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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x300, 3015987850_c443c40d42_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3739429 No.3739429 [Reply] [Original]

>2012 not putting whole ice cubes or crushed ice in all your beverages.

In the last year American and Mexican refreshment scientists have discovered that its even good in milk or beer.

>> No.3739485

It makes everything taste watered down.

In fact, If you have the chance to drink it out of an already cooled soda/beer dispenser. You don't even need ice.

>> No.3739507

That is just wrong.First, dont ever put warm liquid over ice.That is just stupid and will water down your drink.
Start with a cold beverage and the ice just makes it colder and keeps it cold while you drink it.

If you do let it sit so long that all the ice melts, well that beverage would have been ruined by being luke warm anyway.

>> No.3739512

You mean PUAs discovered that asking girls "do you like milk with ice" was a good opener.

>> No.3739538

Ice takes up space and waters down your drink. If you're a faggot that doesn't care about the amount of liquid in the cup then you should use whiskey stones or some other cooling device that doesn't melt.

>> No.3739982

>Takes up space
why is that a problem?

>Waters down drink
Not if you dont use warm liquid.

>> No.3739986

>using ice instead of just keeping your drinks cold


>> No.3739991

Do both you twat, do you have any reading comprehension skills at all?

>> No.3740006

I would put ice cubes in my drinks but I tend to forget about them, and by the time I go to take a drink the cubes have melted and everything tastes watered down.
Also there's just something about having ice cubes in milk/fruit juice that really just puts me off it.

>> No.3740013

But that warm forgotten drink is no good anyway.

>> No.3740019
File: 202 KB, 720x480, vlcsnap-2012-06-28-11h33m57s47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in beer

>> No.3740031
File: 22 KB, 272x351, LA-MICHELADA_large_recette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Michelada?

>> No.3740039
File: 1008 KB, 500x375, UVcuR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a born and raised Pole, I share your ffffuuuu- mister.

>> No.3740040

There is so much truth in your post.
You hate ice in beer because of cultural reasons not actual experience.So much cultural baggage is just silly.

>> No.3740045
File: 157 KB, 400x297, FzKLv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I TRIED, as well as those damn radler/shandy beers that are overflowing the market right now. Shit's good only for when you're extremely hungover and sitting somewhere outdoors when it's hot. Besides that - pussy beer. I don't like my stuff watery, maybe USian hipsters like their PBRs that way. For chilled beer you just refrigerate it.

>> No.3740047
File: 14 KB, 164x264, hopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ice in beer

Ignoring the fact that only a faggot would do this, it would mess with the foam consistency. And I find ice in drinks make it annoying to drink them. If your beer gets warm you should be drinking faster, and the good beers that you should take your time with aren't that dependent on temperature, ice would usually make them too cold.

>> No.3740050

My ice cube trays smells positively nasty. Just touching them makes my hands smell.

>> No.3740052

Britfag detected

>> No.3740055

Ice from a household freezer is unacceptable. Always use newly purchased ice from a reputable vender .This is the biggest mistake people in Europe make. It is also very tough to find good ice in Europe.

>> No.3740056

Nope, Belgian here. What made ya think that? I was under the impression Brits liked their shitty beers without foam.

>> No.3740058

Is it true you have no deep fryers in your country?

>> No.3740059

>British beer

>> No.3740064
File: 25 KB, 300x410, rochefort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh no. There are shitton.
Had a guiness once and it wasn't too bad, I'll admit.

>> No.3740073

Guinness is mass produced piss. And it's Irish. You are an idiot. There are hundreds of top quality local British Ales.

>> No.3740097
File: 35 KB, 380x253, cheerful_homosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Tesco has a 4 for £6 offer on half-litre bottles of ale.

>> No.3740098

Best handcrafted beers are made in America now. While the south still drinks Miller, most educated folks are willing to pay far more money for very finely crafted beer.

>> No.3740113


What the fuck? Is this some kind of bad trolling? I've heard that stupid question yesterday too.

>> No.3740114

i like putting ice cubes in nestle quick

>> No.3740120

Cold inhibits some flavors. Good for piss beer
Bad for real beer

>> No.3740126

This thread stinks of Belgium

>> No.3740129

Sorry, I did not know you guys were so sensitive about your deep fryer situation.

>> No.3740133

>ice in beer

yeah, nah. you're a cunt.

>> No.3740142
File: 123 KB, 375x500, boerinneken-belgisch-bier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sorry for not magically having those here jackass, I'm not going to go to Britain just to taste some inferior beers. And I knew it was Irish, you're all the same to me.

>> No.3740148

Humourously, the only deepfryer ive ever owned was bought in mons 25 years ago

>> No.3740153

That was the only one they had you fucking prick.

>> No.3740154

I rest my beverages on a woman's heart, the coldest material known to man

>> No.3740167

Oh fuck, i remembered wrong. I lived in mons but,thw deepfryer was bought from the usa commecary at chievres afb. So technically not in belgium.

>> No.3740179

As a german, I can say that the belgians brew some truly marvelous beers. And none of them would have the horrible idea of putting ice in it.

>> No.3740183

>American and Mexican

THE authority for good, sophisticated taste. Back to McBurrito with you

>> No.3740189

How about beer and ice cream?

>> No.3740200

There is very little that you make in Europe that we do not make way better her in America.
Its a short list that used to include fine cheeses and wine but now is really just certain cured hams.

>> No.3740212

Still fine cheese
Particle accelerators
Artificial land

>> No.3740230

>Has never tried Hawaiian chocolate

>Has never tried good American cream


>Enjoy blowing up the world eurofag

>Implying that isn't just a German + Italian thing and can be claimed for the whole of Europe
>Implying French cars are good
>Implying English cars are good
>Implying Yugoslavian cars are anything but terrible


>Also bullshit

>Has never tried an American microbrew

>> No.3740234

Chocolate? If you mean hersheys yes that sucks. But we have places now where you can spend 10 bucks on a single bite chocolate confection. I will stack that shit up against anything on this planet.

Cheese, we always win all the international competitions now.

California wines are heralded as among the finest in the word now.

The Japs make better cars than you do by far.

Mill? that one is pretty funny, well played anon!

The Large Hadron Collider is fucking bad as fuck, no quibble there.

Cigarettes are for fools.
Ceramics??? you mean like plates and such? Ok sure I guess lol.

>> No.3740249


California is great at making expensive cult wines, not so much every day wines.

For average people buying $15-20 wines, Europe still reigns supreme. This is because Europeans consider wine to be an ordinary thing to drink and enjoy, whereas Americans have some weird ideas related to their caste system.

>> No.3740256
File: 37 KB, 670x496, 1325890180604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ice in beer
>watered down beer

Ha, no thanks. I'd rather drink it warm

>> No.3740274

What about other beverages?

>> No.3740287

Ice makes drinks too cold in certain spots... and crowds the top of the drink so unless you use a straw it's annoying, then it waters down the drink after a while because the room isn't freezing. Stop with this "just use a cold drink" crap.

I'd rather have a drink from the fridge with no ice than the same drink with ice added, because that's just detrimental and adds NOTHING to the drink experience but suffering.

>> No.3740292

just saves you the step of having to hydrate after you finish drinking

>> No.3740293

No the dutch won the 2012 world cheese championship

>> No.3740298

My stepfather has a bag of stones he keeps,in the freezer for cooling down whiskeys

>> No.3740299


Have you explained to him why this is stupid?

>> No.3740303

arrrgg the fucking stones on that guy...

>> No.3740306

Only reason i can think of is that some liquor is meant to be watered down.

>> No.3740312

if that's how he likes his whiskey, cold and not watered down, it's not stupid

>> No.3740319


With scotch gadgets it is very rarely how someone likes it and usually how that person thinks a "real scotch expert" would want him (it's always a him) to drink it.

>> No.3740328

>microbrew hipster bullshit
>not brewn according to ancient 500 year old traditions

Our beer is older than your country faggot. America is 2000 years behind in culture on Europe, unless the Euro crisis burns this whole place down you guys will be playing catch up til WWIII

>> No.3740331

>older is better
>appeal to tradition


>> No.3740334


I agree.
I tasted the "light" shit considered beer in Amurrica and its SHIT

>> No.3740340
File: 79 KB, 350x218, ha ha ha ha ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American and Mexican refreshment scientists

>its even good in milk or beer


>> No.3740355

>> America has better consumables than Europe

this made me smile :)
thank you Amies

also. don´t even bother to argue if you haven´t traveled areound, which you haven´t
I regret the day I came here every time I eat something here...

>> No.3740357

i had some tillberg last night.

Keep forgetting how mucg i like brown ales. Does america have any good brown ales?

>> No.3740511

I'll have something that has been tasted and approved by 500 years worth of different generations over new age hipster bullshit yeah.

>> No.3740547

>not keeping your beverages in a salt water and ice bath


>> No.3740566

Pretentious Frenchmen should be shot.

>> No.3740584

What keeps you here? Anyone who stays in a place they despise gets no sympathy from me.

>> No.3740589

>yfw amerikans claps after putting ice cube in their piss before drinking it again to wash down 8 dozens of cheeseburgers

>> No.3740592

I wouldn't go for ice in milk/juice. It's just not right.

Iced tea/kool-aid/other "mix" based drinks are fine watered down.

I don't mind watery soda as long as it's still carbonated.

But, I really only use ice in water (which is what I drink 95% of the time), if I have any other drinks at home, they're usually in the fridge and already cold.

>> No.3740601

ITT: Pretentious Yuropeeyuns

So, is the High Horse the main form of transportation over there?

>> No.3740602



>> No.3740608

I didn't say that that was what it was for. I just don't drink a lot of anything except for water and I'm not wasting ice so I can have just a sip of something that's already fucking cold.

>> No.3740614

Your fridge is 35 to 38 degrees , an iced beverage is 32.
Those few degrees make a world of difference

>> No.3740642
File: 7 KB, 280x280, pink_freezer_mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level plebs

>> No.3740649

Had one of those. Didn't really work for me. For obvious reasons, the middle would be warm. Ice makes it cool throughout.

>> No.3740651

Well you're not supposed to down it in one gulp the second you pour it

>> No.3740655


No it doesn't. All that does is give you less drink and makes it watery.

>> No.3740656

Of course, but it really does take longer to cool than ice.

>> No.3740660

You are incorrect.
Less drink?? who cares? Quality not quantity people.

>> No.3740664

>Watery drink

>> No.3740684

>watering down a already cold beverage

>> No.3740686

All you people who are convinced that ice in a drink waters it down are doing it wrong.

>> No.3740692


Tell me which is more satisfying: a 16oz 35 degree drink, or a 10oz 34 degree watered down mess?

>> No.3740696

Your premise that ice = watered down is incorrect.

>> No.3740697


Unless the drink is colder than the ice, it's getting watered down.

>> No.3740698


The ice sure as fuck doesn't evaporate.

>> No.3740699

Not discernibly if you do it right.

>> No.3740701


Tell me how to do it right then.

>> No.3740704

Beverage chilled a cold as possible.
Fresh ice from a good vendor.
Ice should completely fill the glass. by volume there should be at least as much ice as liquid.
Do no use such a large glass that is take more than ten min to consume the beverage.
If you are a slow drinker,then very small glass.

>> No.3740706

I don't really like ice in my drink. I just leave my beverages in the fridge.

>> No.3740709

>implying I need a scientist to tell me whether or not I think ice is good in drinks.

Sure, I like ice in my drinks. Not everyone does though. I have a friend that prefers room temperature water, though I sure as fuck don't.

>> No.3740715


>Drink is already ice cold
>Ice is fucking ice
>Ice takes up more space than liquid. Filling the glass gives you damn near no drink.

>> No.3740718

>Damn near no drink.
that is true, if this is not the case you are doing it wrong. the brit thing of one or two cubes is an abomination.

>> No.3740749

You should be refilling your beverage fairly often. If you like to pour a huge drink and suck on it for an hour, then you are just not a picky person and god bless you because you are drinking piss.

>> No.3740800


I'd like to have more than 5 minutes to drink something before it starts turning to water.

>> No.3740807

>america claims it is now number one for all culinary stuff
>europeans defend their culture
>get called pretentious
stay mad amerifats

>> No.3740833

You have about ten. Just make smaller drinks.

>> No.3740835

Defending culture is retarded.

>> No.3740870

what if...

you made ice cubes out of whatever drinks you had
and then put them in your drink
so it would cool, but it wouldn't make it watery.

>> No.3740872

Why do you guys go to war for it then?

>> No.3740874

Most drinks are too sweet anyway, a little ice water puts them right in the sweet spot. Juices especially, I can never drink those straight.

>> No.3740888


Could work, but you'd have to plan every drink ahead of time.

>> No.3740906

Juice and soda often benefit from a little watering. But beer... no. Freeze a pint glass and use cold beer.

>> No.3740964
File: 28 KB, 400x441, whiskeystones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a shit ton of these.

>> No.3740973

Just use ice, it makes drinks amazing. 300m americans cant be wrong

>> No.3740979

>make ice cubes out of lemonade
>come inside at the end of a hot day
>pour yourself a beer
>put lemonade-cubes in the glass
>enjoy refreshing beverage that subtly gets sweeter as you enjoy it

>> No.3740996

Stones are fucking awful novelty shit. They take forever to cool down and hold their temperature badly and are back to room temperature within minutes.

>> No.3741001

I run the glass under water then put it in the freezer.

>> No.3741018

I've got wimpy baby teeth and anything too cold fucking hurts. If I add ice to my drink it just means that I can't drink it for several minutes and by the time it's cool enough to drink without hurting it's watered down.

No ice please.

>> No.3741039

You get a pass anon. Carry on and drink what pleases you.
The rest of you need to ice up now.

>> No.3741078

Jesus christ I can't believe how terrible your taste is. Are you underage, a woman or gay?

>> No.3741107

>Bad taste


>> No.3741110

Indeed. Gay = Best taste.

>> No.3741116

>Gay people
>Bad taste in alcohol

Are you joking?

captcha: for sementpu

>> No.3741124

Uh no. Cocktails and such are retarded, if you want to drink lemonade, drink lemonade.

>> No.3741128
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, b1121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cocktails and such are retarded

Good day to you, sir! >:(

>> No.3741139

all credibility lost.
the cocktail is the highest form of art in america.way better than jazz and jazz is pretty coo

>> No.3741145

laughed a bit

>> No.3741150
File: 1020 KB, 358x269, 1341736336319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt ice cool so effectively because of the energy lost in phase change?

>> No.3741153
File: 20 KB, 390x470, oh wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocktail is the highest form of art in america
it's funny cause it's true.

>> No.3741183
File: 228 KB, 1600x1195, Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's never had one of these delicious bastards

>> No.3741189

American detected.

>> No.3741210


You are a disgrace to beer lovers everywhere.

>> No.3741216

I'd try it!

>> No.3741229


Nice. I normally don't care for Leinie's, but a cold Summer Shandy is amazing on a hot day.

>> No.3741259

>Beer lover
What a shitty thing to call someone.

>> No.3741289


I love beer, therefore I am a beer lover.

>> No.3741326

I bet you love filthy uncut cock as well

>> No.3741338

A nice wheat beer mixed with lemonade is actually good. Not something I'd drink frequently but something nice to have when it's hot out. Anybody who gets uppity about it is taking things too seriously.

>> No.3741346
File: 6 KB, 247x204, 1288340509350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncut cock > beer

just sayin'!

>> No.3741370

I am drinking san pelligrino and white with with ice. does this count?

>> No.3741378
File: 20 KB, 406x395, FUCKING DON DRAPER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool your glasses hoes, then pour the drink in. Boom, no ice, but cold beverage.

>> No.3741396

Don would never skimp on the ice unless he was going neat.

>> No.3742004
File: 28 KB, 400x648, hoegaarden-glas3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, if you're going to do something like that do it right. Get one of these, a nice smooth Hoegaarden, doesn't have a lot of taste on it's own. Put in an ice cold glass. Pour a shot of graanjenever (perhaps you can substitute this for something, but I wouldn't know what). Drop the shotglass in the beerglass.

Through fucking sorcery it will taste a bit like lemon while there's no lemon in it. Very refreshing, tasty drink. It will hit you like a hammer too. We call it a duikboot (submarine).

>> No.3742006

>drinking ice cold things

I love enjoying taste so no thanks.

>> No.3742010


>> No.3742021


>> No.3742032


boilermakers are fucking retarded, and so are you for suggesting it.

>> No.3742058

You haven't tried this one nigger, I swear to god.

>> No.3742101
File: 35 KB, 400x300, melting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon, that why I always but my ice cream in the microwave.Once it warms up all the subtle flavor profiles emerge.

>> No.3742149
File: 40 KB, 800x462, Bernard101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put ice in my wine. It's the perfect afternoon cooler.

>> No.3742151

acceptable for white wine , if red then I must kill you now.

>> No.3742160

I'm into pinks. Ice makes it taste like lemonade

>> No.3742177

I don't get this mentality where tasting like lemonade is a good thing.

>> No.3742179

We don't drink beer cold here.

If you want a refreshing beverage don't drink a diuretic

Oh did you think Corona was beer? Corona is beer themed water.

>> No.3742181

Corona is the only thing to give me a hangover

That stuff just isn't nice

>> No.3742198

It's an American thing. They like putting ice in absolutely everything cause it looks cool, even in high grade whiskey (full retard).

>> No.3742288

Europeans gonna zenophobe, as usual.

Places with warmer climates tend to have different requirements for beverages, hence ice in beer. The lighter, crisper "watered down" beers that Europeans complain about are more refreshing than their heavier counterparts in Europe. Who wants to drink something that sticks to the roof of your mouth on a hot day when you are parched?

>> No.3742298

From a fellow American: learn to spell.

>> No.3742305

>because it looks cools

Jesus, fucking non-americans and their sweeping generalizations and their goddamn horses on stilts. Might want to stop thumbing your nose, it's looking a little raw.

Because it looks cool? Really? How stupid are you when you don't understand that the reason you put ice in a drink is to KEEP IT COLD.

>> No.3742322

whoah whoah

ease up bro, we're all cool here ok

>> No.3742328

>last year they got SCIENTISTS to discover if it was good or not


>> No.3742338

Sorry, but the "lol all murrkans is dum n fat" jokes get tiring after awhile.

>> No.3744399

i laughed heartily, thank you

I think /ck/ is in need for some flags, contact m00t.

>> No.3745613
File: 3 KB, 420x221, us.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw these flags you speak of for the first time when those fuckers were trolling us with the fucking world cup bullshit.
How many boards have this?
Might make sense for us.

>> No.3745625

/sp/ has them and /pol/ has some weird flags that I don't get. One of them is a penis... How do you get flags on /pol/ anyways?

>> No.3745693

/int/ has normal (non penis) flags

>> No.3747549

How can we get penis flags here?

>> No.3747557

we should have food related flags. instead of a penis, maybe a croissant signifying france. A taco for mexico, A burger for USA, Italy could be a tiny icon of meatballs and spaghetti and japan could be a sushi roll. something like that.

>> No.3747562

Why would you want the glass to be filled with ice and only have such a small amount of the beverage in it?

Seriously, take one sip of that shit and all that's left is ice.

>> No.3747570
File: 996 KB, 150x148, 1342547140423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ice in beer

Right off the bat-confirmed for trolling, saged, reported, called the cops

>> No.3747625

Then you just refill it.whats so hard?

>> No.3747709

Spaghetti and meatballs
Or maybe they could have something invented and served in Italy.

>> No.3747782

Italy invented tomatoes from the American Indians.

>> No.3747820


We invented quite a bit of land from them as well