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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.25693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you cook your steak higher than medium rare, you're objectively subhuman swine who probably enjoys the PPG reboot

>> No.25740

if you aren;t subhuman you're doing it wrong

>> No.25752

>eating raw meat.
What's the point of cooking it if you're just going to end up chewing it and get salmonella and worms?
The fire was invented for a reason

>> No.25772

Raw meat is nasty.

>> No.25790

Go choke on Tyrone's raw dick then faggot

>> No.25806
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>> No.25844

This is what well done fans actually believe.

>> No.25860
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Man, at that point might as well just eat a live squirrel

>> No.25873

Fire was invented by protohumans and taste which likes burnt thinks indiscriminately and cannot distinguish between good meat and meat that needs to be cooked is indicative of an unrefined, evolutionary throwback.

>> No.25893

more like suburban amirite?

>> No.25895

You cook it so that it isn't cold. What's the point of cooking it until it loses most of its flavor? Well-done is perfectly okay, and certainly preferable to no steak at all; but I don't understand why anyone would intentionally order it unless they're a paranoid germaphobe

>> No.25898

How do I tell the difference between an uncooked steak and a rare steak? Is it really just enough for it to be cooked on the outside?

>> No.25908

I can understand going medium if it's like a really shitty sirloin or something. I had a friend's uncle make fun of his niece for eating their shitty steaks medium, even though he could barely choke down his blue rare steak.

>> No.25909
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>cooking foods is subhuman
>this is what rarefags actually believe

>> No.25920

the point is that you are able to taste that delicious juice in your steak.

>> No.25935

I don't eat steak so you can blow it out your ass.

>> No.25951

Interior temperature. An uncooked steak is cold.

>> No.25963

American cuisine is disgusting

>> No.25981

Yeah, the pink inside isn't blood or something, it's just muscle juice that helps with flavor. Rare is still cooked enough to kill off anything. It just leaves that muscle juice still in.

>> No.26017

What's the point of buying a good piece of meat if you're just gonna burn it until it has the texture of a hockey puck?

>> No.26019
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>i'll have a steak
>well done, please. i'm not a savage haha

>> No.26057

if you can't cook a well-done steak without it drying out you're a fraud of a chef

>> No.26076

ITT a steak for ants

>> No.26132

I only eat my steaks well done.

>> No.26140

Enjoy food poisoning. If a droplet of water doesn't evaporate immediatly after touching the pan, it's not hot enough

>> No.26333

>i want my steak cooked

My brother says this, I hate it so much.

>> No.26337

I find it funny how the biggest argument for well done meat taste bad is because nobody knows how to cook it. And the same people are suppose to be master chefs and knows everything about meat.
Really makes you think.

>> No.26373

There's a trick to telling done where you compare it to your hand but it's hard to explain. Like, you put your index finger and thumb togeter, and poke the bottom of the thumb? That softness is rare. Then the next finger is med-rare, and so on, all the way to the pinky which is well done.

>> No.26449

Mediums fine. Fuck off

>> No.26517

There is no salmonella or worms in your steak. If there are any diseases they'll be on the surface of the meat which is why you sear it.

>> No.26668
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Oy goys it's nothing wrong with eating your meat like it's chewing gum, enjoy chewing that slob of meat while getting all kind of diseases.

>> No.26822

This, everyone here talking like it's well done or blue rare. Happy medium is great

>> No.26920

Quick fact check for the well-done retards:

Foodborne illnesses like salmonella can only really thrive on the surface of foods. The bacteria don't really burrow into meat, they just kind of stick around on the surface.

For a steak, this means that only the outside of the steak is susceptible to harboring this foodborne illness. Searing the steak, regardless of the temperature of the inside, will kill these germs, so even if you order a steak black and blue the contact with the grill will be enough to kill the bacteria on the steak and make it safe to eat. By getting a steak well done, you're essentially sacrificing all of the flavor for an unnecessarily high level of security that you will not get foodborne illness.

Something like ground meat, on the other hand, has a lot more surface area, increasing the likelihood that it could be harboring foodborne pathogens. You're perfectly correct in ordering something like a burger medium well or well done, because the meat needs to cook longer to destroy the bacteria just because there is bacteria inside the burger as well as on the outside.

>> No.26987
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Every time until you know it by heart.

>> No.27026

It's unlikely to get sick from a steak if the outside is cooked. Bacteria doesn't penetrate deep into meat. What's the most common disease you can get from seared steak?

>> No.27045

I'm too colorblind for this

>> No.27088

I like my steak medium-well

>> No.27154

I thought this way too, until I had good, rare steak. It was leagues better.

>> No.27237

>trying to pretend rarefags aren't the obnoxious hipsters

>> No.27456

>tfw I can't have medium rare due to llow immune system from meds

>> No.27610

Kek, medium rare is for fags anyway.

>> No.27667
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>Still falling for the raw meat meme.

>> No.27727

>cooking it the intended way, as done for centuries