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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4010270 No.4010270 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/, /fit/ is full of faggots and asshats who are incapable of giving me a rational answer so I will ask you

My roomate has recently become vegetarian, stating that all meat is bad for you and you can get all the best nutrients and things your body needs for any build from vegetables, fruits, nuts and pretty much any plant life.

How correct is he that meat is THAT bad for you? Is it possible to still lead a healthy lifestyle well into old age by eating vegetables with your meat and taking vitamins?

Or is meat really completely useless to us nowadays nutrition wise?

I am not here to cause a war between vegan faggots and people who enjoy steak, I just want to know the facts behind this kind of stuff, so input is super appreciated

>> No.4010275

Meat is probably one of the most nutrient rich foods. You dont need it, however.

>> No.4010286


>> No.4010288
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>> No.4010292

Meat tastes good.

You should eat what tastes good but not too much of it and make sure you get all your nutrients.

>> No.4010293

What is wrong? Explain

>> No.4010298

all you need is a varied diet
whether you're a carnivore or a rabbit shouldn't really matter

>> No.4010302

> you can get all the best nutrients and things your body needs for any build from vegetables,

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. here are some drawbacks of being vegetarian (besides not eating meat):

>Risks of Vegetarianism
>Balancing vegetarian food and nutrition is vital to maintaining a healthy vegetarian diet. Strict vegetarians may be at risk of several nutrition deficiencies such as vitamin B-12, riboflavin, zinc, calcium, iron, and essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. Vegans and vegetarians are also at risk of energy deficiency in the form of calories, particularly in children.

>Long-term deficiencies in an inadequate vegetarian diet may lead to the following complications:
> Osteoporosis as a result of a lack of calcium causing bone demineralization
>Rickets in children due to a lack of vitamin D
>Iron-Deficiency Anemia due to low iron storage. One study found that 27% of women and 5% of men who were lacto-ovo-vegetarians had low serum ferritin levels (iron storage)
>Macrocytic Anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency. This has been observed in infants breast-fed by mothers who are strict vegetarians
>Emaciation or Slow Growth in vegetarian infants and children

>Another issue facing vegetarians is low protein quality based on protein digestibility and amino acid composition.

>> No.4010303


meat has its drawbacks, as does vegetables and all your faggy friend's favorite food items. your friend should consider that its not the source of his nutrition that makes it healthy, its mostly the amount.

>Too much dietary protein above 1.7 grams per kilogram body weight is not necessary, increasing the risk of elevating nitrogen, ammonia, urea, dehydration, and increasing feelings of malaise from nitrogen toxicity impacting stress on the liver and kidneys. More is not always better, but balance is always key. [3]



This man speaks the truth

>> No.4010320

>is meat really completely useless to us nowadays nutrition wise?

Definitely not. Yesterday I ate sardines for lunch and steak for dinner. There's no plant combination (when eaten in those normal portions) that could provide both that amount of high quality protein and important nutrients (selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, EPA/DHA). I don't even lift but I've noticed that I've gained muscle since upping meat intake. Carrying around heavy boxes is way easier than it used to be when I was eating less meat. I also feel sharper in the morning after eating sausage and eggs compared to any plant meal, even something similar in macronutrient ratio like nuts and an avocado.

>> No.4010328


Much in the same way you don't need medicine. That doesn't mean it isn't in your best interest to take advantage of it.

>> No.4010333

>Is it possible to still lead a healthy lifestyle well into old age by eating vegetables with your meat and taking vitamins?
Of course it is. If it was impossible, or even difficult to be healthy with a meat rich diet into your older years, you'd think vegetarianism would be the default medical advise for people.

If it was impossible or difficult to lead a healthy life as a young person while eating meat, you'd think professional athletes would be mostly, if not overwhlemingly vegetarians.

>> No.4010345

Fun fact: Eating meat is what allowed our ancestors to evolve larger, more complex brains.

Certainly, nowadays, you can get all the nutrients you need from a vegetarian diet and supplemental vitamins, but the protein from meat is generally a better quality and more easily used by your body than from vegetable sources. Also, fatty acids, etc.

I'd go into more detail but I'm kind of drunk.

>> No.4010348

I am a vegetarian and supplement my diet with multi-vitamins. I do not think Meat is necessarily bad for you, processed meats certainly are because of high nitrate and sodium content that can lead to all kinds of problems, and red meat is rich in harmful cholesterol and fats but can be eaten in moderation without harm.

I avoid meat simply because I do not believe animals need to die for me, I am perfectly capable living without them, and with global population as high as it is, an omnivorous diet will be unsustainable.

>> No.4010380

>My roomate has recently become vegetarian, stating that all meat is bad for you and you can get all the best nutrients and things your body needs for any build from vegetables, fruits, nuts and pretty much any plant life.
So who's the girl who's done this?!

>> No.4010398

More people should think like these guys.

You should eat to be happy.

Fuck basing your life around health matters.

>> No.4010421
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and then there is Mimi Kirk

>> No.4010436

>a gallon of distilled water

no way.
that shit makes you actually sick because it doesnt have minerals and shit in it

>> No.4010437

oh and distilled water will make your body dry out

>> No.4010440


At first I raged, and then I lol'd

>> No.4010444

>Too much dietary protein above 1.7 grams per kilogram body weight is not necessary,

Does that take into account bulking and cutting? Also, nobody on /fit/ recommends taking that much

>> No.4010445

looked it up, drinking lots of distilied water and not getting your nurtients anywhere else is not good but people actually can drink it

>> No.4010448

The only way distilled water in your diet would hurt you is if you consumed nothing else.

>> No.4010454

Useless, boxers don't use it because bulking makes you slow like a snail.

>> No.4010455

I'll just give my 2 cents if you can be bothered reading.
I've been vegan for about 4 weeks now after cutting out dairy from diet and subsequently cutting out meat. A few things happened almost immediately: my backne that troubled me for years has almost gone; my mood is much better (I'm much more peaceful and rarely get angry); my energy levels have improved massively and it sounds weird, but I feel more in touch with nature. Also from a /fit/ perspective, I've lost no strength at all, my bodyfat is in the single digits and my heart rate is lower from not having to do any cardio and I've never had to starve myself to get here.

It's pretty obvious now that meat is dirty; it must be sterilized and cooked before it's safe to eat and the average cow if pumped with growth hormones to increase its mass. This kinda creates alarm bells for me because I don't believe my food should be modified in any way. If it's good to eat, it shouldn't have to be tampered with to make it edible.

Dairy goes without saying. It's filthy - absolutely filthy. On top of that, regardless of how many people tell you about the calcium content and proteins, it's 'nutritionally void' and your body is not adapted to process lactose matter. You get nothing from drinking it besides bad breath and a slight increase in DPH, and it also caused my acne so there's some food for thought.

The meat and dairy industry are lying to you to keep themselves afloat. Meat and dairy are killing you. Everything your body needs is available in green plants, herbs, vegetables and whole grains and once you make the switch one step at a time your life just gets so much better.

Your body is the only thing you truly own so take care of it and it will take care of you. Much love everybody :)

>> No.4010461

>>Also, nobody on /fit/ recommends taking that much

They actually do along with loads of bodybuilding magazines and 'fitness trainers'. And there are never any studies to back it up because it's a fallacy. Have you seen the people who are giving you this advice too? Look up some images from the latest /fit/ meet-up. They don't even lift, brah.

>> No.4010462

My nan eats meat, albeit not as much as is typical in western, Germanic-descended diets such as those followed in northern Europe, the British Isles and North America.
She's was born in 1904 and is still alive and fairly healthy, all things considered. Either her diet, her genes or her evil is keeping her animated.

>> No.4010474

>and you can get all the best nutrients and things your body needs for any build from vegetables, fruits, nuts and pretty much any plant life.

Incorrect, it's impossible to maintain a healthy vegetarian diet without supplements, which also contain animal bi-products.

Vegetarianism is a fad, not a diet.

>> No.4010483

You have become quite sure of yourself in 4 weeks.

>> No.4010485

>without supplements, which also contain animal bi-products.

[citation needed]

>> No.4010494

I don't take supplements. My friend who is more-or-less a raw food vegan has never taken them either. I can get my B6 from almonds and peanuts and I don't really care about vitamin B12 - my brain functions just fine without it funnily enough.

>Vegetarianism is a fad, not a diet.
You're being silly. My diet consists of vegetables, fruit and herbs. It's not a fad; it's my diet. If I lived in an area where there were no cows or chickens I wouldn't starve to death like you probably would.

I know it's hard to believe, but my diet works really well (for me at least) and I would recommend it to everyone. You can try it out if you like and I'd be willing to help you out.

>> No.4010503

I know. It's pretty foolish of me to have such a strong conviction with so little experience but I'm really, really happy with how it's going so far. I was a really moody lethargic person before and I had really severe acne on my back which was troubling me for about 7 years and just through going vegan it's fixed both of those problems.

Only time will tell if it's the right way to go.

>> No.4010505

>supplements, which also contain animal bi-products.
Totally false. Bacteria =/= animals

>> No.4010507

Glad things are working out, but maybe tone it down a little. I know when you find something new and exciting it can be hard not to want to shout it from a mountain, but you sound kind of fanatical.

>> No.4010513
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>veganism/vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice

>> No.4010522

>>you sound kind of fanatical.

Haha, sorry. I am preaching quite a bit and I've said my peace so I should gtfo. Cheers, buddy.

>> No.4010597

I think eating cheap supermarket meat is bad for your health because of all the hormones and antibiotics it's pumped full with, the same goes for cheap supermarket produce though which is full of pesticides.

So if you want to eat healthy you make sure you know the source of your food, instead of just looking for any organic label since those can be a scam, and make sure that it has been grown or raised in a healthy and sustainable environment. Buying local helps with this.

If you choose to go vegan you either need to eat some B12 fortified foods or have a really, really abnormally healthy intestinal flora because it is said that if you have one, you can produce your own B12 in your intestines. Ideally you should let your food, the cow, eat and process the grass for you though because they are much more efficient at it than you.

>> No.4010620

>my mood is much better (I'm much more peaceful and rarely get angry); my energy levels have improved massively and it sounds weird, but I feel more in touch with nature.

This is exactly how I feel in ketosis, eating eggs and fatty meats. I also feel more in touch with nature for some reason. I think that feeling just always seems to go along with being in a calm state of mind.

>> No.4010687

>I think eating cheap supermarket meat is bad for your health because of all the hormones and antibiotics it's pumped full with

None of the grocery stores I shop at carry any meat with either hormones or antibiotics.

Maybe next time your mom goes shopping for you, you can ask her to read the labels.

>> No.4010882

>he thinks they have to put those down as an ingredient


>> No.4010901

>more like 9 plus lolfuckyouvegetarians, but whatever

technically you can live without meat, but man's body wasn't really developed for supplemental pills

>> No.4011018

RED meats are fatty and not very great for you.
I work out regularly and eat a lot of fish and chicken, lean white meats. Those are great.

>> No.4011053

This. It's not like they have to tell you.

Personally, I just don't really care. As long as you exercise and eat a reasonably balanced diet you should be fine. Eat red meat less frequently than fish/lean white meat too if you're concerned.

>> No.4011067

My grandma has been vegetarian for the next decade, she's gonna hit 90 soon got 6 children, miraculously cured from an ovarian cancer and is super healthy 80 % independant.

My parents are vegetarian too and they are way more healthy than the average person of their age.

The most healthy person I know tough is a woman who eat 10 day vegetarian each month ( she's budhist ) , and she dosn't have any white hair.

My sister who's gonna be a doctor in 2 years told me that the quality of the food you eat is responsible for 10 to 20 % of your lifespan.

>> No.4011099

>Alright /ck/, /fit/ is full of faggots and asshats
ummm..try being less hostile please

>> No.4011103

>miraculously cured from an ovarian cancer
I don't think cancer works that way. Changing what you eat wouldn't cause it to go away, it's essentially cells with their 'stop dividing' and 'kill yourself' messages turned off. To make it go away you either have to kill those cells or remove the cancer, neither of which diet will do.

>My parents are vegetarian too and they are way more healthy than an average person of their age
Anecdotal. My dad is 55 and looks the exact same as he did when he was 35, but he loves meat.

>The most healthy person I know though...
Again, anecdotal. Plus this person is only vegetarian 1/3 of the time. Far more likely the benefits come from other lifestyle issues or genetics. Is she Asian? If so, statistically she's got an extra 5 years or so of lifespan.

>Food quality responsible for 10-20% of lifespan
That seems really high but I'm not a doctor. That said, she only said the quality of the food you eat, which doesn't make any claim to vegetarian diet being better.

>> No.4011108

Meat tastes good.

I rest my case.

>> No.4011122

Good points, except they do say "no hormones" "no antibiotics", you fucking twits.

Holy shit, you liberal scum are stupid.

>> No.4011128

>Or is meat really completely useless to us nowadays nutrition wise?

No meat has all the essential aminoacids we need in perfect proposition that no other protein source can provide. It's basically the same as our muscles. Also it has lots of important vitamin and minerals.

That said it can be bad for you consider overconsumption and all that hormonal crap from massproduced meat.

Eat it in moderation.

>> No.4011133

Some do say they're free of those things, yes. I should have clarified. If it doesn't expressly say that they AREN'T in there, you have to assume they are.

>> No.4011140


kinda straw-manny; almost all of the issues are only concerning for vegans

there are a lot of good all around protein choices for vegetarians; tofu, white bread + peanut butter, beans and rice, khichdi (lentils and rice) etc.

>> No.4011141

Vegan might be healthy but they all look pale and sick as fuck with loosy muscles. I know tons of vegan women none of them I would fuck

>> No.4011150

None of them are as optimal as meat. Considering the proportion between the aminoacids and how our digestive system works

>> No.4011171

>>You should eat to be happy.

Yeah, because that philosophy has worked for us so well already with all these fat little kids and adults stuck indoors playing their xboxes and stuffing their faces with sugars and processed food. Hahaha.

>> No.4011172

My mother used to be vegetarian, and in highschool I had a girlfriend who was vegetarian. Both of them had to quit or die. The doctor told my mother she would literally die if she didn't start eating some meat. My ex-girlfriend became extremely anemic and bed-ridden and had to start eating fish. This isn't something that crops up right away but slowly creeps up over the course of 10 years or so which is how long both of them managed on sheer willpower. Neither of them were hardcore vegans either. They both drank milk, used protein powder, took supplements, ate eggs, etc.

Vegetarianism is extremely unhealthy just because you don't get enough nutrition. If you drink milk, eat eggs, and otherwise make good use of non-meat animal products in combination with oats and nuts then its possible, however drinking too much milk and eating too many eggs has its own health risks. Vegetarians tend to either be underweight because they're malnourished, or overweight because they have to consume so many calories to get enough protein, iron, etc. Supplements like protein powder or iron supplements can help but it still doesn't replace meat.

On a related note some people point to hormones in meat as a problem. This makes no sense. If you simply look at the numbers, the amount of hormones present in meat in completely negligible when compared to that created by your body daily. They're many orders of magnitude apart. You would have to eat and digest an impossible amount of meat for it to be anything more than a drop in the comparative ocean of hormones your body is naturally producing. On the other hand, soy and soy products have NON-negligible amounts of plant based estrogen in them. The people who eschew meat and then start eating a lot of tofu, soybeans, soymilk etc. to try to get their protein are the ones who end up fucking up their hormones.

>> No.4011174

A vegetarian diet can only be healthy if you also augment it with eggs and fish.

>> No.4011181

How the hell can you eat fish and call yourself vegan? Fish isn't an animal because it lives in the water? These kind of vegan piss me off more than any other

>> No.4011194

All vegetarians I've ever met were shit tier cooks. I don't think anyone who actually appreciates his food and knows how to cook would go vegetarian.

I've killed my first chicken with 8

>> No.4011202

I'm a 170lbs short guy who can deadlift 315lbs for reps and do pull-ups and I'm a vegan. I ain't 'loosy' or pale either, nigga. It's all about your lifestyle; of course if a vegan doesn't lift they'll look kinda dweeby because they have fuck-all fat on them.

I used to think the same about vegans, but we aren't all long-haired stoner toothpicks like media stereotypes us.

I'd bet my life savings that you're just regurgitating something that you heard in an article some time.

Calm down, dude. These people showing concern for your health and you're swearing at them. What's up?

>> No.4011206

I think being vegetarian because of moral reasons is retarded and doing it because of health benefits also because why cut out 100% of the meat if you could just eat it like once a week? You won't be less healthy because of it if not healthier and could still eat that delicious animal flesh

>> No.4011212

>I don't think anyone who actually appreciates his food and knows how to cook would go vegetarian.

some south indian cultures and traditional cuisine revolve around vegetarianism. Vegetarianism gives you quite a lot of options; you're still allowed milk and eggs and animal byproducts.

>> No.4011215

he didn't say vegan, he said vegetarian

>> No.4011223


>> No.4011217

>an hour of exercise every day
Yeah, her great looks are all because of vegetarianism (sarcastic tone)

>> No.4011227

I were asuming that we're moving within the frame of western cultures.

I don't think that meatless cooking tastes bad and I only eat meat 2-3 times a week but all of my vegetarian friends were horrible cooks before and continue to be so which probably makes the switch easier.

I would just miss the taste too much and since it's not part of my daily intake I'm not concerned about my health.

>> No.4011234

>Vegetarianism is extremely unhealthy just because you don't get enough nutrition.

This is terrible. Your mother and girlfriend were malnourished because their diet sucked - not because they weren't eating meat!

>On a related note some people point to hormones in meat as a problem. This makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. Your body doesn't just spurt out hormones randomly; it operates on a fine balance. If you keep disturbing your bodies hormonal balance for years and years on end, you will start to see major problems such as acne vulgaris, mood disorders (depression, adhd), oily skin, excessive perspiration and even cancers.

>> No.4011248

>I'd bet my life savings that you're just regurgitating something that you heard in an article some time.

No I study biochemistry in uni and I know for a fact that there are literary millions of different protein out there and not all of it has the aminiacids that's optimal for building muscles. Just because they are called protein doesn't mean they're all the same.

And I know that protein from vegetable source usually stored behind shell of fibre that make it harder for us human to digest. I'm not saying they're useless but you must be a retard if you think they can be comparable with animalistic proteins

>> No.4011260

>This is terrible. Your mother and girlfriend were malnourished because their diet sucked - not because they weren't eating meat!

I'm not that guy but didn't you read he said their doctor tell them to eat meat which imply the source of the problem comes from lack of meat in their diet? Who are they gonna trust a doctor or some retarded cult follower vegan?

>> No.4011271

Not all doctors are good at their jobs. You don't need to eat meat, you can substitute protein and any vitamins you might derive from meat from another source.
It's only inattentive loser vegetarians and vegans who get sick, thinking they can just "not eat meat" and be healthy with macaroni and cheese and shit.

>> No.4011275

I have no problem with vegetarians. Vegan are straight up retarded.

>> No.4011287

Sure that doctor is bad at his job when he saved her life. The point is meat is nutrition dense and to substitute it you'd need to eat shit tons and be very careful. That mean there are tons of risk anon, risk of having bad health which usually neglected by the vegan community trying to convince people their religion is the best thing happened to humanity.

>> No.4011289

>Who are they gonna trust a doctor or some retarded cult follower vegan?

Why the insults? Are you mad that I've got my health and don't need to be prescribed drugs to keep me from dying? I doubt you can name anything that doctors have cured that hasn't required surgery.

>some guy comes to a doctor saying he's depressed and he wants to kill himself.
Uhh... Take these anti-psychotics. Don't worry about the side effects cos we'll give you more drugs to suppress those. That'll be 100 dollars.

>some guy goes to the doctor saying that he has bacteria eating away at his throat and his tonsils hurt
Hey nigga, take these anti-biotics. Cos, y'know a nourished body's immune system can't already take care of any viral or bacterial infection anyway. Don't worry about the virus adapting to the penicillin because... uhh... we'll give you some more.

Stop being angry and just accept it. I'm only trying to help.

>> No.4011298

Are you trying to troll now because it seems pretty obvious. But you never know, vegans and their cult is renowned for being retarded nut.

>> No.4011304

Everything is good for you, everything gives you cancer. Fuck it, eat what you want and be happy. If you are fat just exercise more.

>> No.4011307

So you're better than the doctor who saved his moms life? Thanks god she listened to her doctor instead of her retarded vegan friend.

>> No.4011309


>> No.4011340

It's the mom who's the idiot. Anyone can be a vegetarian without health problems. People just fuck themselves over by not paying any attention to what they eat and then the only advice a doctor can give them is "eat meat" because apparently they don't have the common sense to eat healthy food and take care of their bodies.

>> No.4011351

It's a diet, not a cult lol.

I'm not better than a doctor, nice strawman though. The doctor/surgeon that saves some guy's mom is a hero and should be treated as one. What I'm trying to say is that if you didn't treat your body with such blatant disregard, you wouldn't be in the waiting room to begin with. Just so you know, my mother's life was saved by a team in the medical profession through surgery (true story). I have a lot of love for those guys.

I never said I was better or smarter than a doctor. I didn't even finish school and I'm probably legally retarded as far as you or I know.

You guys are so grumpy. It's expected when you challenge something that a person has been taught all their lives but it's all fine with me.

You should be able to agree with me on one thing though: the western lifestyle is not really working out for us. How can there be so much sickness in the West when we are living in abundance?

Read the China study if you have time.

>> No.4011354

Why the fuck would they though? Why spend two hours a day trying to figure out how to eat enough protein and chew on grass and seaweed to get enough b12.

I guaratee you the daily trip to the organic market is more likely to be your death than an occasional piece of meat.

>> No.4011355


I highly doubt you can deadlift that much. What are your other lifts?

If he found it in an article it does not make it any less valid. People site articles and journals all the time.

>> No.4011370

Maybe I should clarify, then -- I'm a vegetarian, but I don't think it's bad to eat meat as long as it's raised humanely. I just don't eat meat because 1) I don't like it, 2) it's expensive as fuck to buy organic meat from nice farms, and 3) I think it's MORE humane just to not eat animals.
But I'm not trying to force it on anyone. I would say it's better than not eating meat, but that doesn't mean I don't see the reason in being an omnivore.
Everyone thinks we're all deluded PETA drones though.

>> No.4011372

>People just fuck themselves over by not paying any attention to what they eat and then the only advice a doctor can give them is "eat meat" because apparently they don't have the common sense to eat healthy food and take care of their bodies.

It's not their fault, mate. In EVERY country on earth, kids should leave school scientifically literate and with a sound education in nutrition. I could safely say that about 5% of kids have both of those.

Also, in reference to the guys who thought I was talking smack about doctors: have you ever been treated by someone who is even less healthy than you are? Someone who is obese, tired and maybe smells a bit too? I definitely have. Do you really think you should be taking advice from this guy because he spent a few years at university and did an internship?

>> No.4011374

Considering the over-prescription of antibiotics, anti-depressants, and pain killers... yes, I would consider many people smarter than doctors.

People who think doctors are smart because they are doctors and whatever they say goes are just stupid.

>> No.4011387

Most of the time, it's whiny parents thinking you should give them anti-biotics for a viral infection.

>> No.4011388

You're right, I agree with you on that for sure. Schools are downright terrible and that causes a serious amount of modern society's suck.

>> No.4011398

Maybe these days, but most doctors are still not aware of the dangers of over-prescribing antibiotics.

If you go to a doctor with sinusitis, chances are they will give you antibiotics.

Not even going to get into the issue of prescribing children amphetamines for years...

>> No.4011411

My 1rm for squat is about 115kg last time I tested it while ago. I'm not going to tell you my press and bench press stats because they've always been really embarrassing.

I love the taste of meat, but after seeing what happens in an abattoir and watching that 'Earthlings' documentary I will never touch it again in my life. Any person with a conscience would do the same and I think if everyone here had seen the shit that I've seen they'd be vegetarian/vegan too.

The fact that's it's so damn healthy living this way is just a bonus.

>> No.4011450

I know. People just ignore it. If you try to tell them about it they tell you to shut up. It's really fucking sad.

>> No.4011473

I have been a vegetarian for 5 year now and the two family doctors I've been to said it is alright and healthy. Both of them are not only general practicioners but also certificated nutritionists and one specializes in natural medicine.
I guess the opinions vary even in those fields.

>> No.4011477

>If you try to tell them about it they tell you to shut up. It's really fucking sad.

Because if they knew what they actually partake in they would probably cry like a girl like I did, so they push it to the back of their minds. The thing is that if you try to preach, they get even angrier.

The only solution is putting the information out there and try to inspire others. That's all you can do.

Anyway, I've spent too much time in this thread. I just hope I've made some people think about this issue a little if anything.

Before I go imma put this guys channel out there: http://www.youtube.com/user/liferegenerator?feature=results_main
Also, read the China Study.

Peace out.

>> No.4011482

>>It's pretty obvious now that meat is dirty; it must be sterilized and cooked before it's safe to eat...

You're right! You should cut out water too. After all we live in the garden of Eden where water grows filtered in bottles on trees. You fucking twit.

>> No.4011488

Nah not all of us are pussies who think niceness is the most important thing to maximise in the world.

>> No.4011493

> but most doctors are still not aware of the dangers of over-prescribing antibiotics

I assure you than 99% of doctors know more than you about exactly that. And they know a lot more about ADHD medication as well.

>> No.4011499

You're just hopeless. Wake up!

>> No.4011506

"BUHUU BUT THINK ABOUT THE COWS" is the best argument for a vegitarian diet so far. And that says a lot about the rest of you, get educated.

>> No.4011514

>get educated.
Which culinary school did you attend?

>> No.4011517

Oh, I forgot my old school's PE and cooking class teacher who was a retired professional soccer player (injury) and also a certificated nutritionist. He is an omnivore who rarely eats red meat.

>> No.4011518

I eat vegetarian food sometimes because Indians and Thai sure know how to cook 'em great. I eat for taste mostly.

>> No.4011529

You should stop being so ignorant. The moral argument of abstaining from meat is just a secondary facet of the lifestyle and it has no impact on physical health whatsoever.

It's not really the best argument here and you probably know it.

>> No.4011551

The other arguments aren't good either though. And you know the real reason most vegetarians are vegetarians is the "poor baby animals" reason.
Just to reach your level briefly, I know a vegetarian who is an irritable fat fuck because of her diet.

>> No.4011558
File: 116 KB, 611x404, temple_grandin_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen Earthlings but I have seen similar videos. I'm guessing they only show you the worst, panicking animals, animals being seemingly skinned alive etc.
Unless you are just shocked by death you have to realize they intentionally pick the most horrific incidents. Peta supporters are known to go undercover for months in slaughter houses or no-kill shelters just waiting for a slip, a bad day to take pictures instead of helping.


Here is a different video. Temple Grandin is not a meat hungry supporter of factory farming who is trying to fool you. She's an animal welfare advocate but she contributes by consulting slaughter plants and lifestock farms and she actually has made a big difference more so than any naked women for PETA will ever make.

I have seen that kind of stuff when I was 14 and became vegetarian for a good two years, then I thought I'm really just not doing anything against inhumane slaughter by refusing to eat meat. And the best thing I decided to do was eating meat from humanly raised and slaughtered animals and making a difference with my money.

>> No.4011562
File: 469 KB, 500x375, 1336188429163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat meat because I feel I don't need to. When I became a vegetarian my goal was one month, which I thought would be impossible. I kept going, and even though I know I love the taste of meat, I'm disgusted by the thought of it. The reason behind that is that I've owned animals for my entire life, and having had to put some of them down has been hard on me.

I hate to argue about the whole diet thing. I couldn't care less about the health benefits or whatever, and the worst thing there is, is when someone feels the need to argue on why he shouldn't eat meat just because I'm a vegetarian. I don't care what other people eat, how healthy they are or what impact they do on things. I'm not a vegetarian to be popular or trying to change the world.

I'm happier than ever with my current state and I won't be changing back soon.

>> No.4011570

Shaolin monks are/were vegans. Think about it,

>> No.4011584

If you eat it sometimes it's not a vegetarian diet. A person who eats meat can eat everything a vegitarian eats and then some. Which is why out of a perspective of taste, the meat diet is objectivly better.

It is the only argument that is not blantantly false only because it's a matter of opinion. As far as impact on physical health goes, a sloppy vegetarian will be unhealthier than a sloppy meat eater. It's an effort to get enough nutrients, especially b12 and proteins and calories in general can also be a problem. A health observant vegetarian will be just as healthy as a health observant meat eater, but not healthier.

>> No.4011592

>If I lived in an area where there were no cows or chickens I wouldn't starve to death like you probably would.
not true at all, I can however say with confidence that if you and a meat eater were to go out into the wilderness and have to fend for yourselves, the meat eater would be fat and happy and you would slowly starve to death eating nothing but plants. you wouldnt be able to pack in enough calories for any kind of long term survival.

>> No.4011603

Ninjas were omnivores.

>> No.4011610

>implying you could hunt successfully and be "fat and happy" without a firearm and zero experience

Sure dog. You do realize game is not abundant in all areas, and there is skill involved in hunting?

Total urbanfag.

>> No.4011621

Doesn't that equally apply to the vegetarian wilderness person? Enjoy eating your grass

>> No.4013343

>and with global population as high as it is, an omnivorous diet will be unsustainable.

clearly the problem is then that we have too many people. not that the resources are too few. Like the moose in the forests, when their population grows to large, the forest can't contain them and they are left to die, and be eaten by wolves. Problem is though, nothing eats humans.

>> No.4013514

Read the historical text The Shaolin Monastery, published in 2007 or so which states that the Shaolin not only ate meat, but raw meat at that.
The reason for the common misconception for Shaolin meat taboo is that the Tang emperor disallowed all other monastic traditions from consuming flesh or alcohol, but excluding Shaolin from following the edict.

>> No.4014178

You are so very correct. Overpopulation is not a problem in Western countries at all, we actually have the opposite problem of birthrates below replacement level so we should do something to prop them up but instead suicidal left-wingers are pushing immigration to fill the void.

Overpopulation is a huge problem in Africa but only because we give them food aid all the time so they get artificially propped up above levels they can sustain for themselves.

>> No.4014243

I haven't read the thread but you can live without meat, you can protein from loads of other sources but protein from meat is the best quality.

Evolutionary speaking we should probably eat meat about 3 times a week, we eat a lot more now than we ever have in the past and it could be the cause of an increase in heart disease. Even 100 years ago we didn't eat that much.

But meat is also delicious, so whatcha gon' do.

>> No.4014265

From Vegetarianism to Malthus in just one day.

Good one /ck/