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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4025034 No.4025034 [Reply] [Original]


Natto is easily the most repulsive thing that ever entered my oral cavity.
It isn't even because of the repulsive taste but it's consistency.
I almost had to throw up the instance it grazed my tounge.

>> No.4025040

Corn and coffee

>> No.4025056

I tried making a steak in 80% coco chocolate, the salty meaty bitter taste almost made me throw up. Alligator also isn't amazing, I ate it with clams. It actually looked a lot like chicken and tasted like fishy chicken

>> No.4025068
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>> No.4025089


I'm with you OP. Though the consistency wasn't really the problem, it was that taste of salty something.

>> No.4025093

The one I had weren't salty but somewhat bitter and ... well I can't really describe it.

It's a shame since it's one of the most healthy food products ever.

>> No.4025105

rotten animal protein WINRAR

>> No.4025304

I once had a german meat-salad which was spoilt. Package seemed to be intact, but wasn't. It's basically minced baloney in mayo. Didn't eat it though, the moment I had it in my mouth I almost vomited. Tastes like old corpse.

>> No.4025330

my grandma once made this casserole for thanksgiving a couple years back. To this day, I'm still not sure what was in it, but it was gross.

>> No.4025357

McDonalds big mac

>> No.4025368

Once I had someone bring me their "egg salad".
It was in the car from 8AM to 1PM. The mayo-egg ratio was way off and it smelled like old feet. The consistency was that of mucus.

>> No.4025372
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Fish balls in fish broth with oils in it in Vietnam.

>> No.4026029

Went to a Mexican restaurant and ordered a carnitas taco. Everything was going well until I bit into a thumb-sized piece of pure, chewy fat.

>> No.4026031

What's that? Sour herring?

>> No.4026035

Please tell me you're trolly is rusty and you're not really that much of a pussy.

>> No.4026038

Salmon roe sushi. I really nearly puked after one of the eggs popped in my mouth. I had to hold my mouth shut so nothing came out. I couldn't spit it out because someone was treating me to dinner and I'd feel bad. My heart was beating so fast, god that was the worst.

>> No.4026039

Please tell me your trolly is rusty and that you're not really that much of a pussy.

>> No.4026041

Fucking sliders from White Castle. I don't get how that is even edible to anyone. The cheese was not even melted, the burger is greasy as hell, it is not filling at all, and there is a thin layer of grey sludge between the patty and the bun.

>> No.4026065

miso soup + cola

>> No.4026080

To this point in my life, everything nasty I've come in contact to has been in front of me many times, so by now I'm actually starting to get the acquired taste.

From fried liver to duck blood soup to pickled herring, I'm starting to really like them. I still haven't come around to stinky cheeses yet like Limburger. Insects would still be a taboo to me, though.

>> No.4026103

Hey hey hey hey!! Fried liver is awesome! Don't mesh with fried liver!

>> No.4026110
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Make it with low fire, season with a strong sauce, and you have a meal from the gods.

>> No.4026122
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scandinavian food general

>> No.4026123

Guy you're quoting, but hell yeah. As a kid it was some hors d'oeuvre that my grandma used to make. Now it's a delicous main course that I can order going out, along with appreciating the hours d'oeuvres of fried liver and onions on a toothpick that she makes every Christmas!

Now my mouth is watering in anticipation. Only one more month...

>> No.4026134

Once when I was about nine or so I was going through a phase where I hated shredded coconut in my candy.

So my mom fed me a Mounds candy bar with the almonds in it during a car ride. I thought it was just another chocolate bar, but boy was I surprised. I tasted the coconut, and the texture to me at the time was awful. It was like eating hair, nasty, oily hair.

I couldn't spit it out because there was no place in the car to spit, and I was too young and strapped in to roll down a window and effectively clear the shit from my mouth.
So I sat in the car for an hour, and held that candy bar that was half chewed and salivated in my mouth until we stopped. I hurled it out with the force of a thousand suns.

I can tolerate that candy today, but honestly that was the most disgusting food experience I've ever had.

>> No.4026192


Mounds holds it for me too, or just about anything with coconut or fish for that matter.

>> No.4026200


that grey sludge would be the onions my friend.

>> No.4026205

Fried crispy breadcrumb coated liver eaten with raw red onions & sumac on toasted strips of pide bread. Can dip toast lightly in extra virgin olive oil. Try it!

>> No.4026221

A durian cookie.

The whole goddamn room smelled like rotten onions for hours.

>> No.4026258

Chef Boyardee Ravioli. That stuff was awful. I really had to think hard about something disgusting I have ate.

I would see my cousins eating that gloop that is Chefy Boyardee enjoyably as a kid. So when I went to grocery store that same week I told my mom to buy some. Me and my sister ate it and instantly threw up.

Not sure if we just got a spoiled batch, but never again.

>> No.4026261

You got a spoiled batch.

Bologna is the worst thing I've eaten

>> No.4026271

Undercooked cake. My ex's mother baked a cake and she was so proud of it but it was still raw and awful in the center. I ate a slice out of politeness. She defended it by saying it was "meant to be soft". I was sick for the rest of the night.

>> No.4026290

>undercooked cake
>sick for the rest of the night

Gentle queer delicate snowflake limp-wristed thin-skinned sensitive effeminate faggot detected.

>> No.4026335

motherfucking raisins

>> No.4026346

It was so doughy and tasteless, I almost threw up because of the texture...

>> No.4026354

I went to a Korean restaurant and wanted to try something different. I ordered something called "Korean Sausage Soup." It looked like they had taken all of the body parts that normally get ground up and made into a sausage, and dropped them into some broth.

I'm not a picky eater, and this was one of the only dishes I've not been able to eat.

>> No.4026374


>> No.4026379

I work in the kitchen for a hospital and as such we have people with varying diets. as part of our orientation to the different diets we tried various things. the worst thing I had was the puree food. I tried a beef, corn, bread, and mixed berry purer. the berry wasn't too bad but the hot food was over flavored to the point where it was unedable and the texture threw me off as well. That is why I am happy I can eat normal food

>> No.4026391

Triscuits. Don't see how people like these. The texture and salty weird ass taste made me almost instantly throw up.

>> No.4026472

Cheese slices or any other kind of processed cheese make me want to vomit.

>> No.4026498

I love natto, I wish I could eat it every day.

>> No.4026515

Undercooked cake? Nattō? Raisins? CORIANDER? Oh god, this board is infested with picky underage fatties.

I love basically everything that is not over-processed. The most disgusting foods must be stuff like canned meatballs or nuggets, which have no texture and taste like plastic.

I love nattō as well, that's why I eat it every day.

>> No.4026533


this is the same way i feel when people talk about taco bell diarrhea

for me it was eggplant. my dad used it in some stir fry, and i could not eat it after two bites. it was awful and bitter, and the smell reminded me of when my sister broke her wrist and had had the cast taken off after a while. disgusting.

>> No.4026537
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Salad leaves, spinach, things with a distinct "green" taste like that. Mostly leaves of various sorts.

Perfectly okay with lettuce and cucumbers though.

>> No.4026541

A peanut butter sandwich that tasted like the smell of stinkbugs.

Yeah, I don't know how you can fuck up a peanut butter sandwich, but these chucklefucks found a way to do it.

>> No.4026543


Why the fuck do Asian cultures have to half-rot food before they eat it?
Pickled items, smoked items, hard cheeses, I understand them, it's a means of preservation.
But beans? Why the fuck would you take perfectly nutritious, good-tasting beans that can be stored almost indefinitely and then let them turn to weird slimy stinking goo?
OP's pic made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

>> No.4026546

Haggis, at a Scottish festival. I almost threw up it was so disgusting

>> No.4026549

I don't tend to eat things that I find disgusting? Goodness gracious. If that makes me a limp-wristed thin-skinned sensitive effeminate faggot, then OKAY.

>> No.4026578

Foie gras.
I had gotten a scholarship from Boeing and was invited to some fancy fundraiser dinner with highbrow guests, almost everything was disgusting. I didn't even chew the foie gras, I cut it up in the largest pieces possible to swallow whole, popped them in my mouth and pretended to chew. I had to fight the urge to constantly lurch through dinner.

Rich people eat the most repulsive things.

>> No.4026580

Celery. I don't know how people can stand it. The flavor that lingers on your tongue has that repulsive bitter sting. Gag me with a spoon.

>> No.4026585

(coz da jap were poor bro)

>> No.4026614

I have never been able to palate ranch dressing. Something about the way it smells is just incredibly vile to all of my senses. I've actually eaten it on accident a few times, and while I don't particularly like the taste, it's the smell more than anything that really kills it for me.

>> No.4026619

Tbh any nugget I've ever eaten has been horrible but the most disgusting thing I've had in mouth would have to be tanqueray and lemon juice. That shit hits you from all directions.

>> No.4026649

I honestly cannot understand how people eat it. It tastes like a car tire that ran over rotting fish.
That, stir fried with jalapenos, has to be the worst dinner I've ever made.

>> No.4026657

wat. Haggis is food of gods.

>> No.4026659

I so know that feel, bro.

Still happens everytime she comes over

>> No.4026660

nigga what about my meatballs

>> No.4026672

I had dragon fruit the other day. they should call it devil fruit. it's so misleading, it's purple and should therefore be delicious, but when you open it up it looks like a gray kiwi, and it tastes like soggy paper. the disappointment was worse than the taste. it's probably not the worst thing I've ever eaten, but it's the worst thing i can remember.

>> No.4026707

Wattleseed Damper

>> No.4026721

Dark chocolate for me. I mayI have the palate of a child, but I don't like anything bitter. Dark chocolate makes me nauseous with just a gram or so of it in my mouth. I don't drink coffee, beer, wine or strong liquors either.

>> No.4026733

You might be a supertaster

>> No.4026734

Which means...?

>> No.4026737

The same happened to me. I had already told that that I eat fish but don't like other kind of seafood (yeah, sorry, can't help it). Then they forced me to eat that roe. I came so close to throwing up, I had tears in my eyes.

>> No.4026741

a steak in chocolate dowsn't count as food in my eyes, that's jsut garbage

>> No.4026751

Good lord, get past the idea of what you're eating and taste the food.

Worst food I've ever had was my friends mother's 'Chinese spaghetti'. White bag pasta half cooked with - get this - 'General Tao chicken' (pretty sure it was chicken nuggets with pine apple sauce and red hot) tossed with fucking skippy chunky peanut butter and canola oil.

That or my mother's wedding cake. Baked fresh, two weeks ago, because they needed time to decorate it. Yeah.

Capcha - roast Fsuits. Yeah, roasted fur suits.

>> No.4026752

I love dark chocolate and bitter tastes

I love coffee but disgust strong liquors

>> No.4026761

Liver and pickled herring are both delicious.

>> No.4026774

Camembert cheese. It literally doesn't register as food in my brain, I can't even force myself to swallow it.

What's weird is that I have no problem eating similar cheeses, like Brie.

>> No.4026784

It's funny, i will eat almost everything with a smile on my face, I've even tried to see if i could get fresh insects for cooking where i live, but if there is one thing i can't abide it is cloves. Ever since i was a kid I've hated everything that involves cloves you could taste.

>> No.4026830 [DELETED] 

750 grams of frozen minced beef meat (only ate some of it)
A Weber charcoal grill
Way too much petroleum, extra dirty, only meant for garden flame torches.
Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Headache, feeling Weak.

>> No.4026835

The fuck? what's that?

>> No.4026852

Carob. It not only looks, but also tastes like a fucking rotten banana peel with a fair amount of rubber in it.
Add an adamantine seed that almost broke out my teeth to the otherworldly chewy texture and disgusting taste, and you have the most disgusting thing I ever tasted.

>> No.4026855

sundried tomato
vienna sausage
tinned ministrone

>> No.4026866

My girlfriend eats that crap every day for breakfast. I tried a bite of it once and it could barely keep it down. Its pretty gross stuff

>> No.4026872

beta as fk, no offence

captcha dummpla imperishable

>> No.4026880

>>not eating rotted beans is beta

>> No.4026896

Better don't do it again when she's around. She might start to wonder why are you such a pussy.

>> No.4026904

a McDonalds burger

>> No.4026959

Anything from Taco Bell.

>> No.4026966

I have to second this. I tried a standard McD cheeseburger once, and it was one of the rather unpleasant experiences with food I have had so far.
It basically has no texture at all, it is so soft and slimy. You could barely tell the beef from the cheese and the other "stuff" because it was all mixing in with each other, like some oversized, overpriced, spiced amoeba.
It was okay.

>> No.4027267


>> No.4027273

i used to love fish eyes when i was a kid

what the fuck was i thinking?

attention whore, i guess

>> No.4027274

umeboshi is pretty sickening, but i was intrigued enough by the extremity of flavor to keep eating them. i like eating them now because i also look at it as a kind of challenge. its an acquired taste i guess.

>> No.4027429

I can't stand any salt water fish because of the strong taste. I love freshwater fish though because it doesn't taste "fishy".

>> No.4027431


How odd. The "fishy taste" has nothing do to with salt vs. fresh water.

For example, Cod is saltwater and has a very mild taste...as does pretty much any white-fleshed saltwater fish.

Salmon is freshwater and has a strong oily taste. Trout is also freshwater and some kinds of it are quite "fishy" as well.

>> No.4027434

vegan attention whore detected

>> No.4027436


Not odd at all. If you live in flyover country it's hard to get fish that isn't tilapia, walleye, and catfish.

>> No.4027448

That is a good point and I will admit that I don't like salmon or rainbow trout because o the fishiness and cod is possibly the only saltwater fish I like.

>> No.4027462

THIS. I cannot stand the smell of ranch. Automatic retching whenever I get a whiff of that shit.

>> No.4028334

Cilantro. That is one of the only foods I cannot eat. It tastes like soap.

>> No.4028344

Or she can eat that disgusting stuff, I can fuck her when shes done, and you can wonder about being beta or alpha on 4chan

>> No.4028346


You'd think that that could turn out pretty well.

What went wrong?

>> No.4028403
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Well done!

>> No.4028408

I've had a good meal with tempeh but it was at a restaurant. I've never cooked using it.

>> No.4028433

I can do natto, bugs, rotten herring, all that shit. But I'm a fucking child when it comes to Bananas...even the fucking smell. seriously fresh is bad enough but someone cooking banana bread makes me want to retch

>> No.4028459

A "quiche" my aunt made this thanksgiving. It had no crust, and she only put cherry tomatoes and spinach in it. It was rubbery, greasy, and flavorless.

>> No.4028467

serious question. are you black? Literally ever person i have heard use that description is black. I guess taste is different by race?

As for OP. pig intestine. taste was fine, textural nightmare though.

>> No.4028492


>> No.4028619

I actually like most foods and end up tasting foods I previously didn't like to see if my tastes have changed, which is good, because now I like squash. However, I think eggplant and celery will always be gross to me.

And I don't really do hawaiian pizza. The pineapple and pizza sauce just clashes.

>> No.4028636

The soap taste has to do with genes but nothing to do with being black. Im black and I love cilantro

>> No.4028638

Fresh papaya. Smelled like shit, tasted like what I would assume warm shit would taste like.

>> No.4028654

your broken sense of smell and taste makes me sad

>> No.4028659

>hurrrr like what i like guys

>> No.4028668

Pretty sure anon's serious. If fresh papaya smelled bad then you are straight fucked, mang.

>> No.4028675

you shouldn't hurr so much, it'll stick

>> No.4028678

My weeb phase makes it impossible for me to look at natto and not see semen.

>> No.4028680

you should try it cooked a different way. the first time I tried eggplant was when the cooking teacher in high school. She put tomato sauce and mozzarella on eggplant slices and it was pretty good. I always thought it looked and smelled gross before that, but it tastes pretty good with a red sauce

>> No.4028761

Gonna take some flak for this but... Liver.

>> No.4028763


>> No.4028773


Told you.

>> No.4028779
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>> No.4029003

>At Gwar show
>Get covered in pig intestines
>its in my mouth
NOPE!!!! my grandma was making....I don't even fucking know but it had pig stomach and intestines in it; instant vomit at that flavor and texture.

>> No.4029055
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I don't know if you guys have Chinatowns where your from but here's mine.

There's these shops that sell tons of dries ingredients from China and a popular thing they have is air dried whole fish. Like not small fish either, like big meaty ones.

My grandma makes a killer fried rice but one day she added that fish.

It's like feet,low tide and the fishiest fish taste I've ever experienced. I had one bite and that was it.

I guess it must be an acquired taste or something old school Chinese like because Vancouver is next to the fucking ocean, you don't need to eat dries fish imported from China.

>> No.4029061
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Some fucking asshole kid gave me a bite of the worst tasting candy in the world when I was in Science World as a kid. It tasted like someone extracted essence of cloves and put it in a solid bar. I nearly chundered and my mum got pissed because she thought the kid was trying to poison me.

I still have no idea what it was but I don't like cloves anymore.

>> No.4029406


GWAR don't use real intestines and such. It's all stuff made up with food colouring and the like. All the green slime for example is seaweed-based.

>> No.4029409

Pizza. I really do not get the appeal.

>> No.4029427

Ruosong (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rousong).). The taste was bad enough, but the texture was what made me nearly vomit.

>> No.4029429

If you're not a troll Im assuming you come from a country where you don't usually (if ever) eat cheese. Am I right? Those are the only people I've heard legitimately say that and usually within a year (if they make the effort to try a variety foods) they have gotten used to cheese and actually like it

>> No.4029445

Gotta say Natto, though I ate it straight out of the container since my friend got some for shits and giggles. I assume if I ate it with rice or something it wouldn't be as bad...

On a personal taste note I can't stand artificial banana flavoring when I was a kid I got really sick so I had antibiotics that were flavored with it and ever since I've hated the taste.

>> No.4029478

Some shitty recipe my dad made with some shitty whole grain noodles, strawberries and some fucking sauce or shit.

Fuck that was disgusting.

>> No.4029501

Anything with fresh Coriander.

>> No.4029512


>> No.4029534
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my Italian grandpa once gave me a slice of this cheese... tasted pretty good - at least until I saw what I've actually eaten
... Casu Marzu .. basically maggotcheese
that shit is illegal in Italy

>> No.4029572

I once had a pickled pigs' foot

it was pink, and I thought it would taste better after microwaving it for a min or so
... I was an idiot

>> No.4029580


Gotta say, /ck/, I expected better of ye.

For Opie: I made a Roman meal for 6th grade Latin, that shitty shit was shitty. Fittin' tah try again, redeem my failure.

>> No.4029608

It seems i'm not alone

I don't have problems with dried Coriander, it's just the fresh stuff I can't stand.

Other stuff that I thought were terrible:
-smoked eel
-boiled red cabbage (the sweet and sour thing)
-some dutch stew, hachee i think
-bad couscous with sandy spices and raisins that just didn't taste right

>> No.4029612

I consider myself a pretty unpicky eater. I'm almost always willing to try weird new things and such. A far cry from many of my peers who will only eat french fries and chicken nuggets and will refuse to to eat something - even though they've told me it smells great - because of color and what it looks like (in this case, lentils).

However, >>4029534 is one of the things that I will never fucking eat in my lifetime. What on earth made people want to eat maggot-infested rotten cheese?

>> No.4029614

I had natto in Japan and yeah, it wasn't my thing.

I am trying to think of foods I find disgusting and the only recent thing I had was swiss chard. I had it a couple times before and didn't like it, and last time was no difference.

I like bitter vegetables, but chard has a somewhat fishy taste that is not appealing to me at all.

>> No.4029630
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My mom's family is from Iceland, and when I was younger I tried fermented shark.
I've eaten a lot of things in childhood that I didn't like originally but grew to like as I got older. This stuck in me as something I would never, ever put in my mouth again. In Iceland, the tradition is to take a shot of Icelandic schnapps afterwards to cover up the taste.

Anthony Bourdain described it as "the single worst, most disgusting and terrible tasting thing" he has ever eaten.

>> No.4029634

Dog Soup..I don't know why i ate it in the first place but I ate it nevertheless...felling sick and guilty inside and it really makes your taste bud numb. I never really get a grip about how it taste.. just feeling this is wrong and about to threw up in every single bite...
And NO..I'm not Chinese

>> No.4029636


For some strange reason I was always intrigued to try this... but usually those inclinations never end well.

>> No.4029641

Just make sure you have a chaser.

>> No.4029695
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"You disappoint me, Ramsay."

>> No.4029723

A well-past-it's-prime re-heat of a poorly made fried chicken leg when I was a kid. Got so sick.

My mother is such a stupid whore in the kitchen I can't stand it.

>> No.4029724

During a trip to Amsterdam, my friends and I went to a fast food joint and I ordered some fried mozzarella sticks. Unaware of anything, I took a bite and was hit by the flavor of spoiled milk and decay. Upon taking a closer look at the sticks, I realized they were moldy green underneath. Spent the rest of the afternoon puking my guts out.

Netherlands, I got a lot of respect for your agriculture and your open-mindedness,love you guys to death, but fuck you for your fast food.

Anyway, the worst food experiences I ever had involved something rotten, especially rotten dairy products. Just the smell of sour milk will make my stomach turn.

>> No.4029728

>My mother is such a stupid whore in the kitchen I can't stand it.
that feel..

If you're going for Dutch Fast Food get a Kapsalon, or get some standard deep fried snacks (meat croquet for example), go get fries with satay sauce. Not mozzarella sticks.

>> No.4029753


>> No.4029762
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Are you talking about this?

Replace the Kebap meat with some taco beef, omit the fries, and I may consider ordering it. I've gotten kinda skeptical about Dutch food.

>> No.4029870

lol when they first started they sure as hell did. I was only like twelve and went with my dad in like...shit late 80's early 90's but I'm pretty god damn sure that was pig. I know they use pretty much food safe stuff now and water soluble coloring but that was not food coloring.

>> No.4029934


Most likely necessity. That's how most of these weird asian food came about. They were improperly preserved (or not preserved at all) and instead of letting it go to waste, they grit their teeth and ate. They found out that it didn't make them sick and they could bear the taste if they mixed it with other stuff, so they just kept doing it.

>> No.4029938
File: 141 KB, 500x400, kroket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dog Soup..

Is this something you and a hillbilly friend whooped up a batch of back behind the barn?

> Dutch fast food

Friend/colleague turned me on to krokets long time ago. They serve them every day for lunch in the cafeteria at the office. Poorly translated, one is "no meat", other contains "stuff from the cow".

Pasty and overall weird texture to the innards, especially if you get one that is pureed too much (McKroket is a bog example). But a spicey meat pudding inside of a mozerella stick shell... Yum yum.

>> No.4029942

2 meals, both on same trip.

Flight from Sweden to Denmark. I was a foul, burnt-smelling cous cous with a side of raw mystery fish. This had no spice or flavor, and felt completely "out of context" being eaten in a plane.

I wrote that off, it was an airplane. Last night there was having one last big dinner at a very pricey steak house. Steak arrives, looks/smells delicious. I remind the server she forgot to bring my grilled prawns. Steak was sizzling so I was happy to let it rest. Prawns arrive. They roasted them over a flame and burned the shells/whiskers/feet/eyes, smoke was pouring off it. She sat it in front of me and I got a deep breath and started gagging.

Basically could not get that smell out of my, it ruin the steak eating because the smoke wouldn't seem to clear from the dinning room. Sheesh. Is burning the shell really supposed to improve the taste?

>> No.4029949

>I was a foul, burnt-smelling cous cous with a side of raw mystery fish.
That sounds like a terrible experience. Just wondering, how exactly did you go from that to human?

>> No.4029992

>Casu Marzu

I just read the wikipedia article on that cheese. Goddamn, how awful. The fucking maggots are still alive and can jump away from the fucking cheese, Jesus.

>> No.4029994

>the maggots can jump away from the fucking cheese

That seems like the best part honestly.

>> No.4030011

There are appearently thousands of these insects in the cheese.

>> No.4030028

I'm aware, it sounds like quite the experience. Could make a little game out of it.

>> No.4030060

i ate a packing peanut once

>> No.4030063

It was probably not fresh, I personally won't eat soft cheeses that have been open for more then 48 hours.

>> No.4030179

i don't enjoy licorice and coriander, although carrot and coriander soup is delicious.

i'm also allergic to bell peppers (throat swells up and voice goes all batman), but it helps that i think they taste and smell completely disgusting too.