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4034132 No.4034132 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm waiting for this bitch to warm up on the counter. I was just thinking about pan frying it with just some sea salt and pepper. Discuss.

Inb4 somebody bitches about pan frying steak.

>> No.4034137

sous vide it

>> No.4034142

That's too much work for one person at 3AM.

>> No.4034151

Sounds like a good plan, OP. Bully for you for letting it warm up too. Always. Always.
You got any cast iron, OP?

>> No.4034156

Yeah I have a cast iron pan or I was thinking about using the cast iron griddle just to get dem grill marks. I'll probably go with the pan though for easy of use and ease of cleanup.

>> No.4034159

Pan frying steak is the shit.
I just turn the pan up to full and chuck some good vegetable oil with a high flash point in, and sear that bitch up for less than a min on both sides.
Don't forget a bruised garlic clove bro

>> No.4034160

Don't let it warm for more than half an hour, safety first. Set your oven to broil. Put a frying pan on high. Get that bitch hot! Rub the steak with a generous amount of cracked salt and pepper. Sear the steak for two or three minutes a side. Put the steak in oven till done. Take it out of the oven and let it rest (in the hot pan) for 10 or 15 minutes.

>> No.4034162

This fucker is somewhere between 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 inches thick. Leaning more to 1 1/2. I am shooting for medium rare but this is a thick ass steak so we'll see how it goes.

>> No.4034164

OP's cut needs no oven

>> No.4034169

What is everyone's opinion on sauces? I usually only use the juices from the meat and a bit of butter over my steaks when I cook them, and although it is past 3am here now, I am open to ideas here. White wine reduction?

>> No.4034174

If your steak is 1 1/2 inches, I don't think you'll get it a medium rare without an oven.

>> No.4034176
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>half an hour

you've got to be shitting me.

>> No.4034180

That's what I was thinking but I'm gonna see how I do with just the pan. I may run a rolling pin over it once to make it a bit thinner even.

>> No.4034179

Nah man, don't get fancy with a good cut like this. Mix up some butter with lemon juice, pepper, salt (if unsalted, use it to taste) and a bit of fresh parsley for a quick version of maitre d'hotel butter and just eat it with that.

>> No.4034181

hmm lemon juice you say? May go with that. Like I said I usually just stick with butter, salt and pepper/

>> No.4034223
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Well here is my result. Came out pretty damn good and tastes amazing as usual. Good color even though the photo makes the bottom part look pretty dark. Did 3 1/2 min on each side.

>> No.4034225

DO WANT, good job, OP.

>> No.4034229

thanks. Self prepared steaks always turn out better than any restaurant. I paid less than $8.00 for this guy too.

>> No.4034278


That's fucking raw

>> No.4034279


>> No.4034283


looks pretty decent, OP.

I came to the thread a bit late but an alterternative to sous vide is this:

Just some good olive oil and black pepper on the steak and into the oven at 80 or 90 Celsius. takes an hour approx, depending on your steak and then sear that thing as quickly as possible. Not as much work to set up as sous vide and you don´t need to temper it first because you can put it in the oven while that is warming up. the temp will be low enough so that it warms your steak up quite gently.

>> No.4034285

salt and whatever other spices afterwards of course. i love beurre noisette with my steaks for example.

>> No.4034287

hmmm still seems like a lot of work but it's different so I may try it one day thanks bro.


I lol'd

>> No.4034289


cool, but i actually find that slower cooking is LESS work usually. or at least it feels like that. because you can take your time and clean shit up without hurry in the meantime. oh and you can drink more until your shit is done :)

>> No.4034293

makes sense. I usually get impatient while I'm letting the steak get to room temperature though lol. I waited forever for this bastard though because it was so thick.

>> No.4034295


i don´t think you really need to worry about that too much with either sous vide or my method though. because the longer cooking times will average the temp differences out.
you just need the steak at room temp if you do it as quickly as have.

so in the end it would prolly be even faster to cook it slower :D

another technique the guys from MC suggest that i haven´t tried yet is freezing the steak, then searing it frozen and finishing it in the oven at low temp. makes sense to me and shouldn´t take longer than my method, but i don´t know if i could just throw my meat into the freezer like that haha

>> No.4034300


Frozen searing? I'm not sure I'll ever try that one. There have been times where I put the steak in a ziplock bag, and put it in slightly warm water because I can't be bothered waiting.

>> No.4034310



check this one out. here´s a demonstration of a few of those techniques, including the frozen steak sear i think that you can do at home.

as i said, haven´t tried it yet but it makes sense logically.

oh and btw, i defrost all my meat like that. i´m puttiing it in a pan with cold water and then turn on the heat. as the water gets heated so does the meat. very gently.

>> No.4034315

holy fuck he used a shitload of oil god damn.

>> No.4034316

lol yeah, more like a fry then a sear.

but it seems i misremembered sorry.

>> No.4034317

No big deal. I actually laughed out loud when he splashed it all over the stovetop and that lady.

>> No.4034319

haha yeah.

also no idea why he only seared one side here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_tgxzXmpKQ&feature=plcp
this ones cool too though.

>> No.4034324

i mean, most of this would be too much trouble for me to bother at home, but i like to see ideas excecuted to their logical extreme. i find these videos really entertaining apart from being educational.

and i´m happy to take from them the parts that seem worthwhile. i wanna get an immersion circulator soon for example.

>> No.4034329


True. It is all very interesting stuff. It would definitely be impressive to cook steaks this way for company. Although I'm not sure how it would work as far as seasoning goes unless it was marinated. Seasonings wouldn't do very well being immersed in boiling oil like that I don't think.

>> No.4034331

true, but if you sou vide it it will be more like a marinade than a spice rub i think.

and i mean, you can still use the principles of their methods. even if you don´t take them to the extreme like this.

>> No.4034336

im new to cooking. i have a 1 1/2 inch rib eye in the fridge. can i get away with just pan searing it or is it too thick for that? if so, how long/what temp should i stick it in the oven to get the proper doneness?

>> No.4034341


It all depends on how you like your steak cooked. Rare, medium, well done...

I just did that strip steak which was pretty fucking thick somewhere close to 1.5 inches. If you wanna get similar results to what I got with pan frying only,

For medium rare btw...

• let the steak reach room temperature and add seasonings (sea salt/pepper)
• heat up a cast iron pan/griddle on the highest heat setting
• add oil (some people make a fuss over what oil to use, I just used olive oil)
• cook 3 1/2 - 4 minutes per side
• turn steak on its side and cook strip of fat

You can also try turning your stove slightly under the highest setting if you're worried about overcooking the outside and under cooking the inside because I'm sure some stovetops can vary. It's trial and error although you can't go too wrong doing that. If you hate the rare thing, then you are better off leaving the meat in the pan longer. You only flip the steak once.

>> No.4034344


do this >>4034283

put it in the oven while it´s still warming up. the perfect temp for medium rare is 56 Celsius in my opinion if you have a probe.

>> No.4034345


if you do it like this, flip your steak every 15 seconds or so so the heat will penetrate the steak more evenley and so it doesn´t burn. depends on how hot you can get it.

>> No.4034357

>he eats raw meat

oh my, what a brutish barbarian

>> No.4034414

ey op
mebe next time you cover that in a shitload of kosher salt and let it sit and soak up dat flavor fo like a day

>> No.4034640


One bar I used to work in offered a pan-fried whiskey ribeye. Was fairly tasty. I say go for it.

>> No.4034709
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>> No.4034839

It's not raw you fucking idiot look at the fat it's cooked and looks rubbery no longer white and stringy.

>> No.4034860
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Ah, like fibrous bubble gum right