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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3766713 No.3766713 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/ what kind of sushi should i have tonight?

never had sushi before.

>> No.3766726

you should start off with something good to get you into it.

Otoro is pricey but well worth it. (Fatty Tuna).
Eel is good intro.
Salmon and tuna are staples.
Try fancy rolls on your future sushi dining.

Good luck! I'm a sushi-expert in my town.

>> No.3766725

I wish there were palces that had sushi like this where i live.

Sadly sushi of that quality pretty much only exists in japan.

>> No.3766732

Try every nigiri you can afford

>> No.3766736

Eel is delicious

>> No.3766738

I'm in Manhattan so it probably won't be great but hopefully won't make me sick either.
Cool. Thank you for the information.

>> No.3766742

Basics: Sushi (with rice) and Sashimi (without rice), that's the only difference.

Sushi comes in mainly two types. Maki, the cylinder rolls cut in pieces, or nigiri, like OP and usually have a piece of wasabi on the underside. Ask to remove if you don't want the wasabi.

Raw fish that most people like: Tuna, Salmon, yellowtail, or escolar.

Cooked things that are tasty: Eel (watch for small bones), crabstick/crab, shrimp tempura, shrimp.

Fish eggs/Roe: Salmon roe are like fish gushers. Most other ones (smelt/tobiko) add minimal taste but weird popping texture that you might not be used to.

Stay away from: Sea Urchin. Try it later, but don't if you're not used to eating that kind of stuff.

btw, ask for some bbq eel sauce.

>> No.3766747

Oh, and wash your hand beforehand if they don't offer you a hot towel to clean. You can eat sushi with your hands if it's not one of those large rolls with sauces. If you're not adept with chopsticks, just ask for a fork. No one is gonna judge you except hipsters and who gives shit about them anyway?

Any questions, ask your server. They should be used to it.

>> No.3766761

whatever kind sounds good to you! i personally enjoy anything with avocado, eel, salmon, or tofu. you're in for a spceial night of eating, my friend!

>> No.3766764

Just try everything.

>> No.3766961

Go to MASA, pay up $500 for the finest omasake the world has to offer.

>> No.3766972

>Good luck! I'm a sushi-expert in my town.

Your basement dwelling weeaboo friends must be hella impressed.

>> No.3767001

fuck that looks so tasty. want... sushi... bad...

>> No.3767065

Sushi is too expensive for what you get, also not very filling.

>> No.3767068


>> No.3767074

Can't go wrong with tuna and salmon; I'm a big fan of albacore and eel, myself.

>> No.3767078

sushi is pretty easy to make, and doesnt have to be expensive.

>> No.3767089

Fill up on maki then get a couple of expensive nigiri.

>> No.3767099


for temaki and good ingredients will cost more, although if you have a few people willing to pitch in you can buy in bulk and save money.


sushi isnt for poorfags unless you cant eat at a shittier restaurant owned and operated by koreans or chinese

>> No.3767115

surf clam is a safe bet for beginners, besides the obvious salmon
sea urchin and scallop are god tier

>> No.3767258

I love it when pretentious foodfags (particularly prevalent in the weeaboo/sushi circles) say shit like "safe for beginners"

...jesus fucking christ, it's not extreme sports, it's eating. Worst case, you don't like something and you order something else next time. Stop acting like it's some elite fucking fraternity.

>> No.3767298

I wouldnt eat anything like sushi, it looks like shit.

>> No.3767333

you are a small-minded, prejudiced person and i pity you.

>> No.3767905
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ok. I am glad you have time in your day to pity a random person on the internet over an opinion on sushi.

>> No.3767959

Safe for beginners means that most people will enjoy it, and isn't a required taste. A lot of sushi requires that you get used to it over time, or only a very small amount of people like it.

>> No.3768185

I think we all understood what it meant in context, retard. Now continue idolizing your weeaboo toy collection that you set up as an alter in the dank metaphorical grave you call a basement.

>> No.3768194

Spicy tuna temaki, unagi nigiri, avocado maki, cucumber maki, sweet potato maki, salmon nigiri, red tuna nigiri...any specialty maki/temaki that strike your fancy.

>> No.3768460

If you understood then why did you get so mad and go on an irrelevant rant about fraternities and extreme sports?

>> No.3768478

dude. you can get just as good quality of sushi in manhattan. it's just going to be expensive. Probably $40-50 + per person

>> No.3768545 [DELETED] 

probably some tuna or salmon, if you dont like the raw aspect of sashimi, maybe try some unagi

>> No.3768547

probably some tuna or salmon, if you dont like the raw aspect of sashimi, maybe try some unagi, if you like something spicy, try spicy tuna

>> No.3768550

don't eat the raw fish. you an get worms.

stick to the omlet and smoked snapper

>> No.3768554
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are you serious???? you dont get worms from SASHIMI GRADE FISH......

>> No.3768563
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There is no such thing as "sashimi grade fish". You have been lied to, weeaboo.

>> No.3768571
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I shiggy

>> No.3769114

Eel is good, most people say yellowtail is a good intro as well.

>> No.3769141

Anyone know of some good vegetable sushis?

>> No.3769153

There is. It's a culinary term. It's like there's grade A beef? It has to get inspected and everything.

With fish, you can only use Sashimi grade fish to make sushi with. It's a law.

>> No.3769154

No. Rice and Vegetables? Why do you want sushi?

>> No.3769179


Sashimi grade does exist as a term, but at least in the US it is not regulated. There is no requirement for something to be called sashimi grade. You will still see it and it will most likely be safe, but there is no guarantee.

>> No.3769180

I loved maki salmon, tuna, spicy tuna, california rolls (I know not really sushi but still tasty), crab, and eel. Very safe choices.

My friend loved the shrimp nigiri, but I couldn't stand it. Depends on your taste.

>> No.3769410

I can't stand sushi, I really hate seaweed.

>> No.3769621
File: 6 KB, 200x163, DragonFruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I could possibly locate a dragon fruit in the Roanoke, VA area? I'm curious about how it tastes but am having a hard time locating one.

>> No.3769623

check an oriental market

>> No.3769624

It doesn't really taste like much. Kinda like a bland kiwi with a thousand seeds.

>> No.3770683

>not very filling
I have 4 pieces for lunch and I'm set until dinner.

>> No.3770684

Are you a woman?

>> No.3770719

This. But it looks awesome and is a great fruit to decorate a dish with when you cook for someone else.

>> No.3771699

Try the nigiri sushi or sashimi then. No seaweed