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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 484x206, cranberry-sauce-canned--484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4021421 No.4021421 [Reply] [Original]

Canned cranberry sauce appreciation thread

>> No.4021434


don't you have friends and/or family OP.
shouldn't you be watching the game with them right now?

>> No.4021447

tfw sister bought everything.

Instead of oceanspray cranberry sauce she bought some organic stuff that has just random pieces of skin that taste like ass

>> No.4021455


the shit. as long as its not the cheap shit with pieces of shit in it.

>> No.4021456

I suppose the same could be said for you

And myself

>> No.4021464

Tried making my own sauce once. Primo ingredients, fresh cranberries, the works. Turns out it tasted like ass and nobody wanted anything to do with it. Been buying Oceanspray ever since.

>> No.4023729
File: 57 KB, 300x400, cranberry-sauce-os-jellied-mdn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is not a fag. Also, please note that the jellied kind is vastly better than the whole berry style.

>> No.4023732

Personally I prefer to just caramelize some cranberries with sugar and a bit of orange zest.

>> No.4023742

homemade cranberry sauce > canberry sauce
> store bought cranberry sauce

>> No.4023748

I got the whole berry canned cranberry sauce, heated it in a saucepan and added orange marmalade, sugar and orange juice. Delicious!!

>> No.4023750
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The truth is that store-bought canned cranberry sauce is better with thanksgiving turkey and leftovers than any pretentious gourmet garbage which invariably is spoiled with kumquats, chestnuts, pine-cones, and whatnot.

>> No.4023754

pretentious fags whose guests deserve /ck/'s pity

>> No.4023759

lol @ Plebs

>> No.4023761

>kumquats and chestnuts are "pretentious gourmet garbage"

Do you live under a rock in Mississippi?

>> No.4023769
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>implying your shitty personal opinion is truth.

>> No.4023815
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Go ahead, serve your blue-state guests "cranberry sauce" made from blood oranges, pignoli nuts and pomodori secchi. They will perceive your expenditure, and pretend they enjoy your cooking. Congratulations!

>> No.4023829

I guess having poor, stupid, and uneducated peers means you can fill a trough with garbage and they won't know the difference (or pause long enough to taste it).

>> No.4023860


you fool

>> No.4023863
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Northeast metrosexual. Keep paying your money for kopi luwak.

>> No.4024019
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Kumquatfartscarfingfag detected

>> No.4024095

I make my own jellied kind. 24 oz by weight of cranberries boiled in 3 cups of water and 1 cup port for 45 min. Separately dissolve 1 tsp of lemon juice and one packet of knorr gelatin in a 1/4 cup of warm water. Strain your cran berries from the liquid reserving the liquid. Add 1/2 cup of corn syrup and then sugar to taste. Temper your gelatin water and add to cranberry water. Add back 1/4 cup of your solid cranberries which have been boiled. Pour this in a nice mold. put in fridge for 24 hours.

Simple recipe that tastes like the can stuff, but you can make it as sweet or tarte as you want or add whole berries and make it have a nice texture. The pectin (in the berry) and the gelatin help give it it's texture, but so does the corn syrup. You can skip the corn syrup and only use sugar, but the texture will not be exactly like the can stuff, it will be more solid like jello but not completely.

I have been making this for the past three years for my family. They are all the type who LOVE the can stuff and now they all prefer my home made style. This year I had to make a triple batch because so many wanted to take some home!

>> No.4024101
File: 43 KB, 420x420, bestcranberry sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4024120

So, you make a sauce which is the same as the can stuff? Why not save the fucking time and energy and just buy it then?

>> No.4024127
File: 82 KB, 173x213, Screen shot 2012-11-23 at 10.58.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is best sauce from can?

>> No.4024140

>>Buying anything cranberry related not made by Ocean Spray

>> No.4024148

Ocean Spray is garbage.

mmmm added sugar everywhere.

>> No.4024168

What the fuck is that canned shit used for?

>> No.4024192


For the first ~16 years of my life, I thought "cranberry sauce" was like my mom made it: fresh cranberries boiled down, with some sugar added. Delicious.

The first time I was at some other Thanksgiving dinner, and I was served the jelly crap out of the can, I was baffled... I didn't say this out loud, but I was definitely thinking it: "What the fuck is this shit supposed to be??"

>> No.4024196

used.. for? You.. eat it.
My family serves both simply because me and my siblings developed a taste for canned ocean spray (it's good!) but as I got older I started to appreciate the real stuff. Cranberry is an acquired taste when it's not loaded with sugar.
That's why cran-cocktail is so popular.
Don't worry kiddos, your tastebuds will mature eventually.

>> No.4024226

Spainfag here. I like Ocean Spray cranberry classic juice drink. It's a lot less sweet and has much more cranberry flavour than the shitty Granini cranberry juice drink we get in supermarkets here.

>> No.4024227

How about no: