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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3898488 No.3898488 [Reply] [Original]

ITT when you discover that your tolerance for (insert any taste or food etc) is a lot higher, or lower than other people.

For me, it's spiciness.
When I was 17 I went to a friend's place for a party. Went into the kitchen saw a little bowl of orangish colored sauce. Thought it's tomato dipping sauce, took a chip, scraped half of it, ate it with chip.
Then I asked him wtf was that, it only tasted a bit spicy and no other taste.

He was shocked and told me it's hebanero puree and it's suppose to burn my tongue out.
I was meh...

>> No.3898769

I drink sea wter

>> No.3898774

I enjoy spice too, but large amounts are the best for me. I really like the hot feeling in my mouth during and after I eat. I don't even mind the burning shits that much anymore.
>tfw you ate grilled buffalo wings and Italian
green pepper pizza for your birthday and your ass was on fire the next day but it was one of the best birthdays you've had

>> No.3898785

Not sure why my greentext messed up, but you get the idea.

>> No.3898786

I remember finding a chicken sandwich in the back seat of my brothers car one summer. It was still warm and pretty soft, and I was hungry as fuck, so I nommed that shit.

I was almost done with it when I came into the house and he was like wtf are you eating
>chicken sammich I found in your back seat, bitch
>I hold up the wrapper
>he looks like hes about to throw up
>I haven't ordered anything from there in a week..

I swallowed the last bite. It... tasted fine to me.
Even with all that old mayo and everything.

My stomach is an iron trap.

My family used to use me as a 'is it still good?' meter
If I smelled or tasted something 'off', they knew it must be bad

I don't know if I should be proud of this or not

>> No.3898829

I have a pretty good tolerance for stuff on the verge of going bad. I will pretty much never vomit / get diarrhea from food that is partially spoiled.

Not that I eat spoiled food on purpose, but when other people in my family are wrenching their guts out on the toilet, I'm sitting on the couch watching TV.

>> No.3898837

I don't have a superhuman spice tolerance, but it's definitely better than the rest of my family. Once I made salsa that I didn't think was spicy at all, and my sister fucking burned her tongue.

>> No.3898845

I use Widow to make sure no-one in my house eats the shit I make.

I have a better spice tolerance than anyone in my family, certainly.

>> No.3898877

It means you have cancer, sorry.

>> No.3898902

I have a similar ability. I eat fast food upwards of 4 times a week (still only 155 pounds, 6 feet tall). All of my friends say they can't eat at a number of places because it will make them shit immediately or shit liquid. Not me, solid poops are my thing.

>> No.3898920
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Growing up on southeast asian cuisine, I'm pretty accustomed to spiciness and I always tend to impress my white friends.
It's just that I sweat a lot when I do eat spicy.

>> No.3898941

Sometimes I question people intolerance to spicy food. One time I served this customer some food which I would consider not spicy, but she later complains to me that it was too spicy for her to eat.

>> No.3898951


My mom is that way. Yet her favorite food is Thai food, and her definition of "mild" is much different from most Thai folks.

Me on the other hand? I'll eat Thai hot until I have hemorrhoids. Some oolong tea complements it really nice, something about hot beverages with spicy food is just amazing.

>> No.3898967


That's sort of the problem with spicy food. Whenever I go to a southeast asian place, or an indian place, I always err on the side of caution when asked how spicy I like it, and it's usually bland.

Thing is, I think they dumb it down massively when you're white and you ask for mild. But if I asked for normal, or god forbid hot, it would probably burn my face off.

>> No.3898972

I have an affinity for Allium veggies. I'm particular to traditional garlic and onions.

>> No.3900683

Do people really get the shits from spicy food? This isn't some conspiracy of rumors is it? I eat super spicy food all the time and maybe once in 30 years got the shits and that's because it was some shit CoCo curry dish at level 10 spicy where they just dumped tons and tons of spicy mix in to make it not all that spicy.

>> No.3900738
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>be in japan
>friends rave about foreign curry shop
>think "well, maybe I'll be able to have a real curry for once"
>order spiciness level of 100, roughly translated as "god's territory"
>mfw it just makes me sweat a little and I eat the whole thing

With a name like that I fully expected to vomit afterwards or something.