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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 300x250, honey-boo-boo-sketti-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3927566 No.3927566 [Reply] [Original]

Dearest /ck/

For the past couple moons you have been discussing your mutual hatred for "sketti," which is simply butter, ketchup, and spaghetti.

Now we all know everyone loves chicken wings, right?

What are the two ingredients for chicken wing sauce?

>hot sauce (similar to ketchup)

How can you be disgusted by sketti? It's incredibly similar to chicken wing sauce.

inb4 margarine and its so gross and wahhh
No, you queers just don't like it because Southerners with less priviledges eat it

Prove me wrong

>> No.3927568

>hot sauce (similar to ketchup)
This is where OP's argument crumbled.

>> No.3927575


why would a ketchup bottle have two spouts?

>> No.3927576

The thing is, I wouldn't put wing sauce on my pasta.

>> No.3927577

Better airflow allows for easier pouring.

>> No.3927578

I would. it's fucking good too

>> No.3927579

because buffalo sauce is fucking bomb ass delicious
ketchup and butter tastes like your mom's final menstruation before she goes menopausal

>> No.3927581

less privileged Southerner detected

>> No.3927583

I'm a Southern and the concept of Sketti offends me.

Honey Boo Boo offends me.

And you offend me for suggesting that Sketti isn't disgusting.

Most Southerners actually pride themselves on being able to make good food if a bit unhealthy. After all you aren't going to lose weight eating fried chicken.

>> No.3927584

>No, you queers just don't like it because Southerners with less priviledges eat it
And what is exactly wrong with that? Is it so wrong that I do not wish to eat like the scum of the earth?

>> No.3927591

Apparently you are an elitist if you like education and have taste.

>> No.3927590

You know what goes on my chicken wings? Hot sauce. No butter. Why am I replying to this thread anyways?

That's a squeeze bottle you idiot

>> No.3927595

I stand by my statement. The ketchup still comes out of the bottle easier if there's an extra airhole.

>> No.3927599
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I wonder if it tastes like spaghetti in a can.

>> No.3927655

>chicken wing sauce

>> No.3927661

It's funny because if you use canned tomatoes (not completely shitty ones), real butter, and some onion you'll get a very tasty tomato sauce. Just simmer it for an hour or so.

>> No.3927695

What I like is adding ketchup to leftover pasta that was cooked with a sauce. For some reason it tastes delicious on leftovers but not on freshly cooked stuff.

>> No.3927704

Italian here. Go fuck yourself, OP.

>> No.3927717


i'd rather fuck myself than an italian. fucking niggers of europe.

>> No.3927733

You lack observation skills. The second "hole" you are referring to is the cap for the spout.

>> No.3927751

>Now we all know everyone loves chicken wings, right?
Wrong. All my life I've been disgusted by wings (and any kind of chicken with bone on it, to a lesser degree). That slimy cartilage and gristle and other bone shit.. ugh, it's fucking repulses me.

>> No.3927757

Nah brah, it's got two spouts. Check yourself before you call other people out.

>> No.3927799

one time when I was a kid I went to a friends house they were pretty poor. his mom made a can of that for lunch for us. took one bite it was gross as fuck. I had my friend eat it not to offend his mom. apparently for them it was a treat/

>> No.3927820

That is the cap. It's just on the little stand they put there for it. That's why there is the thing attaching it to the rest of the bottle. Because it pops off.

Squeeze bottles do not need a vent. You're still wrong.

>> No.3927822

Like blue cheese! HA FOOD RELATED HUMOR!

>> No.3927832

Those are greeks. Italians are the asians of europe.

>> No.3927839

Holy fuck. That menopausal statement made me laugh so hard.

>> No.3927846

I like this guy. He makes me laugh

>> No.3927851

Hey now. Don't loop that shit with the rest of us Southerners.

>> No.3927871
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, 11903096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend lives in Italy and you may change your words if you met their family and friends. I've been there with them and it was a wonderful visit.

It was offensive for you to say that, but I know you speak in ignorance or of your own unfortunate experiences which does not represent an entire country with good and bad just like wherever you live in now.

>> No.3928046

Are we talking about the cool North or the shit South?

>> No.3928075

Fuck the south.

New England master race.

>> No.3928077

Man, I don't like ketchup on anything, much less this abomination.

>> No.3928087

It was the North. Along the Alps.

>> No.3928120

Hum, no.
Scum comes from east like Poland, Romania etc. They are the wiggers here. Italians are... wait, where are they ? Oh, happy where they are i guess since we never hear about them.
Our niggers are niggers, our asians are asians and sandniggers are everywhere. I'd trade the two types of niggers for asians anytime.

>> No.3928133
File: 94 KB, 261x262, DeanClassic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use ketchup for the base in my pasta sauces, it tastes awesome Bro. Have you ever tried cutting up hotdogs and throwing them in?

>> No.3928154

Because ketchup and spaghetti tastes gross. There's nothing to it.

You also compared ketchup to other sauces, which is retarded. Because then you're saying "Why are you using pasta sauce when ketchup is the exact same thing".

>> No.3928175

maybe if i made a homemade ketchup and added butter

oh wait id just make a fucking pasta sauce

>> No.3928179

I hate chicken wings. A breast is easier to cook and eat.

>> No.3928180


Look at this nigga tryin' to rustle my jimmies before bedtime.

Are you seriously trying to defend "sketti?"

>> No.3928182


dare i ask how you know enough about the taste to make that assertation?

>> No.3928196

dude, why would you need a stand for the cap if it's attached? I'm not the person who said it was a vent. There are just two spouts.

>> No.3928214
File: 101 KB, 450x810, 12ozSqueezeEBAY5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


two spouts nigga

>> No.3928256

You retards realize that's a ketchup bottle made for hotdogs, right? You put two lines of ketchup on one hotdog usually, this one makes it easier.

It's impractical if you're using it for other things, but still a selling point.

>> No.3928268

Only heathens put ketchup on a hotdog.

>> No.3928271

It's so it doesn't flop around while you use the bottle.

>> No.3928275

>Now we all know everyone loves chicken wings, right?

I hate them. I hate the wings, I hate dark meat, and I hate that shit spicy vinegar sauce they use on it. Only drunks, soccer moms, and frat fags like that shit.

>> No.3928280

>You put two lines of ketchup on one hotdog usually


>> No.3928312

Excuse you, I am a heathen and that kind of slander is offensive.

>> No.3928315

Heathens know better than to ruin a hot dog with fucking ketchup.

>> No.3928356

Skitti probably would be okay if it wasn't equal parts butter for ketchup. Maybe just enough butter to lightly coat the

Would try altering the recipe a little, but it'll just end up having its own pasta sauce and

>> No.3928364

>inb4 margarine and its so gross and wahhh

I'm still going to say it. Margarine is unhealthy and doesn't taste as good as butter. What the fuck is the advantage? What makes it good?

>> No.3928365

Ketchup is sweet. I hate sweet spaghetti.

>> No.3928399

There are two things in the world I will happily put ketchup on:

Fried chicken
Hot dogs (gotta have mustard too though, not just ketchup)
You mad? Stay mad.

>> No.3928427

nothing does, margarine is only around because people used to think it was better for you

>> No.3928461

if i remember the ep correctly

sketti has meat in it too.

>> No.3928465


they threw spaghetti on cupboards to test its doneness. If the spaghetti stuck to the cupboards,it meant it was cooked.

How else do people know when pasta is done?

>> No.3928478

Agreed. Even most jarred tomato sauces FOR pasta in the store are too sweet for me.

When I was a kid, my mom bought Prego and I didn't have a complaint. When I was older I met a friend who cooked canned tomatoes with herbs and stuff and I really liked the taste. I started doing that for a few years and then eventually started just buying fresh tomatoes and pureeing them myself to cook down to a sauce. After all that time I went one day and bought Prego again on a whim just to see how it would be again. It tasted like sugar+tomato.

Tomatoes are really inexpensive and I don't mind taking 5 minutes to puree them, wash the blender and then play video games while the sauce cooks with herbs for a few hours without any attention needed.

>> No.3928486

also because usually it's cheaper. poor people use margarine and "butter flavor spread"

>> No.3928493

This. Southern food isn't exactly the healthiest around, but it's not anywhere near as trashy as sketti.

>> No.3928499


Just sounds like you prefer to eat tomato-flavored battery acid.

>> No.3928504

It's time to explain your statement.

You don't like the flavor of tomato or what?

>> No.3928517

comparing ketchup and hot sauce is like comparing beer and soda.

they might look and be served the same way but no. just no.

>> No.3928533



>> No.3928537

>makes homemade sauce from fresh tomatoes

Confirmed for retarded neckbeard who can't be fucked to get out of his chair. Why are you even on the cooking board?

>> No.3928558

I made spaghetti with a few cans of great value tomato sauce - I just simmered dat bitch with meat, veggies and seasonings (and added some sugar so that it wouldn't taste like ACID). Shit was gud yo

>> No.3928561

No it's fine, I think it's just kind of stupid to say Prego is too sweet. Prego is NOT sweet.

>> No.3928579

But it doesn't taste like acid dude...
What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.3928580

Congratulations. You have been trolled by 12 year olds.

>> No.3928605

Eat some decent tomato sauce for a while and you will absolutely see a difference when you go back. Sorry you're so accustomed to sugar overdoses. That stuff actually is VERY sweet. The "battery acid" shit could only be said by someone who has had their taste buds fucked over by sugar and salt. Pity.

>> No.3928617
File: 43 KB, 250x216, 1326865303933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting balsamic vinegar in your spaghetti sauce to give it both a richer and slightly sweeter taste


>> No.3928645

Fuck yes. A little bit of balsamic in tomato sauce is awesome... which makes sense, really, considering how well balsamic and tomatoes go together.

>> No.3928651

When I make tomato sauce I put in a little bit of concord grape juice for both sugar and tartness.

I also like to use boatloads of garlic.

As for the troll topic at hand, I actually think ketchup tastes better WITHOUT the butter...

>> No.3928653

Why not use wine instead of grape juice? I suppose they both take it in the same direction, but you'd be bringing in alcohol to dissolve a lot of flavors you wouldn't get with just the juice.

>> No.3928657

Because wine doesn't have a lot of sugar because it's all been broken down to alcohol?

This reminds me of great uncle Giuseppe.

"Anon, do you like wine?"

"Yeah I like wine, but I like grape juice even more!"

"Oh... me too! But they keep handing me wine..."

>> No.3928665

/ck/, I have a digestive disorder and can't eat tomato-based foods without it being heavily "cut," usually by sugar. I'd love to make homemade tomato sauce without making it too sweet, what else can I cut the sauce with?

>> No.3928675

You can cut the sauce with a heavy dose of grow the fuck up kid.

>> No.3928684

It has nothing to do with "growing up." I can't consume foods high in acidity not because I dislike them, but because such foods leap freely from my stomach into my esophagus and out my mouth. No thanks.

>> No.3928692

Acid reflux, or are you just going off of a made up self-diagnosis? I've never heard of a digestive problem that can be rectified with sugar.

>> No.3928694

Sugar isn't going to do anything to counter the (imaginary) reaction your stomach has on acids, and btw tomato may be acidic as it is, but it is actually alkaline forming inside our bodies.

>> No.3928699

GERD and a weak UES. Both diagnosed by gastroenterologists.

>> No.3928704

So I ask a simple question about how to get improved, less-sweet tomato sauces (which /ck/ apparently hates) that are less acidic, and /ck/ instead pretends to be both doctors whom reverse diagnoses of specialists AND chemists.

I guess I'll come back once /ck/ becomes a useful board.

>> No.3928709

Please don't come back.

>> No.3928711

Heh heh. Acid reflux doesn't have much to do with how much acid people eat. It has to do with things that make their bodies produce acid in response. Usually foods with complex oils or something.

I'm assuming you were planning on telling them that if they said acid reflux though.

>> No.3928714

Try sugar substitute or that sugar you use for coffee. Make sure to cook the sauce down for a really long time. Don't listen to these guys. I know lots of people that don't eat unsweetened tomato sauce.

>> No.3928746

I sweeten my sauce because it tastes good, forget about his stomach condition.

I just don't go overboard. Lightly sweetened doesn't taste sweet, but it tastes a hell of a lot better than unsweetened.

If the sauce tastes sweet they're doing it wrong, would you not agree?

The sugars are just to bring out more accents by dulling the tartness of the tomatoes.

>> No.3928767
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ketchup and hot sauce are 2 very different things my friend.

nothing else to say about that.

>> No.3928801
File: 99 KB, 650x440, 1315919331899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I eat sketti all the time. I feel bad now.

But then, I usually add some sausages (proper ones, not just plastic-wrapped gristle) and flavour it with some oregano or rosemary. I might be a student, but there are standards.

>> No.3928822

I put either butter or ketchup in my pasta, the taste don't really adds up.

>> No.3928868

I did this once but i don't know why this weird mix has a fucking name, it doesn't quite deserve one.
I was hungry and a bit drunk, it was very late, i was watching a movie and i didn't want to start cooking something real involving smell that would wake up the neighborhood. So, pasta.
Something was dead inside my head at this time of the night so i just wanted to add a bit of taste and i used butter, a bit of ketchup and nutmeg (because i fucking love nutmeg) salt and pepper.
It was okay but i felt it was like cooking like a gourmet when you're usually able to fail a sandwich.

>> No.3928881

Now I want to try Hot Sauce sketti..
Just Hot Sauce,butter, and spaghetti..

>> No.3930563

why does it sound so forbiddenly precious?