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4012576 No.4012576 [Reply] [Original]

I'm Chinese and I HATE ginger. It is absolutely the most disgusting thing in the world. Yet whenever my mom cooks, she will use it in everything! I can't even get her to mince it so that I don't accidentally bite into a big chunk of it in a stew or something (which I end up doing 90 percent of the time, ruining the rest of the meal for me.) Does anyone else agree that ginger is the most god awful thing ever to exist in the culinary world? Also ironically I love mayo, whereas most of my white friends hate it for some reason.

>> No.4012577

No. There's something wrong with you.

>> No.4012578

Not if it's used properly, I guess.

>> No.4012586

ginger is great, but can often overpower other more subtle flavors.
when i use it, i find that taking it to a fine cheese grater works well, and you won''t get the chunks you complain of. The flavors become more unified and "infused" if you will, and i'd say that grating it takes less time than chopping it.
remember to use it sparingly, a little goes a long way

>> No.4012604

Christ I know...
Thank god my mom only cooked asian stuff like 4 days a week. I grew to like it when I was older but never in the quantitites she liked it in.

Mayo is the pus from boils on a demon's taint...

My annoyance with ginger compares little to my hatred of cilantro there's this ramen bar here that puts it in their ramen, it's fucking infuriating.

>> No.4012608

Dude, raw ginger, or even just cooked chunks, have an intense, spicy, almost astringent flavor which would be over powering for anyone other than ginger lovers. It sounds like you've got an ingredient rivalry to hash out.

Try to get yo mamma to do as >>4012586 is instructing

>> No.4012619

>pus from boils on a demons taint..

Oh god why. Why would you do this.
>I should bleach the egg ketchup and mayo sandwiches I've eaten out of my body I don't want mayo anymore.

>> No.4012626

I hate most ginger items except for it subtly placed in desserts.

But I keep reading online about people using it as a sexual item, they carve the skin/hard part off and use the raw whole ginger as a quasi dildo, anal and vaginal. Supposedly it's intense and awesome as fuck. I want to try but always forget to pick up ginger in the store.

>> No.4012637

You need to condition yourself to acquire the taste for it.
Learn to drink
Ginger Tea

>bring 1qt water to goodly boil
>remove from heat and uncover until calm
>slice up a skinned root the size of your thumb to the first knuckle
>put it in a mason jar, steep, and screw the lid on.

Its getting to be the cold season, so enjoy holding your hot jar until it cools enough to drink. Yummy.

>> No.4012643

> I can't even get her to mince it so that I don't accidentally bite into a big chunk of it in a stew or something

Jesus christ son, stop eating so fucking fast and you won't accidentally bite into it.

Or can't you tell a piece of ginger... from anything else?

That said I work at a Chinese restaurant and our staff meals are usually ginger-heavy. I'm a big fan but most of the front of house staff (whities, all of them) can't handle the ginger. Ginger and anise, actually, is a specific combo that makes most of them sick.

>> No.4012647

My mom will peel the ginger and put it into a stew with potatoes! It is hard to tell them apart u less you are closely examining each bite.

>> No.4012658

op are you me?

>> No.4012660


Tell her to freeze it.

Frozen ginger will come off in almost a powder when you slice it. Then you can chop it afterwards, and you'll never bite down on it again, but you still get that delicious ginger flavour.

>> No.4012673
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I love ginger, I even eat ginger candy. Mm...

>> No.4012678

You ever put ginger candy in your tea? S'fuckin incredible, man

>> No.4012681

Ginger is shit.

It is the shit of the plant world.

>> No.4012711

Not the guy you're replying to, but you are a fucking genius.

>> No.4012715
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>> No.4012739

not a fan of ginger either. my grandma insists on using it in her cooking 'for the health of your masculinity'. what she means by that is she wants my balls to be extra productive so i down that shit but honestly. i really dont like ginger

>> No.4012740


Garlic. Ginger. Cilantro.


Motherfucker. Chinese triple threat. Deal with it.

>> No.4012749

ginger is an anagram for nigger. coincidence? i think not. nig-nog tier root. It prob taps all the nutrients from the soil that were put there by respectable, more civilized plants.

>> No.4012755
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Ginger confirmed for being the Nigger of the food world.

>> No.4012758
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>> No.4012760

>have Pleb tastes
>blame the godly foods you cannot appreciate instead of your stupid parents for instilling you with shit genes and retard tastes

I bet they fed you a lot of processed foods. Taco Bell Monday-Friday followed by McDonald's Saturday and Pizza Hut Sunday?

>> No.4012794

I frequently use ginger to season my soups. I, however, remove the ginger long before serving. It's unpleasant to bite into a huge wad of ginger.

>> No.4012797


See this OP? Only racists hate ginger. If you want to be a respectable member of society, you'd better learn to love it.

>> No.4012798

what sorta soups, boss?

>> No.4012802

I've had this stuff. Flavor is good, but it's just too strong in that form. Great concept; just wish it wasn't so overpowering

>> No.4012819

this is where you faggots buy your food cookers a microplane.

>> No.4012857
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>> No.4012871

I disagree, I like it as it is. It's strong, but I like that, and the fact that it's saturated with sugar balances that out. Good concept and execution, in my book.

>> No.4012872

ginger is pretty good, if you dont want to bite into it, get some paste or powder for your mom to use instead.

>> No.4012874
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>> No.4012873


I have a counter proposal, let's make racism acceptable again. Science still supports it anyway.

>> No.4012915
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for fucks sake, this thing, you morons.

>> No.4012965

I only use ginger in soup. And it's great for that. Don't do much cooking myself. But if she puts it in everything I can see why you'd dislike it.

I started using a grater on it lately. Works well. Really adds flavor to my soup.

>> No.4012990

i only use ginger in asian food. sorry bro. guess thats you.

ching chong bing bong.

>> No.4013018

Your mom is a super shitty cook if she doesn't shred the ginger first. Im having the hardest time finding a proper cheese grater here in Asia, but the culinary utensils section is packed to the brim with ginger/garlic graters. They start at like 8 bucks

>> No.4013019

I love ginger snaps, but I don't think I've ever had another dish with ginger in that I liked. Also, the feeling of biting into a chunk of flavorant is the worst thing ever. It's why I stay away from herbs for the most part.

>> No.4013056

thin slices of ginger + sesame seed oil + chicken = OM NOM FUCKING NOM

seriously, its delicious. try it OP

taiwanese american reporting in

>> No.4013078

Ginger is O.K. but is easily overused.
Nothing can ruin food more consistently, more totally, more absolutely 100%guaranteed,

than a ginger overdose. No one can eat it.

>> No.4013079

P U S S Y ! ! ! ! ! !

garlic is worse

>> No.4013083

Garlic can be diluted ... Ginger will just permeate

Ginger is worst and salt second worst.

>> No.4013094


>> No.4013107

No but I agree that mothers should fucking respect their kids culinary dislikes.
>oh you like mushrooms mum? Thats cool and all but whilst everyone else is enjoying their fucking casserole I'm spending an hour picking that shit out.. but no, you enjoy your fucking meal.. cunt.

>> No.4013110

ungrateful fuck

>not liking mushrooms

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.4013118

Your parents are shitty parents for not forcing you to eat it you faggot picky eater. If its a food a percentage of the population likes, then it can become an acquired taste if you're fed it enough times.

>> No.4013129

You're a jerk, asswipe

I don't like mushrooms either. You think I'm gonna bitch at my mom about it? No. I'm gonna eat my shit like I'm told.

And because I'm a good boy, my mom doesn't PUT mushrooms in my food unless she has to. That's called being family.

>> No.4013135


>> No.4013137
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fuck, i love ginger.

>> No.4013183

ginger is a fairly new herb made from the scarlet burned woman in the bible.


>> No.4013208

False. Ginger was made by Allfather Woden to humble that brash rogue Thor and teach him some valuable lessons about food and cooking.


>> No.4013445
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Ginger lover reporting in.
I'd drink ginger beer with every meal if I could.

>> No.4013478

I thought ginger was one of those things everyone likes, like garlic

>> No.4013490

there are people who don't like garlic.
i was one of them as a child.

>> No.4013493

yesterday i was out eating.
i had a chestnut-ginger cream soup.
fucking delicious.

>> No.4013518

You all probably know this, but you can peel ginger really easily by scraping it with a spoon, no wastage. I used to try and cut away the skin which was a pain the ass.

>> No.4013647


Woah this opinion really shocks me, people are really like this in your country?

> I'm gonna eat my shit like I'm told

holy shit you scare me anon, your parents must be fucking psychos

>> No.4013652

They're perfectly normal people. I'm the odd one.

And you're a very poor troll

>> No.4013657
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jesus alot of whiny kids on this time of day

I assume you're eating in a comunal table where you spoon in what you want to eat so really you should just avoid the ginger, if its in tiny strips eat around it and leave it in your bowl or man up or some shit

>> No.4013658


No really I live in southern England I've never met anybody my age who is like this. Parents are super chilled with their kids.

I almost had a hearattack when I heard my sister like hits her kids when they were naughty

>> No.4013665

>tfw I read that as cutie

I feel the same way about garlic. My dad especially always seems to get the one huge, uncut chunk in his soup. It's a great flavor, but OP's mom really needs to learn to grate/mince that stuff small.