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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3855301 No.3855301 [Reply] [Original]

eating habits pet peeves?

>mfw someone puts the ginger on the sushi

>> No.3855302

when people grab their burgers fingers under instead of thumb under and flip it so they eat it upside down

>> No.3855305

people who stab things with chopsticks
you asked for the damn things, use them right or use a goddamn fork

>> No.3855313

Eating all of one thing on your plate before tasting other things (especially those that eat the protein first, like it's the most valuable, then the starch/veg after). Also, mixing everything into mush and eating it like that. Eating things cold that should be heated (my dad does this when drunk). Ordering incredibly specific things, changing menu, not letting chef do his job.

>> No.3855319
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Salting dat food b4 tasting it.

>> No.3855321

when you ask someone what kind of wine they like and they just say white or red.

>> No.3855325
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Gets to-go box. Lets it rot in fridge... every time.

>> No.3855326

I'm even more anal about this. Salting any food that already has salt in it peeves me.

>> No.3855327

Guilty :3

I hate it when people smack as they chew. I hope no one on /ck/ does this. It makes me raaaaage.

>> No.3855331

Ordering drinks with no ice because cheapskate mofo.

>> No.3855334

mixing wasabi in soy sauce

putting hot sauce on everything

demand ordering cheese pizza and only eating 2 slices

>> No.3855335

>putting salt or pepper on anything after it's been served

if you're cooking, why didn't you season it before? if you're at a restaurant and they can't season your food properly you probably shouldn't go there. either, way, you're eating raw table salt now which is gross.

>> No.3855341

Ketchup on scrambled eggs. Maple syrup dumped over plate of eggs, sausage, pancakes.
I hate vegetarians and sneak bacon fat into soups whenever I can. Heh heh.

>> No.3855344
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Eating hamburgers with a knife and fork, and not even removing the bread.

Asking for a glass of water and not even taking a sip.

>> No.3855346

>mixing wasabi in soy sauce

So, outside of being a pretentious twat and disliking the practice because the Japanese don't do it, what's wrong with that, exactly?

>> No.3855348
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>> No.3855349

Are you okay with maple syrup on eggs, sausage, and pancakes so long as I don't slather it all over? I do like me maple syrup on eggs, sausage, and pancakes. Bacon too.

>> No.3855357
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Buying expensive vodka. Mixing it with shit.

>> No.3855358


It tastes way better with the ginger on it. Why does that bother you? The Japanese people are retarded as all hell with everything else they do, why do you think they got it right with ginger not going on sushi?

>> No.3855360

>grab their burgers

Stay murrkan, fat fuck.

>> No.3855363

vodka is meant to be mixed or otherwise drunk quickly so as not to be tasted, since it lacks flavor. expensive vodka = stronger, less pungent cocktails

>> No.3855366

because you're letting a $0.01 piece of root mask the flavor of your potentially $5-$10+ piece of fish. stay pleb.

>> No.3855371
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>flavors don't mix!

Have you ever even eaten food in your life?

>> No.3855372

I have had pork sukiyaki in my fridge going on 9 months now. Im actually afraid to pick it up to dispose of it.

>> No.3855373

your sushi must be made by mexicans. there is no other reason to destroy the taste of a filet of tuna with that sweet n spicy shit. do you put ketchup on truffles?

>> No.3855390

Why should i put ice in a drink that should ALREADY be cold? And if you tend to make the drink last and not gulp it down like a useless amerifat, the ice melts and dilutes the drink.

>> No.3855392
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>when someone always leaves it up to you to pick the place to go eat
>suggest something
>"Oh no anon, not -that- place!"
Then WHY the fuck did you ask me? Why don't you pick a place? Just, GAHHH!

>> No.3855404

I eat from worst to best. Gotta end on a high note.

>> No.3855407

>paying for ice

>> No.3855415

Open-mouthed chewers... especially musicians, especially bandmates. YOUR MOTHERS TAUGHT YOU BETTER, NOW CHEW WITH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT, YOU FUCKING NEANDERTHAL.

People who ask me to cook steak, and douse it with ketchup. You wanted a steak. I made one. It was good. It seems you really just wanted ketchup on something slightly chewy. Next time: tofu or kraft dinner... only two people have ever done this to me, only one has done it twice.

People who sneak bits of my food before it's done, especially those who complain. "What the fuck? This soup tastes like dirt!"... "You just stuck your finger in a lukewarm slurry of blended beet with a bit of red wine that I'm using to suck flavour out of bay leaves. The rest of the soup's still roasting in the oven. Patience, twat."

People who tell me that my recipe's wrong, especially as pertaining to pan-Italian foods or things that the Polish, Ukrainians, and Russians have very similar versions of... my pizza's still a pizza, and my perogies are still perogies. If you want your mom's go visit her.

>> No.3855418


correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the ginger meant to be eaten between each piece of sushi to cleanse your palate or something? If that's true then it's understandable why some people can be annoyed with others who eat with the sushi

>> No.3855424


You're correct, but many people also overlook that the ginger goes deliciously well with sushi and compliments the flavor of any type

>> No.3855427

>a pickled aromatic root goes well with plain rice and fresh fish

Holy shit this is like the complete opposite of true. You may as well say you should douse it in tobasco.

>> No.3855429

Have you eaten ginger? That shit overpowers any other flavor that goes in your mouth.

>> No.3855431

... pickled ginger with vinegared, sweetened rice, fresh fish, and seaweed, dipped into soy sauce, probably with some wasabi...

the only really new element being introduced is the flavour of the ginger itself. The saltiness, sweetness, and sourness are already involved.

>> No.3855434
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>> No.3855437

The ginger is a palate cleanser. Fuck me running if you eat it with the sushi.

>> No.3855439

that guy's face kind of looks like a thick slab of pickled ginger.

When I add ginger to sushi, it's usually inside, and a very small amount, usually with pickled herring and beet as a contrast to a milder piece.

>> No.3855441

The next time you use your red wine to try to quench your thirst, I hope someone knocks it out of your hand and demands you lick it from the carpet.

>> No.3855454


Can you eat a fucking wine glass you uncultured swine? I guess in America in order to consume something you need to throw it all together in a slop so you can shovel it into your gullet faster.

>> No.3855455

>The next time you use your red wine to try to quench your thirst
Why would anyone do that? Shit's retarded.

>> No.3855458

It's meant to cleanse your palate. Maybe you should stick to battering or boiling your food to death and washing down the carnage with room temperature lager.

>> No.3855459

People who dismantle their food. : Eating the chocolate off of a Butterfinger.

>> No.3855461

>Eating the chocolate off of a Butterfinger.
I don't understand.

>> No.3855462

You tell me.


>> No.3855467

Taking the outside off.

I used to do it to Twix and Kit Kat bars.

>> No.3855469

Why and how?

>> No.3855471

Because it's fun and satisfying

>> No.3855472


But you don't pour your wine on your steak. I fail to see what the argument is here. No one objected to eating the ginger in-between pieces of sushi, eating it ON TOP of pieces is a waste, though.

>> No.3855473

Systematically nibbling all of the chocolate off while holding the melting candy bar in your sweaty hand until all you have left is the crispity, crunchetty, salty, brittle filling. Then devouring that on its own. Get it now?

>> No.3855479

I'm slightly aghast that the idea of a red-wine reduction, jellied or otherwise, didn't cross your mind when writing that.

>> No.3855480
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People who don't appreciate a runny yolk. People who use powdered hollandaise mix.

>> No.3855481

i lik eating the peanuts from my snikers

>> No.3855482
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pickles closer to tongue. What nao, bitch?

see >>3855390, amerifag.

And to add in to the sushi debate, I personally respect the Japanese tradition of eating sushi.

That said, if you want to throw ginger on top of your sushi, dunk it in a soy/wasabi mix, and eat it in multiple bites (this actually fucks up my soul) go right ahead; just know that the chef serving you will have little to no respect.

>> No.3855485

People who don't realize exactly how fucking disgusting runny yolk is.

>> No.3855486

Powdered hollandaise? I knew it had to exist, but... man... really?

I'm going to buy some and mix it with instant potatoes... then probably batter something with it because I can't think of anything else to make with such a mess.

>> No.3855487

Let's keep up the pickled ginger debate. We're really breaking new ground! Might as well be cut/uncut debate on /b/.

>> No.3855488
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OCD activated.

>> No.3855490

>mutilated dick vs. normal

>> No.3855491


That's like getting mad at someone for putting french fries in their burger

It tastes better to them that way, don't be a little bitch about it

>> No.3855492

i lik pickald ginger with my snikers

>> No.3855493


I obviously meant pouring the straight wine on a steak. You could make sauces for sushi with ginger, too (to go back to the original argument), but it doesn't mean that consuming them together "raw" is good.

>> No.3855497

>im 12 amd wat is this

>> No.3855498
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People who spend exorbitant amounts of money on "organic" produce. My brother's hussy buys organic russet potatoes.
>organic russet potatoes

>> No.3855499

Well-done steak with extra extra barbeque sauce and liquid smoke is something I enjoy that a lot of people don't

>> No.3855501

the only raw ingredients are the seaweed and the fish.

... but... I digest... a whack of pickled ginger on sushi is akin to a whack of anything on anything else. A bit might seem strange in the same way that a bit of A-1/HP on a steak might to some... but if someone likes it that way, far be it for me to chastise him for it.

>> No.3855504
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It's called jerky, look into it.

>> No.3855510


goes to show you faggot i can't look because i am blind xD

>> No.3855511

moonshine, it does a body good

>> No.3855527

When people would rather bitch about how I eat my sushi than eat their own

>> No.3855536

Whoever made it so I can't buy horsemeat in USA.

>> No.3855539

Dressing on the side. The chef uses less than half of that remekin when tossing your salad. You aren't saving any calories, and you're unevenly distributing more dressing. Dumbass bitches.

>> No.3855542

Dem babbies that cut the crust off they sandwiches.

>> No.3855543

people who don't put syrup on their pancakes and waffles WTF

>> No.3855546
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Amerifats who fry at home. Like regularly.

>> No.3855552
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Chip pans are well known for being a fire hazard. In the UK, chip pan fires are the largest cause of fire-related injuries in the home,[6] such that several local fire brigades have offered a "chip pan amnesty", trading old chip pans for a deep fryer.[7]

>> No.3855555
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French Fries you mean? Who would make potato chips in a pan at home?

>> No.3855557

Eurofags that die in fires.

>> No.3855560
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>mfw my friend picks apart chicken wings to eat them

>> No.3855562

>Glopping Tabasco or salt on everything
>They haven't tasted it yet
Or a personal favorite
>Complain about quality of food
>They interfered when I tried to address the problem while I was cooking

>> No.3855565

When babies won't eat anything but milk for a whole rebellious year!

>> No.3855576

When people guzzle down high quality spirits and liquors just to get drunk

>> No.3855577
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Is that not the point of drinking alcohol?

>> No.3855578

>father prides himself on sauteed potatoes
>cuts into a julienne (although uneven)
>med-low heat
>floppy, soaked with oil
>"Maybe you should try to crisp them up next time. Still good though."
>"Well, the only way to really do that is to deep fry..."
>"You could put them in the oven a bit, or try blanching before you cook."
>"But I like them soft."

Bull shit! I have heard him say on numerous occasions how good it is when chips are crunchy outside. He contradicts himself a lot actually, and then gets pissy if you correct him. Very frustrating.

Also, my sister uses a non-stick pan on high heat.

This isn't really eating habits, I don't care, I just have to tell someone about this shit.

>> No.3855605

Not if the intent of the beverage is to be savored. Theres a difference between the alcohol you guzzle to get drunk and the alcohol you sip for the flavor it has.

>> No.3855645

buying expensive vodka is about showing your wealth, not actually for the taste

>> No.3855653

> getting ripped out of your wallet paying more than half a dollar for three sips of soda and the rest is expanded water molecules
> this is why fast food is laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.3855659

It's called fruit you fat shit.
> those that drown any breaded breakfast main course in syrup
> plebs as bad as pouring an entire salt shaker before tasting
Pick both

>> No.3855666
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> we say that out of a bad expirence
> yfw we don't even use the whole tiny cup

>> No.3855701

>drinking soda at all

>> No.3855709

People who chew with their mouth open.
People who talk with their mouth full
People who eat burgers with a knife and fork
People who bitch at me for having anything less than a medium steak (its all bloody ur gross lol)
People who put a metric ton of salt on everything. Absolutely everything.

>> No.3855711

>eat burgers with a knife and fork
What's wrong with that? Just because everyone else is a slob doesn't mean you have to be.

>> No.3855713
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>> No.3855714

when people pepper/salt my food without even tasting/smelling it

>> No.3855717
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>> No.3855731
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ITT: autists.
What difference does any of this make to you? As long as said person isn't spewing a toxic cocktail of bleach and ammonia all over you why do you care how your friend eats sushi/ribs/cheeseburgers/etc?
Oh. Sorry. I forgot that /ck/ is s fantasy land where people pretend to have a social life so that they can assert how superior they are in a culinary sense. Carry on.

>> No.3855735
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Did you forget you were on 4chan again?

>> No.3855739
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I guess I expected moar.

>> No.3855759


>> No.3855785

You don't want to eat something on a plate first, yet you also do not like mixing everything into mush.

Wow. I'm impressed.

>> No.3855786

Because it's better if you place the wasabi in between the fish and rice on a nigiri.

Clearly you've never tried it, plebeian.

>> No.3855800

i have family that does this all the time we go out to eat. also every time we go out they never finished there food

>> No.3855819

A wide spectrum, bitch. Some weirdos (your closet-ass included) will finish all of each portion before venturing on to even taste the others before they get cold. Other weirdos (you?) refrain from tasting any of the portions on their own because they mash them together preemptively. Not The Same. And both are wrong unless these fucks (you?) eat the same dishes on the daily and have first had them in the correct, varietal manner of tasting and consumption order.

>> No.3856231



>> No.3856453

>guilty of every crime listed so far
I just feel sorry for you.

>> No.3856456

What's wrong with eating from worst to best? It's not like I'm there for long enough for any of the food to get cold.

>> No.3856494


>i digest

i present to you my submission to this thread.

>> No.3856528
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>people who eat with just a fork and have their other arm just lying on the table

>> No.3856539

I'm sorry OP, I've been guilty of that on many occasions. But then again I've only sampled supermarket sushi that has little to no good quality fish.

>> No.3856550

Thats fucking gross

>> No.3856567


What's wrong with that?

>> No.3856569

not eating the pizza crust

loading up a plate and only eating half of it or just the good parts

ordering anchovies on half a pizza when you are with friends that dont like it
>it stinks up the whole damn pizza

dipping toast in egg yolks

leaving the milk behind once the cereal is consumed

using ones hand to fetch cereal out of the box

using the jam knife in the PB

dipping bread in the curry instead of using a scooping or pinching technique

hogging all the edge pieces of a lasagna

>> No.3856573

This thread is almost as pretentious as the Jiro Dreams of Sushi thread.

>> No.3856609

I can assure you that you are both wrong.

>> No.3856611

Like anyone gives a shit what the chef thinks, he is paid to assemble a dinner and thats about it.

>> No.3856638
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>dipping toast in egg yolks

What's the problem here?

>> No.3856644

You have mental health issues. And I'm not saying that to be insulting.

>> No.3856645

Exactly correct.

>> No.3856659

I eat sushi the way I -want- to eat it, no ifs ands or buts.

The soy and the wasabi will be mixed together, and the rice will be GENTLY dipped so that it does not come apart from drenching.

The ENTIRE bite of sushi WILL be eaten in one bite. The meat will go to the tongue first if this is possible.

Tea will be had between pieces, to clear the throat.

And occasionally a piece of ginger will be had to wipe the palate.

Any non-rice bits that fall will be quickly eaten enthusiastically. Rice that falls will be set aside on the tray.


I won't care.
You can eat however you like


>> No.3856661

>watching other people eat

>> No.3856662

you are obviously a slob if you think there was anything wrong with those

>> No.3856669

>Ordering drinks with no ice because cheapskate mofo.

Why the fuck does ordering drinks without ice make you a cheapskate. You don't pay for the icecubes.
I order drinks without ice because I want to taste my drink, not water.

>> No.3856683

I'm being serious. However, I suspect you've heard this from your real life family or friends - or both. If all of that completely meaningless stuff bothers you about food then I have no doubt that your life is troubled by a thousand other trivial occurrences.

>> No.3856716

Also, ice machines are FUCKING DISGUSTING. Ever hear of green slime?

>> No.3856717

most of them are selfish and greedy things

>> No.3856719

>mfw I'm too scared to look it up cause it sounds NASTY

>> No.3856721


Apart from the runny yolk thing (which I don't get, dipping your toast in the yolk of a softboiled egg is god tier).. anyways, apart from that one, all the things he mentions are either very rude, or very wasteful.
So I understand if that rustles his jimmies.

>> No.3856732

that part was incomplete. friend of mine uses up all the yolk but does not eat the whites.

>> No.3856734

God forbid I want to be comfortable. I'm not going to do it in a nice restaurant although to be honest I've never fully understood why it's considered taboo.

>> No.3856738

>I've never fully understood why it's considered taboo.

Probably because most 'fine dining etiquette' comes from France, and if you ever been to france you know the restaurant tables are tiny and shit.
So leaning on it with your arm will give you 90% chance to break that flimsy piece of shit and sent the food flying.
I'm sure that's it.

>> No.3856756

too late

>> No.3856794


> My old roommate/best friend is now 27 and still eats chicken fingers/cheeseburgers/nothing else at most restaurants (although his ex girlfriend was a vegan, so she changed things up on him)
> People who order stuff to "share," decided you picked the best item, so they eat it all and you have to finish their chocolate covered lemons or whatever shit they ordered
> Anyone that has to eat every three hours on vacation or they get "grumpy"
> That time my friend crossed out the tip I put on MY card and added more money, especially when I'd already tipped 20%

>> No.3856810

>That time my friend crossed out the tip I put on MY card and added more money, especially when I'd already tipped 20%
Did you make him pay you back?

>> No.3856827

>> People who order stuff to "share," decided you picked the best item, so they eat it all and you have to finish their chocolate covered lemons or whatever shit they ordered
happens with pizza
>friends order dogshit on pizza and claim my combination of toppings is gross
>try a slice
>they like it a lot
>dog shit pizza is the last one to go

>friend wants cheese pizza
>i want pineapple and ham
>friends finish cheese first
>take slice of hawaiian
>pick off all the pineapple

>> No.3856835


It actually caused a huge fight, not between him and I, but between myself and another friend. I was pissed off, but it amounted to another buck or two, so the friend and I made amends, but another friend called me cheap and we didn't talk for 3 months.

To quickly explain, 4 of us went to a happy hour, and sat at the bar. It was 2 for 1 drinks, and everyone ordered food but me. We agreed to split the bill between us evenly, and I'd put the tip on my card. So I threw in 20% of the total bill. The one friend upped my tip, and in the argument, the other friend insisted I should tip 1 dollar for each of my drinks, since I didn't eat, and pay a tip to the bartender for the final free drink I didn't want. 20% of the total bill wasn't enough.

Dude brought it up on Facebook, called me out, and we got into a fight for a few months. He also told me I embarrass everyone by being so cheap.

>> No.3856841

>pick off all the pineapple
This isn't a peeve of mine, I'm perfectly fine with it so long as they eat the pizza, but picking the Pineapple off ofa a Hawaiian pizza does next to nothing. That juice just gets everywhere, man.

>> No.3856850

i did pay extra for the toppings so i was kinda bummed out that they were not being eaten

>> No.3856854

omg "Chocolate covered lemons"
Made me laugh

>> No.3856876

Thanks for telling me I was wrong, I might have not known otherwise. I trust your anonymous opinion 100%

>> No.3856879

Sounds like a faggot. How you spend your money is no one elses business.

>> No.3856903


> People who order stuff to "share," decided you picked the best item, so they eat it all and you have to finish their chocolate covered lemons or whatever shit they ordered

my ex gf always used to go for something i knew she would dislike at restaurants, and she straight up doesn't eat stuff she dislikes, so i would always order the dish i anticipated she would in fact like. 9 times out of 10 we would swap when the food came to table. it then became a question of convincing her to order things I would like, so that the swap was an entirely amicable one.

even when she figured out that this was happening she would still order stuff she'd end up hating, though i'm sure part of it was the 'grass is greener' effect.

>> No.3856983

That's what happens when you put fruit on a pizza.

>> No.3856990

fuck you! shits awesome!

>> No.3856996

Something about it just doesn't work for me. The combination of the sweetness and the texture of cooked pineapple just clashes with the cheese/dough/sauce situation. I feel like it might work better with some fresh pineapple that's still kind of cold when you eat it.

>> No.3857005

Er Mer Gerd, Pern Erpple ern Perzzer is Ser Derlicious

>> No.3857006

My pizza toppings 100% of the time, always:

Extra cheese, ham, onions and pineapple.

>> No.3857010

>not ers

>> No.3857014

>take slice of hawaiian
>pick off all the pineapple

Everyone in their right mind picks that shit off. Which reinforces the fact that only retards order that.

>> No.3857016

My pizza topping 0% of the time:

>> No.3857021

>Extra cheese
With you so far.
Pretty sure the only option for that we get here is Canadian Bacon, but whatever.
Eh, I don't-
Never touch pizza again.

>> No.3857024

How can you not like onions? Shit's delicious. Extra cheese and pineapple are shit though.

>> No.3857025

pineapple on pizza is one of the best things you can do to a pizza.
that sweet goodness.

>> No.3857027

I do and don't like pineapple pizza. I take off the pineapple, but the hint of it left behind on the pizza is pretty nice.

>> No.3857028

Depends, are we talking yellow onion or green? I like green onion when mixed with other vegetables and meat, but wouldn't even consider it in that combination.

>> No.3857032

Yellow onion. Never tried green onion on pizza, but it'd probably be tasty as well.

>> No.3857034

Vidalia onion only.

>> No.3857038

what yall gotta try is
>hot pepper
>ground beef

>> No.3857043


you know the japs stab things with their chopsticks right?

>> No.3857048
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>> No.3857063

Vidalia onions make more people happy than just George Clooney

>> No.3857067
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ITT: Ultra-lonely upper-middle class white males who no one can stand to be around.

>> No.3857070

So basically, you're guilty of all of these?

>> No.3857075


No they don't.

1/10 for making me reply.

>> No.3857077

Pretty damn close. I'm ultra loney upper middle class male but I have a lot of friends, a couple of girlfriends but will never establish a strong relationship because one failed marriage is enough.

>> No.3857080

Yes, they do - as do most asians who eat with chopsticks.

>> No.3857082

But George Clooney with vidalia onions, braised in Chianti... that makes everyone happy! ESPECIALLY VEGANS AND VEGETARIANS!!

>> No.3857091


>> No.3857095
File: 23 KB, 515x515, reacjesse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from sushi and ginger to pizza and pineapple overnight!

>> No.3857102
File: 920 KB, 480x357, tairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You order from a restaurant and after just one bite, the server asks how everything is when you're chewing.

>> No.3857105

I have family in china and visit them frequently. Stabbing is fine if it's being particularly fussy (like a fish/pork/beef ball that doesn't want to come out of the broth). It's just stupid to do that for everything, as you can easily get a fork anywhere you eat.

>> No.3857109

The difference between you internet link and my educated opinion is this - I've lived all throughout Asia. I've eaten in all the small town and big city places. I know how people act - because I sat next to them. Believe the aspie opinions of foreign hipsters if you want. But I've been there, done that. Enjoy your new found knowledge. :3

>> No.3857110

>when i make french fries at home and everyone douses them in ketchup, ranch, or something that masks the flavor of the potato.

>> No.3857113


As a foreigner you aren't expected to know about every custom and will be forgiven for doing something wrong. (And in the case of Japanese they will be too polite to point out you're doing something wrong.)

However the link in >>3857091 is correct. It's not customary and very rude/disrespectful to spear food with chopsticks, in Japan at least.
Not sure what the customs are in China.

>> No.3857114
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>I have the first bite on my fork or I just sat down
>Mom asks how it tastes
Every. Single. Time. One of these days I'm going to come up with a witty response

>> No.3857115
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Mexican restaurant, worrying about them Mariachis coming by your table.

>> No.3857116

Use "A flavorful mix of air and saliva, so far."

>> No.3857117

>not dipping your chips
full retard

>> No.3857119

Nah, it was my Chinese relatives who sometimes did it.

I hear etiquette is different in different countries. For example, you're not really expected to use the back of the chopstick for taking from the communal platter, just not to excessively touch other food. Not that that happened much, as there were usually serving utensils if it wasn't things that could be picked up easily without touching other food (like dumplings and stuff like that).

>> No.3857123

We're talking about sushi, which is Japanese. I don't care how other asians eat, because it doesn't apply here.

>> No.3857125


I agree with you anon, family/informal dinners haven't got strict etiquette anyway.
Funny though how the anon that's wrong always comes with the standard: "I've lived all over asia and I have seen it" response.

I study Japanese language and culture at uni and have japanese teacher explain us about customs exactly like this, yet anon who 'has lived all over asia' knows better.

>> No.3857127

not to prolong this nitpicking, but...
^never mentioned japan

>> No.3857128

It's worse when the continuously do it throughout the meal. I don't want to talk to the waiters unless asking for something.

>> No.3857129


Actually your wrong, the discussion was about spearing food with chopsticks. Wasn't about sushi in particular.

>> No.3857141

People who don't eat pizza crust. People who leave a few empty bottles of ketchup in their fridge in case they are low. All you need is one if your going to do that.

>> No.3857149

Khmer people spear food with chopsticks. A pair of chopsticks is sometimes even used to scissor a softer food into smaller pieces. Then again, chopsticks are not natively used at Khmer tables: only for eating Chinese-derived dishes, like noodles and stuff like that.

>> No.3857150

> leave a few empty bottles of ketchup in their fridge in case they are low.
>empty bottles
>in case the are low

What use is an empty bottle?

>> No.3857155


Yes but the anon I was replying to (>>3857043) is talking about the Japanese. Not the Khmer. And the Japanese do NOT spear food with chopsticks.
I don't care how much he believes he's lived in asia.

>> No.3857166

well they have a splatter of ketchup in them.

>> No.3857169

So not empty then...

>> No.3857170

inb4 autistic semantics batt-
too late.

>> No.3857178

All of us were wrong. No sushi, but it was specifically Japanese etiquette.

>> No.3857183


Totally wasn't expecting that one.. since when is it immediately autistic to use correct semantics.
It's not even farfetched here, an empty bottle is empty.

>> No.3857186

I had a friend that used to pour her milk into her mac and cheese

>> No.3857188


Erm, no I wasn't wrong. I said it wasn't about sushi, which it wasn't. As you can see in my reply to the Khmer, I am aware this is specifically about the Japanese. Start reading bro.

>> No.3857205

No need to go full autist friend. My original point was that the discussion concerned Japanese etiquette, and while I wrongly said it started out of discussion of sushi, my main point stands.

>> No.3857211

>since when is it immediately autistic to use correct semantics.
When the meaning can easily be gleaned by reading the text in question. An empty bottle is empty except for when it's not ACTUALLY empty but you know full well what he meant.

>> No.3857215


Why don't you just read the thread the first post in the chopstick discussion was >>3855305.
Japan doesn't get mentioned, so it's not about Japenese etiquette.

Replies to >>3857043, are about Japanese etiquette.

None of the above are about sushi.
Just because I can follow along a discussion doesn't mean I'm an autist.

>> No.3857221

> you know full well what he meant.

Actually no, I call something an empty bottle when it's actually empty. Maybe you wasteful faggots throwing out shit that's still useable are a little to used to calling it empty when it's not.

>> No.3857223

And my response was to >>3857043
Once again, I was wrong about the sushi. Jumping my shit is a bit silly when I've apologized for it. Nevertheless, my response was directed towards the guy who was arguing that Japanese do in fact stab their food with chopsticks. You're an autist because you're arguing about a minor mistake rather then the meaning of the post.

>> No.3857225

>wasteful faggots
Aaaand there it is. I left my gloves at home so I'm just going to chuckle over the internet. Have fun being correct, though.

>> No.3857226

I really hate it when people put ginger on their pizza. It pisses me off so much I just throw my food in the trash and stew in my room for the rest of the night.

>> No.3857229

What kind of stew?

>> No.3857230


I'm arguing about randomly being put in the were-all-wrong list.

>> No.3857231

Ok, so you're just an autist.

>> No.3857236

When I used to live with my parents my mom would always do this thing where she'd put food in the oven or cook it and then go to bed for three or four hours. She'd wake up and the food would either be horribly cooked, or in crisis. I'm very surprised we never had a kitchenfire.

I can understand if it was slow cooked food set in a cooker. Once she took some sort of corned beef and added barbecue sauce and vinegar and let that stew for eight hours...I don't know what possessed her to think this would taste good but this was relatively harmless as there's no way it could have caught fire. I couldn't eat it, none of us could, instant gag reflex because of the vinegar.

The worst of times were overcooked beef roasts where the vegetables had no texture and the beef was brown rubber.
Burnt oven fries.
Burnt stovetop rice.
To me there's just ever a reason for burnt/overcooked food except for laziness and inattention.

Another incident was when I came home from school and the house was smokey and smelled like burnt farts. I looked in the kitchen and a nice vintage, white pan we had was completely charred black. She had fallen asleep while trying to boil eggs and the water evaporated off, the eggs turned black and melted into the pan, and then the fire singed the pan as well.

>> No.3857237



>> No.3857246


Yes, yes you think I'm an autist I get it. It's getting pretty old now. Seems everyone is an autist. It's taking over faggot.
Wondering when it'll become; OP is an autist.

>> No.3857249

how about "I'm an ungrateful little shit"?
You thunk that she's watching you 24/7? she probably thought that you had already taken a bite.

>> No.3857254

Everyone on 4chan is a an autistic homosexual. If it weren't for the autism, it would be really obvious.

>> No.3857258

>ungrateful little shit
/ck/'s range of insults is strikingly small.

Anyway, it's pretty obvious that haven't had any food in many situations without watching me like a hawk, like the example given where I just sat down with my plate or I'm reaching for/just picked up utensils. It's a minor annoyance, but it's an annoyance none the less.

>Wondering when it'll become; OP is an autist.
But OP is already a faggot, we can't call him an autist AND a faggot; it wouldn't be right.

>> No.3857285


>> No.3857288
File: 32 KB, 619x350, give me a break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the tidal wave of pretentious teenagers who have been all over the world and experienced everything every custom has done EVER.
Give it a break, we all know you watch too much youtube and Anthony Bourdain and that is where you get all your "knowledge" on how other cultures act.

>> No.3857292

Every. Fucking. Night. As soon as I finish eating and/or get up to wash my plate off...

"There's more if you want some"


>> No.3857303


Because being allowed to help yourself is SUCH a bad thing. One day you'll learn to appreciate that shit when you're living with three other adults who will eat an entire lasagna in one sitting.

>> No.3857514

>Getting butthurt over a common phrase
Quit being 12, I think it'll solve your problem.

>> No.3857682

ITT: weeaboos pretending to know shit about fucking fish and rice because they watch anime.

>> No.3857688

Hey guess what fuckers? I like to add a small piece of pickled ginger to my fish and vinegar-rice sometimes. Sometimes I don't. I also dip my sushi into soy-sauce rice first. Come at me, fuckers.

>> No.3857694

>I also dip my sushi into soy-sauce rice first.
I'm actually impressed, whenever I put a piece of sticky rice any where near a bowl of soy sauce it falls apart.

>> No.3857707

ITT: so many faggots

>> No.3857713

Stay savage, slob.

>> No.3857751
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When people tell me how to eat.

>> No.3857753


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3857841

Put it in the soy sauce rice side up.

>> No.3857864

When people scrape the plate with their utensils.
I've gotten a little better with this over time since it's a common thing to do, but if it's very old utensils I can't.
I can't even eat with it myself, dat taste of steel.

>When people swallow the whole thing in one go.
If I make food for my friend she gulps it down as if she was in a hurry and then she sits and stares me down because she wants me to finish too.

>Rejecting things before you taste it.
But anon, I told you I don't like tomatos, so that means I'm not going to like your spaghetti sauce.

>Oh my I'm going to be so fat after this.
Yes I know, it doesn't make it any better that you tell me. Now I just feel guilty too.

>> No.3857869
File: 495 KB, 500x264, 4568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm half-asian, born in america, and raised to chew with my mouth closed and have a friend who is also asian, born in america, and chews with her mouth wide fucking open.

>> No.3857923

I went to middle school through high school with a guy who brought the same thing for lunch every. single. day.

Peanut Butter sandwich, applesauce and a juicebox. For seven years.

I also work with a guy who always gets the same lunch special when we go to lunch, with the same sides and bread, even though he's complained that the rolls are too greasy since they're deep-fried, for God-knows-what reason, and I've never once seen him finish his sides.

It's one thing to order the same thing all the time, but ordering something you HATE all the time? I don't get that shit at all.

>> No.3857932

I have a set routine for every restaurant or fast food place I go to. If I go to Taco Bell I will always order two dorito loco tacos, a chicken quesadilla, a chicken burrito, and a large cherry coke, with five fire sauces; before the dorito loco tacos it was just two regular crunchy tacos. When I go to a restaurant for breakfast I always order corned beef hash skillet, eggs scrambles, two pieces of toast, coffee and a small glass of orange juice. Lunch and dinner vary at the restaurant I eat but I will always order the same item rarely deviating from the routine.
I hate when the people I am out with tell me to order something different. Why the fuck are they so worried about what I eat? Its not like I am forcing my routine on them.

>> No.3857941

ITT: obnoxious, judgemental cunts.

>> No.3857946

"I'll tell you when I find out."

"I wouldn't know, but it smells great."

"Like an empty mouth."

"That'd be a false start if we were racing."

>> No.3857952

You have too much freetime. But I lol'd

>> No.3857977

I wish I had too much free time; I could use it to finally get some work done.

(B'dum tss).

>> No.3857978
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ITT: newfags

>> No.3857981

>>Oh my I'm going to be so fat after this.
You cunt...it's a compliment that your food is so delicious that they're eating more than they should just because.

>> No.3857987

ITT: newfags who actually bother with newfag and oldfag shit.

1/10 for making me reply

>> No.3858014

My biggest pet peeve is

>Uncultured swines who think great food like Hawaiian Pizza, Bacon Sundaes, Bacon Milkshakes, scrambled eggs and maple syrup, and mixing mayo and ketchup together to dip yo fries is disgusting.

You guys are pathetic.

>> No.3858047


Hawaiian Pizza is pretty mainstream, actually.

>> No.3858049

>mixing mayo and ketchup to dip fries in.

I fucking hate seeing that. Makes me want to vomit.

>> No.3858065

>go to supposedly hip taco place in town
>five dollars per tiny taco


>> No.3858067

>go to hip restaurant
>think it's going to be inexpensive
u wot mate

>> No.3858081

Well it was a taco place. I didn't think hipsters could ruin tacos. I was wrong.

>> No.3858142

I can't stand when people eat with forks. I also can't stand when people use knives and ESPECIALLY spoons. Fucking idiots. I also hate when people have a drink with their meal. Also people who use white plates and people who specify how they would like their food prepared at restaurants. I hate people who order any item with bread, meat, or beans. It's disgusting when people order pizza with pepperoni. I hate when people buy individual slices of pizza instead of whole pizzas. Also white people eating any ethnic food. My biggest pet peeve is people using seasoning in food. It disrespects the natural essence of foods.

>> No.3858152

>tiny tacos
What are you, 300 lbs? those tacos are full of food. And fuck you for talking shit about torchy's. I bet you're living in houston, huh? Land of the fat.

>> No.3858153

you must think youre really clever

>> No.3858159

Bringing children into restaurants. Fuck you and fuck your worthless spawn you fucking breeder.

>> No.3858213

I'm fine with kids as long as they don't let their kids run around in the restaurant. WHAT THE HELL, PARENTS!

>> No.3858223


Running around, screaming, crying, changing diapers in the dining room, wearing those rollerskate shoes and gliding around.

>> No.3858264

>Ordering drinks with no ice because cheapskate mofo.
I have sensitive teeth, I don't like my fucking drinks to be that cold. Also, ice cubes get in the way of drinking my beverage. Theyre annoying

>> No.3858268


Hey now, Torchy's tacos are damn good. Don't you be talking shit about my Torchy's.

>> No.3858312

What does being asian have to do with any of it?

>> No.3858314

Why are you getting so rectally-ravaged over this? OH MY GOD PEOPLE HAVE PET PEEVES, I HAVE TO CALL THEM ASSHOLES ON THE INTERNET.

>> No.3858322


It is acceptable in most asian societies to chew with your mouth open. In Japan, it's polite to slurp soup/noodles.

You should get out of the house more often.

>> No.3858327

I'm sorry I've never been to Asia and live in an area with few Asians.

>> No.3858328
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It's 'k. I still love you.

>> No.3858372

>when someone drinks distilled water and insists it's better than drinking water

>> No.3858487

This is up there with the worst things I experience in restaurants, if your kids are just too young or can't behave DON'T TAKE THEM! I go to buffets pretty often so I deal with it all the time and I even usually come a little later when I would think most of them would be gone. Another pet peeve of mine is seeing fat people (this one is like exclusive to fat people) get a plate full of messy shit piled high as all of the juices and stuff from the food all mix in the plate and create this pool of nasty shit in the bottom. I can't even stand to look at the filth.

>> No.3858495

Do they know how sick they can get from drinking nothing but distilled water??

>> No.3858509

Loud, obnoxious children are annoying and can ruin anyone's restaurant experience, including their parent's. However, even the most mild-mannered child can have a fucking fit for no reason at all.
Children can't be excluded from restaurants until they're deemed "acceptable to be seen in public" because 1) some adults still haven't mastered that concept, and 2) it's part of a learning experience.
If a child misbehaves they should be removed from the environment until they can act right, but as /ck/ gets older and has children you'll learn a valuable lesson: part of being a parent is giving up. You give up your identity, free will, energy, expectations, etc. You learn that some things are simply beyond your control. And children? For-get it.
People can make their spawn Less obnoxious (no skate shoes, mp3 players without headphones, etc.) but in the end kids will be kids. Even the most strictly disciplined children (black kids) are annoying at times because that's just what kids do.
Saying they shouldn't be allowed out in public is doing more harm than good.x

>> No.3858510


Oh, buffets. In that case don't forget to add unwashed children allowed to handle the food unsupervised.

"They need to learn!" No. No they don't. Not on my time. Fuck them. Find some way to empower the little shits at home.

>> No.3858514
File: 53 KB, 720x960, 297286_298854403473730_100000475180180_1200650_728772220_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's cool
Food-elitist hipster
Nitpicky bastard


>> No.3858542

when going to chinese restaurant (the foodcourt styled one) and you get to order rice/potatoes/rice noodles along with two dishes (some variations of beef or chicken with veggies and sauces). But there needs to be at least 50% more rice. What the fuck? they cover the rice in sauce and meat and shit and its basically soaked as fuck so if you order a spicy dish you better have a bottle of water near you because the rice doesnt help

>> No.3858568

>>3855404 I do this!!
Pickled ginger that they put beside the wasabi is meant to clean your palette in between sushi pieces

>> No.3858569

>mixes mayo with ketchup
>uses ketchup
>probably factory made too
>pays attention to serving sizes and shit
>calls other people pleb

Sums up my pet peeve pretty much. "Hi I'm Jamie Oliver and I don't know how to hold a spoon. Also, did you know I only use 3 taste buds? Now let me lecture you on bla bla bla bla".

>> No.3858630

It's actually super delicious. I thought so too until I tried. You have to dip whatever you're eating in mayo and then ketchup though otherwise it's this pile of salmon pink shit.

>> No.3858636

If people eat them together like that then whatever but if I have to see people mixing the too into one vomit inducing goo that's what makes me gag a little just looking at it.

>> No.3858652

Don't be so uptight.

Sushi is great with ketchup.

>> No.3858656

>dad takes me out for sashimi
>tells me that the ginger is to cleanse your pallet
>years later
>people think I'm weird when I take a bit of ginger
>tell them the reason it's there
>"oh no, that couldn't be why it's there"
I know that feel OP

>> No.3858661


>> No.3858666

This is exactly how I eat it too ;_; anon-san is judging me

>> No.3858669

I like sushi, but I pick the gross fishy bits off.

>> No.3858672

I didn't think chewing-with-mouth-open bothered me.

Then I got a roommate who does it all the time. And he chews everything very thoroughly so I get to listen to it for a loooong time. AUGH EWW MAKE IT STOP.

>> No.3858694
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>> No.3858748

>salt needing to be cooked

>> No.3858794

The correct term has been brought up several times in this thread. You know full well how to spell it.

>> No.3858795

My pet peeve is that good sushi or a good steak will just eventually just nourish me then with some time just turn into a turd.

So many arguments with shiny turds as the main result. Bon appetite elitists.

>> No.3858802

It has just occurred to me that everyone on 4chan is massively pretentious nerd who gets pissed off when other people do stupid shit regarding a chaner's chosen hobby.

/a/: they hate Naruto
/v/: they hate call of duty
/k/: they hate the word "clips"
/ck/: you guys hate fast food and what not

I'm not saying this is bad because 4chan is the place to act like a pretentious faggot, but I hope you guys realize that is what we are and you almost certainly do something that pisses off some other group of faggots.

>> No.3858809

Welcome to 4chan, where elitism is king.

>> No.3858821

It's a lack of table manners that gets me the most.
>incapable of using both knife and fork
>fat fucks stuffing their gullet and going for seconds instead of eating slowly, tasting the food and participating in the conversation
>incapable of using a napkin, or not keeping it in lap but displaying a dirty napkin on the table for the rest of the party to see
>not finishing the food and drink I spent effort and money on
>stuffing aforementioned napkin in the half eaten plate of food
>putting my expensive as fuck heirloom glasses at the very edge of the table, brushing them off the side of the table and breaking them
>"helping" to clear the table and putting my glasses and china at risk - again.

Fuck I hate tactless retarded man- and womanchildren. Especially fat ones.

>> No.3858829

Other than breaking your shit, you sound like an insufferable chode.

>> No.3858871

You should already know better.The world is full of dumb asses.Never use the good shit on dumb asses.Problem solved.Next case

>> No.3858877

>not liking media-saturated status quo bullshit = elitism

I bet you think education and abstract thought are elitist too.

>> No.3858891

I should know better than to have nice things?

What's next, I should know better than to serve good food and good wine? Perhaps I should just order a big bucket of chicken that everyone can eat straight out of, and then spend the rest of the evening swinging from the chandelier or picking fleas off of each other like niggers?

>> No.3858899

You should know what kind of people you are dealing with "idiots". Idiots break things , so dont use the nice expensive things when they come over. Better yet invite people who will appreciate the nice things you have to offer.Not the dumb asses that seem to wind up in your dinners.

>> No.3858900

You sound like a passive agressive high school girl.

"I made the food, so you eat it how I want it eaten."

btw, I fucking hate when people try to have an in-depth conversation while I'm eating.

>> No.3858918
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is this angie?

>> No.3858926

Don't take it as an insult, elitism is what makes 4chan great.

>> No.3858986

Jesus Christ, have you philistines never had thousand island before? It's basically the same shit. And it's delicious.

>> No.3859153

Just want to let you guys know, food tastes better if you chew with your mouth wide open

I used to do it until I was 16, and now I couldn't chew with my mouth open if I wanted to, I miss it. Food tasted much better.

>> No.3859193
File: 35 KB, 720x576, angryross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring knob creek to party
>mfw someone mixes it with soda or some other shit

>> No.3859212

I can't believe people are still talking about her.