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File: 194 KB, 1333x1000, parsnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20490821 No.20490821 [Reply] [Original]

10 years ago I went into any grocery store in America and I could get a parsnip. I've been to over 20 distinct grocery stores in the past year and haven't seen any parsnips. What gives, I miss putting parsnips in my soups.

>> No.20490836
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Deep in my mind I can taste strange flavours,
Flavours that are out of this store...

>> No.20490909

Parsnips aren't subsidised like HFCS is. So now we cope and call them europoor food and hide our fat heads in our McDonalds trough.

>> No.20490919

I'll keep a lookout next time I go to the store OP

>> No.20490934
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Publix stocks them

>> No.20490938
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parsnips are horrible. they're like the retarded love child of a carrot, a moldy potato, and a 10,000 year old flaccid turnip. i will never understand a parsnip. that said, i'm sorry you are unable to locate one. perhaps the market has spoken. perhaps some terrible amalgamation of big agribusiness and an increasingly oligarchic and consolidated national grocery industry has banished them. maybe grown your own? i have to think that anything so horrid tasting must be relatively easy to grow. i can think of no other reason for its existence.

>> No.20490962

Root vegetables outside of carrots and potatoes(which are pantry staples) have gone out of fashion because the omni-availability of literally everything means that they compete against things which used to be seasonal. Additionally, people have moved away from traditional home cooking. Parsnips are woody and unappealing raw, and take quite a while to cook. They work well with roasts or in a root veggie medley, or in soups, but all those things are out of favour. People are much likelier to saute or steam vegetables nowadays, rather than boil or roast which is what parsnips prefer.

This causes their price to inflate. There's no market for them, so less people produce, so they get expensive, which further suppresses their availability.

I live in Northern Canada, and the fact that almost everyone is White or Native means that cuisine is a couple decades behind the urban zeitgeist. Additionally, the climate means that you can't get good yields on anything but grains, canola, and root vegetables, so theres lots of local rutabaga, turnips, radishes, parsnips, beets, etc. No one actually grows carrots or potatoes commercially though because its hard to compete with Southern Albert/Idaho/China.

>> No.20491257

Live somewhere better. Only the value stores (see: ghettomarts) don't carry parsnip in my area. Everything else does. Don't go to SaveALot expecting white people vegetables, kiddo

>> No.20491271

It's my favourite vegetable to put in stew. I love parsnips

>> No.20491342

You must be 18 to use this site.

>> No.20491350

>I've been to over 20 distinct grocery stores in the past year
I... what? Why? Under what circumstances would you ever need to do this? And don't say to find parsnips, if you go to 5 stores and none have it that's pretty indicative that another 15 won't do the trick.

>> No.20491366

Some of those aren't parsnips.

>> No.20491389

Are you afraid of the guard shooting you for shopping at a place other than Walmart?

>> No.20491393

They don't sell these in my country.

What are they? Pale carrots?

>> No.20491399

Kind of, but they're more like a potato than a carrot, and were used alongside Skirret before potatoes were brought over to Europe

>> No.20491404
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>putting parsnips in my soups

>> No.20491485

parsnips are not in season anon. why would they have them???? they are growing, very busy right work and working hard. their return is planned, just wait

>> No.20491490

minty carrot

>> No.20491503

I find them at my local meijer and kroger, but it just depends on if they're in season. I love them but my brother hates them so I don't use them as often as I'd like..

I've done that, it's fun to see the different selections. Although in my case there's usually a lot of ethnic stores in the mix.

>> No.20491610

You've never overwintered a root vegetable before?

>> No.20491634

You've never had a parsnip
Not OP, but there are five supermarkets (eight, if you count Costco, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar) on a three block stretch of a single street where I live. I could easily visit 20 supermarkets in just a couple of hours without even leaving my part of town and have, in fact, done similar in order to stock up when I find good deals.

>> No.20491677
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I made some the other night, greens included. Parsnips are underrated!

>> No.20491689

similar texture & firmness to carrots (albeit with a thin bark on them), less neutral-tasting than other root-vegetables (has a bit of spice to them, similar to arugula or radishes) but otherwise earthy-tasting like a potato or a turnip. they're great

>> No.20491705

hacking shit with a weedwhacker isn't cooking
fuck off back to /out/

>> No.20491818

blasting parsnip greens in a hot wok with sesame-oil, lemon juice & black pepper isn't cooking? thanks for the tip, retard!

>> No.20491848

I didn't know parsnip greens were edible. I thought they were like carrot greens.

>> No.20491861

>I thought they were like carrot greens.
Anon, I…

>> No.20491867
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Anon carrot greens are edible.

>> No.20491903

Just looked into it and yeah, you're right. What was I thinking of, then? I remember some root veg where the greens cause blistering. And no, not nettles. A root veg. I remember that it was specifically said that unlike nettles, blanching won't get rid of whatever it is that causes blistering so it's best to, after pulling them up with gloves on, remove a centimetre down from the top of the root and toss it and its greens aside as green manure or compost.

>> No.20491924

You're thinking of wild parsnip. It's an invasive species that's common in the pacific northeast.

I forgive you, honest mistake.

>> No.20491930

The roots are edible? And invasive from where? Cuz I'm from Italy, not PNW.

>> No.20491936

Looked that up, too and yup: that's the one. Thanks for correcting me.

>> No.20492008

No prob. I actually didn't know about them until now. I'll have to keep my eye out for them now because hey free parsnip.

>> No.20492070

Careful, cuz wild parsnip and wild carrot both look like a very poisonous plant related to hemlock, the stuff they made a potion out of to make whatshisname drink to kill himself.

>> No.20492238

>go to restaurant
>there is a grocery store nearby
>might as well shop there now so I don't have to go for a separate grocery run

>> No.20492240

Parsnips are great in stews and curries. I should try branching out into more parsnip-centric stuff. Maybe something like a parsnip vichy.

>> No.20492241

It's the halfway point between carrot and ginger

>> No.20492293

Not even close.

>> No.20492338

C19 planned obsolescence destroyed a ton of industries

>> No.20492708

Every grocery here in New England has parsnips. The problem is that you are brown and live outside the enclave.

>> No.20492711

Parsnips are white people food. You probably live in an area that has too many minorities.

>> No.20492713

what state are you in? I've never had trouble finding parsnips in (rural) NY, maybe a little less common back in TN

>> No.20492721

you thinking of Socrates?

>> No.20492856

All those words and I only needed three to know you were wrong.

>> No.20492969

Roast whole parsnips like you do with potatoes.
Thank me later.

>> No.20493105

not a fan of parsnips personally, I think they are too sweet
I will tell you this:
they are incredibly easy to grow
they grow quickly, need little maintenance, and spread rapidly
they will take over an area in the span of a couple years if you aren't careful

>> No.20493170

adding some mashed parsnips to mashed potatoes is pretty good, you should try it if you ever find some parsnips again anon

>> No.20494108

all of these people posturing about it being too expensive are funny because they have parsnips at Food 4 less and a bag costs like three dollars. which is expensive but like... it's three dollars

>> No.20494144

Never had any problems finding parsnips in Washington or Texas.

>> No.20494183

nigger I literally live like 10 miles from amish country