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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3765422 No.3765422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which country has the worst cuisine? I've heard bad things about Finland...

>> No.3765426


>> No.3765430



>> No.3765432


>> No.3765433

Finland is probably pretty high up that list. Pretty much just bread, fucked up yogurt, and vodka.

>> No.3765436


>> No.3765437
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central/eastern europe - onions and fried meat
russia itself - dill and roots
nepal - boiled wood and yak butter
colombia, ecuador, peru - fried rats, greasy rice, boiled eggs, and potatoes
united states of america - partially hydrogenated corn syrup
the philippines - aborted bird fetuses strangled in fish heads and boiled with vinegar

>> No.3765438
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Ethiopian food is fucking amazing. Troll smarter.

>> No.3765440


Shame there isn't alot of it to go around

>> No.3765444
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Too bad they have no idea what it tastes like.

>> No.3765445


>> No.3765447

>mayo sandwich

>> No.3765453

It's fucking expensive! I can make restaurant quality Indian dishes by using the same pre packaged masalas (MDH brand especially) That keeps my costs low. Some of the masalas have like 30 ingrediants.

But I've never seen any African spice mixes due to lack of popularity.

>> No.3765454

america is the kid's table of the world

i couldn't believe how terrible most of the fashionable dishes are. fucking scallops and bacon, crusted tuna, flavoured houmous. no respect for either the ingredients or the cultures that gave rise to them.

english restaurant food these days is pretty good but still can be very heavy, especially the nose to tail dining stuff

>> No.3765460

for real

>> No.3765462
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captcha related

>> No.3765463

english can't cook for shit. Hurr grey meat and bread and grey fukkin veggies

phillipine and korean food is I guess well cooked, just the flavors/textures are god-awful.

>> No.3765492
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>> No.3765550

filipinafag here. i have to agree. filipino is fucking spanish/chinese influenced greasy gunk.

>> No.3765606

Sometimes filipino food is fucking amazing, sometimes it just makes me laugh. It seems like the perfect troll cuisine for /ck/ with balut, ketchup(banana ketchup ffs?), and spam everywhere. Dishes like fucking pinoy spaghetti? It's glorified ketchup- cheddar cheese spaghetti. But then out of nowhere you get things like lechon and crispy pata, turon, or the ubiquitous adobo.

>> No.3765622


>> No.3765630


>> No.3765638


>> No.3765660


>cant even refrigerate their beer

>> No.3766007
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>>3765438 is mad

>> No.3766021

Say what you will about Filipino cuisine, this shit sounds delicious.


>> No.3766033


It's so weird that the country is spelled with "Ph" but the adjective is spelled with an "F"

It's not usual, I tells ya.

>> No.3766036

A person on the internet is saying he's heard bad things about Finland? Quick, alert the press! And the parliament! Or at least the True Finns!

That aside, while Finnish food is rather expressive of the primitive and apathetic mindsets of it's creators, I gotta admit that being bland is still better than being... well... Filipino.

Sorry, but... yeah. That shit just scares me.

>> No.3766038
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>> No.3766063

Filipino fag, here. I agree with what everyone says here. But I find it humorous that sometimes most Flips freak out about 'American' food, lol. Well, the first/FOB generation think so, anyway.

I still like balut, though. Sinigang (I think it's translated to Tamarind soup) is fucking delicious.

>> No.3766065

USA. How is this even a question?

>> No.3766066

>like balut

how cunt?


why cant you just wait for the damn bird to be hatched a fully grown? wont that mean more food for your village?

shit is fucking disturbing.

>> No.3766075

>Rotten fermented fish
Africa (not a country hurr durr)
>Bugs, cow brain, other shit
>Even the concept of eating black pudding makes me want to vomit for hours at a time

>> No.3766077
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>won't that mean more food for your village
>won't that mean more food
>more food

>> No.3766087
File: 45 KB, 600x400, LEGENDE-PAUILLAC-Et-sa-pastilla-de-pintade_recette_zoom_width[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't heard of glorious Moroccan cuisine?

>> No.3766089

ITT: People that talk shit about other country's cuisine without actually trying anything from that cuisine

>> No.3766109

In a non-tasting country, cooking is Finland most in Europe.
The same level as Africa

>> No.3766119

Many, many countries in the world eat blood pudding. Or Blood sausage, etc.

>> No.3766154

name and ingredients of dat pie?

>> No.3766182

Finfag here.
Finland has to be in bottom 5 in Europe, food just isn't our thing.
It's all really fucking blant and tasteless. We only ate turnips for most of our history, then we got the exotic and spicy new thing, POTATO.

Older Finnish people consider bell peppers too spicy, true story.

I still think Iceland is worse, though much more interesting. It's either some disgusting rotten fish or sheep for them.

>> No.3766185

is there pizza in Finland?
what is the biggest chain?
what are popular toppings?

>> No.3766190

Pizza Hut
Seal meat

>> No.3766196

To all the Europeans:

Pizza Hut does not represent American pizza.
We apologize.

>> No.3766203



Can't really make out the filling of this particular one, though.

>> No.3766214

thank you
the cinnamon and sugar with meat seems off-putting

>> No.3766222

>sweet-salty combination
>not Elder God-tier

>> No.3766231

cinnamon roll with pulled chicken filling
no, not god-tier at all

>> No.3766233

oh dog what done
bolar pear is better

>> No.3766248

It's a shame everyone's saying England. You should try watching 'The Hairy Bikers'. Each episode they go to different counties, select the ingredients that define that county and create a meal.

>> No.3766250

It's a shame many are saying England. You should try watching 'The Hairy Bikers'. Each episode they go to different counties, select the ingredients that define that county and create a meal.

>> No.3766253

England has been alienating it's visitors with their/your food for many centuries.

It will take quite a while to redeem yourselves now.

>> No.3766255


I'll just leave this here. Finnish food ain't that bad, although most traditional dishes are kinda lame.

inb4 mämmi (nobody really eats that shit)

>> No.3766269


On average yea our food is pretty below average..


We have outstanding individual restraunts in London that people travel from other countries specifically to eat at.

>implying anything in Muricah land of the 100oz burger challenge is better than petrus in London

>> No.3766282

Huh. That's the first time in my life that I see Finnish food described in an even remotely positive light.

That clip really does underline the history of... well, relative poverty in the country, especially the hardship of food production. I swear, a century and a half back we could have taught Ethiopians a thing or two about starving to death.

>> No.3766300

America. Specifically Colorado. I have family that lives there and have been visiting them every Summer since I was a kid. You have to eat at chain restaurants, because nothing else is edible....not like, "it tastes bad"...I mean, I go to restaurant in Colorado and it's hard for me to stomach some of the food, and I'm not a picky eater in the least.

>> No.3766317

Finnish baked goods, pies (piirakka makea or is it makea piirakka; my Time-traveler-speak is bad), cakes, cookies, tarts etc are all delicious.
Iceland has the worst food, ever.

>> No.3766320

Finfag here. Finnish food is shti that doesn't tate like anything. Mostly boiled potatos and tasteless meat etc.
Carrot is the strongest spice in the finnish kitchen.


One of the most popular fast foods besides McDonald's etc. is pizza and kebab from individual restaurants run buy turkish immigrants.

Some of the popular pizza toppings are: salami, pineapple, ground meat, jalapeno, chicken, blue cheese etc.

Usually there are atleast 4 different toppings in the pizzas.

>> No.3766321 [DELETED] 

Nobody even comes close to England.
Not even India if you can believe that.

>> No.3766333

I see that many of you pick cuisine that is simply disgusting, you probably haven't even tasted the stuff yet.

I'm a danefag, that means i come from a country that cooks delicious, but rather fatty stuff, however I have tried many on the list of so called disgusting foods, including, but not limited to:
Rat meat (Is really great if spiced properly, plus you won't get sick from it unless the animal comes from a sewer).
Snake/pretty much any reptile (Tastes like chicken, seriously, but the concistency is different)
Balut (sounds fucking disgusting having to eat a duck/chicken fetus, but think about the taste of fowl and egg at the same time, plus the crunchyness :) )

IMO Norway is the no 1 for worst cuisine on my list, the food is usually bland and boring or just plain tastes like shit.... at least Brits can cook a tasty stew, Norweigians can't cook anything proper with taste... at least not in hotels.
on a close second place of mine is Sweden, because surströmming...

>> No.3766335

Sunday roast would like a word with you. Also English cheeses.

>> No.3766343

> snake tastes like chicken
You've never eaten snake. It's got a bitter flavour.
> most reptiles taste like chicken
Alligators taste like tuna. Roasted lizards taste shockingly similar to burned bacon.
All-in-all, to claim
> pretty much any reptile tastes like chicken
is as stupid as saying that all fowl tastes like chicken and is indicative that you're a liar and have never had snake in any capacity nor enough reptiles to make such a call/judgment. Complete hogwash.
Balut doesn't taste like eggs and fowl simultaneously. It's a very dry-tasting egg, somewhat crunchy. The best versions are soured, halved or quartered after being boiled, starched and fried, served with a salty sauce composed of sour tamarind sauce.

Iceland takes the piss out of Norway/Sweden when it comes to shit cuisine and Danish food isn't far behind those two in terms of bland shit.
My family used to go on holiday to Tivoli when I was a kid. What did we have to look forward to? Delicious baked goods, sure, but also horse-meat sandwiches that tasted suspiciously similar to poor-quality American baloney (yes, spelled like that).
At least samsoe cheese is very good; you've got that going for you, Danefriend.

>> No.3766351
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>Eating at Tivoli

Isn't that almost the same as disowning French food because you dined at the Eiffel Tower's crap bistro?

Danefood is pretty bland though, yeah, and we have lots of shit that is downright horrifying, but there's a lot of good stuff around as well. Not nearly as bland as anything that's come out of Britain imo. Come around at Christmas some time and you'll find out.

My vote would have to go to Scotland, however. Pic related, 3 different types of vomit.

>> No.3766357

different tastebuds, different tastes

>> No.3766364

anything texan

holy shit blargh. i'll keep my deep dish pizzas thanks

>> No.3766367
File: 10 KB, 305x303, gordon ramsay vomitting finnish food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the most terrible food is English.
But Finnish food is so bad that it maks even an English man vomit.

>> No.3766378

Foremost, haggis is actually of English or Icelandic origin and adopted by the Scots; there is debate over whether it came from the south or by boat from the northwest.
The Scots make great soups. Clam chowder, an American dish of clams, onions and potatoes in a seafood and cream broth, has it's origins in Scottish cuisine and its cullen skink, a dish of smoked fish with potatoes/swedes/rutabaga/turnips/whichever root vegetable is available and onions in seafood-and-cream broth.
Neeps and tatties are also actually quite good. Have you had them? How could anyone not like mashed potatoes and turnips mixed with cream and bacon-render-sautéed leeks? It's biologically impossible.
As Iceland might be the origin of the most-dreaded haggis and Iceland already eats things like piss-soaked rotten shark and roasted-then-boiled sheep head, Iceland is still, by far, leagues beyond the rest of the civilised world in terms of shit food.

>> No.3766398

Fuck you and your tastebuds, TexMex is a godsend. Also,

>> No.3766411

Oh, and we ate elsewhere besides Tivoli, of course. If you think in three days in Danmark, we ate nothing but food from Tivoli, that's silly of you.
We tried local foods and sausages and breads and purées of this and stewed greens of that and really, everything was really rather bland. Not bad. Not revolting. Not good, either, though. Just so-so. Danmark, and all Germanic cuisines (save Iceland) are culinary limbo. I'm the one in the family that was most put-off by the local cuisine. My brothers, sister and mother were less-than-wowed, but didn't think the food inedible. My dad, being the fatty of the family, ate everything with a smile.
The Danes were a lovely people in the late 80s/early 90s (haven't been there since I was a kid) and, again, the sweets and desserts were grand, but the entrée food all-round was, to my tastes, revolting.
My mother would pack food in the boot for the drive (a day's drive there and back; we'd spend three days in Koebenhavn for a total of a 5-day holiday)and I was very happy to eat picnic foods during the ride up, but once we got there, I knew I'd have a good time, but would revile the eating for the next three days unless I got some fried fish (who can fuck up fried fish? No one, that's who).
For the ride back, my parents would get some poelser and some bread and we eat those along the way, until the Swiss-border with Germany, afterwhich, we'd stop at the gästehaus for dinner, then the rest of the drive home to bed.
I have fond memories of Danmark, absolutely, but the food man... being third worst of the Germanic cuisines (if we omit Icelandic; Germanic cuisines are already the worst cuisine group in Europe) isn't much to defend.

>> No.3766419

He's being a prick. Leipajuusto is actually really good. I don't know what his problem is. And I'm from about 3K km away from Finland, so I'm not being culturally biased here. It really is pretty good.

>> No.3766435

Well, ain't gonna argue with that. Thanks for the story, bro.

>> No.3766443

>people who say america
wtf? america invented pasta and pizza

>> No.3766448

>Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding
>Steak and ale pie
>Cheddar cheese
>Cornish pasty
>Melton Mowbray pork pie

Have I been conditioned from birth to think that all these things are delicious when they're secretly horrible or something? I never got the stigma against British food.

>> No.3766451
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0/10 for me, but I'm sure you're gonna rustle a few jimmies. I'll be along for the ride, watching and lolling. Good job!
Do forgive my sage, though; I'm being polite because I don't want to bump the thread as my post is somewhat superfluous, but I wanted to tell you that I think your post is going to get tons of replies, most of which will be rather lulzy and full of anal-pains.

>> No.3766473
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>I'm a danefag, that means i come from a country that cooks delicious, but rather fatty, stuff
stopped reading at delicious

>> No.3766485

Russian is the worst I've tried. This girl at uni decided to put on a spread of Russian food for her birthday party, and it was all these weird fish and pork salad dishes that were all drenched in mayonnaise. However I don't know how representative that is of Russian cuisine. This is one of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dressed_Herring

>> No.3766500


Is this your first time on 4chan?

Or are you only pretending to be retarded

>> No.3766607

Is this your first time on a non-series oriented board? Protip: look for the spoiler image checkbox before using [spoiler].

>> No.3766671

Danefag here. Sorry, but we never ever had eaten rotten fish, and we belongs to Scandinavia

>> No.3767044
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>milk w/ 0.1% fat
>sauce on everything to cover nonexistent taste
>'light' everything
>national dish is a fucking sandwich

>> No.3768210

I'm not sure if a cuisine qualifies on the basis of a single dish. Most Scandinavian cuisine gets flak for a single national unsuccessful attempt at preserving fish that no one really wants to admit.

>> No.3768264
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iceland by far
rotten shit everywhere

>> No.3768267

Denmark is a shit country all around. Even Danish people want to get the fuck out.



>> No.3768671

As much as I like Denmark (girlfriend from here, been there several times, nice country overall), they really have a shitty cuisine. Well, shitty isn't the right word. It's just really bland and nothing special. They have god-tier ingredients (their meat, bread and vegetables are of excellent quality) but they don't know what to do with them. Also they have an obsession with organic and healthy food (which they do not eat anyway).

>> No.3768703

Worst food=/= The cuisine you hate most because you are a pussy faggot and can't handle it.

>> No.3768712

Why all the hatred for England? Our food is fine, seriously. This is just French propaganda, like how we falsely spread around that all French are cowards.

>> No.3768738


My mother is Finnish so I've tasted that.

I can't help but to feel sad for those poor Finns who couldn't afford better.

The Nordic countries have similar dishes, so it's mostly about how rich the country has been to be able to produce good recipes. I therefore choose Iceland.

>> No.3768754

>three days in Danmark
You think three days in Denmark - apparently as a child with your parents no less - gives you enough knowledge to judge the local cuisine? It doesn't entitle you to even the pretense of having an opinion, for god's sakes.

Grow up, explore a bit of world's cuisines, and then go back and form actual reality-based opinions before you start writing internet essays about how foreign food is shite, you filthy little chavling.

>> No.3768765

Three days in Danmark every year over the course of 8 years = 24 days. That's over three weeks. I think that's enough time to judge.

>> No.3769403

Swefag here. In our cuisine I only like Janssons Frestelse, pickled herring and ostkaka. The rest is so fucking bland and boring. It also fucking bothers me that we eat the same fucking shit all year around. Ham, meatballs and fucking prinskorv at Christmas, Easter and midsummer. The only exception is our kräftskiva when we eat crayfish.

Finnish food must be the worst shit in the world. Tasteless. As someone mentioned earlier, bell pepper is to spicy for old Finns. My grandmother is Finnish and she throws up from eating it.
USA is pretty close after Finland. Tastes like carpet and synthetic ass.

God tier food: Danish(Why? Smørrebrød(with the best bread in the world), flæskesteg, remoulade, wienerbrød, Gammel Dansk, liver paste, frikadeller and delicious fish), Indian and Italian

>> No.3769420

ItaliAnon here.
Thanks for the vote of confidence in Italian food.
Have you been to the US? I thought American food was garbage before moving to the States. The food here is much better than the crap they export.
Of all countries, though, America, I think, has the worst localisations of world cuisine. Thankfully, it's not too hard to find the proper/authentic versions in the US, but when food from other cultures falls into the hands of Minnesotan housewives, it will most certainly be ruined beyond redemption.

>> No.3769449

Np. Risotto and cannelloni are two amazing dishes.

I have never been in the USA, so maybe I can't really say that their food is shit... But what I've tasted in so called authentic American restaurants(not McD's or other fast food restaurants), both in Sweden and other parts of Europe, has been horrible. Except for coleslaw or anything with hickory.
Although, I would believe that American fish and game would be pretty nice, since it's impossible to make this taste synthetic or bland.

>> No.3769464

I've found a bigger variety of food when we went to Sweden (:
You can really fancy up the traditional meat, vegetable, potatoes/rice, and gravy meal.

So, Farmor-in-law made us chicken legs, potatoes, and carrots in a gravy/broth/sauce type thing in the oven once. Another was turkey breast, broccoli, and new potatoes. Uncle made us a chicken/bacon/cream/broth stew, carrots, broccoli, and rice.

>> No.3769543
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Starchy liver of overfed, sick, diabetic ducks!
Raw beef!
Horse meat!
Fries! Which I believe they make in lard mixed with extra virgin olive oil!
Donuts with creme bruele!
Hamburgers made with french toast!

France is absolutely pigdisgusting!

>> No.3769815
File: 55 KB, 616x452, Waiting-for-the-bus-like-a-swede1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Swedes hate any and all human contact like I've been led to believe?

>> No.3771563

Yes. Many of the Swedish buses actually have a single seated section in the back just because we hate body contact.

>> No.3771575
File: 88 KB, 400x300, ethiopianfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Ethiopian food.

>mfw it looks like they haven't even developed fucking techniques for cooking

how to cook Ethiopian food:

>boil it
>boil it harder
>is it mush? Yes, good.
>boil it a little longer
>put it on some bread with other mush

>> No.3771580


but...but....won't you all go extinct?

>> No.3771586
File: 771 KB, 2575x1839, US_Navy_100216-N-5961C-007_A_U.N._peacekeeper_from_Argentina_helps_carry_bags_of_rice_during_a_humanitarian_assistance_distribution_at_Stade_Sylvio_Cator,_the_national_soccer_stadium,_in_Port-au-Prince,_Haiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethiopian cuisine
>pic related

>> No.3771587

Yeah, and "hanging out" with friends literally means sitting in a group and not saying a single fucking work for an hour on end.

Feel free to get shunned if you so much as break this rule.

>> No.3771597


why don't you all just stay home, I don't even see the point.

>> No.3771657

>Enriched rice
>implying it's not american semen
They require minerals, you know?

>> No.3771675


> Feel free to get shunned if you so much as break this rule.

Can you elaborate? New Swede just started in my department and I get the feel that I have to watch what I do/say. I normally do not give a fuck, but I need to get along. Job will be hell otherwise.

>> No.3771701

How comes The Netherlands haven't been mentioned? The only positive aspect of my nation's cuisine is of foreign descent, namely the Indonesian dishes that integrated into our society.

Typical Dutch meal: bland, starchy boiled potatoes, a shit-tier boiled vegetable of some kind, and a piece of meat, usually a meatball. No variation, no imagination.

As for the positive side, only the cheeses and pastries are decent. Stroopwafels!

>> No.3771702

Swedes have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of reproduction.

No words, no touching. Just get it done.

>> No.3771703
File: 396 KB, 1024x768, 3552445442_8a06a5ca73_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ Iceland

"Singed lamb head, rotten shark, pickled ram testicles, herring, salted lamb shanks, potatoes, mashed turnips, and swallowed down with a glass of black death - Icelandic liqueur."

Pickled ram's testicles are soft and sour"

>> No.3771711

I live in the U.P. of Michigan, which culturally has a Finnish plurality. The food is actually pretty good, but it takes a little bit to get used to. We have a bakery up here that makes pretty good pancake-like breakfast and good bread.

>> No.3771733

Sounds like assburger paradise. I think I just found my new home.

>> No.3771740

Don't come on too strong and let him come out of his shell and you'll be fine. Also fika fika fika fika.

>> No.3771761
File: 144 KB, 551x551, cirno autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and you anon, we need to move there.

>> No.3771777


>> No.3771877

Go away with your freedom fries.

>> No.3771886


>> No.3771892

Pretty sure that's somewhere French-speaking and not Ethiopia. Those people don't even look remotely Ethiopian.

>> No.3771909

I can't say anything except about the family I'm staying with and their extended family but Finns fucking fail at vegetables.
Potatoes, tomato, and cucumber are the only produce I've seen them consume.

But I really like leipäjuusto and viili.
Pardon my spelling I don't really speak elvish

>> No.3771918

Well, one of the trucks in the back says "union des saints" so who knows!

Maybe it's one of those French speaking African countries.

>> No.3771926

from what I've eaten I'd say it's either Finland, USA or England, so people in this thread knows their crap. Finnish liver boxes are some of the most bland crap I've ever eaten, most vegetables are overcooked and wet and there are no spices to be found anywhere.

>people mentioning Africa
Many countries in Africa are top-tier when it comes to food. I know it's a joke by some of you, but it isn't very sensical.

>> No.3771961

Britfag here.

Me: What shall we eat tonight, mum?
Me: And Tuesday?
Me: Wednesday?
Me: What about Thursday?
Me: ...I assume we're having potato on Friday as well, then?

>> No.3773077

But, fries are belgian, not american...

>> No.3773080

Only Belgian nationalists are deluded enough to think fries are actually Belgian. For the rest of the world, it's a meme.

>> No.3773094

Not really.
I mean, with as much flavorings and as much MSG that gets injected into their favorite restaurants' dishes, your tongue can't help but wriggle in ecstasy on contact.

Chocolate could be better though.

>> No.3773582


Houghton/Hancock area

>> No.3773588

Sweden, like much of the rest of Scandinavistan, is subject to a strange dichotomy. Let me form an example:

Swede in the summer:
"Hello stranger, do you have a penis? Can I use it for a moment, I lost my bicycle!"

Swede in the winter:
"Is that fucker looking at me? I swear if he's looking at me I will either rip his throat out, or then shuffle quietly further away to stand quietly and not be looked at."

>> No.3773602

That sounds perfect to me. Must. Move to Sweden.

>> No.3773673

Bull fucking shit.
Sweden can be described in two words.
Alcohol, Fire.
That's what the whole country is about.
I don't know why they like to pretend they're all aspies. They're just hipster man-children that don't want to grow up. The get drunk, and they start fires.
Christmas. Alcohol and food, and more alcohol, and more alcohol, and more food. Then Santa comes and gives all the people presents.
Easter. Alcohol and herring, more alcohol, and oh yeah, more alcohol.
Midsummer. Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, illegal bonfires.
Valborg. Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, fire.
Every Wednesday, pub day. Every Friday, Party/get drunk day. Saturday drink away the hangover, Sunday is hangover day.
Payday (which is pretty much the same for every Swede every month) just means this all happens on a grander scale than the other weeks/weekends.

FFS if their holiday falls on a Sunday, they automatically get an extra day off so no one has to watch how much they drink.
Most Swedes don't every work a weekend a day in their life and they're all entitled little bitches who bitch about ONLY getting a months paid vacation, weekends off and two years for maternity leave (which both parents have to share).
God forbid you suggest they work past 8pm without getting paid overtime + extra for working "Uncomfortable hours".

Sweden is retarded from the ground up.

>> No.3773680

They sound great.

>> No.3773689
File: 161 KB, 800x640, neverforget sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound unhappy, jealous and alcoholic. You know how I know? Because you pay attention to only the drinking, especially on the "exception" days such as holidays. And most of all you cry little ameribaby tears about it.

Truth is, Sweden is happy, free, just and prosperous, and whatever miserable armpit of the world you live in is not.

>> No.3773848
File: 302 KB, 827x740, finnish cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Finnish cuisine is based around mechanically separated meat products, immigrant-made kebabs, and ammonium chloride.

Up to the 60s, Finland was poor as shit, with most of the population living in rural areas. Now that we have money, we can choose not to eat the potatoes of our forefathers and can instead import our cuisine from Turkey and Somalia.

Finns don't eat Finnish food because it sucks and we know it does.

>> No.3773878

LIES! Fries could not be belgian! Why then would they call them freedom fries, not confederacy-enslavement fries? Okay, france is sort of pro-freedom, though all the surrenderring kind of doesn't work well for that.

>> No.3773903

Why don't you just evolve your own cuisine in a sensible way? Doesn't your big efficient education system produce enough graduates of food related topics that there's people to do that? Maybe you just need to be listening to them more?

>> No.3773920


sorry your culture lied to you and convinced you that sacrificing happiness for pay was "growing up"

try not to be so buttsmashed

>> No.3773937

fuck, brb moving to sweden..

>> No.3773966

You probably heard that from a poor jealous russian. I personally like it

>> No.3773974
File: 83 KB, 800x600, 800px-Lohikeitto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American whose most recent immigrant relatives were Finnish I've always been really fascinated by traditional Finnish food... A smorgasbord of cloudberry jam, smoked herring, salmon soup, pork sausage, sauteed reindeer, cabbage rolls, mead, etc.. sounds great to me. Their desserts and cheeses look very good too(though I'm also a fan of German and British cuisine haha).

I really don't know of any regional cuisine I don't like come to think of it- all I've encountered have their high points and low points so far...

>> No.3773990

Only Amerifats call them freedom fries, the rest of the world doesn't.
A bit of history for you, you uneducated fuck.
Belgian journalist Jo Gérard has claimed that a family manuscript dated 1781 recounts that potatoes were deep-fried prior to 1680 in what was then the Spanish Netherlands and is now present-day Belgium, in the Meuse valley: "The inhabitants of Namur, Andenne, and Dinant, had the custom of fishing in the Meuse for small fish and frying, especially among the poor, but when the river was frozen and fishing became hazardous, they cut potatoes in the form of small fish and put them in a fryer like those here".

>> No.3774017

I've lived in murkkka my whole life and never heard a single person call them "freedom fries". That's just fat redneck talk.

>> No.3774036

colorado is biiiiiig. For example, up in the mountains, by edwards, there are elder original true mexico-coloradans and theyve been there for generations. That makes for very decent cooking up there.

>> No.3774093

Don't the Turks bring ottoman cuisine or are you just stuck with kebabs or something in Finland?

>> No.3774155 [DELETED] 


actually i hear pizza hut is pretty good abroad...

>> No.3774157


tell me you've never had proscioutto + melon before
or salted watermelon
or chocolate bacon

>> No.3774185


i visited russia once, spent about a week. the food was okay, boring but good enough. all the borscht was really good. okroshka is fucking horrible though.

>> No.3774194

>Protip: look for the spoiler image checkbox before using [spoiler].
...b-but spoilers work just fine on r9k

>> No.3774206
File: 58 KB, 385x383, 1338028944076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these socially awkward Swedes in this thread acting as if they know shit about how Swedish people behave in general because they won't get any attention.

what the fuck are you doing? are you 15?

also our food is top notch.

>> No.3774209


>> No.3774227

>he hasn't heard of Per Se

>> No.3776823

>Have I been conditioned from birth to think that all these things are delicious when they're secretly horrible or something?

Well not "secretly", silly! Everyone that didnt grow on your gloomy islands and most that didi but have tastebuds (im thinking Douglas's Adams description of english couissine in So Long and Thanks for All The Fish) concurr.

Sorry man. You do have the best philosophers in occident. I fucking love your culture, music, theatre, dancing, literature... but in food? Nope.jpg

Your national dishes fucking suck, except roast beef which, by the way, every single culture in the world cooks better than you guys. Same goes for tika masala.

>> No.3776832

That sonds great... and my friend, you sund bitter and envious of the great, very pretty swedes, oh themofthegreat pr0n...

But this thread is about cooking. Swedish food is very much like all nordic cooking and that means it sucks.

>> No.3776865

HHGG is good, but Dirk Gently books/stories are better.
Haven't read the newest HHGG (the one written by Eóin Colfer), but I can't imagine it being as good as HHGG nor anywhere near as good as Dirk Gently.

Also, a friend from Derbyshire, UK, has likened living on the Isles to "living in gigantic tupperware." Another friend currently living on the Isle of Man (and desperately trying to get her husband to move to London) speaks similarly.
I just find the whole of the UK grey, cold and unwelcoming.
The food, though; it's not that bad, over there.