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File: 63 KB, 307x500, ommegang_three_philosophers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3959079 No.3959079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When it comes to beer is there anything better than a quadrupel?

Please tell me there is a quintuple.

>> No.3959098

more is not always better

>> No.3959103

Nonetheless, quadruples always seem to be better than triples.

>> No.3959115


>> No.3959117

Give me an example of a triple and see if there aren't better quadruples. Doppels if you're a vagina.

>> No.3959149

Chimay White

>> No.3959272
File: 810 KB, 627x2427, gouden-carolus-cuve-van-de-keizer-blauw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say I had some of this tonight, they had it at Cost Plus World Market, I think it's seasonal don't know how much longer they'll have it, dear God it's good. Belgian. Don't know if it's a quad but it's 11%. Strong. Sweet and fruity and bursting with flavor. No alcohol bite.

>> No.3959275

Real men drink hard liquor straight

>> No.3959317

>College students drink hard liquor straight

>> No.3959321


Clearly you're not ukranian

>> No.3959351

Clearly your balls have not yet dropped, or you can not yet afford anything better than bathtub moonshine.

>> No.3959363

>I didn't spend $250 at the liquor store today

0/10 /ck/ this isn't /b/ so don't treat me like a 12 year old newfag.

>> No.3959391

Ahhh, I see so when are you expecting then?

>> No.3959779
File: 276 KB, 862x1157, Duvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgian here, had some Blue Chimay yesterday
For you and the other poster that loves Belgian beer, pic related

>> No.3959797
File: 193 KB, 1024x1365, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I haven't found one yet

>> No.3959816
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>> No.3959855

hell yeah

>> No.3959912

Doubles. Or aged IPAs. Or pilsner on a warm day. Or maybe you are just a fag who likes his beer too sweet and thinks alcohol content is a measure of quality.

>> No.3959925
File: 28 KB, 300x300, stella_artois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate but I like the clean, crisp taste

>> No.3959966
File: 122 KB, 309x799, grolsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try Grolsch.

>> No.3959970
File: 40 KB, 475x356, 1257908861-ozapft_475px.9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer tastes best fresh out of the barrel.

>> No.3960016

It's a limited edition which comes out every 24th february. Best kept in a cellar at 12°C.

>> No.3960144

Duvel is good, but I get so goddamn pissed off at the foam. It comes up in a ratio of 3:1 foam to liquid when poured into a glass, and it literally will not settle. I have to scoop it out. Pisses me off every single time.

>> No.3960197
File: 259 KB, 520x673, goog beaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Dutch and Bockbeer is in season
Seriously, this shit is great, even better then some of the homebrews I've had from my friends(they've been doing this for 9 years now, shit's so cash). Oh and you guys sould stop comparing apples to oranges, there's no way to compare a tripel to a pilsner, or hard liquor for that matter. To each their own. In my personal opinion Alfa is best pilsner(brewed about three miles from where I live, it's the only beer brewed from springwater here in the Netherlands iirc), La Chouffe is a great blonde beer and I've really taken a liking to Leffe's Tripel lately. Truly great stuff.

>> No.3960203

Bock's in season all year round in Texas.

>> No.3960245

The fuck? You should only have bockbeer in fall. I mean, it's the archtypical bockbeer season. Drinking bockbeer out of fall is like constantly texting at a party, it's wrong and you should feel wrong. Silly Texans, can't even brew beer in the right season...

>> No.3960258

All types of beer are in season all year long in Texas. We don't restrict ourselves.

>> No.3960265

I bet you go look for mushrooms in the summer. Bock is for fall, and that's the end of it. If you want to contiue the discussion, Bockbeer is generally only for sale in the Netherlads, Belgium and Germany when it's fall. Appparently it's also for sale in Texas all year long. Please elaborate about the amount Texas has contributed to the world's beers.

What did you say?

I can't hear you, could you repeat that?


>> No.3960272

LMAO. Enjoy drinking your Europoor swill only when other people tell you its the right time of year to enjoy it. In Texas we drink what we want when we want and however the fuck we want.

>> No.3960276

Not him but,
You remind me of faggots who only eat soup in winter. I do what I want year 'round and I don't give a fuck what you think about it.

>> No.3960280

Your ignorance is so blatant, it's almost like you're proud of it.

>> No.3960305

If your natural instinct is to chug beers out of season, so be it. I guess having taste is actually hereditary.

>Not eating soup all day every day
Why would you only eat soup in the winter? I mean, certain soups taster better then due to ingredients being fresherthe same reason why Bock is better/tastier in the fall), but you can use different recipes and ignredients all year around for different soups, same goes with beers.

Don't take this as an offense, but are you by chance from the US?

>> No.3960328

>100% of American brewers originated from around the world
>People from around the world make fun of American beer
>People actually making fun of themselves

PROTIP: The United States wins more international beer contests than any other country in the world.

Ignoring or contradicting this fact only serves to make you look like an uneducated jackass.

>> No.3960339

>Please elaborate about the amount Texas has contributed to the world's beers.

I'm guessing the Texas beer you're talking about is Shiner Bock. It's made at the Spoetzl Brewery in a small town in Texas. The beer was created by two Germans, Herman Weiss and Kosmas Spoetzl. We have an awful lot of German immigrants in Texas.

>> No.3960341

>100% of American brewers originated from around the world

I'm not knocking on American beer because alot of it is excellent.....but this statement is silly.

>> No.3960344

I refuse to buy American or European beer because it originates outside of my country. I would much rather spend my money supporting local breweries and keep my money inside of Canada.

>> No.3960347

Dear America,

We've had quite enough of your horrifying wines (which would be illegal anywhere else), your terrible fastfood, and your embarrassing cheese. Just because your government was briefly seized by hysterical women 70 years ago does not excuse your awful drinking culture. This includes the overcompensating small penis hobbyists who think that making beer as bitter and alcoholic as humanly possible is somehow any better than the stuff that you buy in aluminium cans.

Please stay home for another 200-300 years until your culture can stand on its hind legs without assistance from abroad.


The civilised world

>> No.3960351

See but that's reasonable. You can support your own country all you want, that's fine by me.
But fuck people who think that just because their opinions are different, they're unmitigated facts, like
This fucker.
God, what is this, France?

>> No.3960370

You must not be from the superior Nordic part of Europe.

>> No.3960392

>>100% of American brewers originated from around the world
>PROTIP: The United States wins more international beer contests than any other country in the world.

>brewers originating from other parts of the world win prizes in the US

>> No.3960414

>insulting america
>talking about "assistance from abroad"

That made my day.

>> No.3960460
File: 60 KB, 420x508, belzebuth-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this one OP. 13% alcohol, probably the most you'll find in a beer, and doesn't have that soury flavor you'll have with other high alcohol beers.

>> No.3960501
File: 222 KB, 1259x1600, chouffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had this today. It is one of my favourite beers. I like dem hops and this one delivers nicely.

>> No.3960512

Actual taste up in here. Ever been to the brasserie La Chouffe itself? Just great.
>hurpdurp it has more alcohol so its better

>> No.3960528


Sadly no. I've only been to Belgium once. We were in Bruges and had one of the best beer experiences ever at De Garre.

>> No.3960580

Hoppy? Not even. This is on the 'mellow' side as far as ales go.

>> No.3960584
File: 34 KB, 466x484, quechoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice little, chouffe you got there.

>> No.3961002

20% dogfish head world wide stout coming at you

>> No.3961004
File: 95 KB, 518x691, dogfishhead-wwstout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the goddamn image

>> No.3961021

I have some of that in my fridge now. I'm not a big beer fan, so it belongs to other family members. Contemplating trying it, will I strongly regret this if I don't generally go in for beer? So far stouts are the only ones I can really finish a full one of.