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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20378283 No.20378283 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe we should actually ban tiktok

>> No.20378289

you think tiktok invented pasta salad sandwich?

>> No.20378296

That's a chopped Italian sub there, chief

>> No.20378302

and? throw in some macaroni and then what is it?

>> No.20378309

technically that's a burger

>> No.20378315

A chopped Italian with macaroni

>> No.20378317

Maybe we should actually ban all social media*

>> No.20378329

youre gay as you are stupid

>> No.20378330

This, let's ban smartphones while we're at it. Both have caused massive societal damage, and it will only get worse from here.

>> No.20378336

better shut your fucking mouth before you end up as a chopped Italian with macaroni

>> No.20378342

That's clearly a, uh... um...

>> No.20378368

You're a fucking idiot who can't tell the difference between chopped up salami and pasta

>> No.20378392

no anon, believe it or not I can
I cant however tell the difference between zoomers who think everything they do was created by them, and genuine downies seething over a preparation of sandwich

>> No.20378397
File: 328 KB, 1500x1500, k_Edit_2022-07-Grinder-Pasta-Salad-ITI_grindersalad_finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasta or salami, dipshit

>> No.20378416

youll notice there are little bits of vegetables in there, chop up some deli meat and throw the whole thing on bread
tiktok meme or normal dish?

>> No.20378420

You definitely cannot tell the difference between pasta and salami

>> No.20378443

your mom sure can, she was glad to trade up from a noodle to my big floppy salami

>> No.20378455

it's completelt obvious now that you think salami is a type of pasta

>> No.20378456

*farts violently*

>> No.20378459
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>> No.20378468
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Anyway, chopped italian subs are clearly inferior to normal italian subs and if you disagree you are an alien. Grindah bro, wherever you are (Worcester), save us from this insanity!

>> No.20379724

Idk bros there are some really interesting creators who make food related content. Like this guy:


>> No.20379736
File: 1.70 MB, 1100x1650, IMG_2195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try a caprese.

Mozzarella, capocollo/prosciutto/salami, roma tomato, arugula, thick balsamic, pesto.

Sweet and tangy and salty that melts in your mouth with a big crusty bread that crunches when you bite in to it.

>> No.20379748

My issue with it is that it's cold
This would be way better if it was toasted or hot and melty

>> No.20380664

Can you post a smaller, lower res photo? This one is far too detailed.

>> No.20380836
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>> No.20380898


>> No.20380951

let's ban people who say we should ban things!

>> No.20381138

Agreed, if you don't let 8yos make TikTok videos of them injecting fentanyl into their eyeballs you're a fascist who hates freedom and human rights.

>> No.20381195

cable sets 20 years ago had parental block systems
why everyone has to suffer because modern systems for such a thing can't be implemented is "interesting."
give us your ID to use that internet, sla- "citizen"

>> No.20381208

maybe we should take the slightest amount of accountability for ourselves and our kids

>> No.20381213

Americans by this point would rather have the state do it for them. But not pay for their healthcare or their college education, that's too nanny state lmfao

>> No.20381221

kids are just big rats for a tax writeoff
grandma can buy their clothes and school crap
shame about how expensive pop tarts are now, though

>> No.20381237

caprese has no meat

>> No.20381243

yeah because the former doesn't gibsmedat for niggers
nothing you say will ever make me want to give money to niggers

>> No.20381272

sorry, I watch too much international news for any of this to land. the whole world's a joke, especially the countries with the largest number of non-Americans that go to American websites

>> No.20381293

literally no one mentioned america. absolutely rent free

>> No.20381301

hit a nerve, didn't I, cleetus?
>pweeessee deep state tell me what to do

>> No.20381351

Do you think the Deep State should force us into cooking courses and madate state sanctioned sandwiches?

>> No.20381377

That'd involve paying tax dollars to minorities, which is anathema to the American mindset. Every day they spend thinking about brown people and how to avoid brown people and how to never pay brown people a cent even when they'd gain twenty cents for every cent they get off of paying the brown person a cent, before coming onto here and posting slurs because they can't anywhere else on the internet.

>> No.20381393

That's a bit hard to do when basically all the content they're exposed to encourages addiction, self harm and mental illness. Like it or not, the wider society does actually matter, and when you let it all decay and degenerate in the name of individualism and profit there are inevitable consequences for EVERYONE.
Providing free healthcare for obese blacks/endless hordes of brown migrants and free leftist indoctrination for everyone doesn't improve society though, quite the opposite.

>> No.20381429

>all the content they're exposed to
maybe stop exposing them to that content then

>> No.20381446

See? They're happy to have the boot trod on their necks as long as it's trodding on brown necks too. No accountability, state do everything for me except anything financial because that involves benefiting brown people. Only harm to me, because it harms the brown person.

Everything in the American's life revolves around brown people, the thought of brown people, the actions of brown people, how to avoid benefiting brown people. It is a society of of the crab bucket and the definition of cutting one's nose to spite the face.

>> No.20381470

Yeah, let's have hate speech laws instead and put all these chuds in prison for life like Canada is doing. The left has no problem with the boot as long as it's on their feet and on a white man's face. Anyone who doesn't want their people to be overrun and erased by hordes of low IQ monsters must be evil, right?

>> No.20381477

The only way to do that is to homeschool them and keep them away from the internet and other kids as much as possible. Like I said, when society is degenerated and toxic ANY participation in it is harmful.

>> No.20381493

You should go live in the woods with the other weirdos and let us have our gov sandwiches

>> No.20381504

>It's okay to have the boot on my neck as long as it's on the brown person's equally
You're a sad state of affairs.

>> No.20382496

caprese's suck

>> No.20383867

Shit that looks delicious. I grow tomats and basil in the season just for making caprese salads, but I'm gonna have to try to remember to make one of these next chance I get.

>> No.20383975

hurts my gums just looking at these

>> No.20384183

Did you hit your post quota today, Chang?

1) To the extent possible make America the target of criticism. Play down the existence of Taiwan.
(2) Do not directly confront [the idea of] democracy; rather, frame the argument in terms of "what kind of system can truly implement democracy.”
(3) To the extent possible, choose various examples in Western countries of violence and unreasonable circumstances to explain how democracy is not well-suited to capitalism.
(4) Use America's and other countries' interference in international affairs to explain how Western democracy is actually an invasion of other countries and [how the West] is forcibly pushing [on other countries] Western values.
(5) Use the bloody and tear-stained history of a [once] weak people [i.e., China] to stir up pro-Party and patriotic emotions.
(6) Increase the exposure that positive developments inside China receive; further accommodate the work of maintaining [social] stability.

>> No.20384212

>big crusty bread
>takes one bite
>90% of the innards fall onto the plate
Looks DELISH anon!

>> No.20384258
File: 59 KB, 203x251, day_ruined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20384715

taiwan has a right to be sovereign, china is fucked up as hell, why does that mean america is above criticism, seriously reflect on yourself for a minute

>> No.20384873

Fuck off, 五毛.

>> No.20384875

the crab bucket metaphor only applies when all are same species. more like scorpion and crayfish in bucket mentality

>> No.20384898

Crayfish in a bucket eat each other.

>> No.20384901

no they don't they just sit there.

>> No.20384924

unless they saw a scorpion or some other nastly bug in there. then they would probably go apeshit until it was removed or dead

>> No.20384927

Taiwan is gay and China is gay. I’m going to make both of them suck my dick.

>> No.20386650


>> No.20387051

>ban tiktok because I'm offended by this submarine sandwich