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3747103 No.3747103[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You have 1 hour to get diabetes. What do you eat, where do you go? Do you think you would be successful if you repeated this 7 days in a row?

>> No.3747116
File: 25 KB, 200x242, flk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: 24/7

>> No.3747127


An entire ice cream cake, a pizza,... a bag of chips... bottles of pop to wash it down... I'm honestly not sure you could get diabetes in an hour.

>> No.3747132

Go to one of the candy stores in the mall and load up.

>> No.3747133

Diabetes- the only way to avoid it, is to pretend you already have it.

>> No.3747139

Build a body-snatcher machine and become Wilford Brimley.

>> No.3747236

You'll need to find the absolute harshest cigarettes you can, and smoke at least 2 packs. This will amplify the side effects.

Beyond that, straight sugar, plus high cholesterol foods, and no water.

>> No.3747243

I will rip my pancreas off. Then glucose intravenously.

>> No.3747247
File: 18 KB, 519x519, Diabeetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkers. Order 3 Fat Boys.
>They used to be called "Friar's Fat Boy"
7-11. Get a pepsi mega gulp and 2 almost-all-syrup slurpees.
Pizza Hut. Stuffed Crust meat lovers, and a double-order of chocolate dunkers.
Walmart. Ride the scooter to the back and eat tubes of cookie dough. (I've seen a depressed fatfuck do this, was trying to kill himself.)

>> No.3747251

Icing sugar.

I used to eat fistfulls of that shit straight when I was a kid.

Yes, I am fat and at risk of the beetis now.

>> No.3747351

As someone who has the type 1 (not the fat fuck type) beetus for 11 years with a 6.5 A1C I can tell you it isn't that bad. Just eat a normal healthy diet and some light excersize. I'm allowed to eat an occasional slice of cake for a birthday or something but it needs to be reasonable. Obviously you can't eat this shit daily but once or twice a month is fine so long as you are aware how much you're eating and the total amount of carbohydrates you're ingesting.

I would eat and drink the following in mass quanities.

The entirety of a chinese buffet. Everything.
Regular Soda
Cream Cheese Frosting

Pretty much all the processed crap I used to eat before diagnosed.

>> No.3747481



>> No.3747483
File: 267 KB, 449x582, HeartAttackGrillWaitresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heart attack grill

>> No.3747487

I'd go buy a huge ass, chocolatey as fuck, frosting coated, multi layer cake (like a chocolate ganache torte or some shit) and eat the whole thing, washed down with some Big Red or Mountain Dew, and a box of mixed doughnuts.

>> No.3747504
File: 105 KB, 640x427, crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit.

>> No.3747506

>I'm allowed to eat an occasional slice of cake
Do you not have a pump?

>> No.3747533

sugar does not cause diabetes. being fat and having it run in the family causes diabetes.

>> No.3747535

All of my jams, I know the quantity of sugar I put in these.

>> No.3747590
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By Christmas I plan to get an Omnipod. I just needed to prove to my endo I can carb count, test 5x daily and that I'm not a lazy diabetic.

The whole pump learning process starts in August. If I can get my A1C to 6 I am set. I just wish I can take back the teen years. I was a very bad patient and I will probably pay with my kidneys/feet/eyes when I'm 45.

>> No.3747727

sweetened condensed milk

>> No.3747730

>I will probably pay with my kidneys/feet/eyes when I'm 45.

Holy fuck... if I was ever diabetic or ended up in your condition, I would run 2 hours a day, test myself constantly, eat like a fucking champ, and make health my #1 priority.

I don't know how people can go on like nothing is wrong, knowing they potentially face a future of blindness, amputation, opportunistic infections, etc.

>> No.3748491


Because not everybody wants to live forever, and some of us know that we are made to suffer.

It is inevitable; I choose to enjoy what I can, and know that the duration of my suffering will be shortened, but the suffering itself will be intensified.

>> No.3748501

depends what type of diabetes.

either way, to get it in 1 hour, take a fair bit of insulin, if you dont die, congrats!

>> No.3748505
File: 36 KB, 320x288, diabeetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple sugar syrup. seems like it would be quite problematic to process.
drinking constantly for one hour.

>> No.3748510

Fructose syrup, fructose syrup everywhere

>> No.3748530

go to a black person's house to have dinner.

Mission Accomplished

>> No.3748853
