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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 560x745, guysbigbite-3_4_r560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4003075 No.4003075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


This is hilarious. How does a retarded fuck like this get a deal in the first place, and why does anyone think he knows a damn fucking thing about good food?

>> No.4003079

Someone once said "If you want to succeed on television, first you must make the greatest sales pitch of your life; you must convince the nation that you aren't a total idiot. Or failing that, the most entertaining idiot they've seen in a long time"

I do not think gourmets and chefs are exempt.

>> No.4003081

He's neither goumet nor a chef. He's just a giant idiot.

>> No.4003089

I'm pretty sure 99% of people who dislike Guy dislike him because of his personality and wardrobe. He comes off looking like a Jersey Shore douche, but he's not. He knows how to cook, and he obviously has a passion for it. I'm not defending him, I'm saying your hate is unwarranted and misplaced.

>> No.4003093

His butthurt is epic

>> No.4003104

It's somehow not valid to hate someone for their personality? Especially when his personality consists of being a loud obnoxious twat. And that's just his on-air persona. In private he's still a douche AND a homophobe on top of that.

And the food he makes is like the food an 8-year-old boy would make if he suddenly found himself able to cook.

Guy is like a real-life version of Tom Hanks' character from Big.

>> No.4003105

I've never seen him talk about actual cooking techniques. His menu at his restaurant suggests he doesn't know jack fucking shit.

>> No.4003111

>he's a homophobe

HuffingPuffington Post

>> No.4003114

>He knows how to cook,
So does my grandmother.
People don't like him because he is a mediocre talent with a big head. Not unlike most celebrity "chefs" these days.

>> No.4003119

Indeed, The only chefs worth of shit aren't even on the Food Network. The best tv chef ever, Jacques Pepin, has only been on PBS. Oh, and Julia. Julia beats all these modern bitches in the ground with a dutch oven in each hand.

>> No.4003120

This is good. The more people who discover what a fraud this dick is, the better.

>> No.4003121
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You can't guarantee that

>> No.4003133

I don't trust anyone that changes their name from Ferry to Fieri for no apparent reason other than twattishness.

I also have no desire to watch a mid-life crisis play out on my television.

>> No.4003141

>When you hung that sign by the entrance that says, WELCOME TO FLAVOR TOWN!, were you just messing with our heads?
lol Somebody please confirm for me that this is an actual sign.

>> No.4003157


>> No.4003168
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>> No.4003186

This is hilarious.

Hopefully they'll cancel his slot on Food Network and open up some more room for Iron Chef.

>> No.4003207

Score one for real chefs. Perhaps American cuisine isn't doomed after all.

>> No.4003225

how do you own 11 restaurants and claim to be a "hands-on" manager and chef

>> No.4003230

More like Buzzkill Feed.

>> No.4003232

"hands on" means he likes to get his hands on the investor's money. I guess I can't blame him for that. My main problem is that it dumbs food down even further than it already is.

>> No.4003263

send in Ramsey for a "Very Special Episode" of Kitchen Nightmares.

They should have glowing reviews so tourists will keep the fuck away from Big Nicks.

>> No.4003273
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>> No.4003278

This would be too rich!

>> No.4003280

It's the hair. Totally

>> No.4003284

I'd pay good money to watch Gordo make Guy cry.
Television people: are you even paying attention?

>> No.4003286

Is he even the head chef? Sounds like he has some terrible chefs and bartenders.

> drink tastes like "radiator fluid and formaldehyde." He notes that French fries arrive "limp and oil-sogged" and "served cold." He attacks the service, the sides, even the nachos ("deeply unlovable"). His overall rating: "Poor."

Jesus Christ...

>> No.4003294

Can't be the head chef if you've never been a chef in the first place.

>> No.4003295


Yes, but he's managed to convince people otherwise.

I do love D&D&D. I just tune out Fieri and focus on the awesome eateries.

>> No.4003298

So do I. A lipstick stained coffee cup could host that show and it would still be good.

>> No.4003300


Miyamoto and Batali are awesome, though.

>> No.4003302

>He knows how to cook

Not sure if serious.

>> No.4003305



>O' fuck off you blond donkey, you can't even cook


>> No.4003309
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>> No.4003322


Not the guy/gal you're replying to but I've never seen any of his recipes. Link?


I lol'd

>> No.4003324
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>> No.4003325
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How can any of you fucking 4channers talk shit about Guy?

>hurr durr he's not a chef
>huuurrrr he can't cook
>implying you're a better chef

That's why he is a famous chef/restaurant owner.....idiots.

>> No.4003336

>douche and homophobe
i believe you but could i have some proof?

>> No.4003348




>> No.4003360

Get the fuck out, pleb.

>> No.4003364

Batali was fired because he was far too awesome for the Food shill shitwork.

>> No.4003366

>you 4channers

>> No.4003369

The Nachos do look bad though. Instead of Corn chips it's like deep fried lasanga noodles, turkey sausage, beef, pepperoni and cheese.

>> No.4003380

post pic

>> No.4003384

I don't have a picture, it's fromthe menu.

>> No.4003386


I just want to give him a hug and beg him to teach me.

>> No.4003392

>I've been in the restaurant (business) 25 years. (says Fieri)
This guy is the biggest bullshitter alive. I've been in kitchens for close to 20 years and his fat ass would collapse within a half hour of a normal dinner service.
What a poser.

>> No.4003402
File: 99 KB, 1027x581, fifteendollanacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$15 dollar nachos.

my sides
my guts

>> No.4003405

Right. He's a manager and owner, not a chef or server. You fucking twink.

>> No.4003406

What sick joke is this? T-Those aren't nachos.

>> No.4003421
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When it comes to cooking "personalities",I'm a fan of Nadia, personally. Handy in the kitchen, easy on the eyes, and fairly funny too...why is it that only the talentless douchebags get famous in the culinary world?

>> No.4003424
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Who the fuck would even pay 2 dollars for that mess?

>65cent "nachos"

>> No.4003429

People dumb enough to be tourists in the worst city in america, duh.

>> No.4003488

looks soggy
presentation is lelzy, like whoever plated it once saw an episode of chopped and decided that everything must be put on square white plates with negative space around the food itself
toppings look all soggy and sad too
and what the fuck is up with that little zig zag drizzle of cum?

>> No.4003508

New York is easily one of the best, these days at least. If you're looking for good food, you're not looking in Times Square certainlly.

>> No.4003516

It looks like crema, bro. Didn't you get your ticket punched to flavor town?

>> No.4003518

That little zig zag drizzle of cum is probably the Donkey Sauce.

>> No.4003519

No, it isn't. It's crowded, expensive, impossible to navigate, and totally full of douchebags. The culinary scene is completely meaningless, just about every major city in america has a decent restaurant/cart scene any more.

>> No.4003533

So, like every city? Stop spending time around Times Square, you nob. It's not like that in other parts of the city.

No city in the US is like the Ny food scene. I think you've never even been.

Do you even travel? Pleb.

>> No.4003537

i couldn't see myself eating here. it's... not QUITE elitism... but I certainly wouldn't come along of my own volition and if a date tried to drag me there i'd lel and then i'd drive my heel into his nutsack
maybe if the family was going and i was feeling especially polite

the fuck is donkey sauce?

>> No.4003539

I've been all over the world as a matter of fact. Sorry to hear about your poverty, maybe you should move to a city where the rent isn't >$9000/sq.ft and you could travel too. The only thing special about new york is how shitty it is. For fucks's sake, Portland, Oregon has a better food scene. New york is just big. That's all it has going for i

>> No.4003545

Well, you are correct. No scene anywhere else is quite as stupidly overpriced as the NY scene. I suppose you guys have the rest of the world there.

>> No.4003552

Everything you are saying makes it sound like you have never been off of Times Square, if at all.

>> No.4003555


couldn't agree more.

>like the food an 8-year-old boy would make
what's on the boards most of the time:
-anything fried
-god-awful pre-packaged meals
-obnoxious verticals noone should ever eat

>> No.4003557

Portland, Oregon has no restaurant scene. I've been there many times, and I don't live in NYC either. Portland has a great beer scene, and a great variety of foods available in the markets, but no, the restaurants there are not amazing nor are they plentiful in number,

>> No.4003582

>I'm pretty sure that 99% of people don't like a person because of how they act, i.e. their personality

Yes, genius, that's how the world works.

But if you're going to go into that argument, the vast majority of all his restaurants have poor reviews. Not just from the NYT guy who made an article entirely in questions, but from regular people. There, does that make it a more valid hate?

>> No.4003585

>how can I talk shit about someone who's shit at what they do? They're famous and make lots of money, so that's what matters.

I guess this is why I'm not allowed to have opinions on movies, video games, laptops, meals, teachers, etc. I'm not a professional in those areas, so obviously I can't criticize. Tyler Perry is one of the best directors in the US.

>> No.4003587

>mocking those nachos
Not even a day ago, you guys were saying that 7/11 nachos were delicious looking and wonderful. I'm not saying Guy doesn't deserve it, but now you're just hating because it's the person.

>> No.4003589

tex wasabi and some of his other earlier places were very successful. no clue how good, as i never ate there, but they weren't failures

>> No.4003591
File: 42 KB, 600x340, paul hollywood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy looks like a White trash Paul hollywood...

>> No.4003592


People like that shit?



>> No.4003593

why would they do a stupid thing like that? DDD is a wildly successful show that makes them plenty of ad revenue

>> No.4003597

>calls others poor
>insults someone else for living in $9001/ft place

are you even trying?

>> No.4003599

He's not just a homophobe, he's apparently pretty racist too. I think he treated a ton of people featured in DD&D like crap. Basically, any time people cooking with him look like they're straining to be nice or look uncomfortable he was a major pain in the ass,

>> No.4003625


What the hell is that disaster of a picture? Guy's nachos?

>> No.4003647

Op, i think i love you.
I have despised this doughy fuck for brains since i first saw him. i don't understand why people like him.

his travel show gives me dry heaves when ever he eats. Untalented Pig.

>> No.4003665

I'll be honest, I like Guy Fieri, mostly because I hate all of you, and you all hate him. But mostly, I hate this faggot food reviewer who probably likes eating cum more than food.

>> No.4003666

You Sir!
nothing more true has ever been said about Food network.

Except for Alton brown, but he is a food scientist isn't he, not really a chef.

>> No.4003684

He's an actor doofus. It's people behind the scenes writing for him.

>> No.4003703

I guess that makes you really stupid AND really angry.

>> No.4003711

thank you

>> No.4003721

>Except for Alton brown, but he is a food scientist isn't he

No, he's an ACTOR. he has an acting degree. He doesn't have a scientific education, and he has never worked in a restaurant, even as a line cook. He's an actor for a TV show.

>> No.4003730

I like Alton Brown, though I knew he was always simply an actor. He was a great host.

Also, didn't he graduate from a pretty decent culinary school after he started Good Eats?

>> No.4003741

I don't know about that, but hey, I do like his show. I just don't like how he is a pretentious douche to his fans IRL.

>> No.4003748

While this restaurant may be awful (none of us can really say for sure), his response to it is impressively coherent and seemingly-genuine. Not a fan of his show, but I respect how he reacted to the situation

>> No.4003752

Aww, dude, really? He seems like such a nice person.

>> No.4003757

>Fieri didn't think it was fair to visit the restaurant four times in two months.

Are you serious?

>> No.4003755

I know right? Same thing with Bill Nye. He's a douche IRL to his fans.

>> No.4003759

I'd rather drink a whole bucket of donkey semen than eat those nachos. Fuck me, that looks horrifying.

>> No.4003773

I totally agree with you on that one, but I didn't see anything else that seemed off. I think his restaurant IS a cash-in, but I never said it wasn't. I just thought he had a level-headed reaction to this (assuming it's actually HIS reaction and not that of his PR people)

>> No.4003779

Look at the damn chips. See how they're translucent like that? That means they're soaked in oil, and probably a soggy, chewy mess.

>> No.4003799

Umm no, Bill Nye is pretty goddamned nice.

>> No.4003801

>impossible to navigate

do you get lost in your living room?

>> No.4003805

No, there are dozens of stories online about how he's a huge dbag to his fans.

>> No.4003809

And I have a newspaper article here that says some guy's sister married a martian.

>> No.4003815
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>> No.4003829

I saw a video on youtube where some fans went to his house, and he came out and said hello to all them, and basically gave them a tour of the place, including some kind of souped-up solar panel he had built into his electric meter that was so efficient he was actually generating negative kilowatt hours on his meter, and in general, seemed like an amazingly nice guy.

>> No.4003836

A friend of mine got a picture with him in California a few months back. He's a little intimidating to approach, but I heard he was pretty nice.

>> No.4003838

Yeah I wonder if sometimes the cases of celebs getting bad reps are because people tend to only go to the internet with the bad stories, but I detect serious levels of samefagging here.

>> No.4003853

nyt would give a bad review of guy fieri though, if you watched his show you would see his passion for good food. He seems to know his stuff well.
He wasn't trained as a chef, If you watch the show he trained in france. And saved his own money to go. Im sorry if Guy Fieri is too working class for you bourgouise new yorkers. But who goes to places like el bulli to actually eat, its just to be seen.
Guy fieri is less of a fraud than wolfgang puck, who everyone is wet over.And have you seen his prices and his crappy food. just look at is resturant in london.
I give the man the benifit of the doubt, but it may be just a gimmick. and he comes across rude when hes in other peoples reaturants on ddd.

>> No.4003864

> nor are they plentiful in number
more restaurants and strip clubs per capita than any other state, dick shit

>> No.4003879

This made me read the actual review. And, damn, it was funny as hell. "Is this how you roll in flavor town?" made me lol a little.

>> No.4003882

Yeah... per capita doesn't mean "more." Sure, more per person, but not more as a whole. And, shit, dude, how dumb are you? Did you even consider population when you made that post?

>> No.4003885

If that's true, I've never seen them either. Portland has very few places worth eating at. It's all about the beer and local food you buy yourself.

>> No.4003908
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I'm not trying to defend Guy, but honestly, the NYT article was atrocious. I couldn't even finish reading it because it was just the most irritating and unbearable thing I've ever read. Half you cunts on /ck/ can write a better article that doesn't consist of straight rhetorical questions.

It's just question after question. We fucking get it, you hate his restaurant. It's like listening to an over-spoiled valley cockgobbler bitch about stupid shit. I dunno how this colossal faggot was even able to get the article printed when all it does is virtually say "COULD THIS RESTAURANT BE ANY GAYER??" in every fucking line.

tl;dr: writer is a flying faggot, Guy is still a doucher.

>> No.4003909

7/11 nachos ARE Nachos though. Corn chips, chili, and nacho cheese. Guys nachos are lasanga noodles, deep friends and covered in italian cheese, turkey sausage and beef and peperoni. Look at how greasy the fucking deep fried noodles are.

>> No.4003918


you're boring

>> No.4003921

agree with this assessment entirely.

2 or 3 questions in im thinking "wow, this sounds shitty"

after like 20 im starting to get the feeling that the writer is a whiny cunt who cant be trusted. If its really that bad he should have made an argument, not just a snarky list of bullshit questions. That would not be a real review either, but would at least be a more effective hit piece, which seems to be what his goal was.

>> No.4003920
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>deep friends

>> No.4003930


Mario Batali is way fucking fatter than Fieri and he seems to do just fine.

>> No.4003949

His Tex Wasabi restraunt's alright, service can be pretty shitty though. Seemed like a nice enough guy when I met him (his son was friends with my brother, met him at a party). This was of course before he got on Food Network. Seems he became a prick soon after hitting television.

>> No.4003951

Not anymore. And that's not the point, idiot.

>> No.4003956

Dude say what you want, but Guy got his peeps backs. The guy from the paper is probably a co/ck/

>> No.4003959

I hate him. And even though those reviews were a bit long winded, I got such a good chuckle out of reading them. Made my day. Anything to take the wind out of that gas bag's sails a bit is fine with me.

>> No.4003960


I don't think the comment was revolving around Fieri's weight but that lack of ability to deal with the high pressure and heat of a service kitchen.

This spiky haired poser who simply enjoys to eat fatty food likes to pretend hes been in the business for 25 years. It's like that 'man vrs food' guy saying the same thing..

Lets get shit straight.... most restaurants fail after their first year. Id say 65%.... So saying that after 6 months he is still ''trying to get everything smoothed out'' is fucked to all hell.. Seriously, you open a restaurant and have maybe a few weeks of getting the kinks worked out in your purchasing, working out the menu, seeing whats popular, fixing the wait staff, working on food costs, so on.. Not fucking 6 months in... This guy is a fucking idiot

Cold french fries.. Jesus, You only need a heat lamp to serve hot limp dick fries, but if you cant even serve hot limp dick fires, fuck man.... what are you doing?

>> No.4003971

Oh. Fucking. Gross.
"Nachos" made with fried lasagna noodles, turkey and pepperoni?
PIG DISGUSTING. That right there....that right there you albino hedgehog headed bitch, is why you shouldn't be on tv or promoting food in any manner.
But then, what do you expect from a man who got his culinary training at Stouffer's?

>> No.4003996

Why is everyone so fucking Jelly of Guy? INB4 cant cook.

>> No.4004018
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>His first name is Guy
>He has a show where he just goes around and eats shit.
I guess I just lump him in the "Fatass american retard who got a show somehow" category with Adam Richman

>> No.4004046

I looked at the article's quotes of the review:

>Writer Pete Wells goes on to say (in 34 rhetorical questions) that a drink tastes like "radiator fluid and formaldehyde." He notes that French fries arrive "limp and oil-sogged" and "served cold." He attacks the service, the sides, even the nachos ("deeply unlovable"). His overall rating: "Poor."

Guy Fieri is just a celebrity face on the food network or whatever american channels he's shown on but describing drinks as "like radiator fluid" doesn't tell shit about how bad they actually are, it gives no insight into what the actual problems were with the drinks. Also "deeply unlobeable"? Who fucking writes that shit?

>> No.4004048


Did he still dress and look like he did before television?

>> No.4004069

Adam Richman is healthy as an ox. He can do the huge eating challenges because he manages his body properly

Guy Fieri's real name is Guido Ferry. He's a fat douche with no actual skills.

>> No.4004173

>Im sorry if Guy Fieri is too working class for you bourgouise new yorkers.
He owns a series of restuarants you idiot.
He is, by definition, bourgeois. He exploits the (crappy, incompetent) labor of his workers in order to earn his living.
There's nothing blue collar about that.

>> No.4004661
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Oh sweet jesus I want that now

>> No.4004822
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>> No.4004884

I seriously hate this guy but I like his show... Triple D.

>> No.4004886

you would, you bipolar motherfucker.

>> No.4005085

I fucking love her.
Absolutely my favourite cooking show out there.