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File: 675 KB, 1165x428, aubergine does what avocadont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20932 No.20932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aubergine does what Avocadon't!

>> No.20933

To make guac
>wait until avocado is ripe
>chop cilantro, jalapeno, halve a lime
To make baba
>have to drive to specific halal grocery to find tahini
>get bugeyed looks from Habeeb and his unibrowed sister wife
>have to roast eggplant as opposed to just mashing them up with a fork


>> No.20934

Your first mistake is living in America friendo

>> No.20935


>> No.20936

You left out the part where you have to pay $5 for the avocado and then hope you can time it perfectly right so that it's not unripe and not worthless when you want to have guac, and then that you have to eat ALL of it right away lest it go to shit in 30 minutes.

>> No.20937

>lest it go to shit in 30 minutes
add lemon you stupid.

>> No.20938

lol If you go to some overpriced whole foods store you're going to pay too much friend.

>> No.20939

Avocado is creamy and delicious, whereas aubergine sounds dumb and is only good with tahini in a baba ganush
they usually have tahini in hippy food cooperatives, which aren't usually hard to come by.
do you only know avocado from watching the Food Network?

>> No.20940

I'm confused OP, because that's an eggplant. Aubergine must be some kind of slang.

>> No.20941

>I am actually mentally deficient and don't know what a hyperbole is

>> No.20942

>I'm so autistic I need to use hyperbole when I write a critique about guac in a Taiwanese basket-weaving board.

>> No.20943

Habeeb it!

>> No.20944

guac is literally shitty as fug.

>> No.20945

Those are eggplants.

>> No.20946

can Americans really not buy tahini at grocery shops? like what do your shops even carry besides hfcs? here in Australia every shop carries tahini among other things

>> No.20947

he's right though, at least in the uk it's hard to find good and reasonably cheap avocado whereas aubergines are dirt cheap

>> No.20948
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. How did that work out for Sega, friendo?

>> No.20949

Avocadoes what Aubergin't!

>> No.20950

fail to sell consoles?