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20352428 No.20352428 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people on here who dont drink soda??

>> No.20352438

Does rarely count?
I might have a litre or two in a given year unless you mean homemade stuff, and even then, I don't drink it that much more
People who are vehemently opposed to things like soda or oil come across as absolute nutters to me.

>> No.20352439

yup, i'm here

>> No.20352447

I've gotten out of it, for the most part. Theblats vestiges are mixers for cocktails, but I think I'll just embrace other non-soda including cocktails.

>> No.20352454

Yes. It's disgustingly sweet and if you can actually gulp it down then you need a serious detox.

>> No.20352505

I've never really liked soda desu. I'll gladly drink stuff like arizona iced tea or gatorade when I'm walking around all day but I have never liked basic coke, pepsi, dr pepper, root beer, etc.

>> No.20352521

I've been cutting back, but I still indulge.

>> No.20352526

>tastes like garbage
>feel thristy after drinking
>junk calories
There are plenty of non-americans on this board, yes.

>> No.20352563

Mostly, only soda ill drink is the rare diet coke when eating out.
God I love diet coke its better than the regular shit

>> No.20352590

did Vince Rape him to?

>> No.20352598

why would I drink carbonated corn syrup?

>> No.20352664

Too sweet. I used to guzzle it as a kid and then realized what I was drinking. I could drink an occasional rum and coke but that's pretty much it

>> No.20352665

If there's a free diet soda I'll grab one but fuck no I ain't wasting my money on it. It's just sugar water.

>> No.20352676

Yes. 99% of the time I just drink water. Idk how people drink soda and other sugary drinks like gatorade, etc. every day.

>> No.20352712
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Gave it up to improve my health. No beverage needs that much sugar.

>> No.20353095

the only soda i will drink is ginger juice in carbonated water

>> No.20353118

Don't most people not? I hardly ever see anyone drink soda.

>> No.20353192

I dislike soda but go through probably half a gallon of milk a day and weigh in excess of 300 pounds.

>> No.20353198

what are you using all that power for?

>> No.20353249

yep. growing up I "wasnt allowed" to have pop. Mom always had a thing of ginger ale in the fridge, but we werent allowed to drink it because that was her "mix". I had a little once in a while if i really wanted it, but otherwise, I didn't care. My sister didnt drink pop because "the bubbles hurt too much :C". It wasn't that big of a deal.

>> No.20353266

I drink some cocktails and none of them involve soda. Some involve soda water though.

That being said, I drink an odd can of soda from time to time, just don't like it with alcohol very much.

The only time I drink it is when I am eating what some would call "goyslop."
Like if I am eating big greasy fast food burger with fries why wouldn't you just go whole hog and have a soda too. I like the way coke zero tastes with junk food like pizza and chinese food

>> No.20353281

my mom only let me have a single can each saturday, and i eventually started sneaking more when i became a teenager and hiding the cans around my room. she found out, but wasn't mad. she only bought the bootleg brands, so i eventually got tired of it and became a mineral water chad

>> No.20353301

Not a soda fan at all. Too sweet and I don't like carbonation. I used to only use it as a drink mixer but I don't even do that anymore.

>> No.20353315

One can every other day, but only lemonade or orangina, the rest is disgusting and full of """healthier""" sugar, which taste like crap.
It's about the only junk food I eat, so I'm not too worried.

>> No.20353429

My old go-tos were whiskey and root beer or vodka and sprite.
Now I usually just drink cream liquors and cocktails.
My favorite is Irish cream+coffee liquor in a cup of coffee. If that's how I end the night, no hangover effects.

>> No.20353445

Yes, all I do is eat candy and pastries all day and even I know that shit'll kill you.

>> No.20353448

Yeah I drank a lot of orange soda+vodka and whiskey+coke in college but the hangovers were awful and I just have negative memories of the taste.

Nowadays it is mostly just manhattans, martinis, and tom collins. And when I go out to eat I like to get the more extravagant cocktails, although they are very rarely worth fucking 15 dollars a piece.
Although the one where they bring it out and the whiskey drink glass is underneath another container with a woodfire smoking it was cool.

>> No.20353546

Vince didn't rape anyone

>> No.20353552

water, beer, black coffee, or tea for me please

>> No.20353562

Beer is just pop that gets you drunk

>> No.20353575

Only when I'm eating out and having a burger.
>Mom always had a thing of ginger ale in the fridge
Tell your mom she has patrician taste.

>> No.20353578

low to no sugars. id rather jsut drink my carbs than eat them because it does get me fucked up

>> No.20353624

soda is horrible so i quit drinking it, when i was a kid my parents used to buy big 24 packs at costco, i wish they hadn't

>> No.20354222

soda basically only even exists because of alcohol

>> No.20354229 [DELETED] 

>calling soda 'pop'

>> No.20354236

It's like my only weakness
I only have Dr Pepper zero sugar now though, it's still great

>> No.20354241 [DELETED] 

No it's not, young lady.

>> No.20354319

What does Paul Bearer have to do with this?

>> No.20354682

I don't care for sweets at all and soda also gives me heartburn.

>> No.20354715

Not anymore, I rarely drink it when going out to eat. in restaurants. It's water or pink lemon powerade for me.

>> No.20354736


>> No.20354739

>tastes like garbage
find better
>feels thirsty after drinking
drink more
>junk calories
get diet then, see "find better" too
that's the smartest thing you've said this reply

>> No.20356127
File: 37 KB, 450x800, soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic is of a US Fanta grape, its required to have a sticker on it with the ingredients listed and a warning in order to be sold in Norway, the warning says that "this product causes hyperactivity and learning disabilities" .. i genuinely believe the reason everyone in the US is going insane is because of the chemicals in their foods and drinks

>> No.20356140
File: 2.36 MB, 406x720, 1693788376855704.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many sugar's u got senpai?

>> No.20357101

Yes, because I'm not a bratty kid any more.

>> No.20357123

it hurts my teeth and gums

>> No.20357126

? soda was first used as a medicinal in the late 1800s then later on in diners. had nothing to do with alcohol.

>> No.20357143
File: 12 KB, 236x227, 2725d8fe6e0669c6166eec0c64ef7e2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drink soda constantly and its killing me. i don't buy 2 liters or cans of soda for home because i would drink it non stop. so instead ill go out sometimes and buy a single bottle for like 2.50 or whatever it is. as much as a 2 liter as a grocery store. ill sacrifice my wealth for health. what little im saving anyways.
damn soda is yummy

>> No.20357145

>beer belly is a thing
also the hops and malts fuck up your hormones and increase estragon

>> No.20357696

Yes. I could feel it eat away at my teeth.

>> No.20357709

I guess he doesnt need to, seeing as how you wont get off his dick

>> No.20358155

This is pretty pathetic, anon

>> No.20358247


>> No.20358276

I used to eat a lot of candy and drink sugary sodas, but I thought about how much sugar I was consuming and decided to cut out the soda because I like candy too much. I still drink sparkling water though.

>> No.20358288

Normally no, but they're good if I'm hungover