here then previously thought, or this thread is filled with manlets.

>tfw 6'.5'' and 225 :(

>> No.4062182


Yeah I'm fat, but also tall, so it balances out quite nicely. I don't stand out due to my weight thanks to the height. I look a bit past what one would call "chubby"

>> No.4062186

1.85 m
70 kg

need to gain a few

>> No.4062217

5'10", 145lbs. Maybe you people should stop being fat fucks.

>> No.4062224
File: 30 KB, 587x511, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


165 lbs

Stop being bags of bones.

>> No.4062237
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 415SSH7Y3CL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you even know my skeleton feels?

>> No.4062238

tfw used to be idle around 324.
and now almost below 300
Maybe i can be human again one day.

>> No.4062239

155lbs, 5'11"

>> No.4062243


>> No.4062253

170 but I'm 5'4 so quite fat

>> No.4062311

5'10" (I think)
67 kg

I feel good. Not greek statue glorious, just comfortable.

>> No.4062323

150 lb, was 210 lb at the start of the year.

>tfw 5'6'' male.

>> No.4062339

5' 8", 230 lbs

>> No.4062352

145 lbs

>> No.4062392

Glorious short man, be mine.

185 lbs

>> No.4062399


I'd rather fucking die than live like that. What the fuck..

>> No.4062412


was on some medication that made me gain about ten pounds. trying to lose it now though since I got off my meds :(

>> No.4062420

after seeing these, not even gonna read the rest of the thread

>> No.4062450

I knew /ck/ would be fat and all but holy shit you guys.

>> No.4062473

>Diabetes runs in my family
Was 312 pounds, dropped down to 185 pounds, then built muscle up to about 205 pounds.

Anyone can be in shape, if you think you're just going to be fat the rest of your life, you just don't want to be fit badly enough.

>> No.4062484

5'9", 118 lbs, male

>> No.4062485

No, no it doesn't.
>>4062473 Here:
That's what I thought too, but it *so* worth it to just drop some weight, you'll look a million times better, and feel a million times better too.

>> No.4062492

I eat like he does but I don't do it for any reason other than those are the foods I like. It's hilarious to me that you'd "rather die" than eat what I choose to eat every day.

>> No.4062495

It should be less about weight and more about your fat ratio. 5 lb of muscles vs 5 lbs of fat. The former will look better while the latter will not.

>> No.4062507

5'8, 165 lbs. I could stand to loose some weight, but jesus fuck /ck/.

>> No.4062520
File: 20 KB, 396x403, U+WOT+M8+description+.+http+www.facebook.com+martin.w.keating_079b02_4051759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when all these fatties probably have good facial genetics under all that flab

I hate you all.

>> No.4062522

6'2" 165lbs
I can't seem to bulk up.
I even did a dare where I was only allowed to eat fast food for a week. Only gained about 2 pounds.

>> No.4062527


Just a pretty lanky goof.

>> No.4062554
File: 35 KB, 591x817, 1283054433811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I could easily be the most attractive person in my group of friends if I lost all this weight
>mfw I'm tall as fuck and no one ever mentions my weight ever because they think I would beat them up
>mfw I don't give a fuck

>> No.4062589
File: 11 KB, 245x206, metric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4062592

150 lbs

probably would be good to drop to 140

>> No.4062600


>> No.4062605

295 lbs. I'm 5'10. I look better than I should but fatter than my lying cheating mirror makes me look.

>> No.4062606

5"4 95lbs.

>> No.4062611

>270 pounds
>6 feet tall

>tfw i've been exercising 7 hours a week for about a year and have hardly changed weight at all

God damn I've traded a lot of fat for muscle but I haven't lost any weight at all. I just can't stop loving my own cooking long enough to lose anything, but being a 270 pound muscle bear is alright I guess.

>> No.4062612

What the fuck

>> No.4062616

5'3'' male
180 pounds

>> No.4062617

5'2, 118 lbs.
Trying to get back down to 100.

>> No.4062688

You're fun sized,friend.

>> No.4062693

I'm 6'2" as well. 145 lbs.
Everything I eat goes straight to bellyfat if that even happens.
Do you do a lot of cardio?

>> No.4062701


>> No.4062702

Same here. I'm the same height and roughly the same weight, and I have the same problem. I exercise a lot, and still haven't dropped the weight. The only way I can lose weight is to go into anorexic mode and eat one meal a day, which just doesn't cut it for me.

>> No.4062721

Are you a woman?

Can I spend the whole day fucking you while carrying you around?

>> No.4062732

I used to bike and swim but all it did was make me lose weight. Stopped doing it for due to work and me trying to bulk up a bit.

>> No.4062760

>80 lbs

>> No.4062780
File: 39 KB, 410x459, tumblr_lworwlqB871qzd3rjo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4062790

214lbs (was 275lbs back in May)

I have 40lbs to lose then I plan to hit the weights (cardio only now).

>> No.4062878

120 lbs

>> No.4062919

>dem thighs
.....I'd hit it, not even joking. ya, I am a sick fucker.

>> No.4063126

Beauty is on the inside where you most likely will have a heart attack also..

>> No.4063156

60kg is not 125lbs. it is closer to 132lbs.

I'm 5'3, 134lbs. Got weighed/measured at the doctor's last week.

>> No.4063838

Lift weights if you want to put it somewhere other than your belly.

Nobody puts on significant muscle without increasing loads of resistance

>> No.4064510
File: 3 KB, 118x125, jaha..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she thinks this expression is normal for a greeting