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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3825045 No.3825045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you budget meals /ck/?

I just moved out on my own a couple months ago, and while I know how to cook, shit starts to add up. What kind of shit can you make on a budget, but still eat like a king?

Pic related, currently what I'm living off of.

>> No.3825049


>> No.3825051

rice and beans
fried rice

>> No.3825052

another thing I've been making a lot of. Shit is plentiful.

>> No.3825055

Kraft Mac and Cheese and Ketchup

>> No.3825056
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>> No.3825062
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>> No.3825064
File: 280 KB, 1000x1897, ckbudget3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is all I have, unfortunately. Check out ck.booru.org for more verticals.

>> No.3825071

"Chinese foot" (i.e. what we think how chinese foot is like) is generally really cheap and tastes pretty awesome.

>> No.3825079

That isn't food bro.

>> No.3825083

Is it sold in stores for people to eat?

>> No.3825087

By that logic McDonalds is food as well.

>> No.3825089

Yes, yes it is. Good job!

>> No.3825191

Eat less food. Eat rice and eggs. Lurk /ck/.

If your budget were really that tight you wouldn't be eating bacon.

>> No.3825219

I'll be moving out come September. Not my first time shopping for food, but it'll be the first time I'll be shopping on a very limited budget, so I also appreciate the advice in this thread.

>> No.3825267

start growing and killing your own food. You will eat much better, and you'll really enjoy the experience. While you're at it, listen to this.

>> No.3825315
File: 471 KB, 814x1950, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I eat for 6 days a week for under €20?

>> No.3825337

I don't eat more than I need too. Like, no snacking. I only eat when hungry.

Also rice and pasta helps.

>> No.3825348

Yes. I lived off of $20 (USD) a week, for a year shopping at Whole Foods without dying. You'll always be in an "I could eat" mode, but you'll survive. I was also a competitive athlete at the time so that may have effected why I was a bit hungry all the time, average person may fare better.

I ate a looot of rice, beans, and pasta with frozen vegetables and seasonal fruits. Also oatmeal. And these dumplings that were like...5 for $1.

>> No.3825362
File: 184 KB, 500x374, tumblr_li6d3bYc6c1qfj6wko1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large amounts of rice and noodles all day err day. Sometimes even in the same dish. Just make sure you have some regular excersize, otherwise you'll blow up like a balloon.

>> No.3825370

if you are on a budget your pantry should have a staple of rice, beans, and linguini. Later stock freezer with chicken and beef.

just my .02

>> No.3826439


>> No.3826476

here are your staples that you can make a huge variety of shit with them:

noodles of any kind
olive oil
seasonings of your choice (garlic salt, etc.)

now, all that shit is cheap as fuck, and is the base of your poor-yet-eating-like-a-king.

you spend like $25 and you got your base for a good 2 weeks at least. you can eat these things on their own, but they're gonna be pretty boring and unvaried. how you turn your shit to poor-king status, is decide what you want to eat for various days and add that to your base.

want some meat? buy any kind of meat and you can add that shit to any of your base ingredients. chicken and rice. beef and rice. meatball noodles. hamburgers. the list goes on and on.

i'm getting sick of typing this actually, you get the gist of what i'm telling you. i'm ultrapoorfag myself.

if you go into bum on the street poorfag, here is how i survive: ramen and eggs. make ramen, drop 2 eggs in right after its cooked. let eggs cook in hot ramen, add siracha sauce as desired. fuckin meal for less than a dollar.

>> No.3826478

Skip lunch so I can spend more on dinner. I'm actually too full for dinner if I eat a regular lunch portion, so I don't feel bad about skipping it.

>> No.3826485

also OP stop eating out entirely. just make something in bulk and eat that for a few days. repeat.

i made a meatloaf the other day and it lasts me about 3 days.

>> No.3826493

You could make grilled cheese, should be pretty cheap.

>> No.3826499

buy in bulk.
buy things that are dried, canned, or frozen
buy produce as you need it.
plan your meals, then go shopping.

>> No.3826505

You can do lots with just eggs man, add spices, scramble them, omelets all sorts of shit.

>> No.3826552

Worship the ads for your local supermarket. Stock up on things when they're the front page super loss leaders.

I don't bother with all that couponing shit, but you can try that too.