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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3897984 No.3897984 [Reply] [Original]

Trying my hand at deep frying, burnt the fuck out of some chicken it in fear of having it undercooked. Served with a heavy salsa salad, refried beans, n' a few tortillas.
Sorry about the low rez.
What'dya think /ck/?
Home deepfrying general?

>> No.3897987
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave and never come back.

>> No.3897990

what this guy said but without the bump

>> No.3897991

What are you talking about, the meal is completely in view.

>> No.3897996

it was the top post you faggot

>> No.3897997


all I see is neckbeard, it has completely obstructed my view and I also fear that there maybe strands of manboy neckbeard in the food.

>> No.3898004

If you don't want to burn chicken that you're frying, remove it while it's still golden brown and put it in a 300 F oven. It will finish cooking without overcooking the outside.

You could drop the temperature of the oil, but it will probably soak too much of it into the crust.

>> No.3898005

What the guy this guy is quoting said without the bump.

>> No.3898007

just... no

>> No.3898013

Thank you for the helpful information!
Unfortunately I have no oven, would a toaster oven do? Also, why are you sageing me? Is my face really that aggravating?

>> No.3898014

>toaster oven
>really that aggravating

>> No.3898016

brine it next time. it cooks quicker and more forgiving to overcooking.

>> No.3898020
File: 78 KB, 500x350, ck pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My onion rings suck too. Better batter recipes please. I'm using flour, egg white, salt, pepper, and crushed red peppers

>> No.3898026


>> No.3898028

>that picture
Seriously get out.

>> No.3898037

OP I hope the next time I see your face is on page 10

>> No.3898052

>all these trolls

Hahahaha oh god.

Anyway yeah OP, looks good. Lamb and roasted veggies for dinner for me. No pic though.

>> No.3898071
File: 12 KB, 151x217, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to make him famous.

>> No.3898109

http://funnyjunk.com/user_pictures/robdutch/4124900/ohhh..+you+guys/ famous :)

>> No.3898114
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>> No.3898121

show us your dick OP

also, when did /ck/ turn into a bunch of cunts? i went away for a couple months and come back to idiots and loltrollz

>> No.3898114,1 [INTERNAL] 

10/10 chef. Would place in my kitchen.

>> No.3898133

...I might actually use this.

>> No.3898167

I think this past summer's hall pulled in a lot of new frequenters to be. Really. I know how the summer traffic tends to be, but it's like this one still hasn't ended, and I'm afraid to say it might not.

Shitposting upsets the crowd and begets more shitposting because of it. The crowd has been thoroughly upset. We're doomed.

>> No.3898170

4chan is a has-been. It's about to be another reddit.

>> No.3898179

You just beat the "ravioli ravioli give me the formulioni" faggot OP from last week.

>> No.3898200

ah, well I'm glad that at least someone else noticed. the drop in quality posts on this board compared to a year ago is astounding.

>> No.3898213

That was WAAAAAAAAAY worse.

>> No.3898267

That was THE weirdest shit.

>> No.3898280

deep fry and egg its great
just crack the egg into the fryer

>> No.3898307
File: 1.66 MB, 320x180, halo_rocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like like this kid Josh I used to know.