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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.87 MB, 1280x960, WWsourdough1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3819545 No.3819545 [Reply] [Original]

Mo bread mo problems.

Pretty basic sourdough loaf with 15% whole wheat, 85% bread flour. Has approximately 4% (baker's percentage) golden flax seed, brown flax seed, and 12% walnuts mixed in.

>> No.3819546
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x960, WWsourdough2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And, for once, a crumb shot.

>> No.3819548

nuts don't belong in bread

>> No.3819554


You're right, they belong in your mouth.

>> No.3819556
File: 835 KB, 1286x864, 1344695116321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3819548 this shit again

what the hell is wrong with you tripfag? do you just eat happy meals all day and drink hi-c ecto cooler from a sippie cup?

what are you even doing on this board?

>> No.3819559

my favorite is pistachio

>> No.3819568


> drink hi-c ecto cooler from a sippie cup

Holy fuck man, if that aint living the dream.

>> No.3819572

even if I did that shit all day long it would still be food related you jerk

just because I like my bread without nuts doesn't make me less of a person

>> No.3819586

just because you like your bread without nuts does not mean that they don't belong in bread. although i agree, pecans in a bread sounds awful.

but hey, to each their own.

>> No.3819587

Being a filthy tripfag makes you less of a person.

Also, OP, quit making these shitty threads. You aren't contributing to the board by making several threads with identical photographs of your shitty bread, with a partial list of ingredients. No one cares about your bread.

>> No.3819593


those are walnuts. he even said they were walnuts. walnuts are good in bread.

>> No.3819602


I'm sorry you feel that way about my threads. Just trying to contribute some original content and knowledge. Most of the time these threads avoid the trollfest that the rest of this board can be (though obviously not this time), and end up being a place for people to ask questions about baking that I do my best to answer. I'm not trying to bother anyone with my passion for the hobby. Maybe you should just ignore my irregular contributions if they do not fit your interests. I'm just doing my best to keep things positive, creative, and turn some people on to baking great bread in their homes.


I agree. I love walnuts in bread.

>> No.3819619

I like your threads

>> No.3819697


Thanks. I'm going to keep posting here even if one Negative Nancy tries to talk some shit. Nothing I haven't encountered in a professional kitchen before.

>> No.3819720

I also like bread making even though I just started, which means that I will need a lot of tips.

What's the difference in using that kind of wire tray than a regular tray?

P.s. I was the one that asked for your crumb shot last thread

>> No.3819726

feel free to keep posting, baker anon. i'm not much into baking breads but your thread is 100% on topic, unlike a lot of other threads i see. i'm not digging the whole nuts in bread thing, but your bread looks very good. it reminds me of what i used to buy when i worked at whole foods. dat 20% discount, dat indulgence in higher quality foods. but no more.

>> No.3819728


The beauty of bread baking is that almost nothing is totally and completely inedible. It may not always be great, but it will almost always be something you're willing to eat.

That rack is actually just for cooling. I bake on a FibraMent stone.

>> No.3819743

YOU are the worst thing about /ck/.

>> No.3819757


>> No.3819768

I can make comparable breads, but I never bother to take pictures. Usually because by the time I think to do so I've eaten half of it.

o u bred

>> No.3819769

Oven temp @OP?

>> No.3819816


I know how that goes. I have to force myself to take a photo immediately after it comes out of the oven, or there's no point. In the last couple photos, you can see I've already cut into it, then had an "oh fuck, take a photo" moment.


550F with convection plus steam for the first 5 minutes, then down to 475F with convection for the remainder of the bake. Same way I bake all of my lean doughs.

>> No.3820189

Banana nut bread would like a word with you. Two words, actually: FUCK YOU.


I'd rather see OP's bread pics than your... nothing.