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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4014594 No.4014594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is fuck all you can do with hot dog water.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.4014597

You have never known the joy of a nice ketchup soup with a hotdog water broth base?

>> No.4014599

hotdog risotto

>> No.4014602 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 220x220, Limp_Bizkit_Chocolate_Starfish_and_the_Hotdog_Flavored_Water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can name a shitty album after it.

>come at me bro

>> No.4014603

Stock and that is all. You could condense it into a sort of gravy.

Actually hmmmm....

>boil bunch of hotdogs for the week
>add celery, diced onions, tiny bits of hot dog
>add teaspoon of flour and stir add more if needed until desired consistency is achieved

Hot Dog Gravy

>> No.4014601

Um...You can throw it out.
You can flush it.
You can run it down the sink with water.
Oh...if you reduce it with corn starch you can make a semi-viable meat-flavored lubricant.

>> No.4014605

Let me rephrase that: there is fuck all you can do with hot dog water that isn't vomit-inducing.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.4014608

cook your beans in the water, extra flavor for the bean fest

>> No.4014630

There is not much you can do unless you have some coconut oil.

>> No.4014638

>>boiling hotdogs
Holy shit, are you my grandma? You'd be better off microwaving them. Fuck.

>> No.4014649



Boil pasta in it, OP. Or another good suggestion is >>4014608.

Use it to make bread. Hot dog buns. Hah.

Use it as the water for a soup or chili.

>> No.4014653

I'd rather boil them. It allows them to plump.
Microwave is fine if you want hot dog jerky.
Finally, some decent suggestions!
Thanks, anon.

>> No.4014658

Boiled? Plump? You're shitting me.
Microwave/roller grill is the best way to go. And if you're getting "hot dog jerky," you're supposed to wrap the hot dog in a paper towel, stupid.

>> No.4014663

>paper towel in the microwave

>> No.4014667

You're all fucks. You steam hotdogs.

>> No.4014669

Why is hotdog gravy a bad idea?

>> No.4014681

/ck/ - culinary geniuses.
Should have posted this on /b/...would have seen less autism.

>> No.4014686

Hotdogs are only good over an open fire or on a grill, at least then it tastes like well-cooked meat paste instead of the watered down meat paste you get boiling them.

>> No.4014692
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take a bath in it

>> No.4014703

make a hot dog scented perfume with it

>> No.4015303

If it was you, you said "stock and that is all". That was why I put your post with the others. Because that is in fact not "all" for it.

>> No.4015307

>not knowing paper towels don't catch on fire

>> No.4015311

Hot dog water is hard to effectively use because it's essentially water infused with meat oils...
if chilled these oils will separate. They are strongly flavored so they tend to overpower anything they are blended with. And you already have the hotdogs themselves to eat - why do you want essence of hotdog??

However, you could simmer it with some bacon and green beans to create a decent-flavored vegetable dish.

>> No.4015309

>freeze it
>boil more hot dogs in it
> each more flavorful than the last

>> No.4015333

mac n cheese

>> No.4015336

What do you think would happen to paper towel in the microwave?

I am curious.

>> No.4015372

...it would get warm

>> No.4015390

unless there's water in it? not a damn thing. microwaves excite water molecules to create heat. moisture in the air might excite enough to warm the paper, but not a damn thing would happen to it unless you left it in there for a crazy amount of time for it to catch fire.

>> No.4015394
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>boiling hot dogs

>> No.4015415
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Use it to heat the buns up while the hot dogs are cooking.

>> No.4016491
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>Hot Dog Gravy

>> No.4016499

In the 50s, people made a cocktail from canned-wiener water. Added booze and drank it on the rocks. I've seen a recipe once.
I guess long-time hardcore alcoholics just don't care anymore.

>> No.4016503

German method of making hotdogs is by cooking water, take from the heat and add hotdogs, close lid. Wait 10minutes. This method guarantees they will not burst.

>> No.4016504

>add noodles and shit
>hotdog ramen

>> No.4016505

>cooking water

>> No.4016519
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>this guy doesn't know how to cook water

>> No.4016527

i use it to warm up the ketchup bottle

>> No.4016538

But how are you supposed to sanitize all the feces inside of a hot dog if you don't puncture it or let it burst?

>> No.4016549

hot dog water shouldn't even exist because it's the worst fucking way to "cook" a hot dog ever and no one should do it.

>> No.4016686
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>boiling out what little flavor hot dogs have
why did this ever catch on? Pan fry or grill if you must have them hot, I just eat the fuckers plain.

>> No.4016688

Ramen + hot dog water + sriracha