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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 241 KB, 576x771, Fresh-Baked-Rolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4050858 No.4050858 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/, American here.

I want to show you what food lots of people buy.

I'm only going to show you the ingredients though, maybe you'll understand why a lot of us are unhealthy.

Please contribute and show me your foods that are readily available with their ingredients.

I'm sure a lot of us would be interested in knowing what people buy all over the world as everyday food items.

Supposedly bakery fresh rolls at Ralphs/Kroger supermarket.

please excuse the crappy phone camera

>> No.4050861
File: 193 KB, 576x771, Can-of-Soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progresso Light Clam Chowder

>> No.4050864
File: 258 KB, 576x771, Cereal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice Chex

This one isn't so bad I guess, most expensive item

>> No.4050866
File: 221 KB, 576x771, Diet-Soda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diet A&W Root Beer

>> No.4050867
File: 197 KB, 576x771, Cake-Mix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betty Crocker Lemon Cake mix

>> No.4050870
File: 207 KB, 576x771, Frosting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betty Crocker Vanilla Frosting

>> No.4050877

Food is a huge business, OP. Everyones gotta eat.

If that means nuking food with as many chemicals as possible to preserve it, so be it.

>> No.4050882

>110mg of sodium
>salt or sodium based ingredients not in ingredients list

>> No.4050884

Spoken like a true American.

>> No.4050887
File: 334 KB, 1080x1920, bpofA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, big scientific words must be unhealthy

>> No.4050889


>that was my point

>> No.4050892

>hurrr palm oil in croissants is awesome

>> No.4050905

a lot of breads call for oil
is there something inherently hazardous about palm oil?

>> No.4050921

Yes, yes there is.

>> No.4050923

The 3rd ingredient is sodium benzoate

probably where they get the sodium from

>> No.4050925

>Eat shit food
>Angry that you are unhealthy
Oh wow OP

>> No.4050928

stop being a chemophobe OP

Just because you are too uneducated to understand what the ingredients are doesn't imply they are bad for you

>> No.4050931
File: 22 KB, 640x856, 1304740809708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on

>> No.4050932

all he said was that it's readily available, most of our food does looks like this

>> No.4050933

Blindly accepting whatever is put on the shelf because of faith in the governing bodies/business that make the product is even more ignorant.

>> No.4050934

If you are concerned about foods and preservatives then cook for yourself. If you have the space, grow your own spices/veggies.

>> No.4050937

not the point of the thread, the point is to show what people buy on a daily basis to feed themselves

>> No.4050938

No, i put faith in my education and chemistry knowledge, not the government

Also poisoning your customers is bad for business, not sure why you think companies would knowingly do this with any worrisome frequency

>> No.4050939

>Also poisoning your customers is bad for business, not sure why you think companies would knowingly do this with any worrisome frequency
Full retard.

>> No.4050945

Then promote cooking.

>> No.4050944

So you have an intimate understanding of food chemistry, safety, microbiology, government regulations, and manufacturing protocol?

>> No.4050941

What could be a negative impact of avoiding processed foods, even if the fear was unfounded?


>> No.4050942

In combination with ascorbic acid (vitamin C, E300), sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate form benzene, a known carcinogen. However, in most beverages that contain both, the benzene levels are below those considered dangerous for consumption.[10] Heat, light and shelf life can affect the rate at which benzene is formed.

On 10 April 2008, the Foods Standard Agency called for a voluntary removal of the colours (but not sodium benzoate) by 2009.[14] In addition, it recommended there should be action to phase them out in food and drink in the European Union (EU) over a specified period.[15]

In response to consumer insistence on a more natural product, the Coca Cola Company is in the process of phasing sodium benzoate out of Diet Coke. The company has stated it plans to remove E211 from its other products — including Sprite, Fanta, and Oasis — as soon as a satisfactory alternative is discovered.

>> No.4050946

>What could be a negative impact of avoiding processed foods, even if the fear was unfounded?
Its inconvenient

>> No.4050948


Do you cook everything? You never go out and buy a bag of chips or a drink?

>> No.4050951

This means nothing.

>> No.4050952

So it sounds like they are removing it because people are afraid, not because there is any evidence of it ever harming a person

>> No.4050954

It means it costs less or takes less time, this is important to a lot of people

>> No.4050956

more than most people, enough to not be afraid of every conspiracy theory and media scare frenzy i hear

>> No.4050957

lol no

An hour of cooking a day is not a waste of time, especially for people on 4chan.

>> No.4050959
File: 93 KB, 489x540, 1352486469685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm out with friends, or offered; yes.
Otherwise I cook and make everything from scratch. From sauces to sides to liqueurs.

>> No.4050962

>An hour of cooking a day is not a waste of time
well that depends on the individual situation

For a lot of people it is

>> No.4050965

Person chefs are an option.

>> No.4050967


>> No.4050984

quite unrelated to palm oil

>> No.4050992

>For a lot of people it is
No, for people who are confused about priorities it is.

>> No.4050995

man, I missed that? lol

>> No.4051065


Well, not a health effect, but palm oil, unless sourced from a west African country, is a completely unsustainable crop that promotes deforestation. And the palm oil is usually at least partially hydrogenated, which is discouraged by the American Heart Association (for whatever that's worth)

>> No.4051077

>confused about priorities
So much this. Peeling open a banana or rinsing off an apple and biting into it isn't time consuming. Oatmeal can take ~5 minutes. Making a salad isn't time consuming. For dinner if you're in a rush throw some stuff in a crock-pot and by the time you're home from work/class a hot meal is ready. Sandwiches don't take long to make. You can make a bunch of rice/beans in bulk for burritos and keep them in the fridge for a few days. Veggies and hummus makes a great snack. etc etc.

>> No.4051098

Instant Gratification

Microwaveable meals are much more appetizing than an apple

>> No.4051116

I am a grad student that works 30-100 hours a week. My girlfriend and I have to take care of a house that is too big for us, we have a huge garden, chickens, a dog, etc. I have lots of hobbies (gardening, hunting, collecting berries and other wild foods, making preserves, fishing, skijoring, playing my saxophone, running, camping, canoeing, trap shooting, lifting weights, reading, etc).

If I can cook my meals anyone can. When people say, "I don't have the time" the really mean, "I don't care enough to be bothered".

>> No.4051140

They're definitely richer. Some good pink ladies, fuyus, or gala apples can be delicious though. Lower on calories so you have to eat more to get it up to par with a microwaveable meal.

>> No.4051144

I meant fuji. When I said fuyu I was thinking of persimmons.

>> No.4051150

i is a scared of words i don't understand

>> No.4051153

Satisfying might be a better word.

>> No.4051173

so true.

Same with "I can't cook." BULLSHIT. You can turn on a stove right? You can tell when meat is cooked through right? You can bite a veggie and see if it's still too crunchy?

>> No.4051222

>these things are bad because you don't know what they are
jokes on you, I actually know chemistry.

Nothing so far would make me concerned.

>> No.4051229

>I don't research things and just assume they're okay because big brother is looking out for me