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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3979497 No.3979497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you cooked for a date?
What did you make?

>> No.3979520

>be me
>be 19yo kissless virgin
>type one diabetic
>just about blind without glasses
>want(ed) to become engineer
>been failing courses left and right
>started calling in sick, all day evry day
>starting to get cynical as fuck
>realize that I will never achieve my dream job
>realize that I am a burden to society
>my defect genes shouldn't be allowed to procreate
>want to kill self
>lie to my parents (divorced) that everything is nice
Nitrogen escape bags sounds nice, I just need the nitrogen and a bag

>> No.3979522

I would make milksteak and jellybeans

>> No.3979525
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>tfw no gf

>> No.3979524

Head over to /r9k/

>> No.3979530

My girlfriend and I cook together all the time, so it's not like a "date" but just fun.

>> No.3979531

Is my girlfriend a date? Or is a date before you go "steady"?

If the latter, then it was spaghetti. I've been with her for 7 years. If the former, she wanted me to make her spaghetti and meatballs.

Nothing has changed.

Good luck, virgins. This is what you have to look forward to.

>> No.3979538
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>tfw wanting to die

>> No.3979550

baked potato. she was mad at me. it was a good time.

>> No.3979556

green beans and jagerschnitzel with home made sauce and home made spatzle.

thing to know is that girls either love or hate this dish. If they love it than they are worth keeping.

>> No.3979558

>When was the last time you cooked for a date?


Pancakes with nutella because it's cheap and quick but still special. I find after breakfast is the best time to suggest calling a cab for her.

>> No.3979562

if baking counts, then yesterday.
used my great grandmas carrot cookie recipe. thanks to all the key women on my moms side of the family for showing me how its done in the kitchen. no fear.

i find it hilarious baking for girls. especially if it is one of those girls for whom chocolate is like catnip. i made a waif-like old friend with benefits double chocolate chip cookies. (with fucking real chocolate, not the shit they sell in murrika). she had 2, closed the container and left it in the kitchen. acted like they were meh, which they were NOT. heh, she kept finding excuses to go to the kitchen. after an hour i told her to just bring the damn box of cookies out. cookies were gone by the time i left the next morning.

>> No.3979563
File: 37 KB, 511x341, I seriously hate this feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when all you ever wanted was a little bit of love to make that feel go away

>> No.3979566


lol. That sucks, bro.

My girl is pretty adventurous with food, and will eat pretty much any weird thing I make.

The only thing is that she doesn't like less than well done beef, which at the time I learned (our second date), seemed like a good time to call her a cab and her the fuck out of my house.

Fortunately, I persevered, because she will eat literally anything else, and always appreciates my cooking <3

>> No.3979570

thai curry

>> No.3979590

Making love to a waif... You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.3979601

>so it's not like a "date" but just fun.
well, fuck you with a bean poll, scis scums

>> No.3979603

I did a lasagna with ready to go lasagna pasta. Should I be ashamed?

>> No.3979609

Been in a relationship for five years now; last date was around that long ago. It was pasta alla boscaiola.

>> No.3979612

>she had 2, closed the container and left it in the kitchen. acted like they were meh
lol sneaky bitch

>> No.3979615

>ready to go lasagna pasta
wtf is that?

>> No.3979616

I cook for my wife every day because i'm freaking awesome.

>> No.3979617

pasta that you don't need to boil, you just put em right in with the sauce and chesse and meat and you're ready to go. Can't tell the difference honestly.

>> No.3979627

>don't need to boil

Wow. Are you an American?

>> No.3979629

>because she's worthless other than sucking dat D


>> No.3979651

Dude, you just save like 10 minutes and if you have a badass sauce and the right kind of cheese, you doN,t give a fuck about the pasta making.

And no, I am from Quebec

>> No.3979655

back to /mu/

>> No.3979654

>what are instant noodles

>> No.3979670


I've always wondered how people make these images

>> No.3979681
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I made chicken parmesan over angel hair for a guy I liked, he took one look at it and ordered pizza.

I didn't complain, but it made me feel bad regardless. Kinda wish he had just been honest and said it looked like crap, or at least tried some before he ordered the pizza.

>> No.3979685


Male picky eaters are the worst kind of filth. Especially if he can't see that you put the time in for his sake and fucking take a bite to try it out.

Also tits.

>> No.3979689

It was either baked chicken with garlic and brown sugar glaze, or lasagna. I can't remember.

>> No.3979693

Fucking kill him. Chicken parm with spaghetti is delicious as fuck.

>> No.3979696

>Male picky eater
It's just as annoying regardless if it's male or female. Still being a picky eater itself isn't something necessarily bad, but obviously being an ungrateful fuck to somebody who took the time to cook for you is.

>> No.3979697


Holy fuck that guy sounds like a dick.

I have not eaten breakfast, and what you made sounds super good.

>> No.3979700

What's the dish in the picture, OP?

>> No.3979711

i hope you don't like him anymore. no need to be in a relationship with someone like that.

>> No.3979729
File: 42 KB, 480x326, 1351479988965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never find the girl of your dreams, get two children and then grow old together
>tfw you no longer care about getting a gf because It's just one more person to care about

>> No.3979732

No, this was a while ago. We're still friends but I'm pretty sure I dodged a bullet by not getting serious with him (he is kind of a self-centered dick).

>> No.3979740
File: 58 KB, 634x349, quenchingthethirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people really still do "dating"? it sounds awkward and forced.
anyway my bf made me pasta before we were actually sure we were a thing.
I couldn't eat too much of it (wheat tends to give me stomach problems) and it was okay, but since he made it for me I said I loved it.
And it's so cute watching him cook. I guess it's cute watching him do anything.

>> No.3979741

Well if you're in /ck/ you obviously like cooking (or you're just a fan of discussing fast food chains), but that's not the case for many people. It doesn't mean he's self centered because of that, but the failure to respect what you care about would just become a problem in the long run.

>> No.3979745
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You have my OC feel anon ;_;

>> No.3979746


> before we were actually sure we were a thing.

That's the dating part.

>> No.3979748

Are we talking courtship dating, or relationship dating? Because I absolutely love going out for dinner and a movie with my girlfriend, and we've been together for three years. It's like one of the high points of whatever week I do it.

>> No.3979755
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>tfw you wish pic related was you just because it implies that you have contact with your parents

>> No.3979758

well, it was more like just hanging out as friends, actually.

>> No.3979764

Oh my God, feels.

>> No.3979766
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im not there yet, but good god am I getting close

>> No.3979777
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b.. bu but I can't handle this much feel..

>> No.3979782

This is partly the reason I moved away from home as soon as possible ;_;

>> No.3979785
File: 81 KB, 800x563, 1351735766985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you visit your family
>tfw they ask you if you have got a gf yet
>tfw you were out in the kitchen filling your glass with water as they asked
>tfw you act as you didn't hear it and start talking about something completely different
>tfw you hope they won't ask again

>> No.3979795

It would be nice if you could just say no and laugh about it.
>tfw your family honestly starts to worry and in their vein attempt to help continues to ask questions
Sage because not /ck/ related.

>> No.3979797

thats dating

>> No.3979806
File: 38 KB, 509x611, dat feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry can't help it anon this thread now has feels ;_;

>> No.3979807

i cooked for my friend when she stayed the night

ramen and meatballs, as per request. there was cinnamon toast too.

>> No.3979812

About two weeks ago I packed a picnic and picked my beau up after work to surprise him with a trip to the mountains to enjoy the leafs.

Steak sandwiches, salad, vegetable soup, and warm cider.

>> No.3979828

topic anyone?

orange honey chicken with roasted potatoes and a nice salad.

last meal with a girl?
waffles with fucking canadian maple syrup! awesome cause i am on the other side of the world

>> No.3979841

>tfw you don't see the point in going to school anymore because you understand 90% of the topics, and you have to sit quiet while all the retards are struggling with the consept that a coil fight against rapidly changing currents

>> No.3979847

I don't know about you guys but that looks delicious. The dish doesn't look half bad either.

>> No.3979920

Ded teed

>> No.3979941

An aspie colleague of mine asked his crush to be his valentine and for some reason she agreed. Figuring their date was going to be an awkward nightmare, I asked the girls friend out and arranged a double date.

I made them ravioli from scratch (garlic, onion, beef and parmesan filling) in a simple meat sauce, garlic bread and caesar salad on the side. The aspie made dessert, which was two packs of no-name pudding, chocolate and vanilla mixed together, with whipped cream on top (I had to make the whipped cream for him.) I don't drink much wine so I asked a gay guy what would go good with the meal, I ended up with two bottles each of red and white Masi wine.

All in all, it was a good time. Everyone enjoyed the food and pleasant candle light conversation (except for the aspie who played with his phone the entire time.)

>> No.3979951

Nice joke, Grandpa.

>> No.3979955

Maybe like four or fives months ago? Was sort of seeing this girl from one of my classes, but it ended up being mainly a physical thing that kind of fizzled out after graduation.

The last time I cooked for her I made pan-roasted duck breast with mashed sweet potatoes and asparagus.

>> No.3979973


>> No.3979977
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> tfw no qt to cook for...

>> No.3980009

My gf and I made an awesome quiche (eggs, milk, porchetta, broccoli, sundried tomatoes, feta) and braised fennel last night.

Felt good.

Tonight is korean pancakes.

>> No.3980021
File: 223 KB, 1200x1600, PB290080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a gf... spend too much time posting rants about blacks on /ck/ :(

>> No.3980027

She looks like she could suck the sickle cell out of a nigger's dick

>> No.3980044

>with fucking real chocolate, not the shit they sell in murrika
Enjoy your sugary 'chocolate'

>> No.3980053


She looks like she never showers or brushes her hair, and relies entirely on makeup to bolster her appearance.

>> No.3980048

holy shit...omg...lmao

>> No.3980054

And she is still sexy and has an awesome ass.

>> No.3980108


> forever virginia

>> No.3980118
File: 3 KB, 203x209, 1329497303191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who finds this funny?

Also how do I make the thread's background black?

>> No.3980139

bottom right of every page

you're welcome, stuart newlittle

>> No.3980145

My gf is obsessed with kimchi ramen

and noodles in general

I too was laughing like crazy

>> No.3980153

hahaha that was awesome!

Good studd.

>> No.3980156

It's a theme like futaba and yotsuba AKA. Orange and blue background

>> No.3980164

seriously that is my favorite goddamn pasta meal

>> No.3980169

I lol'd pretty hard.

Part of me kind of hopes it is true... I don't know, it is just too ridiculous.

>> No.3980199
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While we're on topic, my first anniversay is comming up and I need some dinner ideas.

Something that can be cooked, then packed to eat at a distant location (park).


>> No.3980214
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for the side dish, try potatos

>> No.3980228

what's jagerschnitzel and spatzle?

>> No.3980257

depends on what the weather is going to be like

>> No.3980268


75*F - 85*F, which is kinda chilly in here. What do you have in mind?

>> No.3980296


Beefeater Filet - basically, peppered, sliced steak with horseradish sauce on the side chilled night before - serve at room temp
Slivered sesame cucumber
Lady Grey Iced Tea
Shortbread lemon squares

>> No.3980311

You seriously consider that cold? IGod damn, I find the 50s-60s perfect.

>> No.3980511
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>tfw no wet hole to stick my phallus

>> No.3980524


jesus, I'm a walking disaster and I have something under 18 BMI to poke.

>> No.3980728
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Ded tred