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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4015079 No.4015079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are table manners, and do they even matter?

>> No.4015087

Yes. Anyone whose lifestyle doesn't revolve around fast food joints should know better.

>> No.4015102

To me, table manners matter insofar as I don't want to see my friend chewing with his mouth open and talking/spraying food bits all over my meal. But as far as the fancier "etiquette" goes, I couldn't care less about that shit. So long as people aren't contaminating my plate or the serving dishes I'm content.

>> No.4015223

don't bust out the phone at any time unless absolutely necessary. converse with those arose to the occasion to dine.

>> No.4015256

The act of Eating is grotesque; stuffing food into one's mouth, chewing it and swallowing it is a noisy, sloppy, distracting affair.

Table manners were created to give society an anchor; so that a person who lives his life with grace and social acceptance may noisily and messily consume a meal without falling out of social grace.

It's basically a big list of excuses and exceptions, and places where normal social grace actually holds.

The cardinal rule (don't eat in front of other people) is pitched out, in favor of (Eat in front of others, but following strict guidelines).

So no one may say "this unmannered person was devouring a casserole before me."

Virtually all cultures have rules for table manners, so that people can share the same table and food - the basics include keeping portions separate, (no double-dipping!) not chewing like a horse that's just been to the dentist, and not reaching intrusively across the whole table.

DIfferent cultures have different rules; for example in japan it is not considered rude to slurp your ramen, and in Western US culture it is barely considered rude to burp after eating a good meal. These are common trivialities caused by eating in everyday so we disregard them.

>> No.4015259

However some table manners rules are quite bizarre and complicated, such as the British silverware definitions, the rules to the Japanese tea rituals and so on. In most cases these are rooted in complex social situations (in some european countries, it is bad manners to clean your plate - because it makes your host look unwealthy, that he could not feed you properly. Meanwhile in America, it is bad manners NOT to eat everything on your plate - it means you are being wasteful and unappreciative.)

The basics of table manners are common sense;
don't pee in the food,
don't yell at other people (or at least, don't get blood in the food),
don't disfigure the food horribly with your fingers as you take your portion,
and don't throw sharp objects at others.


>> No.4015417



interesting dude.

>> No.4015425

>us western culture barely seen as rude to burp after meal

._. dafaq

>> No.4015434

that's not true save for your standard
' we don't give a fuck' families who don't care for jack shit about societal norms.

>> No.4015470

>don't pee in the food

Oh, snap, I always get that one wrong.

>> No.4015498
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Are you some kind of goddamn barbarian? Obviously you wouldn't live very long in a Scandinavian country.

>> No.4015524

one thing i will say is that some of it makes sense

don't reach across the table, because your dumb ass will knock something over
don't put your elbows on the table, cuz you'll dip your fine white shirt into some sauce on the table
shit like that

>> No.4015544

UK table manners master race

US table manners consist of basically not getting your genitals out. Everything else goes.

>> No.4015546
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table manners are an informal type of rule placing certain obligations on us in certain situations.

Pic sort of related.

>> No.4015568

OP confirmed for mainland Chinese barbarian. Seriously, you haven seen bad manners till you've been to China.

>> No.4015580


You mean the mongols?

I thought mongolian cooking was always very nice.

>> No.4015584

mongol cuisine is nasty

all meat no seasonings

and those milk products ...holy shit are horrifying

>> No.4015586

In Mongolia you are to accept food with your RIGHT hand only, you don't leave while food is cooking (horrible manners!) and the first bite belongs to the head of the household.

Although 'Table Manners' is a misnomer, they didn't have tables and don't always use them nowadays.

Thanks, Google! You help make it easy to turn racism into foolishness.

>> No.4015594

I think it's worth noting however that there is a huge difference between table manner and eating traditions, in my lowly opinion anyway.

>> No.4015601

Table manners simply ARE eating traditions.

The Mongolians were thoroughly concerned with both the hygiene and well being of their guests and were deeply entrenched in the concept of 'being a good host'.

Please educate yourself thoroughly.

>> No.4015607

I find the Asian rule about no one being allowed to eat until everyone is served to be really dumb. I can see waiting if the food is currently being passed out. But I have had some Asian friends get mad when people started eating when the restaurant had said there was a problem in the back and brought out only half the dishes. Im supposed to let my food get cold?

>> No.4015609

I don't mean Mongolian traditions i have absoloutely no knowledge of that. In example of what i said, a traditional Religious house hold may give some of form of thanks before their meal be may impose little or no table manners whilst eating (first hand witness to this). All i'm saying is it may be worth noting the difference (even if it is minor) between the two.

>> No.4015610

>What are table manners

"rules of etiquette used while eating"

>do they even matter?

Tremendously. Table manners allows people to eat in the presence of other people without offending, disgusting, or otherwise disturbing those around them. Some rules are simply tradition and unique to certain cultures, e.g. proper use of chopsticks, how to eat sushi, etc... Other rules are relatively common, like not chewing with your mouth open.

>> No.4015614

m'kay, it's a fair delineation to make.

>> No.4015616

>The act of Eating is grotesque

this line of thought is grotesque.

>> No.4015617

dont chew with your mouth open, dont burp or fart unless its funny, and dont hold the plate up to your face to conveniently shovel food into your face unless the plate is made of paper or you are outside.

>> No.4015618

it is, isn't it? The habitual, instinctive gnashing and tearing and bestial guzzling and gulping of scorched flesh and

my, my.
I think I need a drink.

>> No.4015620

Cheers, well done wading through my typos as well. Have a good day anon.

>> No.4015622

get lots of bacon in your hair while having food orgies. makes you feel like cobb salad.

>> No.4015623
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=S not really right?

>> No.4015624

the act itself is completely natural.

the shame and wishy washy cultivation culture around it is a very recent humanoid abomination which won't perpetuate throughout the rest of the fauna.

i don't guzzle scorched flesh though, since i'm obviously not in agreement with the techniques used in obtaining it.

>> No.4015647

That's not just Asian. It's the same here in Europe. It's a dick move to start eating when others are still waiting for their food.

One thing my younger friends always do wrong is tasting the wine before it's served. Don't say "It's great!", you're not supposed to taste if it's a good wine, you chose it. You're tasting to see if there's no problem with this bottle, like cork in the wine. You're supposed to say "It's okay".

>> No.4015676

If the restaurant is serving you your food early its because the other food will be a while and they didn't want your already cooked food to get cold and disgusting. I feel its a dick move for you to try and shame me into eating bad food because your food isn't there yet. You'll enjoy your meal the way it was supposed to be and I'll eat mediocre food

>> No.4015678

Too be honest, I can't see any restaurant doing that here anyway. They'd rather keep the finished plates under the heater.

>> No.4015683

I find it happens when you have a very large group or theres a major fuck up in the kitchen